Politics, Politics, Politics

yep...just like his ******* in law...both corrupt and using the US to enrich themselves

Jared Kushner Backed Qatar Blockade a Month After Qataris Wouldn’t Finance His Property: Report
Jessica Kwong,Newsweek

Jared Kushner's family-run real estate company tried to seek Qatari government financing for its troubled New York City property a month before Kushner backed a blockade on the Gulf kingdom, The Intercept reported on Friday.

Kushner Cos. directly solicited investment from Qatari Finance Minister Ali Sherif al-Emadi for its 666 Fifth Avenue luxury tower in April 2017, two sources in the finance industry told The Intercept. No deal came of it.

Kushner Cos. spokeswoman Chris Taylor denied such brokering attempts occurred. “To be clear, we did not meet with anyone from the Qatari government to solicit sovereign funds for any of our projects,” Taylor told Newsweek in an email. “To suggest otherwise is inaccurate and false.”

The following month, Kushner and the White House supported a blockade of Qatar organized by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Due to the crisis, alliances in the region have shifted, with Qatar—which holds the largest U.S. military base in the Middle East—aligning more closely with Iran and Turkey.

Avi @AviAhvee

Kushner very clearly exacted revenge on Qatar for refusing to bail his family out of their mountainous debt. That he still holds a position in government, & one with this much power, is a testament to both Trump's nepotism & Republicans' interest in party over country. pic.twitter.com/Wrws3nBPnI
9:01 AM - Mar 2, 2018

In June, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sought a “calm and thoughtful dialogue” to bring resolution to the clash between Qatar and its neighbors. But President Donald Trump echoed Saudi talking points and called Qatar a “funder of terror at a very high level,” The New York Times reported.

Kushner resigned as CEO of Kushner Cos. when he joined the White House and left his *******, Charles Kushner, to run the business. It was Charles Kushner who met with al-Emadi, along with their aides, at a St. Regis New York hotel suite in April, according to The Intercept. The meeting ran for half an hour, and they discussed the potential investment. Conversations continued the next day at a conference room at 666 Fifth Avenue, but al-Emadi was not present, The Intercept said.

The report concerning Qatar adds to controversy surrounding Kushner’s government work, business dealings and any conflicts between them.

Officials from the United Arab Emirates, China, Israel and Mexico have privately talked about how they could use Kushner’s lack of foreign policy experience and business interests as leverage, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday.
SEC dropped inquiry a month after firm aided Kushner company
Stephen Braun, Bernard Condon and Tami Abdollah, Associated

The Securities and Exchange Commission late last year dropped its inquiry into a financial company that a month earlier had given White House adviser Jared Kushner's family real estate firm a $180 million loan.
While there's no evidence that Kushner or any other Trump administration official had a role in the agency's decision to drop the inquiry into Apollo Global Management, the timing has once again raised potential conflict-of-interest questions about Kushner's family business and his role as an adviser to his *******-in-law, President Donald Trump.

The SEC detail comes a day after The New York Times reported that Apollo's loan to the Kushner Cos. followed several meetings at the White House with Kushner.

"I suppose the best case for Kushner is that this looks absolutely terrible," said Rob Weissman, president of Public Citizen. "Without presuming that there is any kind of quid pro quo ... there are a lot of ways that the fact of Apollo's engagement with Kushner and the Kushner businesses in a public and private context might cast a shadow over what the SEC is doing and influence consciously or unconsciously how the agency acted."

Apollo said in its 2018 annual report that the SEC had halted its inquiry into how the firm reported the financial results of its private equity funds and other costs and personnel changes. Apollo had previously reported that the Obama administration SEC had subpoenaed it for information related to the issue.

The SEC, which often makes such inquiries of financial firms, declined Friday to comment on the probe or its decision to halt it.

Apollo said the company founder who met with Jared Kushner did not discuss with him "a loan, investment, or any other business arrangement or regulatory matter involving Apollo." It added that the Kushner loan to refinance a Chicago skyscraper went through the "standard approval process" and that the founder was not involved in the decision.

Kushner Cos. said in a statement that the implication that Kushner's position in the White House had affected the company's relationships with lenders is "without substantiation
Sorry, I must be playing the wrong game. I'm not trying to win an insult contest. Push all you want Mac, but I'm not the one that's so bitter.
.....Never bring a knife to a gun fight ... isn't that what they say?
Listen, I'm bitter of Trump because he's actually endangering this country and you conservative folks aren't voicing your opinion of that. Instead, you keep defending the bastard. He's not just a terrible president, he's running this country by nepotism. Did you hear the news today? Now Jared has been using his "pull" to manipulate countries into giving him multi-million dollar loans. Hell, if Obama had run this country even a 1/10th as wreckless as Trump is doing now, Republicans would be ALL OVER HIM.
.....How many of Obama's administration did you hear of getting into legal problems? NONE ... Trump's entire administration can't stay OUT of legal problems ... now he's got us into another ARMS RACE with Russia. I don't care which party is President, the way he is running this country now is ridiculous and Republicans are letting him do it. I have NO respect for anyone backing Trump, sorry!
The federally funded non-profits known as voluntary agencies (VOLAGs), who collectively have received more than $1 billion annually to resettle refugees, are whining now that refugee admissions, and their own associated revenues, are down dramatically during the first five months of FY 2018 under the Trump administration.

