Politics, Politics, Politics

As the 2018 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) winds down, the mainstream media is admitting President Trump’s economic nationalist victory in taking over the conservative movement and thus, the Republican Party.

In POLITICO Magazine, Tim Alberta notes how CPAC attendees booing down of ‘Never Trump’ National Review columnist Mona Charen after she criticized Trump and French economic nationalist Marion Le Pen embodied the shift in which the movement has made away from open borders, free trade, and foreign interventionism.

Well, statistics show the Republican states rank lowest (on average) in unimportant stuff like employment, wages, health insured, education, but highest in the really important stuff like gun ownership and house trailer ownership ... View attachment 1730334

You are truly disconnected. In my experience the poorest among us are the liberals and democrat voters (Detroit & Chicago comes to mind) - IF they even get off their ass to vote. Just volunteer at you local food bank for a month if you don't believe me, talk to them, get to know them. You will see a lot in common with yourself and you will see those that are struggling are always voting Democrat. More importantly you will see the true nature of "entitlement".

Most people that understand you have to work for what you want in life are doing OK. Also, a lot of people I know that are conservative - don't own guns. But - you keep believing those memes, after all, it was on the internet.
Mac...you buying any of this?
"Just volunteer at you local food bank for a month if you don't believe me, talk to them, get to know them. You will see a lot in common with yourself"

naturally most who don't have.... are a democrat......do they expect them to support their tax cuts....cuts to health care....cuts to Medicaid...food stamps.....true most don't get off their ass and vote...but how many work at Wal-Mart and are needing food supplements and etc?....housing?

how many of the elderly are still working fast food and etc...just trying to make ends meet?
or cover health care?
some can just barely get around and rely on those meals on wheels deals that just got cut!
and these unwed mothers and just plain poor women that rely on the women's health program that the right keeps wanting to do away with and already has in some states because they say it funds abortion
I can think of a thousand reasons why those without would be a democrat rather than a republican
the left may not be doing enough to help....but the left is not going out of their way to hurt either!
Mac, it's not a matter of how many people are in poverty and where, it's a matter of who is putting them, or I should say, Keeping them in poverty.
You claim to be against entitlements, but yet all you want to do is create more entitlements.
Yeah, more guns, fewer restrictions, remember "Only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" .... yeah! I mean, you bought into "Trickle Down Economics" creates jobs and "Deficit Spending" when cutting income taxes pay for themselves" ... right? Just believe me .... I'd never lie to you, I swear to money, OPPS .... I mean God!

it's not a matter of how many people are in poverty and where, it's a matter of who is putting them, or I should say, Keeping them in poverty.
exactly RIGHT, TwoBi ... and therein lies the argument. If more money in the pockets of people was intended to help the poor and middleclass, how come the recent Republican tax cut went mostly to the corporations, 1% and wealthiest, and then as usual, they take away existing programs from the poorest, the retired, etc to offset the tax cut? Why is that? Every "trickle down" tax cut is followed by a reduction in existing help to the poor OR an increase in a tax that impacts the poor & middleclass the most, OR BOTH. Why is that, TwoBi? Please say "To Create Good Jobs For The POOR!"
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CBC News has learned former Ontario health minister Eric Hoskins will chair a federal government advisory council with a goal of creating a national pharmacare plan.
Hoskins announced his resignation as minister this afternoon without providing any details.
A federal government source has told CBC News the council’s mandate will be to “consult a wide range of stakeholders, provinces, territories, Indigenous groups and experts” and then provide the government with options on how to proceed with a national pharmacare program.
The advisory council has until 2019 to complete its job.

forsing ******* into college with promises of good paying jobs does more to increase inequality

We like to view higher education as the "great equalizer" that leads to social mobility. But selective colleges have long been accused of perpetuating class divides, rather than blurring them.
A recent landmark study by Stanford's Caroline Hoxby and Harvard's Christopher Avery lent further empirical evidence to this accusation, finding that high-achieving low-income students do not have access to selective schools. The study showed that the mismatch is due to a lack of knowledge, not quality. Low-income students outside of major urban centers do not even apply to the top-tier colleges for which they are qualified.
Many commentators and the study authors themselves have looked for ways to alleviate this mismatch. A follow-up study found that supplying basic information to applicants could substantially increase the number of low-income students applying to more selective schools. Just giving low-income ******* packets of information helped them apply to better schools.

