Progressing Onwards

Last Sunday the 16th, at the invitation of Mr. Holmes and his wife, we went and attended the Sunday service at the local Baptist church. Both Mr. Holmes and his wife are members there and Mr. Holmes is also one of the biggest financial backers of that church. The congregation there is prodominantly black, though there were a few white people there as well. It was a very good experience and we met a bunch of nice people. After the service there was a big Juneteenth barbacue in the church lawn and backyard. We stayed for that too. Also met a nice young interracial couple in their late 30's (Black husband and his blonde wife).

Everybody was really nice and welcoming. The service was great with lots of wonderful music and singing. The food afterwards was also amazing. What attracted our attention the most was of course the presence of several well dressed and handsome black gentlemen. We were introduced to them and their spouses by Mr. Holmes and his wife and they were all very polite and welcoming. Knowing Mr. Holmes and his wife well enough we got the distinct impression that we were being ably guided on to the next stage of our interracial experience. We know for a fact that sooner or later Mr. Holmes is going to approach us with the next proposal. I hope it one will be the one where he introduces Debbie to another black man/men. He had mentioned recently that he was ready to share Debbie with other black men and had his sights set on how to go about it.

For my part the very sight of Debbie interacting with diffrent black men was just so exciting. The possibilities that came to my mind are just endless. In fact i wouldn't mind at all if she went down to 2, 3, 4 or 5 of those black gentlemen and got busy. Patience is what i am being taught by Mr. Holmes and i am sure the results will be to all our satisfaction. The most handsome of all the black gentlemen we met was the deacon (lets call him Mr. Thomas). He's about 5'9" and very stocky. He had a dark blue 2 piece suit on, with a goatee and coal black skin, he was simply casting a total spell on Debbie.

I leave here with a pic of her black panty clad white ass. With the hope that when she encounters her next black man/men, she has similar panties on to get their attention. Its worked well on Mr. Holmes so far.


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So we finally received some much awaited news from Mr. Holmes. He has decided to share my wife Debbie (his white slut as he refers to her) with another black man. This guy happens to be a friend of his. According to Mr. Holmes he is someone that we met at his chucrh barbacue. However we did meet and talk to several black men during that time. So when asked about his identity Mr. Holmes responded by saying " well that my friends is a surprise, you will know when you see him". We are supposed to meet him next week Saturday the 27th afternoon. Mr. Holmes has arranged everything.

So we await that day with baited breath. My wife Debbie will finally get her second black cock. In fact i hope Mr. Holmes will participate as well and my dream of seeing my wife handle 2 black cocks will finally come true. To the right side of the church and within the same property is a little apartment owned by the church. It is meant for guests. That is where the meeting will take place. I do hope it is the deacon Mr. Thomas. Debbie just cannot help talking about him. However on the whole she will bow to Mr. Holmes choice and do her best to please this black man. She has said that to me in those exact words. She is in total agreement with Mr. Holmes that white women are meant to serve black men and give them their due respect, that was denied to them for so long. I am in total agreement wit her.

She is going over her collection of outfits and undies. She wants to make a good impression and knowing how the color of her undies mattered to Mr. Holmes, she is hoping to go all out here. Mr, Holmes has made it clear that even though i am welcome to attend., he will be the one controlling the proceedings. If my assistance is needed i will be told. It seems kind of scandalous to have this happen at the church premises but all is fine with us as long as Mr. Holmes is our guide. He has always been a gentleman and will continue to be so. I will post some pics of her diffrent underwear choices. She is also thinking of a bigger panty that will cover the tatto above her ass. We want to unveil that to the new black gentleman since unveiling is something that is a tradition now, it was founded by Mr. Holmes of course.


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Here are 2 more shades of panties. Both tend to hide the tattoo till the unveiling. A similar red colored one is on order. Should arrive well ahead of time. We will see which color goes in for the unwrapping.


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Late morning, earlier today Mr. Holmes showed up to update us about tomorrow's get together. Debbie was just getting out of the shower at that time so he used his new UHD camera to take some pics. His camera is also more powerful than mine. Then once Debbie was dressed and ready, he ordered his usual. She meekly and happily obliged. I took those pics with my weaker camera. Attached pics have the proper titles. Once you read them you will know that one is meant for the big day of tomorrow and the other pic is his usual that happened today. Afterwards Debbie went back in for another quick shower.

The temporarry tattoos work great by the way. More about them later.


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