Politics, Politics, Politics

Wife of lawmaker who killed himself loses election bid
ADAM BEAM,Associated Press

The wife of a former Kentucky Republican lawmaker who killed himself last year after facing sexual assault allegations has lost her attempt to fill the remainder of her husband's term in a special election that ended up being a referendum of sorts on the #metoo movement.
Rebecca Johnson denied the allegations against Dan Johnson, claiming he was a victim of "an assault from the left." But the allegations were backed up by an on-the-record interview from the victim, plus pages of police documents that were published by the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting after months of reporting.

Votes on Tuesday in this rural Kentucky House district just south of Louisville voted overwhelmingly to replace Johnson with Linda Belcher, a retired teacher and former Democratic state lawmaker who lost to Dan Johnson by less than 200 votes in 2016.

Carol Schneider, 65, called Rebecca Johnson "a die hard, stand by your man kind of woman." But she voted for Belcher, she said, because Johnson was "hanging on to a bunch of lies and now that he's dead he's like this martyr."
James Carmony, 47, said he wasn't sure he believed the sexual assault allegations and said he ultimately voted for Johnson because she is a Republican and he believed she would support the state's GOP governor. "A lot of things like that come out, sometimes they are true and sometimes they are not," Carmony.

Tuesday's election was also one of the first signs in 2018 that Democrats have momentum heading into the pivotal midterm elections two years into Donald Trump's presidency.

The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee said it's at least the 37th contested seat Democrats have taken from Republicans since Trump was inaugurated. And it may have come in the reddest district to date. Trump won Kentucky's 49th House district in 2016 with more than 72 percent of the vote. On Tuesday, the Democratic candidate won with more than 68 percent of the vote.
"The results here show that if we can win in this district, we can win anywhere," said Ben Self, chairman of the Kentucky Democratic Party. "I think this shows the entire House, the Kentucky House, is in play."
Republicans scoffed at that notion, with state GOP spokesman Tres Watson pointing to low turnout and the circumstances of Johnson's suicide "clouding the outcome."
Despite the lopsided results, Johnson refused to concede, citing "widespread voter fraud."
"I've heard from and about people all day long saying they went to vote for me at the correct polling place and were refused the opportunity to vote," Johnson said in a news release. "It's like we're in a Third World country."
Earlier in the day, county election officials discovered residents in a particular subdivision were incorrectly listed as not living in the district. Bullitt County Clerk Kevin Mooney said the problem was fixed and poll workers were instructed to send affected voters to another precinct. Mooney said if all of the affected voters had voted for Johnson, it would not have changed the outcome.
At her campaign headquarters in downtown Shepherdsville, Belcher said she won the election "fair and square." It is the third time voters have elected Belcher, who was first elected in 2008 when she replaced her husband on the ballot after he was killed in a car wreck.
Belcher said it was "hard to say" if sexual assault allegations against Dan Johnson and his death played a part in the election, adding: "I have tried to stay very positive and away from that whole situation."
Belcher told a reporter Bullitt County "has spoken what it wants."
"It wants honesty and integrity and a very visible person as their state representative," she said.
Trump's former bodyguard paid handsomely by RNC 'slush fund'

We learned last fall that the Republican National Committee, for reasons that have never been altogether clear, paid the legal bills for Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. – but not the other members of the president’s team who’ve been caught up in the Russia scandal. CNBC reports today that the RNC also appears to be paying Trump’s former bodyguard an unusually generous sum. When President Donald Trump’s longtime bodyguard Keith Schiller decided to leave his White House job last fall, many in the West Wing wondered how the president would manage without his personal security chief-turned-confidant, who had been working for Trump nearly 20 years. As it turns out, Schiller didn’t go very far. Within ...
Mueller Just Made Many More People Very Nervous
Charles P. Pierce,Esquire

