Politics, Politics, Politics

A North Carolina toddler was killed while riding in an ambulance after an illegal alien allegedly smashed his car into the emergency vehicle on February 11.
Jose Martin Duran Romero, 27, allegedly crashed his car into the side of an ambulance in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, early on Sunday. Inside was a three-year-old boy and his mom, Lyndsay Ann Oakes, who were being transported to a local hospital for an undisclosed medical emergency, according to the Daily Mail.

The baby was killed. His mom received non-life-threatening injuries that were later treated at the hospital. The driver of the ambulance and a paramedic also suffered minor injuries from the crash.

Winston-Salem Police reported administering a breathalyzer test to Romero two hours after the crash. Officials said the suspect registered more than two times the legal limit for driving under the influence.

and just throw out more food for thought and a lot of speculation going on in the press...

after all the hell trump has raised about the Clinton emails.....and now HE RELEASES classified documents to the world (Nunnes memo)

and just more fun stuff.....I see that there is some speculation Nunnes should be brought up on conspiracy and obstruction charges!
especially since he started his own web site posting fake/false news....
he is not liked in his own district but they are die hard red...so who knows how he will fair in the election....but he better hope the Dems don't get control in the midterms or his ass is toast!
very typical of the right...don't have a valid argument when confronted with the facts.....they have their own version of the truth

CNN host debunks GOP congressman’s FBI conspiracy in just 2 minutes
"This is crazy unless Dan Brown is writing it and putting it in a book!"

During a CNN interview on Wednesday morning, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) placed Carter Page at the center of the FBI’s alleged anti-Trump plot during the 2016 election. But after host Chris Cuomo pointed out the obvious holes in his conspiracy theory, Jordan was left grasping at straws.
Jordan’s theory is that the FBI took out a warrant against Carter Page in October 2016 as part of then-director James Comey’s effort to throw the election for Hillary Clinton, with help from Obama mixed in. But as Cuomo pointed out, if the FBI was indeed scheming against Trump by quietly surveilling a low-level associate who, by that time, had disassociated himself from the campaign, it would be a very odd strategy — not to mention the fact that Comey was going out of his way that same month to hurt Clinton by publicizing the investigation into her emails.

What kind of caper is this, that this is what they came up with to hurt President Trump is to put surveillance on Carter Page, a guy that had almost no real connection to Trump… and then do it just for a few weeks before the election, and they think this is going to affect the outcome of the race? It’s preposterous,” Cuomo said.
Instead of dealing with Cuomo’s counterpoints on the merits, Jordan responded by advancing another already-debunked conspiracy about text messages exchanged between two FBI agents who were having an affair in 2016. Jordan claimed a September 2, 2016 text Lisa Page sent Peter Strzok telling him that “potus wants to know everything we’re doing” is evidence of anti-Trump malfeasance.

However, as Cuomo pointed out, there are straightforward explanations that don’t involve deep state plots.
“What about [Obama] meeting with Putin two days later, and has a conversation with him about ‘stop what you’re doing, cut it out,'” Cuomo said, alluding to a September 4, 2016 meeting between Obama and Putin in which Obama reportedly confronted Putin about election interference. “How come you don’t factor that in to why they were saying Obama wanted to know everything? Maybe that’s exactly what it was about Jim, it was exactly about, ‘tell me what I need to know about what their interference is, I’m about to talk to the guy.'”

Jordan didn’t have any good answers. Later, Cuomo summarized the absurdity of his conspiracy.
“Peter Strzok wrote the letter about reopening the case,” he said. “Jim Comey crushed Hillary Clinton. This is crazy unless Dan Brown is writing it and putting it in a book!”

Jordan has spent months pushing the FBI/Clinton conspiracy theory, often with help from friendly Fox News hosts. But he’s had trouble defending himself on CNN. During an interview with host John Berman in December, Jordan couldn’t explain why Comey would go out of his way to publicize the Clinton email investigation just days before the election, and [URL='https://thinkprogress.org/jim-jordan-carter-page-cnn-c927d3803a78/'][U]admitted he had been in communication with the White House[/U][/URL] about the Mueller investigation he continues to work tirelessly to discredit.

