Politics, Politics, Politics

Challenged by Senator Marco Rubio last year over his hiring practices, Mr Trump said: “It’s very, very hard to get people. .....
....Yes it is, when you pay them 3rd world wages. Have we heard this excuse before from these Republicans? And yet again, the Democrats fail to rebuttal this remark by simply finishing the sentence for them. So Republicans wish to remove minimum wage standards, stop unions from helping blue collar workers negotiate wages, and establish "right to work" standards in every state, THEN when workers refuse to work for substandard wages, Republicans say "well, we have to use foreign workers because the US workers refuse to work for what WE offer them". Same crap, different day with Republicans ... played over, and over, and over, just like their Trickle Down Economics BS.
... Other hotels do the exact same thing.”
....Ah, ok ... that, then, is ok. If others do things they shouldn't, it makes it OK for you, "Mr President & Dictator Of The United States" to do it too, right? Actually, President Thumper, YOU hold the reigns and influence policy and legislation. Get OFF your FAT ASS and actually work for the American people instead of making excuses and looking to make another BUCK off the common work ******* in America.
Signups for Obamacare insurance coverage surge, despite Trump administration attacks
Los Angeles Times

Large numbers of Americans signed up for health coverage through the Affordable Care Act in the first days of this year’s open enrollment period, according to new federal figures that show Americans flocking to insurance despite the Trump administration’s ongoing attacks on the healthcare law. In the first four days of the 2018 enrollment period -- which began Nov. 1 -- more than 600,000 people selected health plans through the HealthCare.gov insurance marketplace, which serves residents of 39 states. That represents a daily average of more than 150,000 signups, outpacing the beginning of last year’s open enrollment period under the Obama administration, when an average of 84,000 people a day ...
celebrities who say they will leave the U.S when Trump is elected are still refusing to move

why leave?.....

impeachment and treason is in the air......who would want to miss that?

just because Russia put a spy in the white house.....and he has a bunch of supporters hooked on Russian propaganda
and just to stupid to see what they have done and been hooked on
Forgotten Voices: How cutting Medicaid, ACA will affect healthcare in this rural town

NBC News) Whitesburg, Kentucky, population 1,900, is Trump country. Eight out of ten voters there voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 election, but now they’re hoping he won’t get rid of the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare. Half the patients at the town clinic are on Medicaid. Kentucky is one of 31 states that expanded it under the Affordable Care Act. The influx of money paid for new staff, new clinics, and more hours. All of it will be gone if Washington cuts Medicaid and fails to renew funding for community clinics. “100 employees will be laid off. Four clinics will be closed. 12 school based clinics will be stopped,” says Mountain Comprehensive Health Corporation CEO Mike ...
No Morales....NO Ethics......just pure republican dedication over country!

Roy Moore still has defenders in Alabama government
CBS News

Allegations that Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore had a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl when he was 32 years old made national headlines and caused some of his fellow Republicans to walk back support for him, but reports indicate he still has support from government officials in his home state. The Washington Post first reported, and CBS News has since confirmed, that four women accused Moore of pursuing them when they were teens. Leigh Corfman told the Post that in 1979, Moore initiated a sexual encounter with her when she was 14 and he was 32. Three other women told the Post that Moore pursued them when they were between the ages of 16 and 18 and he was in his early 30s, working at the district attorney's office. ...

and the latest comment out of Ala..............he is still better than any Democrat???????
pure dedication to stupidity!
Republicans Are So Tired Of Tax Experts Rudely Saying Their Plan Helps The Rich
HuffPost Arthur Delaney

The GOP tax overhaul overwhelmingly benefits the wealthiest people in America, according to several estimates. But Republicans say you can’t trust any of those.

Over 47 percent of the tax changes in the legislation would benefit the richest 1 percent of households over 10 years, a report released Wednesday by the Tax Policy Center said.

Wednesday’s report closely resembles an analysis TPC issued on Monday, which the group quickly retracted because of an error ― which Republicans have said is all the more reason not to believe them.

Two controversies dominate the debate over how to analyze a tax bill: debt and distribution. Tax changes affect the amount of revenue the government collects, and Republicans disagree with most experts, who say their tax reform legislation would reduce revenue by more than $1 trillion over 10 years. GOP lawmakers would rather just take it on faith that tax cuts create growth and pay for themselves.
The Virginia wave would have been so much worse for Republicans if it weren’t for gerrymandering

Democratic candidates for the Virginia House of Delegates won more than 220,000 more votes than their Republican counterparts. Democrats won the two-party contest with Republicans by more than 9 percentage points. Nevertheless, Republicans may still maintain control of Virginia’s lower house, largely due to gerrymandering. Before the election, Republicans enjoyed a 66-34 supermajority in the House of Delegates. As of this writing, Democrats picked up 15 of the 17 seats they need to take back the majority. Three seats, all currently held by Republicans, are currently too close to call. One Republican delegate, David Yancey, currently holds a 12 vote lead over his Democratic opponent Shelly Simonds. ...
Powerful Va. Republican Goodlatte Suddenly Announces Retirement
Portsmouth, VA Patch

