Politics, Politics, Politics

Ex-RNC Chair Says 'Sanctimonious' GOP Needs To Find A 'Backbone' On Roy Moore
HuffPost Mary Papenfuss,
Michael Steele (quote)... "the GOP lost its way when the leadership decided to get down with the money, to get down with the deals, to get down with different relationships that took us on a pathway that here we are now.” (unquote)
I'd say that about describes the Republican party of the past two decades for sure. Win At All Cost ... PERIOD! ... starting with Newt Gingrich.
Actuaries Warn Congress About Dangers of Repealing the Obamacare Mandate
Yuval Rosenberg,The Fiscal Times

The American Academy of Actuaries — a group representing the people who actually set insurance prices — warned Tuesday that repealing Obamacare’s individual mandate would lead to higher health care premiums and could drive insurers from the market.

“Eliminating the mandate would likely have significant implications for health insurance coverage,” the group wrote in a letter to Senate leaders, adding that, “Insurers would likely reconsider their future participation in the market. This could lead to severe market disruption and loss of coverage among individual market enrollees.”

The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that repealing the mandate would lead to about 13 million fewer Americans having insurance by 2027, and about $338 billion in federal savings over 10 years as the government spends less on Obamacare subsidies. Other analysts have said that the coverage losses — and the cost savings — would be smaller.

An analysis published Tuesday by the Commonwealth Fund found that Obamacare enrollees who don’t qualify for subsidies would see average premium hikes along these lines:

27-year-olds would see an increase of $492 in 2019, rising to $726 by 2027;
40-year-olds would see an increase of $598 in 2019, rising to $883 in 2027;
60-year-olds would see an increase of $1,269 in 2019, rising to $1,875 in 2027.
Alarmist scientists have been caught red-handed tampering with raw data in order to exaggerate sea level rise.
The raw (unadjusted) data from three Indian Ocean gauges – Aden, Karachi and Mumbai – showed that local sea level trends in the last 140 years had been very gently rising, neutral or negative (ie sea levels had fallen).

But after the evidence had been adjusted by tidal records gatekeepers at the global databank Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) it suddenly showed a sharp and dramatic rise.

The whistle was blown by two Australian scientists Dr. Albert Parker and Dr. Clifford Ollier in a paper for Earth Systems and Environment.

The paper – Is the Sea Level Stable at Aden, Yemen?examines the discrepancies between raw and adjusted sea level data in Aden, Karachi and Mumbai.

Let's see if we can work through this "Make America Great Again" bullshit ....

We now know that Kushner was working for Israel.
Flynn was working for Turkey, and
Manafort was working for Ukraine.
Since Trump was working for Russian,
where does the America First come in that
Trump keeps talking about?.................................
.GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif ....."anybody know? anybody? hello? "
breitbart.com? you gotta be kidding!? Guess we should expect to see postings from Fox News 'facts' next? View attachment 1582986
Carl provided a direct link to the entire published research paper which lists all the data and describes in detail the analysis leading them to their conclusions. Can you produce any substantive issues with their data or research methodology....or is the extent of your ability to debate this limited to just the fact Breitbart happened to report on the publication?

Damn...why is this not a shock.....just more of the rights war against the middle class and those in need!

Paul Ryan plans to 'get back next year at entitlement reform' to 'tackle the debt and the deficit'

On Wednesday, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) became the highest-ranking Republican to say publicly that the GOP plans to cut spending on Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare programs next year. "We're going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit," Ryan said on Ross Kaminsky's talk radio show. House and Senate Republicans are in negotiations on a final tax bill that nonpartisan analysts say would add at least $1 trillion to the deficit, and they recently authorized $700 billion in 2018 spending for the Pentagon, but Medicare and Medicaid — which, along with Social Security, have their own dedicated payroll tax — are "the big drivers of
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But I would bet that doesn't include the welfare we give wall street.big oil and a few other major companies!
Trump is doing a lousy job selling tax cuts
Rick Newman 14 hours ago .

Not everybody thinks taxes should be lower. But of all the things voters ought to favor, tax cuts are near the top of the list.

Yet President Trump and his fellow Republicans are failing to persuade the majority of Americans that the big package of tax cuts they’re poised to pass is good for the country. Their messaging is so lousy, in fact, that voters seem to think tax cuts will be more punishing than they’re likely to be.

The latest Quinnipiac poll, for instance, shows that 53% of Americans disapprove of the Republican tax plan, while just 29% approve. That’s a remarkably negative showing for something that ought to be marginally popular, at a minimum.

