Politics, Politics, Politics

Pictures & videos worth a lot more than 'words' and hearsay, right? Let's just see what develops. This rumor of Trump and young girls has been floating around for several years, long before he became President. You just know that there are photos someplace. Put 2 and 2 together, maybe this is the Big Thing the Russians have on Trump ... I'd certainly be trying to quiet it down if it was so. Patience, baby ... this might be the straw.
We can hear you salivating :|
Is this fucking jerk trying to make the country go bankrupt as part of p u t I n 's plan...or just trying to piss off all of our allies?...as more of p u t I n plan!

Trump's proposed tariffs won't be as bad as what could happen next

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would soon impose tariffs of 25% on steel imports and 10% on aluminum imports from countries around the world. Analysts agree the tariffs themselves are likely to have minimal impact as steel and aluminum account for about 2% of imported goods.
Rather, analysts worry that the response from U.S. trading partners could be major.
“The big issue there is if there’s retaliatory tariffs … that would become a big issue if that happens,” Jim Paulsen, chief investment strategist at Leuthold Group, said in a phone interview. “If a lot of countries got involved, it’s a dangerous slope that [Trump is] playing here.”
Goldman Sachs said in a note to clients that the tariffs, if finalized as currently proposed, would be “the most substantial trade restriction the Administration has announced to date.”

While much of Trump’s rhetoric on “unfair” trade deals has been directed at China, much of the steel and aluminum imported to the United States actually comes from Canada, Mexico and other countries in the Americas. U.S. trading partners have already started to respond.
Canadian Trade Minister François-Philippe Champagne called the tariff proposal “unacceptable,” with the German Steel Association saying that the proposal would violate World Trade Organization rules.


The European Union announced it would react firmly and unveil “countermeasures” against American goods in retaliation to the tariffs. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said retaliatory policies would be announced “in the next few days” in order to “rebalance” the trade situation between European and the US following the move by Trump.
“This is the risk – that you impose these measures and then other countries respond,” Michael Gapen, chief U.S. economist at Barclays, told Yahoo Finance by phone. “So it’ll have more adverse affects than what we put down but we’d need to know what the retaliations are going to be to have specific analysis.”
In a note to clients, Barclays analysts had said they expected the tariffs themselves to reduce U.S. gross domestic product growth by 0.1-0.2 percentage points. (The most recent reading of U.S. GDP was 2.5% annual growth in the fourth quarter of 2017. A decline of 0.1 or 0.2% would be a small percentage but would represent hundreds of billions of dollars.)

The risk of retaliation was likely a known one for the Trump administration. German deputy economy minister Matthias Machnig said on Tuesday that the introduction of tariffs, an idea floated by the Commerce Department had floated earlier in the week that got tacit early approval from Trump, was incompatible with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules and unjustifiable on national security grounds.
“I said we are preparing all options,” Machnig told reporters, adding there was unanimous agreement that the European Commission and member countries “need to take appropriate precautions.”
The EU is targeting products with political punch, revisiting a list compiled during George W. Bush-era trade disputes of symbolic American brands. Potentially in the EU’s sights as targets for tariffs are items such as Harley Davidson motorcycles, bourbon and agricultural exports such as cheese, orange juice, tomatoes and potatoes.
China’s response could be even more harsh because of the scale of trade between the two countries. CNBC reported that China’s Ministry of Commerce is already investigating whether to limit imports of U.S. sorghum, a cereal grain used to feed livestock, in response to previous tariffs from the White House on solar panels and washing machines.
“It’s important to remember that Chinese trade representatives are in the U.S. this week,” said Gapen. “So I don’t think we can fully discount that this is a negotiating tactic. Then again this has been part of their agenda for some time and if they aren’t able to extract some concessions maybe this stays.”
Then-President George W. Bush instituted steel tariffs in 2002 and the results were less than stellar. Less than a year after the tariffs were announced the WTO ultimately ruled that they violated international trade agreements, opening the door for sanctions and retaliation, and the EU threatened retaliation.
Analysts from Capital Economics noted that Bush was soon ****** to lift the 2002 tariffs and that though China currently accounts directly for only a minor share of U.S. steel imports, due to existing trade barriers, it is by far the world’s largest producer.
“Officials are apparently now weighing up retaliatory restrictions on US agricultural products,” analysts said in a note. “Mexico and Canada would presumably respond if these tariffs are applied to their steel production too, since they would be incompatible with NAFTA rules.”