Despite a slight uptick in refugee admissions in February to 1,927, the total number of refugee admissions during the first five months of FY 2018, which began on October 1, is only 8,635, according to the State Department’s interactive website – the lowest number of refugee admissions for the first five months of a fiscal year in more than 15 years.
If the average monthly arrival rate of 1,727 during the first five months of FY 2018 continues at the same pace for the final seven months of the fiscal year, total refugee admissions for the 12 months of the full fiscal year will be under 21,000, less than half the ceiling number of 45,000 President Trump announced in September.
The nine VOLAGs (Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, the International Rescue Committee, HIAS, Church World Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Ethiopian Community Development Council, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (Catholic Charities), and World Relief), all of whom are almost entirely dependent on federal funding tied to the number of new refugee arrivals they resettle around the country through local affiliated agencies, are now in the midst of a cash crunch unheard of in the agency.
Consequently, they and their political allies are complaining loudly and often about both Trump’s lowered refugee ceiling admission number and the increase in the time and length of the Department of Homeland Security’s security vetting of potential refugees.
“As an organization that has dedicated itself to welcoming the stranger for over 75 years, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) is deeply saddened by the Trump Administration’s decision to place additional restrictions on refugees who are seeking to be resettled in the United States,” the organization said in a statement released in October.
That sentiment has echoed throughout the refugee resettlement industry in the following months.

.....Never bring a knife to a gun fight ... isn't that what they say?
Listen, I'm bitter of Trump because he's actually endangering this country and you conservative folks aren't voicing your opinion of that. Instead, you keep defending the bastard. He's not just a terrible president, he's running this country by nepotism. Did you hear the news today? Now Jared has been using his "pull" to manipulate countries into giving him multi-million dollar loans. Hell, if Obama had run this country even a 1/10th as wreckless as Trump is doing now, Republicans would be ALL OVER HIM.
.....How many of Obama's administration did you hear of getting into legal problems? NONE ... Trump's entire administration can't stay OUT of legal problems ... now he's got us into another ARMS RACE with Russia. I don't care which party is President, the way he is running this country now is ridiculous and Republicans are letting him do it. I have NO respect for anyone backing Trump, sorry!

Well... First off, again, I'm not backing Trump, he does plenty I don't agree with, i just don't come here and bitch about it. What I do back are some conservative policies, like tax cuts and preserving our rights. Wanting to see the truth of the Russia scandal is not backing Trump, it's called giving the benefit of the doubt because their is no proof that Trump was involved- yet. Accusation dos not equal proof of guilt.

What you view as Trump "endangering this country" I view as Trump exposing our government for what it really is.
Of course we didn't hear about anything in the Obama administration, mainly because the biased media wouldn't report on it. With Obama and the paid off media, it was cover up as usual. Think about it, have you seen the media go after any other president the way they do Trump? It's relentless, unending and days they can't find something tangible they pick on him about how he drinks his water for piss-sake. Trump isn't embarrassing us to the rest of the world - the media is doing a good job all by them selves. Obama had an affair during his vacation to Hawaii with a young intern - barely a blip on the news, Trump fucks a ******* years ago and they still can't shut up about it. We have seen all media outlets alter and distort facts, they don't report any of the important things and they allow their biased views sway the viewers/readers. Go ahead and say it isn't true but it is getting harder and harder to get the truth, and whole truth out of any one media channel. The media hates trump so much because they are being exposed about twisting the truth and reporting things out of context. Now we have CNN vs FOX news when they should be both reporting the same thing, just the facts, but instead take it upon themselves to tell their viewers how to think.

Trump might be a piece of *******, but look at what has been exposed (directly or indirectly) in the media and the "swamp" just in the first year. Of course everyone is trying to get him out, even some of his own party. Both sides are shitting bricks because of what might come out. I think Trump is more of a threat to our government and media than he is the country. The far right screamed it was the end of the world when Obama got elected also, but here we still are.

"Another" arms Race with Russia? lol, did you really think it ever ended?

What I really can't believe is that I have been on these forums for 4 fucking years! holy fuck!

