How long will it be before Trump gets impeached:

  • Before Finishing 1st year?

    Votes: 54 25.6%
  • After 1st year?

    Votes: 26 12.3%
  • After 2nd year in office?

    Votes: 25 11.8%
  • After 3rd year and before he completes his full term?

    Votes: 50 23.7%
  • I hate America, I don't believe in Justice and that Trump is guilty or should be Impeached.

    Votes: 56 26.5%

  • Total voters
Nope...he has been on prohbation for 2 years and still violated everything there is about decency in that office

besides his pissing on Obama's mattress just shows how biased and perverted he is

All - I see here - is how biased and perverted you are ;}
The ignorance in this country is at an all time high. Syscom3 is just one small pittance of proof. Lincoln said it best when he said this country will never fall from the outside, it will fall from within.

Yeah you’re a prime example of that !!!

You idiots are pulling the country apart - by being the sorest LOSERS in the history of the world !!!
You idiots are pulling the country apart - by being the sorest LOSERS in the history of the world !!!
Not sore losers; just insisting that the legal process be allowed to work. Mueller's report specifically spelled out the efforts of our obstructionist President. We can't help that you Trump Chumps are in a state of denial of the one you put in office.
If he's such a fine example of a great president, he'll provide the entirety of the Mueller investigation and 10 years of his tax returns and have NOTHING to worry about, right? Lie, Deny, Redirect, Block & Obstruct ... this is the MO of the current Republican party.
Not sore losers; just insisting that the legal process be allowed to work. Mueller's report specifically spelled out the efforts of our obstructionist President.

The Mueller Report spelled out NO conspiracy to collude with Russia !!!!

Which for 2 years the Dems and their whore the MSM have pounded into our heads that our President was guilty of.

Now they want us to believe he obstructed justice to a crime he has been investigated extensively for and found not to have done.

You Dems are just pissed your candidate lost - and that Mueller dinna nail him for a crime he dinna commit - so you’ll whine - bitch and moan and go at him in every other way you possibly can - I think America is SICK of you whining bitches - REAL sick !!!!!!!
The Mueller Report spelled out NO conspiracy to collude with Russia !!!!
Which for 2 years the Dems and their whore the MSM have pounded into our heads that our President was guilty of.
Now they want us to believe he obstructed justice to a crime he has been investigated extensively for and found not to have done.

First of all, the Mueller investigation (and ALL the investigations) was an investigation of the entire Trump administration, not just Trump. A lot of people in his administration have been convicted already ... Trump, according to Mueller & Barr, can't be charged because he's a sitting president.
Secondly, we haven't seen the entirety of the Mueller report, so we don't know what exactly Trump or others are guilty of, do we?
Thirdly, the investigation was a two part investigation ... conspiracy with Russia, and obstruction. Obstruction has pretty much been spelled out for Congress to proceed with charging Trump on at least eleven counts of obstruction. Again, according to Mueller & Barr, a sitting president can't be charged. They CAN make a deal with the President, as they did with others in his administration, IF the President agrees to step down (RESIGN) now. He won't, however, as he feels he has "friends" in the judicial system all the way to the Supreme Court who will watch his back and LIE for him as AG Barr just lied for the President by saying the President is exonerated of both collusion and obstruction ... that's NOT what the Mueller investigation said.
The President is a big LIAR, CHEAT, FORNICATOR, etc etc .... and YOU KNOW THAT! Thing is, after he's no longer President, he's facing several charges in New York along with his family ... and Trump is already trying to get that judge transferred OUT so he can appoint a biased judge for those charges. You're just in a state of denial, blkdlaur ... how you can continue justifying defending and making excuses for Trump is well beyond most of us. More than half the country wants him GONE!
Here you go, buttface ...
First, although government attorneys are generally prohibited from releasing grand jury materials under Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e), the rule allows “[a]n attorney for the government” to disclose grand jury material involving “foreign intelligence information … to any federal law enforcement, intelligence, protective, immigration, national defense, or national security official to assist the official receiving the information in the performance of that official’s duties.” There is a strong argument that at least members of the House and Senate intelligence committees are “national security officials” who should receive the information in the performance of their duties. Thus, grand jury materials implicating foreign intelligence should be confidentially released to at least the intelligence committees.

......View attachment 2556625 ..... I wrote this with YOU specifically in mind, hoping hubby:
View attachment 2556624
Show us the full Mueller report ... WE PAID FOR IT as TAX PAYERS
Wow, calling me "buttface"....very impressive!

