Politics, Politics, Politics

The Red-State Revolt Spreads to Oklahoma

Republicans have a vise grip on power in Oklahoma, and they are in no imminent danger of losing it.

In a state that gave 65 percent of its vote to Donald Trump a year ago, the GOP controls pretty much everything: the governorship and every statewide office, both U.S. Senate seats, all five House seats. The state Legislature is almost laughably one-sided; Republicans have super-majorities of more than 70 percent of the seats in each chamber.

But in the last four months, voters have repudiated those Republicans running Oklahoma at the polls. Democrats have captured four state legislative seats held by the GOP, two in special elections for the House and two for the Senate. The most recent—and perhaps the most surprising—win occurred last week, when a 26-year-old lesbian Democrat named Allison Ikley-Freeman edged out the Republican candidate by 31 votes in a conservative state House district near Tulsa that went heavily for Trump in 2016. Democrats may have a chance to make an even bigger statement in a few months, when a vacancy caused by the likely Senate confirmation of Representative Jim Bridenstine to be NASA administrator could trigger a special congressional election in the district that includes Tulsa.

Officials in both parties attribute the Democrats’ run in part to the party’s motivation to fight back in the Trump era, scandals that have ****** Republican legislators to resign, and the low-turnout quirkiness of special elections. But the overriding factor is likely a budget crisis that has starved funding for Oklahoma’s schools, resulting in a teacher shortage and prompting more than one-quarter of the state’s districts to hold classes only four days a week.

“The people are just not happy,” former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating, a Republican, told me in a phone interview. “Government appears dysfunctional, and government officials appear unwilling to solve the problems of the state and the nation. And there will be hell to pay.”
The Senate tax plan eliminates the Individual Mandate, and it could affect your health coverage
Time Inc

Early Saturday morning, the Senate voted to pass the Republican Party’s sweeping tax reform bill, and among other provisions, the bill would eliminate the penalty for not buying health insurance starting in 2019.

So next year, you still need to be covered — at least, as of now.

The individual mandate clause of the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) requires individuals to buy insurance or pay a penalty at tax time, unless they qualify for a limited number of exemptions. If the Senate’s proposal survives in the final version of the tax bill, then beginning in 2019 consumers will be able go without coverage and not face a fine. The penalty for going uncovered for 2018 will be $695 per adult or 2.5% of household income in excess of tax filing thresholds, whichever is higher.

Members of the House and the Senate will now work to reconcile their versions of the GOP tax bill. Lawmakers have said that they’d like to finalize a tax reform plan by Christmas, so they can send it to President Donald Trump for signing into law. The House tax bill didn’t waive the penalty for going uninsured.

Open enrollment ends Dec. 15 for Affordable Care Act plans. If you’re on the individual insurance market, you have until that date to sign up for a new plan or change your existing plan. While it’s possible that the final version of the GOP tax bill could have a different plan for the individual mandate, that may not become clear until after the sign-up deadline.

For now, the individual mandate penalty remains in place for 2018. Existing customers should shop around rather than allow the system to re-enroll them in their current plans, says Sabrina Corlette, research professor at the Center on Health Insurance Reforms at the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute. There are plenty of bargains out there: Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that more than half of subsidy-eligible, uninsured individuals could buy a bronze-level plan for no premium contribution—that is, a $0 premium.

You can expect the individual market to look very different if the penalty goes away, experts say. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that repealing the individual mandate starting in 2019 would result in 4 million losing coverage in 2019 and 13 million losing coverage in 2027. Many healthy people would voluntarily opt to go without coverage, and insurers could raise their premiums to cover the remaining, sicker population. These higher premiums would in turn cause more consumers to become priced out of the market.

Technically, the GOP tax bill doesn’t repeal the individual mandate, Corlette says; it simply reduces the penalty for going uncovered to zero, But in practice, eliminating the penalty will have the same result as eliminating the individual mandate altogether.
Pence will sign whatever they give him to sign.
you know he will look at what he did in his state....he is worse than trump when it comes to that..he knows the ins and outs and can really fuck us.but it is starting to look like he knew about the Russia thing...may not have been involved but at least KNEW
*******....this could effect HH

Under Trump’s Tax Plan, LGBT People Suffer: Republicans Are Killing Their Most Important Programs
Christianna Silva Newsweek

The current tax bill in the Senate would devastate support systems and services for LGBT Americans, especially transgender people, by making deep cuts in their accessibility to healthcare and other programs they rely on.