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), arguably Virginia's most powerful Republican, will not seek reelection after 2018 -- yet another Republican retiring in the midst of backlash against President Trump. Goodlatte is a 13-term incumbent who represents Virginia's 6th district, which has long been a safe district for Republicans. He said that since his time as chairman of the Judiciary Committee will expire in December 2018, it is a "natural stepping-off point," according to a statement as reported by Politico. A wave of Republicans have declined to seek reelection next year as momentum builds for the Democrats and enthusiasm wanes for Trump. Three Texas congressmen -- Jeb Hensarling, Ted Poe, and Lamar ...



why leave?.....

impeachment and treason is in the air......who would want to miss that?

just because Russia put a spy in the white house.....and he has a bunch of supporters hooked on Russian propaganda
and just to stupid to see what they have done and been hooked on

what impeachment? Trump has not broken any law and it was the DNC that was colluding with the Russians
Large numbers of Americans signed up for health coverage through the Affordable Care Act in the first days of this year’s open enrollment period,

Of course they did - IT'S THE LAW. (oh, your article fails to mention that)
Penalties are now getting really steep, oh and lets review a few comments from the readers shall we,

Fred says:
I will gladly claim that this is false news. I believe that a majority of these signup are, like me, required to signup for a new policy as their current policy is non-renewable by the insurance company. With the dropping of the CSR payments the insurance companies have rewritten the policies and will not renew them, therefore you are required to sign up for a new policy. On top of that, because of the press about zero dollar subsidized policies a lot of people are checking, and finding such policies, so they are changing from one policy to another. These are not NEW signups. Oh, and the window is smaller this year so more people are getting it done early.

Joseph says:
Not if you are a tax paying working middle class. You cannot afford the Ins.

Epidot says:
Let me explain. This means people with low paying no benefit jobs are getting free care. This means people who sit on their rears are getting free care. This means the dying middle-class is paying through the nose and those that make a little too much get no subsidy and are getting the royal shaft. Then the rotten left wing media reports it as good news for all. I don't expect reporting from the media anymore, I expect manipulation. I'm seldom disappointed.

Sherri Says:
Just wait until the ones that have to pay for it start getting the bills in higher premiums to cover all the dead beat liberals and democrats.

And to be fair, I'll post one that supports it (maybe)
David Says:
It is funny because just like that women flooded their OBGYN after the election of DJT to get long-acting contraceptives since they knew what would happen...now people are signing up in droves thinking if they get insurance this year it won't be taken away but worried they won't be able to get it...ironically, DJT's attacks on ACA and desire to repeal it has made it more popular than ever....it is human nature when you think something is going away you are more motivated to get it...

In fairness it works the same way with guns after a tragic shooting incident...peace

But like I have stated before, the ONLY people I have found that likes the ACA are those that benefit (i.e. Leeching) from it. I'll happily help pay for the elderly, the disabled, the veterans, and unable. But I am tired of covering unwilling and unlawful. People with cushy jobs that have an employers pay their way don't give a ******* because it's not coming out of their pocket - You know, kind of like bitching that taxes aren't high enough, then cry when your taxes go up. ;)
what impeachment? Trump has not broken any law and it was the DNC that was colluding with the Russians

you read way to many Russian news articles....how can you be so blind?
if nothing else they could already get him on obstruction by his own admission!

his own stupidity is going to hang him!

but if you are so hooked on this Russian why aren't you living in the land of p u t I n ?
Of course they did - IT'S THE LAW. (oh, your article fails to mention that)

naturally it is just the way you want to read it.....don't suppose maybe they might be worried?

but with so much an increase in sales...I'm sure it was just the population increase right?

and the only people who aren't happy with it are those that feel they can do better elsewhere or are over taxed!
like your congress....you need to get out and talk to the general population...you live in a sheltered world!
you need to get out and talk to the general population...you live in a sheltered world!

I beg to differ - you are the isolated one. I deal with general public, city officials, and several states on a daily basis.

naturally it is just the way you want to read it.....don't suppose maybe they might be worried?

The way I want to read it? lol - and how do you read it? If I missed it - please point me to where it mentions that sign up IS THE LAW. I'm not worried - I know that you liberals will fight to keep feeding mega-corps like Insurance companies mega-bucks (and then take to the streets to protest them.) No, a LAW that makes companies RICHER will never go away.
Whatever happened to the party of fiscal responsibility?
Los Angeles Times

Not that long ago, Rep. Paul Ryan was freaked out about the national debt. The “red tidal wave of debt,” he told Sean Hannity back in 2012, would trigger what he called the “most predictable economic crisis we have ever had in this country.” Debt would mean nothing less than the “end of the American dream.” In 2012, the debt stood at $15 trillion, and the exploding costs of entitlements, Ryan said, meant that “by the time my grandkids are raising their grandkids, we are taking 80 cents out of every dollar just to pay for this federal government at that time.” Ryan, who was then House Budget Committee chairman and soon to be the GOP’s vice presidential nominee, warned that the debt crisis would ...

the right is only worried about spending ...when there is a dem in the white house trying to clean up a mess created by the right....then they want to drag their feet in making any repairs so the left looks bad...thinking that they are the only ones who can repair...and yet records prove...they are the ones that put us in trouble to begin with