Just last week, Jordan joined Cuomo and struggled to account for why he thinks it matters that some of the information the FBI used to take out a warrant on Page came from a political document. The FBI takes tips from anyone who provides them but then works to verify information on its own, and the warrant on Page was reauthorized three times.

Mueller Investigation Is Pressuring Trump Toward ‘Pushing The Nuclear Button,’ Mental Health Expert Says
Jessica Kwong,Newsweek

President Donald Trump’s mental health is “deteriorating” and special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into possible collusion between his campaign and Russians in the election is edging the commander-in-chief closer to pushing the nuclear button on North Korea, a psychologist opined. The stress of Mueller’s intensifying investigation is “clearly driving him crazy,” psychologist John Gartner said of Trump during a panel of mental health and nuclear weapons experts convened by the "Need to Impeach" campaign Monday night in Washington, D.C. “What we need to understand is that for him, this also is pushing him towards pushing the nuclear button because it would solve all of his problems,” said Gartner, ...
Trump Blasts Dems On DACA. Which He Ended.
Willa Frej,HuffPost

President Donald Trump excoriated congressional Democrats on Friday, accusing them of abandoning young people in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
“Cannot believe how BADLY DACA recipients have been treated by the Democrats...totally abandoned!” Trump tweeted. “Republicans are still working hard.”
Yet, the reason that Congress is trying to come up with an immigration bill is because Trump suspended DACA in September, putting at risk deportation relief for 700,000 undocumented people who were brought to the U.S. as children.

Trump later professed his love for the so-called Dreamers, and expressed a desire to allow them to remain in the U.S. ― with a few caveats. He demanded that any protections for Dreamers come with funding for a border wall, the suspension of the visa lottery program, and an end to what he calls chain migration.
The government shut down last month because lawmakers failed to find common ground on immigration.
And, as the March 5 deadline looms for finding a legal pathway for Dreamers, the Senate failed Thursday to approve a proposal for an updated immigration bill.
Trump has said he’s unwilling to negotiate his demands, so it’s unclear what happens next.
although I'm sure there are a few on here that recall everyone of them and STILL believe them!

The Dumbest Moments in Fox News History
Ryan Davis,The Cheat Sheet

Fox News crossed over the line of offering unbiased news on a national level toward pushing a political agenda many, many years ago. Even to the most religious viewers of the network know that it’s cow-towing to their persuasions, and is closer to political entertainment than it truly is to “news” in the traditional sense. Because of that, there have been more than a handful of moments throughout the years where Fox News hosts or guests were caught saying some pretty dumb stuff. Here are a few examples of idiotic moments on Fox. Obama and the pirate Back in 2012, President Obama’s re-election campaign tweeted an image of the president having a conversation with a fictional pirate, complete with ...
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what a totally right wing state looks like........and the right wants to model the US after it

Kansas public schools face backlash on endless money crisis

TOPEKA, Kan. Prisons in Kansas face a crisis in hiring staff because of poor pay. A former governor called a state hospital for the mentally ill "a pit." Highway projects are delayed because state funding keeps getting diverted to other priorities. But an ongoing lawsuit has ****** state legislators to be preoccupied with finding money for public schools ahead of those other pressing issues. And lawmakers are starting to resent that. "It's like the schools are the grain truck. Instead of sharing the grain, they just keep raising the sides on the bed and keeping it all for themselves," said state Sen. Ty Masterson, a conservative Wichita-area Republican. "They've been able to keep themselves at ...


might explain the lack of education of people from Kansas

oh hell I get it now....they have to cut more funding from education to pay to imprison all those convicted of voter fraud
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they sure did you can see it on here....still duped!

Russian syndicate duped Trump supporters into organizing Florida rallies, feds say
A sophisticated and clandestine Russian outfit that attempted to sow political discord through phony social media and grassroots campaigns has been indicted by a federal grand jury on charges related to a series of pro-Trump rallies held in South Florida and around the country during the summer before the 2016 presidential election. Federal authorities say 13 executives of the Internet Research Agency used stolen identities and U.S.-based email addresses to organize and fund political events designed to promote Donald Trump and tear down Hillary Clinton. The indictment, signed by U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller, describes the efforts of a well-organized, St. Petersburg, Russia, syndicate. ...