Politics, Politics, Politics

you called it mac! looks like Rubio let the cat out of the bag...although most already knew anyway

Sen. Rubio tells a secret: After giving a tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security and Medicare
Los Angeles Times

Advocates for seniors and the middle class have been warning for weeks that the Republican drive to cut taxes for the wealthy is the prelude to a larger attack on Social Security and Medicare. In a videotaped interview with two Politico reporters Wednesday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said the quiet parts out loud. Asked by interviewers Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman how to address the federal deficit, he replied: “We have to do two things. We have to generate economic growth which generates revenue, while reducing spending. That will mean instituting structural changes to Social Security and Medicare for the future.” (A video of Rubio’s appearance is here, with his remarks on Social Security and ...
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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has his work cut out for him to save the Senate tax bill, which stalled Thursday evening after three GOP rebels threatened to effectively ******* it.

After weeks of careful negotiations, Senate Republicans are locked in a huge behind-the-scenes fight over what the tax bill should look like.

To pass the bill, McConnell and his leadership team will have to craft substantial revisions and they have only 24 hours to do it, give or take, or otherwise postpone the effort altogether until next week.

To appease Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), McConnell would have to reduce the total size of the $1.4 trillion tax package by $350 billion to $450 billion.
But that approach isn’t sitting well with many Republican senators.

Michael Flynn pleads guilty to lying to the FBI and plans to 'cooperate' with Russia probe


WASHINGTON — President Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, pleaded guilty on Friday morning to a charge of making false statements to the FBI. Flynn also indicated he plans to cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Mueller filed the charges against Flynn on Thursday in a three-paragraph “information” that leaves many questions about Flynn’s activities unanswered.

Flynn, a retired general, could face up to five years in prison. He is the fourth figure from Trump’s presidential campaign to face charges, and there are indications that he may be cooperating with prosecutors in the broader Russia probe.

In a statement released by his attorney’s office shortly after he made the plea, Flynn claimed he has faced “false accusations” of “treason.” However, he also acknowledged that the actions he pleaded guilty to were “wrong” and indicated that his guilty plea was part of an “agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel’s Office.”

“After over 33 years of military service to our country, including nearly five years in combat away from my family, and then my decision to continue to serve the United States, it has been extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of ‘treason’ and other outrageous acts. Such false accusations are contrary to everything I have ever done and stood for. But I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right,” said Flynn.

Flynn described his decision to cooperate with prosecutors as one that was made “in the best interests of my family and of our country.”

“I accept full responsibility for my actions,” he said.

A Flynn confidant said the retired general promised “full cooperation” in the probe, ABC News reported, and that he is prepared to testify that Trump asked him to make contact with the Russians.

The law firm indicated Flynn and his attorney, Robert Kelner, would not make further public statements about the plea.

Flynn, a retired general, was accused of making a pair of false statements about conversations he had with Russia’s ambassador to the United States during the transition period before the inauguration. A top adviser to Trump’s campaign, Flynn was appointed national security adviser days after Trump’s election in November 2016. According to the criminal information filed by Mueller and his assistants in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Flynn’s conversations with the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, took place the following month, as he worked with Trump’s transition team.

The information said Flynn spoke to FBI agents on Jan. 24, 2017, four days after Trump took office and he officially became national security adviser. During that interview, Flynn allegedly lied about discussions he had with Kislyak about U.S. sanctions on Russia and a U.N. Security Council resolution.

According to the document, Flynn spoke to Kislyak on Dec. 29, the day the outgoing Obama administration issued sanctions to respond to Russia’s alleged intervention in the election. Mueller and his team said Flynn falsely said he “did not ask” Kislyak to “refrain from escalating the situation.” Mueller and his team also said Flynn spoke to Kislyak last Dec. 22. Flynn allegedly falsely told FBI agents that he did not ask the Russian ambassador to “delay the vote on or defeat a pending United Nations Security Council resolution.”