The bill would raise the cost for people living with HIV/AIDS, cut food stamps, housing and homelessness efforts and lead to cuts in Medicare and Social Security—social programs important to the LGBT community.

“This bill is a disaster for everyone really, but specifically for LGBT [people],” Christopher Stoll, a senior staff attorney at the National Center for Lesbian Rights, told Newsweek. “It will result in deep cuts in programs that LGBT people depend on.”

This tax bill will repeal Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate provision used extensively by people living with chronic health conditions, like those with HIV/AIDS—gay and bisexual men accounted for 82 percent of HIV diagnoses among males and 67 percent of all diagnoses in 2015, according to census data.

It will penalize people who lose their insurance and are unable to replace it within 63 days by forsing them to pay a 30-percent surcharge on their insurance, which would last a year. Many patients, according to Fenway Health, would opt out of insurance to avoid paying the surcharge—but people dealing with chronic health conditions can’t do that.

For transgender people living with HIV in particular, this bill could mean the loss of life-saving treatment and fuel an epidemic that the U.S. government has ostensibly pledged to end,” Kris Hayashi, the executive director of Transgender Law Center said in a statement.
you know he will look at what he did in his state....he is worse than trump when it comes to that..he knows the ins and outs and can really fuck us.but it is starting to look like he knew about the Russia thing...may not have been involved but at least KNEW
Well, maybe you'd prefer Paul Ryan to handle the job? Look, there is no stopping the Republicans on this one unless a few Republicans in the House step up again; the ones that are up for re-election in 2018 are the ones to lean on if Democrats are to stop this one.
Well, maybe you'd prefer Paul Ryan to handle the job?

Oh hell no...that's why I said earlier that we were just plain fucked for a few years....hopefully get enough Dems or Ind in there to stop any more bullshit...until time for a new pres...one elected by the people this time.....although I read that Russia is even deeper into our voting now than they was last time
The Trump tax plan just hit another rough patch. The real problem? Math, and GOP lies.
Washington Post

From the outset, the GOP tax reform push has been plagued by a simple math problem. Republicans want to give the wealthy and corporations a huge tax cut (politically sweetened with some sprinkles for everyone else) that they must pass with only Republicans, because Democrats won’t accept it. To do this, the Senate must pass the plan with a simple majority, which under procedural constraints requires them to limit the plan’s ballooning of the deficit to $1.5 trillion in the short term, and to zero after 10 years. Republicans have hatched all kinds of tricks to get around this problem. But now, the final set of deals that Republicans are rushing through ...
Read more
The Trump tax plan just hit another rough patch. The real problem? Math, and GOP lies..
Of course its always been about the math with "trickle down" ... always.
From the outset, the GOP tax reform push has been plagued by a simple math problem. Republicans want to give the wealthy and corporations a huge tax cut (politically sweetened with some sprinkles for everyone else) that they must pass with only Republicans ... the Senate must pass the plan with a simple majority which limit the plan’s ballooning of the deficit to $1.5 trillion in the short term, and to zero after 10 years. Republicans have hatched all kinds of tricks to get around this problem.
This year's tricks are .....
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President Donald Trump continued to ridicule ABC News and their reporter Brian Ross for a false report about Mike Flynn’s cooperation with the Russia investigation.
“People who lost money when the Stock Market went down 350 points based on the False and Dishonest reporting of Brian Ross of ABC News (he has been suspended), should consider hiring a lawyer and suing ABC for the damages this bad reporting has caused – many millions of dollars!” Trump wrote on Twitter.

U.S. House Republicans Prepare Contempt Action Against FBI, DOJ
Billy House, Bloomberg

U.S. House Republicans said Saturday they are drafting a contempt of Congress resolution against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray, claiming stonewalling in producing material in the Russia-Trump probes and other matters.

“Unless all our outstanding demands are fully met by close of business on Monday, December 4, 2017, the committee will have the opportunity to move this resolution before the end of the month,” said Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, in a statement.


Such contempt action has been under consideration by Nunes and other Intelligence Committee Republicans for several weeks. It is now moving forward after press reports Saturday about why a top FBI official assigned to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russia-Trump election collusion had been removed from the investigation.

