Politics, Politics, Politics

I deal with general public, city officials, and several states on a daily basis

more fake news?

I also deal with people in several states...and middle class workers.....
as for your statement about city officials....most draw a very good health care compliments of the city!

you have just got to quit following what your fairy godmother tells you most are under investigation for corruption...and even your queen is facing treason

BTW Kentucky and a few other of those coal states...love the aca....gave them health ins even with having black lung problems...I would imagine anyone with any type existing condition is jumping to get on the ship
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you read way to many Russian news articles....how can you be so blind?
if nothing else they could already get him on obstruction by his own admission!

his own stupidity is going to hang him!

but if you are so hooked on this Russian why aren't you living in the land of p u t I n ?


don't you read American news. American media is reporting on the latest investigations on d.n.c Russia coll.usion and what impeachable offenses trump did. provide facts and evidence instead of emotional rants. I don't care about your feelings
don't you read American news. American media is reporting on the latest investigations on d.n.c Russia coll.usion and what impeachable offenses trump did. provide facts and evidence instead of emotional rants. I don't care about your feelings

don't you read anything.....
sure Clinton worked with Russia to lose the campaign......a little common sense would apply here....but for you trumpies...that just does not apply

watch the news today?...even more on Trump...he is going down!
you must not watch any nat'l news....you just pay attention to those Russian postings....a lot of his supporters are even jumping ship!
except for a few complete idiots!
and the far right wing ..and all they want is for him to sign their tax break

look and read at some of what is posted here!...and it is from all kinds of different news organizations...credible ones... not like what you are reading!
more fake news?

I also deal with people in several states...and middle class workers.....

Sure you do...

as for your statement about city officials....most draw a very good health care compliments of the city!

No ******* Sherlock - if the ACA is so great they would switch to it. Nope - they all laugh at it. It is a false sense of security - just like everything the Democrocks do. Wake up man, reality is knocking.
Nope - they all laugh at it

just the right!...trying to stuff their pockets on the tax break they plan on getting if it goes away
you people are more than willing to let people die...just so it eases the pain in your overstuffed pocketbook!

Wake up man, reality is knocking

that's you and your trumpies....still trying to sell the snake-oil....rather than do what's right and fix it!

Sure you do...

you have no idea what I do...so why would you just....oh well same as your take on the aca
typical of those on the right....numbers and facts are not what they want to hear...so they are wrong or don't exist

Fox News guest storms off show after host refuses to accept simple tax math

New Policy Institute founder Simon Rosenberg appeared on Fox News and tried to make a point about how the proposed Republican tax plan would actually raise taxes on middle-income families as time passes. “Over time, a majority of middle-class people will be paying more in taxes rather than less,” he explained. Fox News host Melissa Francis didn't like the numbers he was using, so she told him they didn't count. “No, no, I don’t accept that math. It’s static analysis, and I don’t accept static analysis. I only agree with dynamic analysis, because when you cut, the economy’s going to grow." Static analysis is the method the U.S. Congressional Budget Office uses to project the economic impact of ...


Fox News guest storms off show after host refuses to accept simple tax math
don't you read anything.....
sure Clinton worked with Russia to lose the campaign......a little common sense would apply here....but for you trumpies...that just does not apply

watch the news today?...even more on Trump...he is going down!
you must not watch any nat'l news....you just pay attention to those Russian postings....a lot of his supporters are even jumping ship!
except for a few complete idiots!
and the far right wing ..and all they want is for him to sign their tax break

look and read at some of what is posted here!...and it is from all kinds of different news organizations...credible ones... not like what you are reading!

why do you keep mentioning Russian news. i don't read Russian news. Trump is going down? according to who? you copy and past from the fake news media who along with Hollywood hire and defend pedophiles and rapists?

and again what impeachable crimes did Trump commit. i want facts not your emotions and feelings
why do you keep mentioning Russian news. i don't read Russian news. Trump is going down? according to who? you copy and past from the fake news media who along with Hollywood hire and defend pedophiles and rapists?

and again what impeachable crimes did Trump commit. i want facts not your emotions and feelings

I noticed you quit posting your bullshit on the impeachment thread....afraid BBBull will drop kick you again?
why do you keep mentioning Russian news. i don't read Russian news. Trump is going down? according to who? you copy and past from the fake news media who along with Hollywood hire and defend pedophiles and rapists?

and again what impeachable crimes did Trump commit. i want facts not your emotions and feelings

After the amount of utter BS Papal, illuminati etc you've posted on B2W you then say you want facts not emotions....;)........Seriously?
How about, to start, intentially providing top classified information to a none ally, Russia, behind closed doors, away from US press?
Try again Mac. This is NOT a crime for the President. Classification authority ultimately resides solely with the President under our constitution. The President passes down authority to classify, declassify, and distribute information through a Delegation of Authority that authorizes certain subordinates to also make decisions about handling of classification, but the ultimate authority ultimately still resides with him. The most recent version in effect of this Delegation of Authority is Executive order 13526:


So Trump deciding to reveal something classified "behind closed doors, away from the US press" is perfectly legal for him as President....hell it would have been perfectly legal for him to tweet the information for all the world to see if he chose to.

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Roy Moore Is Exactly What the Republican Party Is All About

I awoke this morning to the plaintive scream of a delicate desert dweller who apparently had been in a coma in the middle of a landfill and just now had awakened and noticed the smell. Tweeted Jeff Flake, soon-to-be ex-senator from Arizona: The fact is that Roy Moore is very much who the Republicans are. He is representative of a fanatical splinter of American Protestantism that has accounted for a great deal of the success enjoyed by modern conservatism and the Republican Party for over four decades, and there always has been dark sin at the heart of that success. The rise of what used to be known as “the religious right” did not begin with the legalization of abortion. That’s a nice story that ...
Only a natural "commie" would buy what P u t I n is selling....although we apparently have one on here!
talk about sleeping with the enemy!

but as for Carl franklin...I guess all you can do is send long distance blow jobs?

Trump: Putin "means it" when he denies Russian election meddling

President Donald Trump told reporters that when Russian President Vladimir Putin once again denied that Russia meddled in the 2016 election, his claims were sincere, but a Kremlin officials denied that the two discussed the topic. Speaking to reporters on Air ******* One on Saturday Trump said that he asked Putin about potential election interference while in Vietnam on the sidelines of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. "He said he didn't meddle, he said he didn't meddle. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times," Trump said when asked if the topic had come up in their conversations, Axios reported. Trump added, "I just asked him again. He said he absolutely did not meddle ...

Maybe if you had access to the American news...you might be qualified to make stupid statements....but since you either don't have or are a just plain retard...I guess it is ok to be a stupid ass!

so instead of answering my questions you resort to name calling and insults and yu wonder why you are the only one that is posting in this thread all you do is respond using insults