The charging documents were made public on Friday morning. Shortly afterwards, the White House referred questions about the charges to Ty Cobb, the lawyer who is handling for the Trump administration issues related to the Russia investigation. The White House subsequently released a statement from Cobb in which he emphasized the fact that Flynn spent a little over three weeks in the Trump administration before being fired from his post as national security adviser, after it was revealed that he misled Vice President Mike Pence about his conversations with Kislyak.

“Today, Michael Flynn, a former national security adviser at the White House for 25 days during the Trump administration, and a former Obama administration official, entered a guilty plea to a single count of making a false statement to the FBI,” Cobb said, adding, “The false statements involved mirror the false statements to White House officials which resulted in his resignation in February of this year. Nothing about the guilty plea or the charge implicates anyone other than Mr. Flynn. The conclusion of this phase of the Special Counsel’s work demonstrates again that the Special Counsel is moving with all deliberate speed and clears the way for a prompt and reasonable conclusion.”


Michael Flynn, with a detail of a U.S. District Court document. (Yahoo News photo illustration; photos: Mario Tama/Getty Images)

Flynn has been the subject of intense scrutiny for months. In addition to the concerns about his communications with Kislyak, Flynn has faced questions about whether he failed to declare lobbying work he did for the Turkish government and whether he worked with Istanbul on a plot to hand over a Turkish dissident who is living in the United States. Flynn’s meeting with Turkish representatives allegedly took place last December during the presidential transition and involved his *******, Michael Flynn Jr. Flynn’s ******* was also implicated in the payments from the Turkish government, since he worked in his *******’s consulting business.

Legal experts have speculated that the potential for charges against Flynn’s ******* could give prosecutors leverage against him. Flynn was spared the more serious charges he could have faced for failing to register his work with Turkey or for negotiating with the Russian ambassador while he was still a private citizen.


Michael Flynn, who was national security adviser at the time, addresses the daily news briefing at the White House in February. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

The deal between Flynn and prosecutors is a major development as the Russia probe heats up and has ensnared several Trump allies. Last month, Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was indicted along with a longtime associate on charges including making false statements to investigators and acting as unregistered foreign agents on behalf of Viktor Yanukovych, the former president of the Ukraine, who was closely allied with the Kremlin. A lower-level former campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, was also charged with making false statements to the FBI about his outreach to Russia during the presidential campaign. Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty.

In a report released in January, the U.S. intelligence community said the Russian government had interfered in last year’s presidential election to help Trump against his rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton. Trump and his administration have repeatedly denied that he had any involvement with Russia’s efforts. The White House has also sought to distance Trump from the former aides who have faced criminal charges.

This story was updated at 11:55 a.m. with the statements from Flynn and Cobb.
and wouldn't you just know it...Flynn all over the papers and every news channel...except one!

Fox News wants to find the real criminal here, and it’s not Michael Flynn

As federal prosecutors announced a plea deal with former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn Fox News had a unique spin on the significant development in the investigation into the Trump campaign's communications with Russia. Though the story broke shortly before 10 a.m. Eastern Time, the right-leaning news network did not feature it as the lead story on its web page. Instead, FoxNews.com readers were treated to a story about the FBI's separate investigation into internal leaks about Hillary Clinton, the former Democratic presidential candidate who has retired from politics and public service. Once Fox did get around to covering the news, it framed Flynn's guilty plea in terms ...
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Michael Flynn Led a 'Lock Her Up' Chant at the Republican Convention. Now He's Charged With Lying to the FBI
Time Ryan Teague Beckwith

Former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who is expected to plead guilty to lying to federal investigators Friday, once led a “Lock her up!” chant about Hillary Clinton at the Republican National Convention.

As a retired lieutenant general and a campaign advisor to Donald Trump, Flynn had a speaking slot at the convention in July of 2016. He chose his moment in the spotlight to hit Clinton, then the Democratic nominee for President, hard over her private email server.

