Politics, Politics, Politics

Why a Republican owner of a booming business says he wants a tax cut (and what it says about the GOP’s biggest goal)
Washington Post

LEBANON, Pa. — Douglass Henry, owner of packaging materials manufacturer Henry Molded Products, admits he could live without a tax cut. He is not going to shutter his factory and lay off his 105 workers here in Pennsylvania Dutch country if Congress fails on tax overhaul. His company is flourishing, the workers and machines humming 24 hours a day. “We’ve been selling everything but the paint on the wall,” he said. But Henry, a longtime Republican, says he wants Congress to pass a big tax cut for a different reason: It can. “Now is the opportunity,” said Henry, 60. “This is not an issue that is going to come up with every Congress. After 30 years, we’re overdue.” Henry stands at the conflicted
see what I mean about dumb southerners....although Kansas really borderline...but fits the mentality

Another conservative leads Kansas governor race after crisis

If you thought Kansas emerged from its long budget crisis to reject deep-red politics and move back toward the center, think again. A year ago, many voters concluded that Republican Gov. Sam Brownback's experiment in cutting income taxes had ended in failure, opening the door to a more moderate agenda. But now an even more aggressively conservative figure could win next year's race for governor. Secretary of State Kris Kobach, a Harvard-, Yale- and Oxford-educated lawyer, leads a large field of likely candidates after building a national reputation as hardline provocateur on immigration and voter ID laws. His visibility rose sharply after President Donald Trump appointed ...


even after the state took him to court on his lies...and funny shenanigans...he is leading?
how fucking dumb can one state be...they are so far in the red now they can't see daylight
Here's your tax dollars hard at work.....going to pay off victims of Democrat John Conyers' sexual harassment.


From the article:
In this case, one of Conyers’ former employees was offered a settlement, in exchange for her silence, that would be paid out of Conyers’ taxpayer-funded office budget. His office would “rehire” the woman as a “temporary employee” despite her being directed not to come into the office or do any actual work

What I don't get is what woman could possibly resist the sexual advances of this man???

As far as I'm concerned, if pulling up ALL the embarrassing sexual histories of all of congress will get some of these jokers to resign, be publically embarrassed, etc ... I'm all for it. They all have skeletons in their closets ... ALL of them ... so, open them up and lets see 'em ... and if they don't want the public embarrassment ... RESIGN. Maybe THEN, we can start insisting on term limits, age limits, restrictions/transparency of money donations, etc and actually form a congress that works for the PEOPLE.
State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert confirmed on Tuesday that the United States provided Zimbabwe with $220 million in aid in 2016 alone, citing “democratic governance” as one of the areas the U.S. has funded.
America has also provided significant food and health aid to the impoverished country, Nauert added. She did not provide details on these programs.

Nauert provided the fact in response to a question on whether Washington would change its relationship with Zimbabwe since the announcement that its longtime dictator, Robert Mugabe, had agreed to resign. The nation’s military intervened last week and placed the 93-year-old under house arrest, insisting that their call to remove his wife, Grace, as successor was not a coup d’etat.

Nauert stated that she was “not aware” of plans to change the U.S.-Zimbabwe relationship. “I can tell you that last year we provide $220 million or thereabouts in assistance to Zimbabwe,” she said. “That was for their health systems, food, nutrition, democratic governance, and others. I’m not sure if that number – or if that will change, but we’re certainly looking forward to the future for Zimbabwe.”

Nauert also addressed Mugabe’s resignation directly, calling it “a historic opportunity and historic moment for the people of Zimbabwe.”

Actress, comedian, and former Bernie Sanders supporter Sarah Silverman says she “fell in love” with Donald Trump voters while traveling the country to work on her new Hulu television series, I Love You, America.
In a conversation with New York Magazine contributor Frank Rich at Vulture Fest Tuesday, Silverman said she was able to find common ground with Trump voters when she met with them one-on-one. Silverman’s new Hulu series sees the comedian traveling across the country to meet people with different political views.

“When you’re one-on-one with someone who doesn’t agree with you, or whose ideology is different than yours, when you’re face to face, your porcupine needles go down,” Silverman said, according to the Hollywood Reporter. “The surprise was… I fell in love with them. I had a great time with them and I felt comfortable.”

President Trump attacked ObamaCare on Thursday night, calling the health-care law a “disaster” and vowing to repeal and replace it after the GOP passes tax reform.

“ObamaCare premiums are going up, up, up, just as I have been predicting for two years. ObamaCare is OWNED by the Democrats, and it is a disaster,” Trump tweeted.

“But do not worry. Even though the Dems want to Obstruct, we will Repeal & Replace right after Tax Cuts!”

Islamic terrorists ruthlessly murdered at least 235 Egyptians at a mosque on Friday when they detonated a bomb which ****** mosque-goers to run outside where the terrorists were waiting with automatic rifles.

Terrorists tried to prevent people from fleeing the area by blowing up cars and using them as roadblocks, Sky News reported.

Officials suspect ISIS to be responsible for the attack, which is being billed as the worst attack in the nation’s modern history, as it left at least 235 people dead and over 130 injured, the Daily Mail added.

While nearly every news agency in existence reported on the attack, virtually none of them have reported on the guns used by the terrorists.

However, a local Egyptian news correspondent reported that the terrorists used “automatic rifles,” which are banned in Egypt.