In his statement Saturday, Nunes pointed to those reports that the official, Peter Strzok, was removed after allegedly exchanging anti-Trump and pro- Hillary Clinton text messages with his mistress, who was an FBI lawyer working for Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

Until now, said Nunes, the FBI and Department of Justice have failed to sufficiently comply with an Aug. 24 committee subpoena -- including by specifically refusing repeated demands “for an explanation of Peter Strzok’s dismissal from the Mueller probe.”

“In light of today’s press reports, we now know why Strzok was dismissed, why the FBI and DOJ refused to provide us this explanation, and at least one reason why they previously refused to make Deputy Director McCabe available to the Committee for an interview,” said Nunes.


“By hiding from Congress, and from the American people, documented political bias by a key FBI head investigator for both the Russia collusion probe and the Clinton email investigation, the FBI and DOJ engaged in a willful attempt to thwart Congress’ constitutional oversight responsibility,” he said.

Nunes went on in his statement to say this has been part of “a months-long pattern by the DOJ and FBI of stonewalling and obstructing this Committee’s oversight work,” including also withholding subpoenaed information about their use of an opposition research dossier that targeted President Donald Trump in the 2016 election.
Lawmakers in Congress are working to ban the use of taxpayer funds for settlements of sexual harassment cases, after reports that lawmakers have paid more than $100,000 in recent cases, according to The Hill.

Congressmen that have issued payments include Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., Rep. Blake Farenthold, R-Texas, and former Rep. Eric Massa, D-N.Y.

A female former aide accused Farenthold of harassment in 2014, and an $84,000 settlement was reached. Farenthold announced Monday on KRIS-TV he would pay back the money.

Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., introduced legislation requiring lawmakers to reimburse taxpayers for harassment settlements. Other lawmakers have also introduced similar legislation, including Rep. Tom Marino, R-Pa., whose bill would ban the taxpayer funds from being used, and would also require ethics committees to consider expelling lawmakers who engage in sexual harassment, The Hill reported.

Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., introduced a bill that would also ban taxpayer money use in the harassment settlements, and would prohibit nondisclosure agreements from being included in settlements, according to The Hill.

DeSantis said he believed those in senior positions are most likely to commit sexual misconduct.

"If we unveil these claims, I think you'll find that some of the offenders are not some legislative correspondent," DeSantis said in The Hill's report. "It's going to be mostly chiefs of staff, and people who have authority. I mean, that's why they're doing this."

Lawmakers do not have to be concerned about reimbursing taxpayers if they do not commit sexual harassment, Speier has said, according to The Hill.

Speier addressed sexual harassment issues in a Wednesday interview with Time.

"We say we have zero tolerance for that, but what does zero tolerance mean. . . . They're meaningless words if you're not willing to say, 'We're not going to allow this to go on here,'" Speier said in the Time interview.

Lock Her UP!

Now we finally find out why Mueller and the FBI has been stonewalling Congress, refusing to turn over documents under subpoena. Peter Strzok who was fired for banging his FBI attorney mistress and exchanging pro Hillary and anti Trump text messages with her was the person who changed the language in the Hillary finding regarding her handling of classified data from "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless". Of course those sound a lot alike in conversational speech, but legally it matters. Grossly negligent is the specific legal language used in the statute regarding allowing classified material to be removed from a proper place of custody or delivered to anyone it should not have been.

Comey & the FBI at the time claimed Hillary didn't have any "malicious intent"...but the legal statutes don't say dick about intent....if you're grossly negligent the way she was, you owe us 10 years in Federal prison.

Strzok was also the same person who initiated the Russian investigation:


18 U.S.C. § 793(f)

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
Damn...the right sure made an about turn on Roy Moore didn't they?

I guess since they already have one in the white house...one more shouldn't matter
even McConnell made a quick turn leaving it up to the voters...as did several others

besides the only one they want to kick out are Dems...so they can keep their majority a little longer

another strange one....what happened to the republican that flashed in front of one of his aides...she quit and then ran for congress and made it....never heard a peep about that one since!
just trying to keep their trash out of sight I guess

I also see one of Moore's accuser is coming forward with evidence...Mmmmm...but doesn't matter to those Ala people
and now another of trump's accusers is coming back out again with some new ******* on trump....mmmm