Politics, Politics, Politics

POLL: Majority Of Americans Agree With Trump On DACA, Immigration

White House Correspondent

4:10 PM 01/22/2018

Voters across both party lines appear to be in agreement with President Donald Trump’s immigration priorities, a new Harvard-Harris Poll finds.
The poll, weighted to be broadly representative of the U.S. population, found that 65% of voters overall agreed with Trump’s position that any bill codifying Obama-era protections for illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children should be accompanied by funding for a wall, ending chain migration, and ending the diversity visa lottery program.
The individual elements of each of Trump’s demands remain broadly popular as well. On the most controversial subject of the border wall, 53 percent of respondents said they supported “building a combination of physical and electronic barriers across the US-Mexico border,” and 61 percent said current security along the US-Mexico border is inadequate.

79 percent of respondents said they believed “immigration priority for those coming to the U.S. should be based on a person’s ability to contribute to America as measured by their education and skills or based on a person having relatives in the US.” The statement is broadly representative of Trump’s bid to end chain migration via family ties and prioritize immigration policy that favors high skilled individuals.
The diversity visa lottery program saw a similar 68 percent disapproval by voters.

Fine, but at least try to post factually accurate memes. I know memes are in good fun for most, but I suspect you actually believe what you post, so you should at least make an attempt to post ones that are true.
all part of the rights plan for medicine? and health care?

mom of 2 Dies of the Flu After Skipping Meds That Were Too Expensive

A Texas teacher and mom of two has died of complications related to the flu after reportedly forgoing medicine she felt was too expensive.
Heather Holland was sick for about a week before she was rushed to the hospital with the flu, pneumonia and sepsis, according to relatives.
She was admitted into the Intensive Care Unit and put on dialysis, but she could not be saved.
Holland died on Sunday, Feb. 4. She was 38 years old.
Holland planned to pick up flu medication, but thought the $116 copay was too high, her husband told the Weatherford Democrat. He said he bought the medication when he found out she planned to go without, but things got worse.
just for you nongolfer....some facts with the meme


Eli Lilly tripled the price of insulin under Trump's pick for HHS and Democrats are pouncing on that

President Donald Trump has said that Alex Azar, his pick for Health and Human Services secretary, will "be a star for better healthcare and lower ******* prices."

In particular, Azar was a senior executive at Lilly during a time when the price of insulin steadily increased.
  • Insulin prices rose three-fold during the period he was there, including when he served as president of the company, even though the medicine remained the same.
Trump, who once said that drugmakers are "getting away with *******," has promised to get rising ******* prices under control.

But Azar's own track record with ******* prices is giving Democrats fodder to attack the choice. Even though he's already served in the department that he's now being tapped to run, Azar was also a senior executive at
Eli Lilly.

Lilly is one of three companies that have substantially increased the price of insulin, the lifesaving ******* used to treat diabetes. Some of those increases came while Azar was president of the company's US unit.

Funny...it just never ends........new low for stupidity!

Jeanine Pirro: Obama is to blame for Rob Porter domestic abuse scandal

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro told her viewers that if they were looking for someone to blame for the White House's disgraceful handling of the domestic abuse scandal involving former White House staff secretary Rob Porter, they should take a look at former President Barack Obama. "Find another ...
this is pretty bad when your own parents support the other party/person

GOP Senate candidate's parents have maxed out primary donations to the Democrat he hopes to unseat

Just months after Republican Kevin Nicholson announced his bid to unseat incumbent Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin in 2018, his own parents donated the legal maximum to her primary campaign. Nicholson announced last July that he would seek the Republican nomination for US Senate in Wisconsin. A Federal Election Commission filing by Baldwin's campaign dated February 5 and available online shows that each of Nicholson's parents, Donna and Michael, donated $2,700 to Baldwin in December 2017. FEC rules stipulate that those donations are the maximum Nicholson's parents can donate to Baldwin during the primary election. They can donate up to that amount again during the general election. Their ...
Fights over voting rights a prelude to November midterm election
Miami Herald

The battle for control of Congress in this fall’s midterm elections may be decided in state legislatures this spring when voting rights legislation could be in bloom. So far this year, at least 16 bills aimed at making it harder to vote have been introduced in eight states, according to the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law.

The proposals include a mix of photo ID requirements for voters, curbs on voter registration activity, cuts to early voting opportunities and new barriers to absentee voting. Meanwhile, 144 bills to expand voter access have been introduced in 22 states. Many call for automatic, same-day and online voter registration. Others would expand absentee and early voting. ...

more of the right...can't put a good candidate forward....so block people from their voting rights!
Pennsylvania GOP takes gerrymandering in an unfortunate direction

It’s not easy to choose the nation’s most outrageous example of congressional gerrymandering, but Pennsylvania has to be among the most ridiculous. After the 2010 census, the state legislature’s Republican majority took an evenly divided state, drew up 18 congressional districts, and put 13 of them in safely GOP hands. The result was tough to defend: in 2012, for example, Democratic congressional candidates received 51% of the vote in Pennsylvania, but only 28% of the power. The state Supreme Court rejected the current map last month, saying it “clearly, plainly, and palpably” violated the Pennsylvania Constitution. The ruling added that the Republicans’ gerrymandering has had “corrosive effects

******* ...now...well I guess no surprise they always have been...putting out fake news...all the way back to Dukakis

it is just now they are getting more blatant about it

GOP Lawmaker Devin Nunes Reportedly Made His Own Fake News Website
Ed Mazza,HuffPost


A Republican lawmaker from California has been reportedly operating his own news website.

A Republican lawmaker from California has been reportedly operating his own news website.
Politico reported that “GOP memo author” Rep. Devin Nunes and his campaign were behind The California Republican, a website that calls itself a “media/news company” in its Facebook description and claims to have “the best of U.S., California and Central Valley news, sports and analysis.” According to Politico, however, the website was registered by Alex Tavlian of Sultana Media, which was paid $7,773 by the Nunes campaign for “advertising; digital advertising management.”
Tavlian told Politico he did not run the website and was not familiar with it.
The California Republican, who is chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and was a member of President Donald Trump’s transition team, has been offline since the Politico report, but a version cached by Google contained the following disclaimer:
Paid for by the Devin Nunes Campaign Committee · FEC ID #C00370056
The Facebook page did not appear to contain a similar disclaimer.
Nunes has not yet responded to the accusations.

One headline on the website ― “Understanding the process behind #ReleaseTheMemo” ― referred to the controversial and partisan memo drafted by staffers in Nunes’ office, which Trump incorrectly claimed vindicated him in the Russia investigation. The story, written before the memo was made public, summarized and linked to a story in the conservative National Review that called on lawmakers to release the memo.
Democrat Andrew Janz, who hopes to unseat Nunes in the coming midterm elections, slammed his rival on Twitter for creating the fake news site:

I would bet that part of the money if not all is coming from the orange blob himself...and the facts...fox news!