Politics, Politics, Politics

thought they already established that the Russians did feed the NRA some money and even set up a meet at the NRA

pretty sure I posted something on that a while back
Trump Jr. did have a meet there!

well guess it is still under investigation....but with the senate investigating it probably go no where

NRA's Role In Connecting Trump Campaign With Russians Is Under Senate Investigation
By Cristina Maza On 11/29/17

The Senate Judiciary Committee is investigating the role the National Rifle Association played in connecting the Trump campaign with Russians, according to letters from the panel's top Democrat.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) sent four letters to Trump campaign associates Tuesday requesting more information for the committee's investigation into Russian election interference.

Letters to foreign policy adviser J.D. Gordon and campaign co-chair Sam Clovis asked both men to turn over "all documents concerning the NRA" and several Republicans and Russians tied to it.

One of those people is Paul Erickson, a longtime Republican activist who claimed to be an adviser on Trump’s transition team. Erickson is closely linked with a Russian woman named Maria Butina, a well-known gun rights activist who also worked as a special assistant to the deputy governor of Russia’s central bank, Alexander Torshin.

Butina has bragged that she helped connect the Trump campaign with the Kremlin, according to The Daily Beast, and it’s possible her statements were not just bravado. Torshin requested that Trump meet with him on the sidelines of the National Rifle Association's convention in May 2016. He never met with then-candidate Trump, but he did succeed in securing a meeting with Trump’s ******* Donald Trump Jr.

Butina and Torshin are both lifetime NRA members.

It is still unclear why the Russian central bank official wanted to meet with Trump, which is likely why Feinstein is asking Gordon and Clovis for more documents. She specifically asked for records relating to Erickson, Torshin and Butina.

Trump Jr.'s meeting with Torshin at the NRA convention was revealed when the Senate Judiciary Committee sent a letter earlier this month to Jared Kushner and his attorney admonishing them for not handing over documents about a "Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite."

The dinner turned out to be the invitation from Torshin, who allegedly made the request through an intermediary connected to the NRA. The invitation was allegedly forwarded to Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates before eventually making its way to Kushner.

Trump Jr.'s lawyers have tried to downplay the significance of the meeting, saying that the two men made small talk for just a few minutes.

The risk to Trump in key part of new Mueller indictment


The Mueller indictment reveals "overt acts" from Russians began in June 2016, a key window on the political calendar. From Don Jr.’s offer for “dirt” on Clinton to George Papapolous emailing with Russians about possible meetings with Trump.

even though the report did say several people meat with the Russians unknowingly....there have been several that have had meetings that knew exactly what they were doing.......think they pretty much have him!
he can lie all he wants....Trump Jr.s stupidity is not going to help......papdopolous will be a main key...who knows what all Flynn has said.....eventually manafort will squeal like a pig when he finds out trump can not pardon him
I also think if the senate were to announce that they were taking away Trump's pardon powers....you would see a lot more start talking to save their own bacon!
The Senate can unilaterally amend the Constitution? No dangerous precedent set there, especially when the party you do not favor is in office.
I think there are a lot of Senators a little nervous over the money issue....especially since it has come out that so many have received money from Russia during the campaign....now I read today that even Bernie sanders and jill stein got money also....not counting cruz and Rubio and others..and the 1.5 or 2.5 million McConnell got!

how many are willing to turn their head to avoid having themselves looked at?

******* this damned country is flat For Sale!
I think Trump has taken this country so far into the gutter it will take years to recover...he has set a lot of precedence's...although a lot of our politicians have been gradually pushing us there to begin with...he just brought it all out in the open!

