Politics, Politics, Politics

Where did you find this quote in the article?
normally everything I post has a link to it or says where it came from...but I think that was this mornings post....and 90% of what I get comes from my YAHOO home page...they have articles from a variety of sources

"I also think if the senate were to announce that they were taking away Trump's pardon powers....you would see a lot more start talking to save their own bacon!"

yes agree with you on that and think I did say that earlier....got to wonder how all this will play out...if they start prosecuting people and trump just does a sweeping pardon all of this will be a wasted effort....and if the senate can not stop him from pardoning....????

maybe Mueller will go after Trump first...once they have him do the others?????
A Republican senate take away powers of a sitting Republican president? gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif
Here, take a drag on this for a while ... gif_Yellowball-SmokingDope2.gif"yeah, dude, I agree"
maybe Mueller will go after Trump first...once they have him do the others?????
I think the best way to deal with these snakes is to put them all in a "very, very" large, dark room, give 'em all AR-16s (appropriately) and promise to totally pardon the lone survivor. They'd take the offer even if family members were in the room with them.
A Republican senate take away powers of a sitting Republican president
I agree.....but something has to be done and we all know what trump's plans are....last I heard he even was looking into pardoning himself

besides I was sure they took something away from him a while back...did something so he could not over do it anyway
Res Ipsa loquitur

In the common law of torts, res ipsa loquitur is a doctrine that infers negligence from the very nature of an accident or injury, in the absence of direct evidence on how any defendant behaved. Although modern formulations differ by jurisdiction, common law originally stated that the accident must satisfy the necessary elements of negligence, which are duty, breach of duty, causation, and injury.

not quite true!
I agree.....but something has to be done and we all know what trump's plans are....last I heard he even was looking into pardoning himself

besides I was sure they took something away from him a while back...did something so he could not over do it anyway
yeah, members of his staff took his "twitter" privileges away from him for a day or two so he wouldn't dig his hole to bury himself, deeper.
Twitter Uncovers the Shocking Link Between Trump’s Campaign and Russia
Lizz Schumer,The Cheat Sheet

New details reveal that President Donald Trump’s aide George Papadopoulos maintained close ties to Vladimir Putin and Russia. Reporter and attorney Seth Abramson released the new information on Twitter. He noted the Greek media has a very different perspective on Papadopoulos — one which looks damaging for Trump. That might mean big things for the Trump campaign. Here’s what Abramson found out, and what it means for Trump. 1. Papadopoulos has close ties with this Putin puppet This video shows Vladimir Putin meeting Panos Kammenos, the Greek Defense Minister and an ally of Putin. According to The Daily Beast, Defense Minister Panos Kammenos signed a memorandum of understanding between his Athens ...

I still think papdopoulos is feeding Mueller and be the one to bring trump down!
the rest is just icing on the cake!
even Papadopoulos gf said there would be a lot more to follow!
An effort called #WakandaTheVote meant to ramp up black voter registration kicked off this week at several screenings of Marvel’s blockbuster superhero film Black Panther.

“This weekend we wanted to meet our people in Wakanda,” Electoral Justice Project (EJP) founders Kayla Reed and Jessica Byrd told Blavity of the voter drive initiative. which is a project by the Movement for Black Lives that aims to fight for and advance the rights of black Americans.

“We know that for some it’s a superhero world, but we know that the world we deserve is still waiting to be built — and we want to build it! This upcoming spring and November 2018 midterm elections are an important step in building that new world, and we want to take every opportunity to engage our communities in the conversation of electoral justice,” the activists said. “We will be registering people to vote at movie theaters across the country so that we can #wakandathevote at the ballot box.”

Electoral Justice Project is a project by the Movement for Black Lives, which is, according to its website, “a collective of more than 50 organizations representing thousands of Black people from across the country have come together with renewed energy and purpose to articulate a common vision and agenda.” The group demands, among other things, “reparations for harms inflicted on black people.”

These people are in panic mode. Because they know what is coming down the line.
The spying on Trumps campaign during the election, with out a valid FISA warrant, under orders of people appointed by Obama and the Bushes is bad enough.
But these very same appointments were/are trying to, not gonna happen, over throw a duelly elected official
That is actual the text book definition of treason.
Thats is why they are doing this, they are flipping up, knowing the general population of the country is going to become aware of this in a real sense soon.
After that it's prison(minimum 10 years) for many or possible death for high treason for a few.
What Trump and his supporters are doing are giving these half wits shovels to dig their own graves.
They are giving all the ammo DOJ and congress needs to justify their imprisonment, when the time comes.
Who are THESE PEOPLE in panic mode you speak of? Treason ... who? Name one. Death sentence? You really must be on hallucinogen *******!
I think I will delete this post after I know you have read it, I don't want to give away the game, to to many people.
I don't blame you. Probably one of your most ridiculous posts I've ever read. Are you taking *******? Smoking dope?
Ever wonder why Trump's been sued over 3,000 times? Amazing, isn't it? Do you suppose ALL those lawsuits were others fault, not his own? Do you really think this guy has even one ounce of integrity in his body?
Mueller is going to want Trump to testify "under oath" soon ... Trump said he would. Do YOU think he really WILL testify under oath? I don't think he'll even show up, much less testify before Mueller.
And to think, you folks still TRUST this man? Jesus!