Here’s a more telling finding: Forty-one percent of respondents in the Quinnipiac poll think the GOP tax plan will raise their taxes, while just 20% think it will lower them. The rest anticipate no change or don’t know what will happen.

NO *******

Experts are starting to find massive errors in the GOP tax bill after it went through Congress at lightning speed
Business Insider

Republicans in the House and Senate passed their versions of the tax bill at breakneck speed. Experts are now finding errors and loopholes in those versions. Members of a conference committee have been tasked with solving these issues and writing a compromise bill. As Republicans hurtle toward making their massive tax plan into law, experts are starting to find a slew of errors they say are most likely the result of a rushed process. Republicans have argued that the plan is the culmination of years of work. But the resulting bill has moved through both chambers of Congress at legislative light speed. The House passed its version of the bill, named the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, two weeks after rolling ...
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You'd think Democrats would really be attacking this so-called "Tax Cuts & Jobs Act" ... but I'm just not seeing them doing it, probably because what the Republicans want to pass will benefit Democrats as well. So, they simply sit silent, reap the benefits of Republican selfishness, and let them take the blame for it when elections come back around. Senator Till & Senator Burr (NC) have gone on record, here, saying they 100% support the proposed tax cuts. Interestingly, Burr has decided NOT to run for re-election, and Tillis isn't scheduled until 2020 ... but Carolinians are chomping at the bit to vote conservatives out of Raleigh legislation in 2018 ... even Republican registered voters are saying they've had enough of the Republicans in Raleigh.
You'd think Democrats would really be attacking this so-called "Tax Cuts & Jobs Act" ... but I'm just not seeing them doing

I hear them complaining....but it might be....just let the right hang them selves....and they are doing that!

this has ALWAYS been a red state.....voted in several dems this year in special elections
I want to see Ryan Fry...just hard to do with the gerrymandering ant etc....when he ran last time he would only do interviews if he was allowed to give the reported the questions to ask!
that's why people started demonstrating at his house....se he had a big fence built...wonder who paid for that
Beverly Young Nelson has finally admitted that she forged a portion of the infamous high school yearbook that she and attorney Gloria Allred used as proof of her accusations against U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore.
And in yet another blow to the credibility of ABC News, the disgraced, left-wing network downplayed the bombshell by presenting this admission of forgery as adding “notes” to the inscription. Worse still, the reporter actually coaches Nelson, puts words in her mouth, downplay the enormous significance of her deceit.

Twitter Users Erupt Over GOP Congressman's 'Diversity Is Not Our Strength' Post
Lee Moran,HuffPost

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) has sparked outrage on Twitter once again with his views on immigration.
The congressman ― who has previously lauded white nationalism on the social media platform ― wrote on Twitter Friday, “Diversity is not our strength.”
He cited Hungary’s hardline Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who reportedly stated that “mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one.”

Steve King @SteveKingIA
Diversity is not our strength. Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, “Mixing cultures will not lead to a higher quality of life but a lower one.” https://pgj.cc/PT7SoT
7:00 AM - Dec 8, 2017 · Arlington, VA

King followed up with this tweet, in which he claimed that “assimilation, not diversity, is our American strength.”

Steve King @SteveKingIA
Assimilation has become a dirty word to the multiculturalist Left. Assimilation, not diversity, is our American strength.
7:02 AM - Dec 8, 2017 · Arlington, VA

Fellow Twitter users erupted in anger over the posts.
King came under similar fire in March after he tweeted his support of far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders.

Here’s a sampling of the responses to his latest posts below:

Walter Shaub @waltshaub
How are you employed, much less as a member of Congress?
12:12 PM - Dec 8, 2017

Dane @SeeDaneRun
As the beady eyed slack jawed spawn of whatever has polluted your gene pool, you are Exhibit A why a family tree should fork and culture should be a bouillabaisse of the best of all people, you mentally stunted simian.

John Podhoretz @jpodhoretz
The problem with a lack of diversity, Congressman, is that it tends to lead to in-breeding of the sort that creates monstrous dimwits like you. https://twitter.com/SteveKingIA/status/939117527375990790 …

Josh Moon @Josh_Moon
Someone should break it to Steve King that he wouldn't be around to say this ignorant ******* if not for the diversity of America. https://twitter.com/SteveKingIA/status/939117527375990790 …

Alexandra Halaby @iskandrah
Go fuck yourself, Steve.


he is just saying what most in America already know!