I think a lot of the trump dummies bought into the 'draining the swamp"...because it does need to happen...but I think he said what he needed to say to get some votes and never had any intention of doing so...for him it was all about money and power.....and he needs Russia!
he can't borrow any money in the US ..no one will loan him because of all his bankruptcies...he owes a german bank..millions...and a Chinese bank 30 million......Russia is the only one giving him money right now...without their money he is "toast"
I agree. Hillary, or even Barrack for another four years would have been so much better! Using your logic of having the Senate declare Trump's pardon powers void, I sure wish the Senate would declare Hillary POTUS! Because Constitution and stuff!
I sure wish the Senate would declare Hillary POTUS!

well I would prefer that...but just doubt that would happen....besides the one thing trump has done is pretty much destroy her!....think we might be stuck with pence...and that guy is scary...he does everything in the name of religion...unless we find out somehow pence knew or something...which I really doubt

we need a major "flush" in wash.....but see no way of it ever happening...what is that saying about when greed takes over democracy is lost....we are pretty much there now....trump is just so much more flagrant about it

hell last election we didn't really have any candidates to run...no one half way decent will run!....the right never had a one that was worth anything...although I would have thought Lindsay graham had it in the bag especially with foreign policy so important right now.......the left....Hillary was more than qualified and I think would have done a good job...but she came with to much "baggage"...sanders has a lot of GREAT ideas...but just to far out there....the third party NEVER does anything until most people have already decided who they are voting for
I like Joe biden and think he is a good man...and a great #2...but just don't think he has what is needed to do a lot......I think John Kerry was the man....but after the lies the right put out on him last time I think he wants no part of any of it
so....just like so many times we are stuck picking the lesser of two evils
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Senate has some pretty broad powers according to you

corruption is in control right now and has been for a while!

besides I get suckered just like everyone else....I voted for a republican by the name of james langfort last time because he harped so much on working across the isle......first thing he did after election was push for defunding of planned parenthood!...and has yet to work with anyone except the right
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I pay $50K less in federal income tax this year?
not sure how all that is going to get me yet
my wife went ahead and retired this year...I was going to go one more year...especially since I have this "pud" job working from home....but wanting to take a hike early...and with all these changes....?????
we already bought some property in table rock misouri....and plan on retiring there on the lake...while we are both young enough to enjoy
corruption is in control right now and has been for a while!

Well, since you educated me that the Senate can declare Presidential pardon powers null and void, why can't the Senate declare corruption illegal?!

I mean a pot smoking libera that smoke pot illegally can tell me laws will stop guns, even though laws apparently can't stop illegal marijuana smoking, so anything is possible in this fantasy world, correct?
Well, since you educated me that the Senate can declare Presidential pardon powers null and void

I didn't say they could and don't know if they can....but would be nice...didn't they strip trump of some powers a while back?...not sure....
and I DON"T educate anyone on anything.....I post articles I find interesting and have opinions...that I am more than happy to tell everyone about...that's it!

mean a pot smoking libera that smoke pot illegally can tell me laws will stop guns
not sure what you mean......and I'm not a pot smoker...although someone was saying that we need to follow the constitution laws in everything....but that does not seem to apply to the pot laws...since it against the FEDERAL law to smoke pot....so just a little confusing there

so anything is possible in this fantasy world, correct?
that goes back to the corruption!...money talks!

you wouldn't be jerking my chain just a little there would you?
should have picked up on it when you made the statement about Hillary
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The risk to Trump in key part of new Mueller indictment


The Mueller indictment reveals "overt acts" from Russians began in June 2016, a key window on the political calendar. From Don Jr.’s offer for “dirt” on Clinton to George Papapolous emailing with Russians about possible meetings with Trump.

even though the report did say several people meat with the Russians unknowingly....there have been several that have had meetings that knew exactly what they were doing.......think they pretty much have him!
he can lie all he wants....Trump Jr.s stupidity is not going to help......papdopolous will be a main key...who knows what all Flynn has said.....eventually manafort will squeal like a pig when he finds out trump can not pardon him
I also think if the senate were to announce that they were taking away Trump's pardon powers....you would see a lot more start talking to save their own bacon!

Your quote, not mine.
Where did you find this quote in the article?

"I also think if the senate were to announce that they were taking away Trump's pardon powers....you would see a lot more start talking to save their own bacon!"