So you've claimed Congress and the US population in general are entitled to the full unredacted report. However when called to task on providing US Code which would allow this, the best you can come up with is an opinion piece written by two attorneys for a liberal thinktank. Nice try. Unfortunately for you both US Code and US Court rulings say otherwise. There is no exemption in 6(e) for a congressional oversight committee to have access to grand jury testimony. The code is rather clear for anyone willing to actually read and attempt to comprehend it.

There is a clear way with multiple legal precedents which would allow the House Judiciary committee to get access to the grand jury testimony. They have to have the balls to start impeachment proceedings. If Nancy Pelosi authorizes the Judiciary committee to start impeachment hearings, then as with Watergate, the committee is legally authorized to have disclosure of grand jury testimony under 6(e)(3)(E)(i) (Notice how I can actually cite direct US legal code....not copy/paste wishful thinking Bullshit Op-Ed posts as if they had any substantive value???)

For further education you could review Haldeman v. Sirica and McKeever v. Barr....or keep your head buried up your ass and see if you can find some collusion in there.
I never thought Trump and @subhub174014 would agree by quoting Lincoln exactly! ? I wonder what kind of natural disasters this might cause in the world, besides Sri Lanka but that was a man-made disaster (https://edition.cnn.com/asia/live-news/sri-lanka-easter-sunday-explosions-dle-intl/index.html)?

View attachment 2556628

I just did a quick search as to who said that quote...and that was the first thing there...never read the article as I assumed it was Lincoln that said it......since that is what I asked my search engine
Yeah you’re a prime example of that !!!

You idiots are pulling the country apart - by being the sorest LOSERS in the history of the world !!!

AGAIN...my same reply.....what party still waves and carries the confederate flag?
hint hint....it isn't the dems.…….and another small hint....the people waving that flag lost the war
although trump is doing his best to get it started again....syscom is not the first I have heard make that statement....one claims to have 3 AR's ready!
and can you tell me who is responsible for all the violence here lately against churches and etc?.....you guessed wrong..it is trump supporters...better known as white nationalists

and when those people come gunning do you think they are going to stop and say..."oh no there are some republicans here"

but hey...our party is pushing for better jails and doing something about the sentencing.....so when your man does go to jail …..he will have a comfortable place to receive last rights....there won't be any immigrants to do his work for him ...and no trumptards to kiss his ass...so he will just die broke and lonely....pleasant thought don't you think?
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Wow, calling me "buttface"....very impressive!

So you've claimed Congress and the US population in general are entitled to the full unredacted report. However when called to task on providing US Code which would allow this, the best you can come up with is an opinion piece written by two attorneys for a liberal thinktank. Nice try. Unfortunately for you both US Code and US Court rulings say otherwise. There is no exemption in 6(e) for a congressional oversight committee to have access to grand jury testimony. The code is rather clear for anyone willing to actually read and attempt to comprehend it.

There is a clear way with multiple legal precedents which would allow the House Judiciary committee to get access to the grand jury testimony. They have to have the balls to start impeachment proceedings. If Nancy Pelosi authorizes the Judiciary committee to start impeachment hearings, then as with Watergate, the committee is legally authorized to have disclosure of grand jury testimony under 6(e)(3)(E)(i) (Notice how I can actually cite direct US legal code....not copy/paste wishful thinking Bullshit Op-Ed posts as if they had any substantive value???)