Yet while the information gaps are real and need to be addressed, there is a much deeper structural problem. If most top colleges wanted to be truly equitable, they could not be with their current business model. There is not a golden pot of low-income applicants that schools want but are failing to reach. Instead, many schools don't want more low-income students because they won't be able to pay for them without a major overhaul of school funding practices. Outside of the handful of super-elite universities with fortress endowments, colleges' finances are currently designed around enrolling a disproportionately high number of high-income students. These schools could not afford to support more low-income or middle-income students absent either a huge increase in tuition, a commensurate reduction in spending, or a dramatic change in public funding.

exactly RIGHT, TwoBi ... and therein lies the argument. If more money in the pockets of people was intended to help the poor and middleclass, how come the recent Republican tax cut went mostly to the corporations, 1% and wealthiest, and then as usual, they take away existing programs from the poorest, the retired, etc to offset the tax cut? Why is that? Every "trickle down" tax cut is followed by a reduction in existing help to the poor OR an increase in a tax that impacts the poor & middleclass the most, OR BOTH. Why is that, TwoBi? Please say "To Create Good Jobs For The POOR!"

I'll take trickle down over Robin Hood economics any day. stealing from the rich and hard working person and give it all to the poor (supposedly) has never worked in any other country, what makes you think it will work here? I also don't mind them cutting entitlements, we should provide for those who can't do for themselves and give less to those who won't do for themselves. Raising the tax on the rich only effect the middle class. The rich may not have needed this tax cut, but the middle class did. We need to create opportunities, not more welfare babies.
I also don't mind them cutting entitlements, we should provide for those who can't do for themselves and give less to those who won't do for themselves. Raising the tax on the rich only effect the middle class. The rich may not have needed this tax cut, but the middle class did. We need to create opportunities, not more welfare babies.
.....Oh my, spoken like a true, selfish conservative. You guys learn those canned railroad speeches and that's automatically what rolls off your tongue when tax cuts and tax increases are mentioned. I guess it helps in having to avoid really thinking about the issues. Obviously, a start (with your belief) would be to better educate our society. No doubt that would help prepare more unemployed/under-employed with the right jobs needed for the future. Unfortunately, your Republicans are cutting funding to public education, and instead pushing the voucher/private sector. They know that's not feasible for many poor families, but they don't give a rats ass about poor families. This talk of "helping" the poor is all BS to a party that says we want to reduce government funding/entitlements to a point that it can be drowned in a bathtub. You, unfortunately do NOT take them serious here ... when they say they want to drown it in a bathtub, that's exactly what they want to do ... NO Entitlements, NO government assistant programs, nothing. Didn't they already show their intentions with their awesome Republican Health Plan they promised ... their awesome Tax Cut for the poor they promised? But you guys just keep going back to the trough time and again to get yet another bag of their BS feedings.
.....Republicans in Washington have no concerns for their tax payers in their states, THAT'S why so many Republican run states rank at the bottom for health care, income, jobs, etc etc. We've had this discussion hundreds of times, TwoBi ... and you keep crying about welfare babies and lazy poor people. Many of them now were placed there with those awesome past "tax cuts for the poor & middleclass" and "jobs, jobs, jobs" programs. Just keep sucking up that Republican KoolAid. If you have a productive lower class, who will use their earned incomes to buy appliances, furniture, cars, even "health care" .... you'd see things turn around. This country runs on REVENUE, TwoBi .... if the lower income earners don't have it, it has to come from those who have been blessed & enjoy the fruits of labor and the PROTECTION of the government to allow them to earn those incomes. Why is it that the United States spends more on its military than the NEXT 10 countries (including Russia & China) added together ... tell me that? Why can congressmen use the tax payers dime to take their families on vacations?
.....The thing is, you have been brain washed to believe that if they're not working they're lazy ... that the poor pay no taxes, etc ... that's not necessarily true, and in fact is often not the case. No jobs, bad health, dependent responsibilities, etc ... Also, if it were true, Republicans would be pushing to upgrade the educational system instead of pounding billions of education dollars down the Military rat hole. And the poor workers DO pay taxes, and you damn well know that ... that's totally BS rightwing talk. The ones who are living off the country are the wealthiest ... including your dearly selected President Trump, who's got money stashed around the globe to avoid taxes on it. The real bandits to our society are those who encourage ($$$$$) our elected officials to pass legislation that favors THEM ... and fuck the poor.
.....Pull your head out of the ground ... might help to see what's really going on. By the time Mueller gets done, there may be no Republicans in office at all ... LOL ... bunch of frik'n thieves.