Politics, Politics, Politics

(y) It's really sad actually that someone could be so caught up in how many likes or dislikes he gets in the political section of a porn site...I mean Jesus Christ, get a life!
Too many people take political disagreement personally... I have no personal issues with anyone with whom I disagree... I honestly don't know them well enough to make a personal judgment.
So, when people disagree with what you're saying, we're not allowed to give you a sore thumb, even though it's a perfectly acceptable reaction?
If that's the smoke & mirrors excuse you wish to convince everyone else you & your 2 Amigos were playing, go ahead. You know quite well you were attacking the messenger, not the messages, and now you'll try to convince others that was NOT what you were doing. I guess Republicans simply can't resist a well supported LIE.
I gave the 3 of you plenty of warning, but noooooo, you wanted to persist. Now I'm going to give you another warning ... focus on the stories and political events and not on trying to hurt others in the forum OR you could easily see yourselves getting banded for LIFE.
You want to post your unsupported BS, go ahead. Your posts haven't been credible for a long time any way.
(y) It's really sad actually that someone could be so caught up in how many likes or dislikes he gets in the political section of a porn site...I mean Jesus Christ, get a life!
Shelbyville, KY ... and maybe we can talk about "Jesus Christ" and life, how's that? I'm buying!
If that's the smoke & mirrors excuse you wish to convince everyone else you & your 2 Amigos were playing, go ahead. You know quite well you were attacking the messenger, not the messages, and now you'll try to convince others that was NOT what you were doing. I guess Republicans simply can't resist a good LIE.
I gave the 3 of you plenty of warning, but noooooo, you wanted to persist. Now I'm going to give you another warning ... focus on the stories and political events and not on trying to hurt others in the forum OR you could easily see yourselves getting banded for LIFE.
You want to post your unsupported BS, go ahead. Your posts haven't been credible for a long time any way.
First of all... 👎👎

Now, since that's out of the way, why do you take it personally when someone disagrees with your posts? You've created a personal problem with me that simply doesn't exist... I don't know you well enough to have any personal feelings towards you one way or another. Now, I can't speak for everyone, but myself, I only disagree with you POLITICALLY...

If my posts aren't credible, then why even bother responding? You respond to me because you know I'm accurate and correct, and you feel like you're being personally attacked... You're not fooling anyone here. No one here is attacked personally more than I am, but I don't cry to the mods like you and your pal Ed do CONSTANTLY. If anyone is ruining your experience on this site, it's only you.
First of all... 👎👎

Now, since that's out of the way, why do you take it personally when someone disagrees with your posts? You've created a personal problem with me that simply doesn't exist... I don't know you well enough to have any personal feelings towards you one way or another. Now, I can't speak for everyone, but myself, I only disagree with you POLITICALLY...

If my posts aren't credible, then why even bother responding? You respond to me because you know I'm accurate and correct, and you feel like you're being personally attacked... You're not fooling anyone here. No one here is attacked personally more than I am, but I don't cry to the mods like you and your pal Ed do CONSTANTLY. If anyone is ruining your experience on this site, it's only you.
(y) (y) (y)
why do you take it personally when someone disagrees with your posts? You've created a personal problem with me that simply doesn't exist...
Give me a break, TnC ... how naïve do you think I am? Should I post those dislikes up again? Thing is, I gave you such a clear warning the first time.
I already why, TnC ... either you wish to deny it (which you seem to be doing again) over the truth (already stated) or, lying & redirecting is simply a habitual problem you have. I won't continue to repeat myself over and over if you're going to deny or ignore the real reason. This is the last time, you 3 Amigos were purposely attacking the messenger not the message ... hell I could have posted anything and you'd slap a dislike to it, and to a few other posters in the forum you disliked. You were warned to stop and hundred times ... and you'll lie & deny until you get a nose *******, 'cause you prefer to play yourselves as "victims". Its pretty apparent when none of you 3 Amigos EVER start a post, but instead prefer to criticize someone else's comments. You may have some people fooled, but you don't have everyone in the forum fooled at all.
So now, you'll continue to persist with this ISSUE until one of us or both get banded for LIFE because you're too stubborn to admit your own little folly got you busted. You'd prefer to "burn the whole house down" rather than discuss a topics.
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I already stated that, TnC ... either you wish to deny it (which you seem to be doing) over the truth (already stated) or lying & redirecting is simply a habitual problem you have. I won't continue to repeat myself over and over if you're going to ignore the real reason. Last time, you 3 Amigos were purposely attacking me not the Message ... hell I could have posted anything and you'd slap a dislike to it, and to others in the forum you disliked. You were warned to stop and hundred times ... and you'll lie & deny until you get a nose *******, 'cause you prefer to play yourselves as "victims". Its pretty apparent when none of you 3 Amigos EVER start a post, but prefer to criticize someone else's comments. You may have some people fooled, but you don't have other members in the forum fooled at all.
So now, you'll continue to persist with this ISSUE until one of us or both get banded for LIFE because you're too stubborn to admit your own little folly. You'd prefer to "burn the whole house down" rather than discuss a topic reasonably.
Again 👎👎