Trump finally gets his tariffs — and much of the world recoils

President Trump on Thursday said he will impose punishing tariffs on imported steel and aluminum in a major escalation of his “America First” trade offensive, defying Republican congressional leaders, inviting retaliation by U.S. trading partners and shaking the stock market.
Speaking at the White House, the president said he had decided to levy tariffs of 25 percent on foreign-made steel and 10 percent on aluminum.
Just how stupid can one republican be?....but then this guy needs to go to jail anyway...and might yet!

Nunes doesn’t deny leaking private text messages to Fox News, but blames press for reporting it
thinkprogress.org 11

On Thursday, the New York Times reported that House Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) leaked Senate Intelligence Committee ranking member Mark Warner’s (D-VA) confidential text messages to Fox News as part of his ongoing effort to discredit the ongoing investigations of the Trump campaign for possible collusion with Russia. “The Senate Intelligence Committee has concluded that Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee were behind the leak of private text messages between the Senate panel’s top Democrat and a Russian-connected lawyer, according to two congressional officials briefed on the matter,” the Times reports. “Senator Richard M. Burr of North Carolina, the committee’s ...
China weighs whether to retaliate over Trump's tariff hikes
JOE McDONALD,Associated Press

After threatening to retaliate if President Donald Trump raised trade barriers, Chinese leaders need to decide whether his hikes in steel and aluminum tariffs justify starting a fight that might disrupt access to one of China's biggest markets.
Beijing had no immediate reaction Friday to Trump's plan for tariffs of 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum. Asian stock markets fell amid talk of a "trade war.".
Chinese leaders need to weigh the need to back up threats with action against the risk of disrupting U.S. market access for smartphones and other exports that matter more to the economy than metals.
"China will definitely respond. It doesn't want to be seen as weak. But it will be relatively restrained," said economist Louis Kuijs of Oxford Economics. "They don't want to be seen as a party that is wrecking the international trading system."
Beijing has accused Trump of undermining global trade regulation by taking action over steel, technology policy and other disputes under U.S. law instead of through the World Trade Organization.
Chinese officials have appealed to the White House since last March to avoid hurting both sides by disrupting aluminum trade. Their tone hardened after Trump launched a probe in August of whether Beijing improperly pressures companies to hand over technology and in January raised duties on Chinese solar modules and washing machines.
"China will take necessary measures to defend its interests," said a Commerce Ministry official, Wang Hejun, in a statement this week.
Japan and South Korea, both U.S. allies and major exporters of steel and aluminum, said they would ask for exemptions from the tariff hike, which Trump justified in part on national security grounds.
"We don't think imports from Japan, an ally, have any effect at all on U.S. national security," said Japan's trade and industry minister, Hiroshige Seko, at a news conference.
A South Korean trade envoy, Kim Hyun-chong, met with Trump's chief economic adviser, Gary Cohn, and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to "strongly demand" they keep the impact on South Korean companies to a minimum, according to a trade ministry statement.
The president of the European Union's governing body, Jean-Claude Juncker, said the 28-nation trade bloc will retaliate if Trump follows through.
The children of conservative commentator Pamela Geller have been harassed and their social media talk show has been canceled after the Daily Beast revealed Geller was their mom.

In her article titled, “The Instagram Stars Hiding Their Famous, Muslim-Hating Mom, Pamela Geller,” the Daily Beast’s Taylor Lorenz doxed the women as Pamela Geller’s daughters. They had not disclosed the family link, perhaps due to the recurring death threats from Muslim extremists that Geller receives.
Following the release of Lorenz’s article, which was heavily criticized on social media, Geller’s four children immediately began to receive harassment and violent messages.
Comments included: “Racist piece of *******!,” “Fuck you, racist,” “Racist bitch,” and “Swine,” the majority of which was sent to Geller’s most famous *******, Claudia, who runs the popular Instagram account “girlwithnojob” which has 2.8 million followers.

Could Trump's undoing be as simple as "RUSSIAN PUSSY" ....
rumors floating around all during and after the campaign that was an issue and maybe that is what p u t I n is holding over trumps head
but if those 2 girls have to much they will never see the light of day....for a long time at least
The Irony of the Nunes Memo

