Politics, Politics, Politics

Keep hoping and remember the leftie's chant - maybe the more ya chant it the closer you'll get - don't think ever gonna amount ta a hill o beans though

I really don't understand why the liberals and millennial's are so upset. By the time this is all over they will most likely have exactly what they want - Socialism/Communism. The left wants the government to run everything, they want everything for free, and they want the government to dictate every aspect of peoples lives. Russia nosing in seems like a win-win for the left, after all this whole Russia thing started way back with Obama. Remember when Obama ordered the Russians out of the country? That is when things went south for Hillary. Would be most interesting to know what actually played out.
California's Assembly Votes To Allow Communists To Hold State Jobs

The bill's sponsor, Assemblyman Rob Bonta, D-Oakland, said that California's laws should focus on individuals' actions and evidence rather than political affiliations and what he termed "empty labels."

So I guess calling Trump a "Commie" is just an "empty label." I agree that focus should be on individuals actions, but don't be so blatantly hypocritical about it.
Well if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black assed

you see that is what I'm talking about.....the right has this inbred problem with their thinking....there is a big difference between rewarding some one..no matter who...on the job they do...where as the right...wants money to vote or perform duties that they are already being paid to do...Like trump and McConnell...and ryan...and cruz....and Rubio...need I go on....they all draw money from Russia to sway the vote....dems reward on duties performed

the right just incapable of understanding how things are supposed to work...a worker does a job..he gets rewarded in the normal world....under the right...he does a job and gets paid to do the job...yet wants kickbacks...and doesn't care where they come from

just more of their lack of morals or the ability to distinguish right from wrong
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you see that is what I'm talking about.....the right has this inbred problem with their thinking....there is a big difference between rewarding some one..no matter who...on the job they do...where as the right...wants money to vote or perform duties that they are already being paid to do...Like trump and McConnell...and ryan...and cruz....and Rubio...need I go on....they all draw money from Russia to sway the vote....dems reward on duties performed

the right just incapable of understanding how things are supposed to work...a worker does a job..he gets rewarded in the normal world....under the right...he does a job and gets paid to do the job...yet wants kickbacks...and doesn't care where they come from

just more of their lack of morals or the ability to distinguish right from wrong
Yes RUSSIA is the root of all evil as are Republicans - they're BAD BAD BAD
Looney bin liberals that insult, cajole, and in general never shut up - however - are by far and away - The WORST !!! ; }
the only true statement you have made since you have been on here
Says you - who needs to edit statements - the very oldest of liberal tricks - to change the context to your end - I feel bad for people that have become so incensed and indoctrinated to the liberal view point that all they can do is defend and promote their looney bin views :|
Anyone care to guess who this girl is? What SHE has to do with Donald Trump?

pic_political-Trump-AnastasiaVashukevich4.jpg..... CLUE, its the latest, breaking TRUMP scandal
.....It seems two Russian ladies ... Anastasia Vashukevich & Anastasia Dovydova, ran a sex-slave fantasy ******* website in Moscow and were often seen with quite a few oligarchs. Interestingly, these two girls worked as a team and as one was having sex with a rich client, the other was filming the event as well. Little did the clients realize (what dumbasses) that copies of films & pictures were also being retained. They would often film themselves having sex in public, which was the case (shown above) in which many witnesses watched as Anastasia Vashukevich screwed her rich 'john' out in the open. Unfortunately, the one above, occurring in the middle of Moscow, got her locked up in jail.
.....Now she's making threats that IF she's not released, she's going to start talking about Vad. P-U-T-I-N and events with Donald Trump. There must be something to it because you can hardly find photos of these girls on the Russian internet (Russian government has taken all of them down) and have also deleted their Sex-Slave website. But, the tabloids and a few newspapers are just getting the scope.
.....Now, here's the really, really interesting part (as Trump would say), some videos & pictures with Trump go back to before the girls were even of legal age, although sex with minors isn't enforced in Russia as it is in other countries. Its also believed that these two girls might be the two rumored to have trashed a motel suite with Trump, peeing on the bed & carpet, etc which has long been a rumored story of Trump's sexual escapades with young girls before he was considering the WH.
pic_political-TrumpInHandcuffs.jpg .... Could these pictures/videos be what the Russians have on Donald Trump? We'll see SOON!
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Anyone care to guess who this girl is? What SHE has to do with Donald Trump?
.... CLUE, its the latest, breaking TRUMP scandal