You have a skewed view of the situation... Once again, I give you a "thumbs down", simply because I disagree with what you have said... YOU'RE the one turning it into a personal vendetta... You've challenged HH to come to Shelbyville multiple times... What's the reason for that? All three of us have started threads... Myself, I'm proud when folks who share your flawed world view give me a sore thumb, it's verification of my accuracy...

You keep trolling my profile, leaving threats and hate on it... You seriously need to find a way to deal with your out of control, unwarranted anger.
Again 👎👎

You keep trolling my profile, leaving threats and hate on it... You seriously need to find a way to deal with your out of control, unwarranted anger.
Trolling? Really? Do you understand the word ... "trolling"?
I visited your profile 3 times, all 3 times reacting to your persistent little childish game with your Amigo friends. I told you how it could END reasonably and you chose not to do that. Now you wish to convince others that I was "trolling" you? Do you even know what the word implies? Look it up! Twist your story so it appears YOU are the victim, 'cause that's the way you do it. NO different than Trump ... start the crap and then toss up his hands and says "it wasn't my fault".
You know, what I'd like to say to you & your Amigo buddies, I can't say without getting banded. Don't play me TnC.
If you wish to get down & nasty, we'll go into a private chat. I won't waste my energy & limited time here RE-explaining myself over and over simply to provide you a platform to play the victim. So, give it a rest.
If THIS is all you have to discuss I'm not interested until you "fess up with the truth".
Trolling? Really? Do you understand the word ... "trolling"?
I visited your profile 3 times, all 3 times reacting to your persistent little childish game with your Amigo friends. I told you how it could END reasonably and you chose not to do that. Now you wish to convince others that I was "trolling" you? Do you even know what the word implies? Look it up! Twist your story so it appears YOU are the victim, 'cause that's the way you do it. NO different than Trump ... start the crap and then toss up his hands and says "it wasn't my fault".
You know, what I'd like to say to you & your Amigo buddies, I can't say without getting banded. Don't play me TnC.
If you wish to get down & nasty, we'll go into a private chat. I won't waste my energy & limited time here RE-explaining myself over and over simply to provide you a platform to play the victim. So, give it a rest.
If THIS is all you have to discuss I'm not interested until you "fess up with the truth".
What childish game? It's not a game that I disagree with your statements... Hence the thumbs down...

I'm not sure why you didn't reach out privately to begin with, as I'm NOT an unreasonable man... I'm a happy, friendly, funny guy... Sure I've done my share of teasing you, but it was nothing more than that... Ffs, you're challenging people to drive to Shelbyville so you can "take care of them"... And you expect to be taken seriously? You and Ed have ruined these threads, you're both just as guilty of getting mods involved, and getting people suspended from the threads, simply because neither of you are capable of hanging in a political discussion with any of us... Get over yourself, dude.
There, "fixed it for you" ... isn't that what you do. Modify my message and then say "you fixed it for me?
Yes, I have on several occasions made obvious edits, striking out some words and adding my own highlighted so that any reader understands what was your words and what my corrections to them are. You then whined to the mods just like you did when people have expressed their opinion by disliking your posts. Tell us, why do you hate people you disagree with having freedom of expression?
Yes, I have on several occasions made obvious edits, striking out some words and adding my own highlighted so that any reader understands what was your words and what my corrections to them are. You then whined to the mods just like you did when people have expressed their opinion by disliking your posts. Tell us, why do you hate people you disagree with having freedom of expression?