Michigan Democratic Rep. John Conyers announced Sunday that he will step down from his top position on the House Committee on the Judiciary in the wake of allegations he sexually harassed and then paid off his accusers over several years.

“After careful consideration and in light of the attention drawn by recent allegations made against me, I have notified the Democratic Leader of my request to step aside as Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee during the investigation of these matters,” Conyers said in a statement and on Twitter.

Conyers expressed reluctance at stepping down from his role as ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, and still denies all the allegations against him.

“To be clear, I would like very much to remain as Ranking Member,” Conyers said in a statement. “There is still much work to be done on core concerns like securing civil rights, enacting meaningful criminal justice reform, and protecting access to the ballot box.”

Conyers also said that the issues of criminal justice reform, civil rights and voting protections are all the more important under President Donald Trump, whose administration “cares little for the rule of law.”

Corporate repatriation is a scam: GOP plan rewards tax-dodgers

The offered explanation is that a lower tax rate is necessary to induce these corporations to bring their money back into the United States. Furthermore, the argument goes, the nation would be better off collecting a lower tax revenue from this reduced rate than collecting no tax revenue at all by the money never being returned to the United States. Has Congress fallen down the rabbit hole? Just think about the perversity of this logic. Apply it to, say, a thief who steals a truckload of new iPhones. If the thief returns some of iPhones, should he be permitted to keep the rest of them for himself? After all, it would be better to recover some of the iPhones than none at all. Of course not. Law ...
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CBO: Senate Tax Bill Is Even Worse For Low-Income People Than Thought

The Congressional Budget Office just released a new analysis of the Senate’s tax bill. The CBO examined the combined effect of changes in tax law with reductions in federal spending, like changes in “Medicaid, cost-sharing reduction payments, the Basic Health program, and Medicare.” The agency subtracted changes in federal spending for different income groups from the change in federal revenues allocated to each group. Essentially, the analysis looked at how much effect increased taxes from a group and decreased spending on the same group had on overall deficit estimates. The groups hit hardest — the ones providing a reduction to federal deficits — are the poorest. According to the estimates, ...
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Senate GOP tax bill hurts the poor more than originally thought, CBO finds


The Senate Republican tax plan gives substantial tax cuts and benefits to Americans earning more than $100,000 a year, while the nation’s poorest would be worse off, according to a report released Sunday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

Republicans are aiming to have the full Senate vote on the tax plan as early as this week, but the new CBO analysis showing large, harmful effects on the poor may complicate those plans. The CBO also said the bill would add $1.4 trillion to the deficit over the next decade, a potential problem for Republican lawmakers worried about America’s growing debt.

Democrats have repeatedly slammed the bill as a giveaway to the rich at the expense of the poor. In addition to lowering taxes for businesses and many individuals, the Senate bill also makes a major change to health insurance that the CBO projects would have a harsh impact on lower-income families.
Why workers won’t benefit from Trump’s corporate tax cut

Paying for tax cuts So back to our game. When there’s a tax cut, someone still is stuck with a potato. That is, someone has to pay for it. There are two ways this can be done: increased borrowing or lower government spending. When economies are near full employment, as the U.S. is today, additional government borrowing will increase borrowing costs or interest rates. So if the U.S. were to borrow more money to finance the tax cuts, the losers would be middle-income households borrowing to start a business, go to college or buy a home. Around 80 percent of Americans are currently in debt, with a median debt of $70,000. Homeowners would be big losers because higher mortgage rates would also lower ...


do you think now with his big tax break....Trump will get rid of his foreign workers...pay more money and hire American workers at his resorts?

Don't think so!
Tax cut for middle class? That's a con job

You can look at the Republican tax plan from 10 different angles, and find 10 big reasons to hate it. It is that bad. It would explode the deficit. It would increase net taxes paid by New Jersey families, bipartisan analysis shows. It would cause home values to plummet, realtors warn. It would let Wall Street billionaires pay taxes at a lower rate than their secretaries, despite the promises. And so on. For today, let's focus on the core fraud behind the selling of this plan, the claim that this is a middle-class tax cut. There are some scraps, granted. The plan would increase the standard deduction and the baby tax credit, benefits that are aimed at the middle-class. And it offers a small reduction
Robert Reich: Mnuchin is a lying knave

One of the most dangerous consequences of this awful period in American life is the denigration of the truth, and of institutions and people who tell it. There are two kinds of liars – fools and knaves. Fools lie because they don’t know the truth. Knaves lie because they intend to mislead. Trump is both, because he doesn’t even care enough about the truth to find out what it is. He’ll say whatever he thinks will get people to believe what he wants them to believe. What about people like Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Trump’s point person on the Republican tax bills now making their way through Congress? Mnuchin continues to insist that the legislation puts a higher tax burden on people earning ...
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Republicans' next poisonous priority
The Week

If and when Republicans pass the final version of their tax bill through Congress, in each house a joyous whoop will rise up as the presiding officer reads the results. When the cheers die down they will be replaced by laughter, amid handshakes and backslaps and maybe even a hug or two, all Republicans celebrating their glorious triumph. Before long they'll troop to the White House for a Rose Garden celebration with President Trump, their cheeks still flush with excitement, knowing they've not only fulfilled their most profound purpose but staved off the political cataclysm they so desperately feared. A gigantic tax cut for corporations and the wealthy has been the single greatest priority for the GOP at this moment of complete control of Washington, the one promise they absolutely positively must keep. ...
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although they have already pretty much gutted medicare...what's left to chop out of it!