A 25-year-old social studies teacher at a public Florida middle school has been secretly hosting a white nationalist podcast on which she brags about preaching white superiority at the public school where she teaches.
According to an exclusive Huffington Post article, Dayanna Volitich, who teaches at Crystal River Middle School, uses the name "Tiana Dalichov" to host her podcast named "Unapologetic," which is replete with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and views that Muslims should be wiped out.
In her most recent episode, on February 26, Volitich announced that she propagates her white nationalist beliefs in her classroom without the knowledge of school administrators. Volitich explained that when parents complained to the school's principal about how she injects white nationalist ideologies into the classroom, she lied to the principal and denied the claims.
"She believed me and backed off," Volitich said of the principal.

fuck if this isn't a scary thought!

Trump says maybe US will have a president for life someday
Associated Press

President Donald Trump says he thinks it's great that China's president now holds that office for life and muses that maybe the U.S. will do the same someday.
Trump's remarks came during a luncheon for Republican donors Saturday at his South Florida estate. CNN reported the remarks based on a recording it obtained.
Chinese President Xi Jinping recently consolidated power. Trump told the gathering: "He's now president for life. President for life. And he's great." Trump added: "I think it's great. Maybe we'll give that a shot someday."
Trump criticized his Democratic presidential opponent Hillary Clinton, repeated his view about "a rigged system," and called the invasion of Iraq "the single worst decision ever made." He referred to former President George W. Bush as "another real genius."

I suppose the worst president ever...the least liked...a Russian plant....thinks the honor should be bestowed on him?
I think trump and his trumpies have woke a sleeping giant

Texans break early voting record after more Dems get involved

Early voting in Texas' largest 15 counties has hit an all-time high for a non-presidential election year ahead of congressional primaries in the state on Tuesday.
According to data posted on Saturday by the Texas secretary of state's office, 885,574 Texans voted in the 11 days of early voting that ended Friday, the Austin American-Statesman reported.
That figure far surpasses the 592,153 Texans who voted early in 2014.
Early voting among Democrats surged this year, the Statesman reported. 465,245 Democrats cast their ballots early, compared to 420,329 Republicans. That represents a significant change from 2014, when only 226,730 Democrats voted early, compared to 65,423 Republicans.
Texas is slated to hold the first congressional primaries of the 2018 midterm elections on Tuesday.

Everything about this guy is scary!
think he might end up in deep ******* soon!

Devin Nunes Calls Colbert's Jokes About Him A 'Danger' In This Country
Mary Papenfuss,HuffPost

Colbert traveled to the Capitol on Friday’s episode of “The Late Show” in a spoof mission to tease information out of congressmen about possible collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia. Colbert was armed with his own memo stating: “Devon Nunes is a [redacted].”
Colbert managed to crack a smile from stone-faced Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) when he asked him if he was “jealous” that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) gets to work with Nunes.
“This is the danger that we have in this country,” Nunes said when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked how he felt about the jokes.
“The left controls not only the universities in this country, but they also control Hollywood in this country, and the mainstream media, so conservatives in this country are under attack ... they attack people who are trying to get to the truth,” the head of the House Intelligence Committee added.


his version of the truth is a far cry from that! even his own party is not backing him on some of his "truth"
It’s Time for Paul Ryan to Remove Devin Nunes
John Avlon,The Daily Beast

At a time when insane is the new normal, our ability to be outraged is dulled amid daily incoming. But Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee—led by their chairman, Trump lackey Devin Nunes—somehow hit a new low with Thursday’s revelation that they leaked to Fox News texts from Senate Intelligence Committee Co-Chairman Mark Warner and a Russian businessman in a desperate attempt to discredit the Senator. Those texts were then retweeted by our president, in a brushback pitch for Warner's insistence on investigating Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election—and potential collusion with the Trump campaign—without fear or favor. This bombshell story, first reported by the New York Times, is ...
certainly hope this guy is in trouble...and looks like he might be...even in his own party!

Cruz campaign calls don’t want Texans to know about the primary
mcclatchydc 15 hours ago
  • Days before the Texas primary, one of Sen. Ted Cruz's primary opponents was the target of the senator's own campaign calls. Rather than asking Stefano de Stefano, a Republican running against Cruz, for his support in the March 6 primary, the caller, paid by Cruz’s campaign, repeatedly refused to acknowledge that race exists. In a recording provided by de Stefano, the caller insisted that Cruz is in a general election contest against Democrat Beto O’Rourke and ignored inquiries about the March 6 primary. Asked by de Stefano whether there are any Republicans running against Cruz, the caller replied, “right now sir this is a general election, it’s just him going up against Beto O’Rourke, a two-way ...
  • https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/4ede82b8-6633-3fc4-8acf-7d064d3c2a3b/ss_cruz-campaign-calls-don’t.html
refusing to admit he has a challenger in his own party....and he seems to be doing fairly well....????
Scott Walker Refusing To Hold Elections GOP Might Lose

