Politics, Politics, Politics

Van Jones continued...

He first refused to apologize.

Later, after facing critcism from persons of color, he reluctantly walked back his comments.

I have a lot of respect for the persons of color, who were all liberal, and 100% polar opposite of my political belief system, that ****** him to walk back his comments. That took a lot of courage, and it was the correct thing for them to do.
I'm sure in light of Mr. Tillerson's past insubordination this came as a huge surprise to a guy that used to be a CEO. I suspect if someone exhibited the same insubordination to him in his previous role, he would heave reacted the same.

he didn't say anything really that most of the world didn't already know.....but yes...it was not a huge surprise...but the jerk didn't even have the nerve to do it in person!
Have you ever had to fire anyone? Have you ever signed the front of a paycheck?

If one of my employees had publicly embarrassed me like Tillerson did to Trump, they would have been gone a lot sooner.

This, and Tillerson and Trump disagreed about Iran. A fairly significant thing for a POTUS' Secretary of State.

Trump is ultimately responsible. I made the same mistake once. Hired a guy who used to be the boss, and wanted some extra income in his retirement. You can't serve two masters, and there can't be two bosses. I suspect not once did it ever cross this guys mind why he needed extra income after running his own business, but some life lessons are more impactful than others I guess.
Anderson Cooper = CIA
James Clapper leaked to? Anderson Cooper

Don Lemon = Unreasonable
Van Jones = Racist

To be fair, Van Jones, not very publicly, did apologize. Never really got reported. Not even by his employer.

True story.

Anderson Cooper=CIA?????/ I know he does things for CBS also and seems to get some good stories once in a while....don't really care for him at all though...and have no real reason not to..he just seems .....like he is above everyone? or knows more?..not sure

I think Clapper was good and is still very smart as to what is going on

Don Lemon...complete idiot!

Van Jones....???? never watched him or have seen him much except once in a while as part of a round table

I think the only 2 on CNN that are really good is Jake tapper
and the foreign guy that writes for the Washington post....he is only on Sundays..and does a lot of world stuff....he is pretty sharp and knows what is going on
Have you ever had to fire anyone? Have you ever signed the front of a paycheck?

If one of my employees had publicly embarrassed me like Tillerson did to Trump, they would have been gone a lot sooner.

This, and Tillerson and Trump disagreed about Iran. A fairly significant thing for a POTUS' Secretary of State.

Trump is ultimately responsible. I made the same mistake once. Hired a guy who used to be the boss, and wanted some extra income in his retirement. You can't serve two masters, and there can't be two bosses. I suspect not once did it ever cross this guys mind why he needed extra income after running his own business, but some life lessons are more impactful than others I guess.

yes have fired before...didn't like it but part of the job..and no never signed the front of the check
I can understand that tillerson embarrassed him...but that went both ways...How can the sec of state speak for the country when the pres changes his mind or doesn't know what he wants to begin with....don't think anyone stands a chance in that job!
Tillerson was trying to work with N.korea and said a long time ago there was a peaceful solution...but trump kept it up with the rocket man *******

(I know I am biased against trump)

as for Iran...you would have thought the two would have had a lot more discussion before ever giving/taking the job!
Trump Liked him because he was money/oil....Tillerson wanted to serve his country...not much else to agree on!

yes ultimately trump is responsible.....but that is very scary!
I really think Trump is going to try and grow a pair of balls and fire Mueller soon......and use the excuse that congress has found nothing so no since going any further

that will be very interesting
It is not easy to either pick the correct people, or fire the incorrect people. It sounds like you have experience in one of these, maybe both.

It grows more difficult when the level of responsibility is larger. e.g. your own business, or in this case, the U S of A.
Mueller should have never been hired. Ken Starr should have never been hired. Some different reasons, but one larger, overlying reason. People of both political ideologies should be horrified by this debacle. As they should have been when Whitewater turned into a blow job, and Clinton perjured himself. Perjury is a crime, and there is no excuse for this, but absent the unfettered investigatory powers encumbered in the special prosecutor, now special counsel, that would have never happened.

Gen Flynn is the real casualty. No way should Flynn be bankrupted. Manafort? Yes, but everyone, including Trump who fired him, knew he has always been a scum bag.

This is entirely a civil libertarian view, and surprise, surprise, matches what the framers intended, and the not unimportant document called the Constitution.

Grand juries have also been bastardized FWIW. Never what the framers had intended.
It is not easy to either pick the correct people, or fire the incorrect people. It sounds like you have experience in one of these, maybe both.