Two business days, 14 new indictments. Bob Mueller grinds exceedingly slowly, but very, very fine. Today’s contestant is one Alex Van Der Zwaan, a lawyer whom Mueller’s team has indicted on charges that he lied to investigators regarding communications he had with Rick Gates, a former aide to Paul Manafort who, the evidence suggests, is singing a German opera to Mueller and his team at the moment. From CNN:
Alex Van Der Zwaan, who is expected to plead guilty Tuesday afternoon, is also accused of lying about the failure to turn over an email communication to the special counsel's office. He was speaking with investigators about his work with international law firm Skadden Arps in 2012, when Manafort arranged for the firm to be hired by the Ukrainian Minister of Justice to prepare a report on the trial of Yulia Tymoshenko.​

This may seem like a trivial bit of Tolstoyan intrigue, but it’s a signifying moment, too. It shows that Mueller is chasing every rat down every ratline. (So much for the talking point that the probe concluded last Friday with the indictment of the 13 Russians, who never will see the inside of an American courtroom.)

Also, if the investigation is reaching into the white-shoe power law firms in Washington, a lot of important people are going to get very, very nervous. Many of them have nothing to do with anything Mueller is investigating, and those people are not going to be happy watching the spreading poison of this administration*’s leaching into their boardrooms. The reaction is likely to be fierce. Skadden Arps says it cut this guy loose a year ago.
It’s pretty much assured that Manafort is securely on a spit right now and that this latest indictment is just another slow turn over the fire. And Manafort is the man who knows all the secrets. One plea at a time, Mueller is establishing that the president* is inherently corrupt and that his candidacy and election were just two unusually successful operations in a continuing criminal enterprise.
You gotta know that President DumbNuts is probably telling all these people to say NOTHING and he'll pardon them ... "no worries". I imagine he thinks he can still pardon himself.
You gotta know that President DumbNuts is probably telling all these people to say NOTHING and he'll pardon them ... "no wo

I agree........they must be pretty sure dipshit will pardon them...Manafort getting pretty ballsie and they just keep getting more on him....I see where manafort was supposedly working for free....but after he quit the campaign...received several million dollars in loans all from trump people......Mueller looking into that now.........and now with Flynn changing some of his pleas...at first he was worried about saving his ******* and willing to talk...now all of a sudden he is getting ballsie

I'm guessing Mueller has more than enough to hang a bunch of them to include Kushner....but will hold his cards and go directly for trump first!
once he has trump and impeachment starts then go after the rest...I'm sure he isn't going to go to all this trouble just to see trump pardon them
you want people to believe something from the fox cartoon network?
they are not considered a news station in several countries...but we let them spout the ******* here because we have so many republican fanatics
Grand jury indicts Missouri governor who admitted affair
This governor actually took photos of the woman nude and was blackmailing her with them if she exposed the affair she had with him. What an idiot!
Yet another crooked, bullying Republican goes down. This one will be going to jail, for sure.
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Trump, CPAC Lovefest Interrupted by Conservative Commentator Ben Shapiro, Who Calls President’s Lies ‘Immoral’
Alexander Nazaryan,Newsweek

Conservative celebrity Ben Shapiro had a simple message to President Donald Trump: Stop lying. The message was delivered, with customary bluntness, during the Daily Wire editor’s CPAC speech Thursday afternoon. And it was generally well received by the hundreds of conservatives who packed a ballroom here in National Harbor, Maryland, to hear the young conservative thinker speak.

“We have to tell the truth,” Shapiro urged his fellow conservatives. Although most of his speech was devoted to attacking the liberal culture of political correctness—a concept he neglected to define—Shapiro explicitly criticized Trump for bragging about his inauguration crowd and seeming to side with the white nationalists involved in a deadly rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last summer.

"It is nonsense, it is immoral and it actually helps those who push PC,” Shapiro said, using the acronym for political correctness, the defeat of which was the central subject of his speech, which he gave in his trademark rapid-fire delivery.
Determined little 'crooks" aren't they!