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Trump Makes America Great Again For Foreign Workers — At Mar-A-Lago
Mary Papenfuss,HuffPost

While President Donald Trump rails at American companies that hire foreign workers, he’s not following his own advice. Of 144 openings at three of his properties, including Mar-a-Lago, only a single one went to an American, according to Department of Labor records. The rest went to seasonal foreign workers in the U.S. on special visas requested by the Trump Organization, reports Vox.
An examination of filings by the Trump Organization with the Labor Department from 2016 to 2017 reveals that a lone American worker, a cook, was hired in August 2016 among 144 open positions for servers, cooks, housekeepers and bartenders, Vox found. Most of the jobs were at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, Trump’s favorite weekend getaway. The others were the National Golf Club in Briarcliff Manor, in New York, and Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida. The jobs generally pay $10 to $13 an hour.
Mar-a-Lago was granted 70 visas to bring in foreign workers just last year for the winter season beginning in October. That was a 9 percent increase over the previous year.
Politics‘This Is Who the American People Elected’: White House Grapples with Un-Presidential Trump After School Shooting
Asawin Suebsaeng,

In the days ahead of the long Presidents’ Day weekend, several White House aides had privately conceded to The Daily Beast that they were worried how it would look if their boss decided to go golfing, again. Entering the weekend directly following the Parkland school shooting—at a time when family and friends of the victims, as well as survivors, were still grappling with what had struck their community—President Donald Trump was already scheduled to spend the next few days at his Florida resort getaway, Mar-a-Lago, where he famously takes long stretches of hours to golf and blow off steam. Senior White House officials were fully aware of how bad the optics would be, and how aloof the president would appear, if Trump hit the golf course to relax as another Florida community mourned and held memorials. At least as of Sunday early morning, the president’s staff got its wish. ...

the guy just has NO-CLASS!
nongolfer...this is what I was trying to get at........and surprised it hasn't come up......but don't think it would be a wise decision on Trumps part!
pretty sure the country wouldn't like it...nor members of congress...and I think this is what Flynn/manafort are counting on

Trump Should Pardon Flynn, Gates, Himself and Everyone in the Russian Collusion Investigation, Conservatives Say
Greg Price,Newsweek

President Donald Trump should pardon anyone caught in Robert Mueller’s probe—including himself. That's the opinion of conservative activists and Trump supporters, following the special counsel's latest indictments regarding Russian election meddling.
The pardon cries were specifically for former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, former deputy campaign manager Rick Gates, former campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and former national security adviser Michael Flynn, Politico reported Monday.

All four face charges from Mueller, with Flynn and Papadopoulos both pleading guilty and cooperating with the investigation.
“I think he should be pardoning anybody who’s been indicted and make it clear that anybody else who gets indicted would be pardoned immediately,” senior vice president at the conservative Center for Security Policy Frederick Fleitz told Politico.
Another top conservative also stated Trump should pardon himself.
“It’s kind of cruel what’s going on right now and the president should put these defendants out of their misery,” conservative legal activist Larry Klayman also told Politico. “I think he should pardon everybody — and pardon himself.”

While Manafort awaits trial, Gates was reportedly expected to change his plea of not guilty and testify against Manafort, according to the Los Angeles Times. The pair were business partners and faced charges of laundering millions of dollars offshore and other charges. Gates also stayed on with the Trump campaign after Manafort was fired in August 2016.
Flynn’s indictment, which asserted he lied to the FBI about contact with foreign nationals, was announced in December. Trump was later asked about potentially pardoning the former general. The president told reporters: “I don’t want to talk about pardons for Michael Flynn yet. We’ll see what happens. Let’s see.”

Trump’s ability to pardon himself had reportedly come up for discussion among his personal lawyers. The president asked about his ability to pardon himself, aides and even family members, the Washington Post reported in July, while his legal team though up ways to “undercut” Mueller’s investigation.

Mueller’s indictment of 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for their alleged roles in meddling in the 2016 presidential election was made public Friday, and it also detailed the Russia’s strategies to prop up Trump, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and former Green Party candidate Jill Stein over Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Following the latest indictment, Trump took to Twitter to again assert his campaign did not collude with Russia.
“Russia started their anti-US campaign in 2014, long before I announced that I would run for President. The results of the election were not impacted. The Trump campaign did nothing wrong - no collusion!” Trump tweeted Friday.

Trump fired off several more tweets over the weekend, accusing the “Fake News Media” of poor coverage over the indictment. He also said the FBI had spent too much time on the Russia investigation when it could have been stopping the alleged Florida high school shooter from killing 17 people last week. There is no evidence to suggest Trump's claim is correct.
“Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - there is no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud!” Trump tweeted Saturday,

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has yet again been caught exaggerating ‘global warming’ by fiddling with the raw temperature data.

This time, that data concerns the recent record-breaking cold across the northeastern U.S. which NOAA is trying to erase from history.
If you believe NOAA’s charts, there was nothing particularly unusual about this winter’s cold weather which caused sharks to freeze in the ocean and iguanas to drop out of trees.
Here is NOAA’s January 2018 chart for Northeast U.S. – an area which includes New England along with NY, PA, NJ, DE and MD.