Yep - think I would suddenly have inside info if I was in a Thai prison also. If she has anything - do you really think the US government is going to get her out? LOL! She may have just signed her death warrant! Any other country getting her out will simply be discredited. I wouldn't take her word any more than I would Trumps. It will just open a whole new can of lies.

“I am the only witness and the missing link in the connection between Russia and the U.S. elections

Sure you are ;), Fall guy, maybe. Missing link? Think not.

Hay Trump - I Have info that will bury you! please get me out of jail so I can tell the world!! :bounce::bounce::bounce:
If she has anything - do you really think the US government is going to get her out?
Pictures & videos worth a lot more than 'words' and hearsay, right? Let's just see what develops. This rumor of Trump and young girls has been floating around for several years, long before he became President. You just know that there are photos someplace. Put 2 and 2 together, maybe this is the Big Thing the Russians have on Trump ... I'd certainly be trying to quiet it down if it was so. Patience, baby ... this might be the straw.
Pictures & videos worth a lot more than 'words' and hearsay, right? Let's just see what develops. This rumor of Trump and young girls has been floating around for several years, long before he became President. You just know that there are photos someplace. Put 2 and 2 together, maybe this is the Big Thing the Russians have on Trump ... I'd certainly be trying to quiet it down if it was so. Patience, baby ... this might be the straw.

I would agree- if there is proof, then lets get it. But I'm betting it just becomes another "he said - she said" and nothing comes of it. You know money can bury a lot of secrets. I wish people who claim they have it "something" would just put it out there instead of using it as a bargaining chip - it just screams 'PAY DAY!". If this chick is already in Jail shes not going to be able to get a hold of anything once she is sprung by any government. If Russia gets her out, she is likely never to be herd from again as she could easily condemn fellow Russians and she has already expressed her willingness to sing. We will see how it plays out.
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Could Trump's undoing be as simple as "RUSSIAN PUSSY" ....

cartoon-Camel.jpgIf so, I can't imagine Melania hanging around a second longer. But with Trump, anything is possible.
hell the right doesn't even need the Russians to keep up their ******* tricks!
republican politics as usual!

House Republicans tried to smear a Democratic senator by leaking his texts to Fox News
The Week

Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee apparently leaked a Senate Democrat's private text messages to Fox News in an attempt to discredit him, The New York Times writes based on the Senate Intelligence Committee's conclusions. The text messages — in which the Senate Intelligence Committee's ranking member, Mark Warner (D-Va.), attempts to arrange a meeting with the author of the controversial Trump dossier, Christopher Steele, by talking to a Russia-linked lawyer — were initially shared with the House Intelligence Committee by the Senate Intelligence Committee, at the request of the former's chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.). Copies of the texts had been submitted to the Senate committee ...
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Did House Republicans leak a senator's texts to conservative media?

For much of the last year, there’s been ample reason to believe the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee, led by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), is simply out of control. Nunes’ partisan antics and sycophantic attitude toward Donald Trump have made the once-respected committee a laughingstock. There’s news today that suggests the House panel is actually getting worse. To quickly recap, Fox News reported several weeks ago that Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the ranking member on the Senate Intelligence Committee, made an effort to reach out to Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence official who wrote a dossier on Trump, through an intermediary. The story, based on text exchanges between ...
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anyone know where I can find a good republican?

it's a joke...there isn't one!
that's like saying where can I find an intelligent trump supporter...when statistics show...there isn't one!