It grows more difficult when the level of responsibility is larger. e.g. your own business, or in this case, the U S of A.

yes have been in management for a few years...long hours for the pay!...hiring is a gamble sometimes....firing never easy!
But I forgot the main reason tillerson was picked to begin with.....his friendship with p u t I n!
Mueller should have never been hired
have to disagree there....way to much fishy stuff going on......and we know Russia was involved and was WikiLeaks...and we know on more than one occasion trump publicly asked them to get involved....have you read any of the book Russian Roulette?
yahoo has been posting it in parts frequently.....sure looks like Trump is a traitor!

but never liked him to begin with...the Russian thing...draining the swamp....corruption...health care...we are paying for a lot of his pleasure and that's just the tip of the ice berg....not even going into his lies!
supposed to be punishing Russia for meddling..congress passed it..yet he has done nothing....Russia poisoned the spy in UK they condemn Russia...not a word from trump...eu putting more sanction on Russia over ukrain....not a word from trump....this guy is in it for himself!
Gen Flynn is the real casualty. No way should Flynn be bankrupted
Flynn was getting paid from other countries and doing some ******* he KNEW better on!.....what makes it worse Flynn's ******* was one of them working with WikiLeaks and some of the Russian trolls to put out a lot of false *******!...play with fire you get burned!

Manafort? Yes, but everyone, including Trump who fired him, knew he has always been a scum bag.

he is in some deep *******...he is lucky he is under house arrest....probably be dead!...some in ukrain and Russia not happy with him

This is entirely a civil libertarian view
Russian meddled and we need to do/say something or it will not be the last.....they are trying to dictate our free elections...to me that requires some big steps!
I spent 7 years in the military...hate to think my vote doesn't mean anything!

Grand juries have also been bastardized FWIW. Never what the framers had intended
if we didn't have so much corruption anymore they still would not be needed...but dissention in politics...corruption....greed...AMERICA is for sale!
and that is not what the framers intended either...separation of church and state is slowly fading away...lobbyist...on and on
Rex Tillerson, an Aggressive Dealmaker Whose Ties With Russia May Prompt Scrutiny

HOUSTON — Twenty years ago, as Rex W. Tillerson was rising through the ranks at Exxon, he was charged with negotiating with the government of Yemen to build a natural gas export plant. The talks got bogged down over Yemen’s insistence that it have veto power over important business decisions.
Mr. Tillerson, at one point, flew into a rage, throwing a five-inch-thick book across the room and storming out, perhaps for dramatic effect. Yemeni negotiators and other representatives of other oil companies partnering with Exxon in the international consortium looked on in bewilderment.
In the end, Yemen got at least some of its demands. But that kind of hard-charging determination to bend others’ wills could be exactly what President-elect Donald J. Trump is looking for in a secretary of state. It is also the kind of unconventionality that could open up Mr. Tillerson to closer scrutiny in Senate confirmation hearings, particularly when it comes to his close relations with Russia.

To make a fresh start with Russia, as Mr. Trump promised during the campaign, there may not be a better envoy than Mr. Tillerson, 64, who has made a career at Exxon — and Exxon Mobil since the 1999 merger — by drilling more fossil fuels out of Russian soil and has even been decorated for his friendship with the country.


that's one there are others
I must have missed the part about, and I quote, "the main reason tillerson was picked to begin with.....his friendship with p u t I n!"

Would you mind linking me to some hard facts about this please? You seem pretty certain about it, and are stating it as fact, so there must be several sources in this.
I must have missed the part about, and I quote, "the main reason tillerson was picked to begin with.....his friendship with p u t I n!"

Hell I have no idea how to find that.......but I think the last parag in that article I gave you pretty much made it plain

and of course Trump is not going to come flat out and say that....well don't think so....but if you watched any of the confirmation hearings you certainly heard it a lot from both sides of the isle!

and just like we now find out Russia put a stop to Romney working for trump well this would fit right in with that....Russia pushed for tillerson

Russia praises possible Trump pick Rex Tillerson's 'highly professional manner'
The appointment of ExxonMobil CEO, who has close ties with the Kremlin, would help improve relations between Russia and US, a Russian politician said

and if Russia can nix Romney with trump...they can certainly push tillerson for trump
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I see. So unlike me, when I state my opinion I preface it, and you state your opinion as fact.

I just wanted to clear that up by a simple contrast and compare exercise.
you won't find the wording you are looking for...you trumpies never can believe any of that anyway
just the country picking on your man.....even when other countries have said so also
but you defend your man...all you want

Rex Tillerson: an appointment that confirms Putin's US election win
The president-elect has chosen Exxon Mobil CEO as secretary of state but experts say Senate may bridle over realpolitik choice that would benefit Russia
I just wanted to clear that up by a simple contrast and compare exercise.
there are 7 pages of articles on it......but you trumpies don't want to open your eyes to any of it
after all he is putting money in your pocket...so country be damned right!

you continue to worship your false god and maybe we will talk during the impeachment hearings!