For further education you could review Haldeman v. Sirica and McKeever v. Barr....or keep your head buried up your ass and see if you can find some collusion in there.
I have no doubt you are citing proper laws of conduct that have to be followed @hoping hubby, but looking at this from the perspective of those that do not trust Trump the optics suggest some degree of obfuscation. If it were possible seeing that tens of millions of dollars were already invested in the process, provided that truly objective individuals who would follow the evidence wherever it went that hate Trump could be found to review all of the evidence, those that people like @subhub174014, @MacNfries, @BigBlackBull76 could sleep at night knowing that they would be trusted to arrive at the proper conclusion, then after time elapsed they could have their press conference where they wanted to convict Trump but the evidence say we cannot as well as provide all the reasons why on CSpan and CNN and Fox News for all those interested in the page-by-page analysis from their report, provided that the evidence went that way. Afterwards there would be no doubts about the process or any suggestions of Trump beating the system.
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Everybody has skeletons in there closet
If you look hard enough at any politician you will find dirt on both sides of the political arena .best to sit on the fence and watch both sides of this make fools of themselves.
At the end of the day we are all Americans
And if our soil is ever invaded again
We are all on the same team
There still is a left and a right
But there is a far left
And a far right
And the far on both sides is dangerous and detrimental to our country
looking at this from the perspective of those that do not trust Trump the optics suggest some degree of obfuscation. If it were possible seeing that tens of millions of dollars were already invested in the process,
You haven't seen the costs associated with Trump flying AirForce One every other week, with all his secret service, to Florida to play golf have you? Why not check THAT out if you're worried about spending tax payer money. And while you're at it, find out how much each of the 82 sessions of congress cost to try to eliminate Obamacare. Oh, and might as well toss in the 9 times the Republicans dragged Hillary Clinton into their kangaroo courts to convict HER of ... wait for it ... B-E-N-G-H-A-Z-I violations. Now stick that up your dark hole and smoke it. Remember how all of those were so fruitful for the Republicans, don't you? And to think, they spent the entire 2nd term of Obama's presidency getting nothing done as they chased after phantom charges against Hillary and trying to terminate the ACA health plan, which they kept saying they had a better plan IF the voters would put them in charge. How did THAT work out?
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You should have read the first paragraph from where you blindly cut and pasted that. The page is a list of places where Lincoln was misquoted as having said statements similar to that.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves” is a quotation frequently attributed to Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), but he never said it.


I'd like to think you don't believe Lincoln was alive and said that in 2003....I'd like to think you're at least that intelligent. Regardless, thanks for providing another shining example of the other quote often incorrectly attributed for Lincoln:

View attachment 2556627

Kind of like your legal postings?
More BullShit. The report contains grand jury testimony which under Title III Rule 6(e) must be kept within the possession of the DOJ attorneys unless ordered by a court otherwise:

(e) Recording and Disclosing the Proceedings.

(1) Recording the Proceedings. Except while the grand jury is deliberating or voting, all proceedings must be recorded by a court reporter or by a suitable recording device. But the validity of a prosecution is not affected by the unintentional failure to make a recording. Unless the court orders otherwise, an attorney for the government will retain control of the recording, the reporter's notes, and any transcript prepared from those notes.


They did not block the entirety of the report. They in fact released over 90% of it not just to Congress but to the entire world.

The uber left leaning CNN and VOX both disagree. They both say only about 7% to 8% of the report is redacted.


I cited specific US legal code which says otherwise. Please provide us specific US legal code which would allow Barr to release Grand Jury testimony without a court order, or admit you are just earning your name of MacNLies.
Stop throwing facts at Mac. He knows he is wrong but cannot admit it.

TDS is real. It is curable though.
I don't see any way 3-4 people avoid federal prison. For crimes related to cooperating and conspiring with a foreign government, and illegal leaking and surveillance.

Actual real, and meaningful crimes.

Not process crimes, and crimes of tax evasion over a decade old, not related to conspiring with a foreign entity.

If you think there is a melt now. Stay tuned between now and through the DNC convention summer of 2020.
I will certainly agree with you on your first sentence....although I doubt you have the correct view of where the ignorance lies.

Too bad Lincoln never said that quote....quite ironic actually given your first sentence ;) Following another quote often mistakenly attributed to Lincoln would behoove several posters on this forum: “It is better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”


Don't feel bad about misquoting Lincoln. You're in good company....President Trump did the same thing:

Go back and do some real homework. Lincoln in fact said the quote. I may have paraphrased it but he indeed said it. Get over it. PS: your opinion of me, is quite irrelevant.
Go back and do some real homework. Lincoln in fact said the quote. I may have paraphrased it but he indeed said it. Get over it. PS: your opinion of me, is quite irrelevant.
No he didn't, and you might notice I've actually backed that statement up from multiple sources now. Lots of people like you and President Trump have misquoted Lincoln on it....it's OK....You might want to "get over it"

As for my opinion....It isn't clear whether you understand the meaning of the word irrelevant. I really didn't even state any opinion of you. Regardless, I doubt you fully appreciate how little I care about anyone on a IR porn site valuing or not valuing my opinion.
All - I see here - is how biased and perverted you are ;}

what???????..opinionated maybe and have a few kinks....but that is a fact......there is more but no one tells Russia does have some stuff on trump....read Mueller's report!.....and it is pretty common knowledge about the pissing on obamas mattress