In late December, two Republican lawmakers stepped down from the Wisconsin legislature to join Gov. Scott Walker’s administration. Their seats, in Assembly District 42 and Senate District 1, have sat empty ever since — and are likely to stay that way until January of 2019. In a remarkable break from precedent, Walker announced at the time that he would not hold special elections in those districts, leaving 229,904 Wisconsinites without representation for almost a year. Walker’s office has said it’s not worth the cost or effort to hold the votes, since regular congressional races will take place in November. But Democrats and their allies say Walker is just scared to lose. “This is about them ...
Interesting ... when the Republicans take control, its tax cuts for the wealthy and the poor get poorer and the economy goes DOWN. When the Democrats take control, they tax the wealthy, poor get a little better off, and the economy goes UP ... seems to me it constantly takes the Democrats to rectify the mistakes and screw-ups of the "always for me" Republicans. That's ok, though, 'cause as more people become poorer and poorer, that means fewer people are getting richer, which means the Republicans will have to cheat more and more and ask for Russia's help more to win elections.
Where you been - economy is booming now - and it WASN'T Obama's doing !!!
.....Never bring a knife to a gun fight ... isn't that what they say?
Listen, I'm bitter of Trump because he's actually endangering this country and you conservative folks aren't voicing your opinion of that. Instead, you keep defending the bastard. He's not just a terrible president, he's running this country by nepotism. Did you hear the news today? Now Jared has been using his "pull" to manipulate countries into giving him multi-million dollar loans. Hell, if Obama had run this country even a 1/10th as wreckless as Trump is doing now, Republicans would be ALL OVER HIM.
.....How many of Obama's administration did you hear of getting into legal problems? NONE ... Trump's entire administration can't stay OUT of legal problems ... now he's got us into another ARMS RACE with Russia. I don't care which party is President, the way he is running this country now is ridiculous and Republicans are letting him do it. I have NO respect for anyone backing Trump, sorry!
Yeah none of Obama's administration got in trouble because one lied and the others swore to it - if they screwed up they got promoted instead of prosecuted!!!
The right had their chance...and they used it to fuck the country and enrich themselves!

New Connecticut House Democrat to Be Sworn Into Office
US News & World Report

The slim Democratic majority in the Connecticut House of Representatives is growing. Phil Young will be sworn in Monday as the first Democrat in 44 years to represent the 120th Assembly District, which includes most of Stratford. Connecticut Democrats are calling Young's win historic and a rejection of Republican President Donald Trump and state Republicans. ...
Things that make you go Mmmmmm...no wonder congress won't act on Russian meddling...there are others involved also?
of course we already know Mitch got 2.5 mil from Russia during the campaign

Obama Warning on Russia Meddling Was 'Watered Down' By Mitch McConnell, Former Aide Claims
Harriet Sinclair,

Barack Obama’s former chief of staff has commented the former president’s warning about Russia’s alleged meddling was “dramatically watered down” by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Speaking to NBC’s Meet the Press, Denis McDonough said it has taken three weeks for Obama to put together a bipartisan statement on Russian meddling, which was not as robust as it could have been because of McConnell’s involvement.
“During the course of 2016 [we] became alarmed about what we were seeing and it became, became very clear to us what the Russians' intentions were,” McDonough said.
“So we took a series of painstaking steps, including the president directly confronting President Putin, us going to Congress to press them to work with us to make sure that the states were doing everything they could to protect the sanctity of every American's vote,” he said, adding: “And then ultimately releasing a very powerful statement from the secretary of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence calling attention to this threat. So we did exactly what we think we needed to do.”
He was challenged by Meet the Press host Chuck Todd, who pointed out that Obama mistakenly previously said following his actions, Russia did not continue to interfere in the election.
Todd played a recording of Obama saying: "I felt that the most effective way to ensure that that didn't happen was to talk to him directly. And tell him to cut it out. And in fact, we did not see further tampering of the election process."
“Based on the Mueller indictment of the internet research agency, we now know that that is not true,” Todd said of Obama’s previous comment. “That we know the troll farms were working, particularly there were specific references to October 16th in 2016, November 3rd.”
Asked whether Obama and his team should have done more to tackle the problem, McDonough pointed at the actions of McConnell as the reason the statement was softened.
“The president asked the four leaders in a bipartisan meeting in the Oval Office to join him in asking the states to work with us on this question. It took over three weeks to get that statement worked out. It was dramatically watered down,” he said, confirming this was due to McConnell.