Politics, Politics, Politics

Joy Reid, MSNBC’s weekend morning anchor, won a glowing profile in Sunday’s New York Times. The 2,000-word hagiography portrays the rabidly divisive and far-left partisan as a “heroine” of the anti-Trump resistance but mentions only in passing the 49-year-old Reid’s indefensible history of homophobia.
While writing for her own site a decade ago, Reid went on a two-year, anti-gay rampage against then-Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, who was not only a Republican at the time, but seen as a likely presidential contender. On at least 11 occasions over two years, Reid attempted to defame and shame Crist (who is straight) as a closeted homosexual pretending to be straight.

In furtherance of her totally fabricated conspiracy theory, Reid repeatedly referred to Crist as “Miss Charlie,” portrayed his new marriage (to a woman) as a sham, and basically used homosexuality and homophobia as a club to humiliate and denigrate the man who would later come out as a … Democrat.

Here are just a few examples.

Re: GOP Lawmaker Devin Nunes Reportedly Made His Own Fake News Website

.... Good article, subhub ... this is not the least bit surprising. Here in NC, the Republicans put up these ads on TV about "Obamacare" ... all were using actors, not testimonials; all were fake news, and as the fake news ads were put up, the state would investigate them and then require them to take them off TV ... of course that process took anywhere from 4-8 weeks, plenty of time for the ads to do reputable damage to the ACA and get the Republican base, here, all riled up. So, as the judges demanded their removal, the Republicans would have another fake ad about "Obamacare" ready to put up. I think there were like 8-10 different ads they used here during the 2010 & 2012 elections.
.....In one ad, the woman actor was complaining about the high cost of coverage and that the Democrats wanted to take her health plan away , then, she or her spouse came down with cancer, and had to find medical insurance because her own policy would not cover the cancer. She was able to enroll in the PPACA and get the coverage ... no preX and they got immediate treatment. It was in Obama's 2nd term election. I believe there's an article on it. Think she was in Illinois or Indiana.
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She was able to enroll in the PPACA and get the coverage ... no preX and they got immediate treatment.

I'll call BS on that right now - Ironically, I just spent the last 2 hours on the phone with my care providers going over my new policy. They WILL NOT touch anything to do with my heart for at least 2 years. I said -"wait, I thought preX was no longer a thing". There response - "we just can't deny you insurance, does not mean we have to pay for anything related PreX" - and that came from the insurance company rep, not some HR person.

Sister and I were also in the ER over the weekend with my *******. Long story short - He is at the age now where a panel of bureaucrats (not doctors) will decide if his insurance will pay for any procedures, or if they are even necessary, other wise it is out of pocket. Not to mention he needs several tests done that the hospital can easily do (and this is what pisses the doctor off) but his insurance says they (the hospital) can not do those test, he has to see a "specialist" because they can charge more that way. So all they could do was send him home with a couple of pain pills. Oh, and by the way, my ******* is one of those that lost his Cadillac policy because of o-dumbass, now it doesn't cover *******. Obama care is nothing more than a way to make the insurance companies richer - and the left refuses to see it.

What the left don't realize is that Obamacare goes far beyond just getting insurance. But hay...
under Canada's health plan i don't have to waste 2 hours on a phone with an insurer. private insurance cover stuff like dental not covered by the publich insurance system
under Canada's health plan i don't have to waste 2 hours on a phone with an insurer. private insurance cover stuff like dental not covered by the publich insurance system

Well it's not something I "had" to do, but more something I wanted to do so I know what is covered and what isn't - But yes, I get what your saying. Insurance is such a joke. They might as well get it over with and go to a single payer plan.
Why GOP Is Slashing Medicare
Forbes 7 hours ago

  • Under the new White House budget, the GOP is proposing to cut some $554 billion out of Medicare over the next decade. The party has lost interest in balancing the budget as its runaway spending and tax hand-outs make that impossible. Congress just greenlighted some $400 billion in new spending and is giving away more than $1 trillion in tax cuts. Who’s going to pay for it? The simple answer, at least at the moment, is that foreign borrowers will. The Treasury will have to sell more debt to pay for this largesse, unless Congress agrees to raise taxes or cut other programs. Economic growth will not make up the difference as trillions flow out of the U.S. Treasury. The numbers will never add up ...
  • https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/43d202...7c6ed36c/ss_why-gop-is-slashing-medicare.html
Democrat Margaret Good Flips Seat in Florida, the 36th Democratic Flip Since Trump's Inauguration
The Daily Beast

Margaret Good won a special election for state representative in Florida's 72nd district on Tuesday night, the Democratic party's 36th legislative flip since President Donald Trump's inauguration last year. The closely watched race pitted Good against Libertarian Alison Foxall and Republican ...
hope you are right.....seeks to be pointing that way.....but the right is fucking sneaky!...and they already know Russia is involved and the gov doing nothing there either
Russia most certainly is involved. I look forward each and every day to learning about just exactly how they were involved.

did you happen to see the hearings yesterday..or part of anyway...I only saw the part where they said they had and still were and we are doing nothing....waiting on the pres to give the go ahead to do something...that's sad!
I think he KNOWS they helped the last time and is counting on more!
looks like it to me anyway
Yes, I would have to agree, the POTUS knows. If you and I remain patient, we will know soon. I suspect we are going to find out both sides "colluded", which isn't a crime in the context of how it is being used currently.

