Real wives that do porn

Are there any real wives that do porn? How do you go about doing it?
I did it all the way through porn, he didn't mind because we have an open relationship, it's all about how much you are willing to be in your partners corner no matter what, sex is just sex if it's good or bad sex. You just have to be with a person that understands you can cum from your own fingers, a sex toy or his cock or someone else's cock, it's all relative as far as a woman cumming and if you ever tried swinging, same thing just with more famous guys 😉
I did it all the way through porn, he didn't mind because we have an open relationship, it's all about how much you are willing to be in your partners corner no matter what, sex is just sex if it's good or bad sex. You just have to be with a person that understands you can cum from your own fingers, a sex toy or his cock or someone else's cock, it's all relative as far as a woman cumming and if you ever tried swinging, same thing just with more famous guys 😉
Well said & i hope you're doing well 😍🥵💯.
I did it all the way through porn, he didn't mind because we have an open relationship, it's all about how much you are willing to be in your partners corner no matter what, sex is just sex if it's good or bad sex. You just have to be with a person that understands you can cum from your own fingers, a sex toy or his cock or someone else's cock, it's all relative as far as a woman cumming and if you ever tried swinging, same thing just with more famous guys 😉
Sounds perfect! i'm just a curious guy: Is your partner what some performers call a "civilian" or was he in porn too?