Pussy free for almost a year

Hey everyone. Small update to our journey that might be of interest to others. I've been pussy free for more or less a year following some health stuff. Cuckolding has always been part of our pillow talk and the toys are all bbc toys so it's been totally fine and comfortable for us both. She is yet to take the next step and meet a friend for the real deal, but only her large toys go anywhere near her pussy and my clit only gets my hand.

We've been together for over a decade now and the pillow talk remains the same. The advice I've seen elsewhere on here to be patient is spot on. She much prefers a larger toy now and I get locked during toy time. We both think the time to get verified on here is coming up but she wants to lose some baby weight so she truly feels sexy when she goes for it.

Hope yall will see us soon ;)