Politics, Politics, Politics

well I really haven't notice you complain about him....what I see is pretty much total support
but then isn't that what a republican does?

So if I don't constantly state the Sky is blue - does that mean I think it's red?

Maybe I just don't bitch, whine, and complain all the time.
Then you are requested to do the same and stop posting the off political memes posts and comments. Maybe start a blog if you don't like people responding. After all, your advice counts both ways no?

where did i post off political memes posts and comments? subhub here in this thread copy and paste trump bashing articles and insult those who disagree with him you remain silent but when i disagree with him and post why he is wrong you decide to step in and make assumptions about me and defend him
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I challenge you to quote a SINGLE post where I support Trump - I'll wait.

well we can just start with health care!
surely you don't expect me to go on and on...that's a lot of pages....

BS....how can I post BS...I cut and paste ...remember...well that seems to be the verdict anyway

I'm trying to think of just one thing we have agreed on.....now that would take some research!
yes I have the OU-TCU game on and not going well!

Trump Says He Loves Clean Air and Water. So Why Is He Gutting the EPA?

The dirty details of the president’s environmental policies.

Even President Donald Trump likes clean water and air. During his speech to Congress Tuesday night, Trump certainly didn’t dwell on the matter: His pledge to “promote clean air and water” was lumped in a sentence with commitments to work with both parties, push for paid family leave, and “invest in women’s health.” But it was still there.

No matter who you ask—Republicans or Democrats—everyone likes to breathe air and ******* water that won’t ******* them. Air and water poll so well, in fact, that Republicans will almost never come out and say that their policies might actually make them dirtier. Trump used similar lines about clean air and water throughout the campaign, saying things like, “We are going to work very, very hard on clean air and clean water.” The subject also appears near the bottom of the energy section of the White House website.

But earlier Tuesday, Trump signed an executive order that directed the Environmental Protection Agency to limit the scope of what counts as a regulated body of water under the Clean Water Act. More executive orders are on their way, and career staff are waiting to hear how many of their jobs may be cut.

Several weeks ago, Trump and congressional Republicans repealed an Obama-era rule designed to protect waterways from coal mining waste. In addition, Republicans on Team Trump are opposed to regulating coal plants’ mercury pollution. Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt filed a failed lawsuit as attorney general to overturn the regulation. He filed another lawsuit against the EPA regional haze rule, which requires state plans to clear the air around national parks. Republicans have also hinted they might revisit the EPA’s so-called “endangerment finding,” which declared that carbon pollution harms human health and is therefore subject to the Clean Air Act.

might want to rethink that statement
well we can just start with health care!
surely you don't expect me to go on and on...that's a lot of pages....

BS....how can I post BS...I cut and paste ...remember...well that seems to be the verdict anyway

I'm trying to think of just one thing we have agreed on.....now that would take some research!

Comprehension problems again? Never once agreed with Trump on Health care. So again, I challenge you to post one thread where I state I support Trump - Other wise, just admit you are full of *******.