I look forward to it.
I suspect we are going to find out both sides "colluded"

I like to wait for all the facts to be in before passing judgment - but yes, I too believe both sides are involved. They are simply scrambling to cover their tracks and implement the other side without condemning themselves. In fact, I think the main reason Hillary lost the election is because she pissed off the wrong people about 2 weeks before the election, possibly her relation with Russia is even more damaging than Trumps.
Your post history indicates you have already passed judgment. But this is America, and if one is indeed a civil libertarian, you are free to post whatever nonsense you wish on a daily basis. And I am free to make the observation that when you make a statement like, "I like to wait for all the facts to be in before passing judgment", you are somewhat of a hypocrite. Your actions don't match your words. And I judge based on actions and results, not words. Just the way I am.
Your post history indicates you have already passed judgment. But this is America, and if one is indeed a civil libertarian, you are free to post whatever nonsense you wish on a daily basis. And I am free to make the observation that when you make a statement like, "I like to wait for all the facts to be in before passing judgment", you are somewhat of a hypocrite. Your actions don't match your words. And I judge based on actions and results, not words. Just the way I am.

I think you need to rethink your statement or provide a link showing where I have tried and convicted anyone on this subject. You won't find one.
Only the the blind left has convicted Trump from day one.
I might be confusing you with the gentleman that incessantly posts memes, which often times are proven to be fake news. My apologies
now wait a minute here...I really doubt that those meme's are fake news!
may be exaggerated a little...but enough facts to count!

but anyway....This country is for sale and being sold and nothing we can do about it!
greed and corruption are the stock and trade of this country now
we all know and can see what trump is doing...I surely post more than enough on it

and I posted last week where the kock bro gave ryan a 1/2 million for the tax deal
and I read last week that in 2016 a super pac run by Mcconnell received 2.5 million from a Russian realtor
where does this country stand a chance?
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I suspect we are going to find out both sides "colluded", which isn't a crime in the context of how it is being used currently.

think there might be just a little difference there
how many meetings did the trump people have with the Russians?....several to try and get dirt on hillary
and we know p u t I n hated Hillary for calling him out on his phoney election
and everyone keeps forgetting...it was a conservative group that started the famous dossier....true when trump got the nomination they were no longer interested and went to Hillary...and YES she did pay for the finished product...and it still didn't get finished before the election!
so Hillary only paid money for an unfinished product really...no crime there they all dig up whatever they can on the opposition!

and even after Steele got done he went to the authorities in NY to hand over his finished work.....and along comes good ol Rudy G.....you think rudy didn't get ahold of trump on that?...just a guess but I bet he did....anyway steele felt that there was some kind of problem with the auth not wanting his info....and soon after is when it all became public...those ARE facts
I think trump is more than guilty of treason....and has had a lot of help.....but where does the help end?...looks like most of the republican congress is willing to overlook it
we are flat fucked!....I really wonder if we will ever find out what all Mueller knows...trump and company are going to do whatever to hide all they can
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If you and I remain patient, we will know soon
patient? in the mean time look at what all he is destroying...he loaded the swamp with so many alligators...that are doing more than enough to hurt things for a long time to come...not counting on what he is doing....look at energy just for one..his spending.....

although that is funny...the conservatives which were so against him to start the steele dossier....then all of a sudden love him on taxes and etc....now dead set against him because of the deficit
Mitch McConnell Caught In Multi-Million Dollar Foreign Donation Scandal; Cash Links Traced

Many Republicans have been extremely hesitant about supporting the investigation into the connections between President Trump’s campaign and Russia. It seems, though, that their reasoning for this resistance has less to do with their faith in Trump and more to do with their eagerness to hide their own Russia ties.

Thanks to the hard work of Democratic pundit Scott Dworkin, it’s beginning to look like every Republican politician has some kind of link to Russia.

Over the last few months, Dworkin has revealed that several Republican senators — including John McCain, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio — have accepted money from Russian donors. He also produced evidence of even more connections a few weeks ago that were shared by Palmer Report.

In May, Dworkin found documents that link Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to a super PAC that accepted $2.5 million from a “pro-Putin Ukrainian businessman.” He shared photos of the documents on Twitter, along with the following message:

‘#TrumpLeaks Docs: Mitch McConnell linked super PAC took $2.5 million from a pro-Putin Ukrainian businessman last election cycle #trumprussia’​