Politics, Politics, Politics

this is a politics thread not a partisan copy and paste thread. i you don't want any responses to your copy and pastes start a blog

Then you are requested to do the same and stop posting the off political memes posts and comments. Maybe start a blog if you don't like people responding. After all, your advice counts both ways no?
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In case you haven't noticed, Trump IS the president

you're president!
you support him and his policies' I don't....and last time I looked neither does over 50% of the country....just you right wing fanatics...that want to do away with health care and screw the American public with your tax breaks.....but starting to look like you will lose on both....country not as stupid as you thought
This is NOT a crime for the President. Classification authority ultimately resides solely with the President under our constitution.
:rolleyes: ... I'm quite aware of what the President's legal authority is, h-h. Imagine if Trump suddenly felt it ok to provide his good buddy in Russia the locations & launch codes to our nuclear missiles; you'd probably feel ok with that as well. Even Republican members of congress had issues with that and why some are kicking around giving him the boot. And to think, you had issues with Hillary Clinton's e-mails on a private server when many of Trump's administration has been using their own private servers ... you guys ******* me!:p
:rolleyes: ... I'm quite aware of what the President's legal authority is, h-h. Imagine if Trump suddenly felt it ok to provide his good buddy in Russia the locations & launch codes to our nuclear missiles; you'd probably feel ok with that as well. Even Republican members of congress had issues with that and why some are kicking around giving him the boot. And to think, you had issues with Hillary Clinton's e-mails on a private server when many of Trump's administration has been using their own private servers ... you guys ******* me!:p

HH simply pointed out that it was not crime, No one said Trumps tactics are "OK". That's your assumption. BUt just because I may not agree whit a lot of what Trump does, I'm not going to start claiming he is commenting crimes when he in fact is not.
you're president!
you support him and his policies' I don't....and last time I looked neither does over 50% of the country....just you right wing fanatics...that want to do away with health care and screw the American public with your tax breaks.....but starting to look like you will lose on both....country not as stupid as you thought

Your assumption.

you right wingers and trump supporters.....are so engrossed with what you can put in your pocket...you missed education