The central irony of the memo prepared by House intelligence chairman Devin Nunes, we now know, is that it tried to deceive the American people in precisely the same way that it falsely accused the FBI of deceiving the FISA Court. The key question going forward is whether the memo’s authors and sponsors will face any consequences for their dishonesty. By now, several days after release of the minority response memo and with so much conflicting noise in the system, many people may have thrown up their hands and moved on to other topics. It’s important, in the era of President Trump, to afford hard issues the same, thoughtful, nuanced treatment that we would expect under different circumstances. ...
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Is this fucking jerk trying to make the country go bankrupt as part of p u t I n 's plan...or just trying to piss off all of our allies?...as more of p u t I n plan!
Probably just another ploy to create money to pay for his wall, tax cuts, etc .... if you think about it. More "trickle down" tax shift as the cost of automobiles, buildings, and everything else made with metal will go UP UP UP. Sure shoots another hole into the solar cell industry too ... as their supplies to create clean energy sources go up and that cost passed on to consumers as well.
....Devin Nunes has made it quite obvious he's decided to tie his horse to Donald Trump, wherever that may go. So, with Nunes, if & when Trump gets kicked out of office and possibly goes to prison, so will Nunes. His mascaraed becomes more and more apparent as each day the Trump administration survives. This guy's very much tied in with the interference being run by the current administration.
....Shall they all burn in hell on the same hot rock.

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just another republican speaking for the people.....because he knows what they want

As ACA support climbs, Hatch calls law's supporters 'dumbass people'

The Kaiser Family Foundation has been conducting extensive public-opinion research on the Affordable Care Act since “Obamacare” became law, and the latest results are striking. KFF’s report this week found 54% of Americans now have a favorable opinion of the health care law – the strongest support to date. It’s against this backdrop that Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) delivered remarks yesterday, suggesting those who support the ACA – which is to say, a majority of the country – are idiots. “We also finally did away with the individual mandate tax that was established under that wonderful bill called ‘Obamacare,’ Hatch, who is retiring after this term, said while discussing the Republican tax overhaul. ...
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“We also finally did away with the individual mandate tax that was established under that wonderful bill called ‘Obamacare,’
in other words...fuck you..ha ha ha
Sen. Mark Warner Expects Close to 70 Votes for Dodd-Frank Bill
Bloomberg Video

The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Pub.L. 111–203, H.R. 4173, commonly referred to as Dodd–Frank) was signed into United States federal law by President Barack Obama on July 21, 2010.[1] Passed as a response to the financial crisis of 2007–2008, it brought the most significant changes to financial regulation in the United States since the regulatory reform that followed the Great Depression.[2][3][4][5] It made changes in the American financial regulatory environment that affected all federal financial regulatory agencies and almost every part of the nation's financial services industry.[6][7]

The law was initially proposed by the Obama administration in June 2009, when the White House sent a series of proposed bills to Congress. A version of the legislation was introduced in the House in July 2009. On December 2, 2009, revised versions were introduced in the House of Representatives by the then Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank, and in the Senate Banking Committee by former Chairman Chris Dodd. Due to Dodd and Frank's involvement with the bill, the conference committee that reported on June 25, 2010,[1] voted to name the bill after them.[8]

Studies have found Dodd–Frank has improved financial stability and consumer protection,[9] although there has been debate about its effects on the economy.[10][11]

On June 8, 2017, the Republican-led House passed the Financial CHOICE Act which, if enacted, would roll back many of the provisions of Dodd–Frank. In June 2017, the Senate was crafting its own reform bill.[12][13]
Republicans are taking the US right down the same old road as GW Bush Administration. One thing you really got to admire about ReThuglicans, once they get their dumb ass minds set on something "continued failure", like with Trickle Down doesn't seem to faze them in the least. Hell, even a broken clock is right twice a day ... doing the same things over and over and over, expecting a different result. Idiots!
And what have the Democrocks been doing???? TAX TAX TAX same thing over and over and over - I'll give you one thing, you really do know how to call the kettle black.
Interesting ... when the Republicans take control, its tax cuts for the wealthy and the poor get poorer and the economy goes DOWN. When the Democrats take control, they tax the wealthy, poor get a little better off, and the economy goes UP ... seems to me it constantly takes the Democrats to rectify the mistakes and screw-ups of the "always for me" Republicans. That's ok, though, 'cause as more people become poorer and poorer, that means fewer people are getting richer, which means the Republicans will have to cheat more and more and ask for Russia's help more to win elections.
Interesting ... when the Republicans take control, its tax cuts for the wealthy and the poor get poorer and the economy goes DOWN. When the Democrats take control, they tax the wealthy, poor get a little better off, and the economy goes UP ... seems to me it constantly takes the Democrats to rectify the mistakes and screw-ups of the "always for me" Republicans.


Yeah, that's why my company profits more, I pay less Tax, My family has more money to spend, my K[ds have more cash and the stock market grows, unemployment drops, and more small businesses are created - Got it. Don't listen to what the Democrats say,... Watch what they do. ;)

And by the way, growing up poor - it was harder during a Democrat President - just saying.