After leading the crowd in a chant of “lock her up,” a common occurrence at Trump rallies but an unusual one for a national convention, Flynn then cited his national security background to bolster the case.

“You know why we’re saying that?” he said. “We’re saying that because if I, a guy who knows this business, if I did a tenth, a tenth of what she did, I would be in jail today.”

Flynn resigned as national security advisor in February after he reportedly misled Vice President Mike Pence on whether he had discussed Russian sanctions with the Russian Ambassador to the U.S., the same issue on which he is expected to plead guilty to lying to FBI investigators about.
It looks like the wheels are starting to come off the ole Donald Trump wagon ... will it last until January? They say "he who quacks last usually quacks the loudest" ... lol

pic_wagonwheels-Trump.jpg gif_Dog2.gif "Time for the ducks to start quacking!" ... gif_duck2.gif
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Michael Flynn Led a 'Lock Her Up' Chant at the Republican Convention. Now He's Charged With Lying to the FBI Time Ryan Teague Beckwith
Karma - Wikipedia
(Sanskrit: कर्म; IPA: [ˈkərmə]; Pali: kamma) the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect).

A good example of KARMA! A dish that's best served cold!
what's even funnier...now looks like Kushner told Flynn to meet with them....I'll bet it was hell trying to sleep in the WH last night!
wonder if the neighbors complained about the noise?

AND even funnier....they had several meeting during transition to talk about it...PENCE was there also!
according to the TV last night...waiting to see something in print....looks like could end up being a full sweep
Senate OKs tax bill as Trump, GOP near big legislative win

Associated Press Alan Fram, Marcy Gordon and Stephen Ohlemacher

Republicans pushed a nearly $1.5 trillion tax bill through the Senate early Saturday after a burst of eleventh-hour horse trading, as a party starved all year for a major legislative triumph took a giant step toward giving President Donald Trump one of his top priorities by Christmas.

"Big bills are rarely popular. You remember how unpopular 'Obamacare' was when it passed?" Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said in an interview, shrugging off polls showing scant public enthusiasm for the measure. He said the legislation would prove to be "just what the country needs to get growing again."

Trump hailed the bill's passage on Twitter, thanking McConnell and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah. "Look forward to signing a final bill before Christmas!" the president wrote.

Presiding over the Senate, Vice President Mike Pence announced the 51-49 vote to applause from Republicans. Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., was the only lawmaker to cross party lines, joining the Democrats in opposition. The measure focuses its tax reductions on businesses and higher-earning individuals, gives more modest breaks to others and offers the boldest rewrite of the nation's tax system since 1986.

Now all we got to do is hope Ryan sticks to his perfect track record...of getting NOTHING through the house
This country is so fucked!....for the next few years....even if all this gets the Chump...and Pence...we have Ryan...hard to see the forest for the trees....hopefully the mid terms the dems can get enough in to stop the slide!
If I were the Dems, I would run ads in purple states hammering the GOP for cutting health-care

yes but right now it's their tax program that is going to ******* us..AND them I hope...strange part of it...the tax reform will hurt a lot of Trump supporters...not right away but in a year or so when somehow they have to pay for those cuts and they do it with the taxes on middle class and cutting social programs
Fox News wants to find the real criminal here, and it’s not Michael Flynn
Then someone simply needs to direct them to the Oval Office ... gif_yellowball-laughing3.gif
Never mind, however, they'll get to the Oval Office soon enough, I'm sure. That would be a magnificent Christmas present for the little guys if they did.
The Senate passed legislation to overhaul the tax code early Saturday morning, handing Republicans a badly needed legislative and political victory.

Senators voted 51-49 to pass the plan, capping off days of debate and hand-wringing as leadership worked frantically behind the scenes to win over holdouts and get the proposal in line with the chamber’s rules.

Republican Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) bucked party leadership and voted against the plan amid lingering concerns over the impact on the deficit. No Democratic senator supported the legislation, with Democrats quickly leaving the chamber after voting "no."
