Politics, Politics, Politics

A dozen women who know Alabama Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore personally have come forward to express their support and speak out about his good character.
Over the past week, several women have claimed that Moore made sexual advances when they were teenagers. Another woman said she was in her twenties when Moore groped her in his office.

Moore has denied the allegations and has vowed to stay in the race against Democrat Doug Jones in a special election next month to fill the Senate seat Attorney General Jeff Sessions vacated.

Several media outlets reported on the statements, which the Roy Moore campaign distributed.

All of the women live in Alabama and some in the same county where Moore and his wife, Kayla, live.

The women range from Moore’s sister-in-law to a former receptionist, from women he once dated to women who have known him since childhood.

A “Women for Moore” rally took place Friday outside the Alabama State Capitol.

The statements follow below:

GOP Tax Bill Is The End Of All Economic Sanity In Washington

No doubt many of you read the above headline and immediately started to tweet that the GOP tax bill can’t be the end of economic sanity in Washington because there never was any to begin with. I have two responses. First…please do tweet that, and link to this post when you do. Second…you’re wrong. If it’s enacted, the GOP tax cut now working its way through Congress will be the start of a decades-long economic policy disaster unlike any other that has occurred in American history. There’s no economic justification whatsoever for a tax cut at this time. U.S. GDP is growing, unemployment is close to 4 percent (below what is commonly considered “full employment“), corporate profits are at record ...

="subhub174014, post: 1587493, member: 60485"]GOP Tax Bill Is The End Of All Economic Sanity In Washington

No doubt many of you read the above headline and immediately started to tweet that the GOP tax bill can’t be the end of economic sanity in Washington because there never was any to begin with. I have two responses. First…please do tweet that, and link to this post when you do. Second…you’re wrong. If it’s enacted, the GOP tax cut now working its way through Congress will be the start of a decades-long economic policy disaster unlike any other that has occurred in American history. There’s no economic justification whatsoever for a tax cut at this time. U.S. GDP is growing, unemployment is close to 4 percent (below what is commonly considered “full employment“), corporate profits are at record ...


the above post
The 1,200-word editorial that accompanied those headlines urged Alabama voters to dismiss what those beyond the state’s borders have to say about the race.

Alabamians have never cared about what the rest of country thinks of them. And we do not expect all the handwringing from national pundits, conservative or liberal, to make much of a difference. This election isn’t about what a late-night comedian may think of Alabama or whether Sean Hannity can sell advertisements; it’s not about Saturday Night Live or Mitch McConnell. It’s not about Breitbart or National Democrats. It is about the moral values of the people of Alabama.

Do not make your voting decision based on who it will affect on a national stage. Vote based on who it will affect in your hometown.

Yeah, those folks in Alabama really have a lot to be proud of ... their state ranks in the bottom 15 percentile of all states in education, unemployment, income, healthcare coverage ... the list goes on and on. I'd say they have a lot of things more important than one racist, old southern who likes pegging ******* girls. :rolleyes:
I'd say they have a lot of things more important than one racist, old southern who likes pegging ******* girls.

did you read where a lot of people are going to support him just because they think others are meddling in their affairs?
Naturally Trump is not going to say anything there....that state supported him...so I guess whatever their man does is fine

but you really have to wonder about some of these southern states to begin with...and just how they pick their people

Before the election I got in an argument with some big shot from one of the local churches about Trump...he was really pissed I wouldn't support him...pointed out all the stuff on Hillary.....when I threw all the groping and etc on trump...fake news!
just more of the right promoting family values!

Trump Campaign Coordinator And 'Family Values' Republican Pleads Guilty To baby Sex Trafficking, Faces Life In Prison
Carlos Ballesteros, Newsweek

Ralph Shortey, former Oklahoma state senator and a county campaign coordinator for President Donald Trump’s campaign last year, will plead guilty to a baby sex trafficking offense for soliciting sex from a 17-year-old boy in March.

In exchange for his guilty plea, government prosecutors have agreed to drop three counts of baby pornography against him.

Shortey is scheduled to plead guilty on November 30, two weeks before his trial was set to commence on December 5. Sex trafficking of a minor carries a minimum sentence of 10 years in prison, but Shortey faces the possibility of being sent to life in prison for the offense at a sentencing hearing in early 2018.