U.S. Supreme Court again asked to stop Pennsylvania voting map
Lyle Denniston,National Constitution Center Thu, Feb 22 8:43 AM CST
Arguing that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court unconstitutionally seized the power to draw new congressional districts away from the state legislature, the two top Republican lawmakers in the state returned to the U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday night with a plea to block the judge-drawn map. The new request was filed 16 days after a similar plea was rejected by Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr.

The center of the challenge is the legislative leaders’ claim that the federal Constitution assigns to state legislatures full authority to devise new election districts for the U.S. House of Representatives, leaving no role for state courts. There are Supreme Court precedents from the past that seem to lean both ways on that question.
While much of the argument in the new filing seems to suggest that the violation of the Constitution’s Elections Clause is clear and definite under prior Supreme Court rulings that should dictate the outcome now, the legislators say at one point that they were laying before the Justices “an issue of federal law long overdue for definitive resolution by this Court.”
One section of the document seeks to counter the historic reality that the Justices seldom will second-guess how a state’s highest court interprets its own state constitution. It argues that the task of drawing the lines of congressional districts is always a legislative one, so the Pennsylvania court used its power of constitutional interpretation to put itself in position to do the legislative chore itself. It also contends that, from the very beginning, the majority of the state court had no intention of giving the legislature time and opportunity to adopt a valid plan once it had struck down the legislature’s 2011 plan, shortening the time to assure the court the option to create its own electoral map.

The filing says that the state court majority did not actually give the legislature guidance on how to remedy the state constitutional flaw it had found until two days before the legislature was ordered to come up with such an alternative. That, too, was intentional, the state GOP legislators concluded.
The federal constitutional argument under Article I’s Elections Clause seeks to rely heavily upon a strict construction of that provision, to appeal to Justices who follow an “originalist” and “textualist” approach to the Constitution – past and current conservative Justices. It quotes at length from those Justices’ prior writings on the Clause.
Although the document was heavily focused on constitutional arguments, it also supplied several other claims to attract the Justices’ attention: that the court-drawn plan was issued in a form and on a timetable that will cause voter confusion and polling place chaos in this year’s elections, that the court at the last minute came up with a plan for “proportional representation” of seats among the two major parties, and that it belatedly devised line-drawing principles that are nowhere in the state constitution.

In discussing the claim of confusion and chaos for voters and election officials this year, the document notes that the court is allowing the use of the invalidated 2011 plan in a special election on March 13 to fill a congressional vacancy in one district while mandating that the court’s new plan be used throughout the state in the May 15 primary. The two candidates now running for the open seat, it said, do not even live in the new district the court crafted for that part of the state. (State government officials who conduct elections have several times moved to assure the state court that they can carry out both elections without difficulty or confusion.)
In a carefully worded portion of the document, the GOP legislators intimate that the four Justices in the majority in devising the new plan had run for office as Democratic candidates and drew up a plan with the specific aim of shifting seats to future Democratic candidates. (Pennsylvania chooses its justices for the highest court by election.)
The document, however, nowhere mentions that the 2011 plan – used in three separate elections since its drafting – has always produced 13 seats for Republican candidates and five for Democratic candidates, even though statewide voting totals in those elections were almost evenly split between the two major parties.

Those were results that the challengers to the 2011 plan had partly relied on in claiming it was an invalid “partisan gerrymander” in violation of the state constitution’s guarantee of “free and equal” elections. The state court’s conclusion that the 2011 plan was driven by a partisan motive was that the legislature had drawn oddly shaped districts that violated traditional redistricting principles in order to dilute the votes of Democratic voters.
Under the state court’s new plan, election experts have suggested that it will lead to Democrat gains of at least three seats, for a split of 10 Republican victors and eight Democratic winners, and maybe a gain of as many as four seats, for an even split of party winners, nine to nine.
At this point, the GOP legislative leaders are only seeking a Supreme Court order blocking the state court’s new plan until the legislators can file and the Justices can act on their constitutional challenge to that plan in a direct appeal from the state’s highest court. Under the Justices’ rules, they have authority to review a state court decision that was based on a finding based on a federal legal or constitutional question – in this instance, the state court’s defense of its authority to draw new districts in the face of an Elections Clause challenge by state GOP leaders.

The filing was submitted to Justice Alito, who handles emergency matters from the region that includes Pennsylvania – the federal Third Circuit. Alito has the option of acting alone, as he did earlier this month in denying the previous postponement request by the legislative leaders, or of sharing the task with his eight colleagues. It is up to Alito to decide which step to take. It would take the votes of five Justices to grant the delay request, but Alito alone could deny it as could five Justices if the full Court were to act.
Ordinarily, the rules of the Supreme Court provide that such delay requests will seldom be granted unless such a request was first pursued in the lower court whose decision is at stake. As of Wednesday night, there had been no such filing with the state court, and the filing with the Justices did not mention that potential question.
Although Justice Alito turned down the prior request by the legislative leaders, their new filing said there had been further missteps by the state court majority since then – the delay in providing guidance for the legislature on any new plan, and the takeover of the final map-drawing by the state court.

Meanwhile, there have been discussions among state and national GOP leaders of a separate plan to challenge the state court’s map in a federal court in Harrisburg, with that filing coming perhaps later today. If that separate lawsuit were to be filed in a way that involved the same parties on both sides, a provision of federal law that has existed since 1789 could require the federal court to respect, at least to a degree, the decision now made by the state court. New parties on one side would not be faced with that restriction, however.
Legendary journalist Lyle Denniston has written for us as a contributor since June 2011 and has covered the Supreme Court since 1958. His work also appears on lyldenlawnews.com.
we needed Bernie sanders to make America great again but he would not have been worth a ******* for all the foreign troubles we have right now...my opinion
Yes we needed that communist - for sure - you can thank Hillary and the DNC for killing his chances !!!
Classic TDS !!!
hey...I threw them out there just for you!

Yes we needed that communist - for sure - you can thank Hillary and the DNC for killing his chances !!!

Sanders has/had a lot of good ideas....but thought he might be pretty weak on foreign policy...although look what we got now!

as for Hillary and the DNC killing his chances....you notice he doesn't bring it up?...wonder why?
he fucking knows...he was raiding her contact list and even raiding her campaign people...at first he thought it was all part of DNC and said he thought it was open.....when caught they told him those were all Hillary's contacts....so he stopped...supposedly....then he started raiding her different campaign spots trying to steal employees...he knew what he was doing and got caught!...and burned!

Not really a Hillary fan...but did think she was the best by far of all the candidates...but she came with baggage!
Sanders might have beat her until he got caught pulling ******* and even the DNC worked against him after that

Hillary knew foreign policy...got along with most world leader...except Russia....worked on health care as first lady and was pretty well versed on it....and hubby had a good team on the economy which a lot of them would have come back...she was the best bet....but the right had been destroying her for years and all that would have been an issue and distracted from the facts...which it did!...with Russian help!
hey...I threw them out there just for you!

Sanders has/had a lot of good ideas....but thought he might be pretty weak on foreign policy...although look what we got now!

as for Hillary and the DNC killing his chances....you notice he doesn't bring it up?...wonder why?
he fucking knows...he was raiding her contact list and even raiding her campaign people...at first he thought it was all part of DNC and said he thought it was open.....when caught they told him those were all Hillary's contacts....so he stopped...supposedly....then he started raiding her different campaign spots trying to steal employees...he knew what he was doing and got caught!...and burned!

Not really a Hillary fan...but did think she was the best by far of all the candidates...but she came with baggage!
Sanders might have beat her until he got caught pulling ******* and even the DNC worked against him after that

Hillary knew foreign policy...got along with most world leader...except Russia....worked on health care as first lady and was pretty well versed on it....and hubby had a good team on the economy which a lot of them would have come back...she was the best bet....but the right had been destroying her for years and all that would have been an issue and distracted from the facts...which it did!...with Russian help!
Yeah - RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA - all RUSSIA - WAH WAH WAH - you dems are so fixated and lost - keep at that - you guys are the ONLY ones that care