Shortey is married and has four children.

“Mr. Shortey feels this is a necessary step in putting this painful and humiliating ordeal behind him, for both himself, his family and for the state of Oklahoma,” Shortey’s attorney Ed Blau said on Friday.

On March 9, Shortey surrendered to police on charges of engaging in baby *******, transporting a minor for ******* and engaging in ******* within 1,000 feet of a church. He was released on a $100,000 bond a couple hours after being booked.

According to the Associated Press, the charges came after police found Shortey at a Super 8 Hotel in Moore, Oklahoma, with a 17-year-old boy.

He was later charged in federal court with two counts of baby pornography, production of baby pornography and baby sex trafficking.

Police then searched the teen’s tablet, where they found sexually explicit exchanges in which Shortey referred to the teen as “baby boy” and offered to pay him in exchange for “sexual stuff.” Police also reportedly found lotion and an open box of condoms in the room.

Shortey and the teen said they had met through Craigslist and had been messaging each other on Kik.

Oklahoma’s age of consent is 16, but it’s baby ******* statutes apply to any person under 18-years-old, the AP reports.

Soon after the charges were filed, the state’s Republican leadership, including Governor Mary Fallin, called for his resignation. Shortey left his post on March 22, two weeks after being found with the boy in the hotel room.

Court documents show that the two transportation of baby pornography charges stem from allegations that Shortey sent videos of a "prepubescent girl,” along with videos of young boys from his email address in October 2013. The production of baby pornography charge came after Shortey was alleged to have convinced a minor to send him an inappropriate photo.

The two-term former Oklahoma Republican state senator was first elected in 2010 on a “family values” conservative platform. According to the Associated Press, Shortey “routinely voted with his Republican colleagues on bills targeting gay and transgender people, including a measure passed earlier this year that would allow business owners to discriminate against gay people.”

Shortey is also known to be a pro-gun advocate, has been charged with being xenophobic, and believed President Barack Obama’s birth certificate was false.

Shortey was an early endorser to Trump’s presidential campaign, pledging his support in October 2015. Soon after, the campaign named Shortey as part of its leadership team in Oklahoma.

According to The Daily Kos, Shortey’s shared a picture of him embracing Donald Trump Jr. on March 10, the day after he was found by police in the motel room with the young boy.
Even more family values from the right

Democrats Select Candidate To Replace GOP Congressman Who Resigned Over Abortion
HuffPost Igor Bobic

Democrats on Sunday picked Conor Lamb to run for the congressional seat vacated by former Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.), who resigned last month after it was revealed that he’d urged a woman he was having an affair with to have an abortion.

Lamb, 33, is a federal prosecutor and a Marine Corps veteran. He’ll be facing GOP state Rep. Rick Saccone in the March 13 special election.

Democratic leaders said 554 county committee members from Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District gathered at a local high school on Sunday to select their candidate in a nominating convention. Lamb won on the second ballot.
Fox News praises Eric Trump for welcoming higher taxes under dad’s plan. (He gets a huge tax cut.)

Eric Trump, who continues to engage himself in national politics while helping run the Trump Organization, was interviewed by Fox News’ Maria Batiromo Sunday to talk about his *******’s accomplishments during the first year of the Trump presidency. When it came to discussing the Republican tax plan, however, he made clear he either has no understanding about how it works or was willing to directly lie about it. After touting the president’s economic successes, which are really just the result of policies implemented by the Obama administration, Eric Trump pivoted to tax reform. Despite overwhelming analysis from non-partisan tax organizations that indicate the GOP tax plan overwhelmingly benefits wealthy Americans like him, Trump dismissed that “Democratic talking point” as “garbage” and even suggested his own taxes would be higher as a result

but you really have to wonder about some of these southern states to begin with...and just how they pick their people
....Many of the uneducated southerners (and there are quite a few) soundly believe that the democrats are going to take their guns away ... guns are THAT important to these people, because hunting is important to them, and the NRA has their names. Heck, I get an NRA letter at least every other month regarding gun rights. Its just one of those fake news topics that the Republicans have soundly sold their conservative base on ... hell, a lot of them STILL believe Obama was not a natural born citizen ... still believe he's a Muslim.
....subhub, they don't keep the southerners uneducated for 'nothing' ... there's a purpose behind it, trust me.
Many of the uneducated southerners (and there are quite a few) soundly believe that the democrats are going to take their guns away ... guns are THAT important to these people

yes I see and hear that a lot down here it surprises me and they will just not listen to any logic
I think it is inbred into them...that Dems are against the people...all they can do is repeat the dems will raise taxes and take our guns...blind to anything else...think they got that handed down through the family and that's just the way it is
went to a pretty good sized car show a few weeks ago...and both parties had tents set up handing out info....I stopped into the dem one and talked....told them we are small numbers in this state....they told me it is slowly changing...can't change the older ones they are firmly sold on the right....but the younger ones still have an open mind....we got 3 dems voted in around here in the past few months with some special elections...just unheard of...I think Trump and some of the stuff going on now is opening more eyes to the facts
Senate Democrats are pushing an “assault weapons” ban again and the greatest opposition to it comes from voters aged 18 to 34.
In other words, many of those opposed to it were not old enough to vote during the push for such a ban following the Sandy Hook Elementary School attack. And some of them were still toddlers in 2004, which is when the last federal “assault weapons” ban expired.

The Guardian points to a Quinnipiac poll that shows support for an “assault weapons” ban surged among voters among voters over the age of 65 following the Texas church attack. Seventy-seven percent of such voters supported a ban and there was 70 percent support by voters 50 and older.

However, less than 50 percent of the millennial voters support such a ban and 44 percent of voters aged 18 to 34 actually oppose the idea. The Guardian reports that “experts” believe the millennial opposition to an “assault weapons” ban could be “driven by the popularity of first-person shooter video games…and the increasing prominence of military-style guns in the consumer market.”

.Many of the uneducated southerners (and there are quite a few) soundly believe that the democrats are going to take their guns away ... guns are THAT important to these people,

I can't refute that claim, but I can point out that there are just as many "uneducated" liberals. There is a large LGBT community in my area, wife and I sometimes frequent the "hang-outs" and we have several LGBT friends. Any time there is an election for any office, most, not all, but most LGBT will base their vote only on what the candidate will do for the LGBT community. I've even been told by one man that he didn't care if the candidate was Hitler re-incarnate, if he was pro gay, then he had the mans vote. So, who is the "dumber" voter?
Last night’s edition of filmmaker Keith Beauchamp’s The Injustice Files: Sundown Towns on Investigation Discovery refocused attention on what is now known as “sundown towns,” places where African-Americans were not welcomed “after the sun went down” and, in some instances, purposely driven out altogether.

Some of these areas warned black people by signage that, if caught there after dark, they could be killed. Most, however, were known to do so, especially among African-Americans in the area, by rumor and reputation.

In 2005, James W. Loewen, an American sociologist, historian and author who first taught at historically black college Tougaloo in Jackson, Mississippi, explored this practice in his book Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism. Loewen, best known for his bestselling 1995 book, Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong, insists that the phenomenon of “sundown towns” are largely Northern and not Southern, focusing heavily on his native Illinois.

Yeah, when it comes to CP and *******, its starting to become just as dangerous hanging around Republican congressmen as it is Catholic Priests ... moral decay, blame it ALL on Barrack Obama ... isn't that right, Right-Wingers?
Yeah, when it comes to CP and *******, its starting to become just as dangerous hanging around Republican congressmen as it is Catholic Priests ... moral decay, blame it ALL on Barrack Obama ... isn't that right, Right-Wingers?

who's blaming Obama?

I consider the BLM and ANTIFA hate groups as well - so don't forget to lump them in there too. I'm also willing to bet there are just as much CP and ******* going on in the left. Are you sure you are talking about education - or blinders?
Oh my goodness, did I fail to mention militias & hate groups as to why the South refuses to accept modifications to the gun laws

dumbest people around...and hung up on their beliefs..still wave the confederate flag....and yet every since the civil war that they lost...they are still sucking up funds from the Yankees!
10 of the poorest states in the nation...all in the south...all have republican gov.'s...no education or health care...low paying jobs...they deserve what they get!
EXCFEPT when they send some of those dumb SOB's to Washington and vote like an idiot!