Politics, Politics, Politics

Trump’s tax bill is one tough sell

There are some worthy elements to the $1.5 trillion tax-cut bill House Republicans have finally released after months of secretive drafting. It would lower the corporate tax rate to a level competitive with the rates in other developed nations. It would reign in tax breaks that favor the wealthy. It would modestly expand tax credits targeted at low-income filers.

But it also has one glaring flaw: While it’s obvious how businesses would benefit from the cuts, it’s not at all clear how individual taxpayers would fare. Most taxpayers, in fact, will have a hard time figuring out if they’ll end up better off or worse off under the proposal. “It’s complicated,” says Martin Sullivan, chief economist at publisher Tax Analysts. “It depends on what tax bracket you’re in, and your individual circumstances. It looks like the bulk of that money is going to corporations.”

Here’s how the GOP bill would change individual taxes: Seven brackets currently would convert to five, with new thresholds for the income levels that apply to those brackets. Here’s a breakdown:


Other important factors would change, too. The size of the standard deduction would double, to $12,000 for individuals and $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. That’s generally good news for middle-income families. But the personal exemption would disappear, which could harm people with more *******, since they can generally claim an exemption for each. The bill would lower the limit on the tax deductibility of mortgage interest and state and local taxes, which would mostly affect wealthier families but could hit the upper-middle class as well. It would repeal the federal estate tax, which would benefit a small number of wealthy families.

So any family trying to figure out how they’ll fare under the plan will have to determine their prospects amid a complex matrix of possibilities. It’s simpler on the corporate side, where the cut in rates would be so large as to more than offset proposed reductions in tax breaks for most big companies. As every politician knows, complexity generates demagoguery, because it’s easier to bash something that’s hard to understand than something that’s intuitive.

Tax cut skews toward helping corporations, not individuals

Republicans backing the plan essentially say, trust us, this is great for the middle class. House Republicans claim the plan will save a median-income family of four $1,182 per year. But Americans are understandably skeptical. Americans like the idea of tax cuts in general, but polls show they consistently think individual taxpayers should benefit the most, not business or corporations. Early analysis of the GOP approach to tax cuts showed it heavily skewed toward corporate cuts, a political problem Republicans have been trying to address.

Kevin Hassett, chairman of Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers, recently oversaw a paper that argued cutting the corporate rate to 20% would boost the take-home pay of ordinary families by $4,000 to $9,000 per year. But he also acknowledged it could take three to 10 years for those benefits to trickle down, even though corporations and their shareholders would feel the effects almost right away.

Further complicating the delicate politics of tax-cut legislation is the reality that the corporate side of the tax code is the most broken and in need of repair. The U.S. corporate rate of 35% is the highest in the developed world, largely because competing nations have been cutting business taxes aggressively. That’s a big reason U.S. companies hold trillions in profits overseas, and some companies even try to move their U.S. headquarters out of the country.

That doesn’t make it easier to sell a sharp cut in business taxes in a populist political environment. Trump, of course, campaigned on helping coal miners, displaced manufacturing workers and the “forgotten men and women” of America. He’s now trying to persuade those voters that business tax cuts that would boost profits and stock values are the way to go. If Trump can pull it off, he truly has a magic touch.
House Republicans were asked why trickle-down economics will work this time. They had no answer.
The Bush tax cuts failed to juice the economy in the way Republicans promised they would ... the tax cuts they’re pushing with President Trump’s help will produce a different outcome.
---And of course, this has been a great rebuttal point for Democrats, all along, IF they'd go after it, but they haven't because THEY, themselves, benefit from the fallacy. So, they quietly let the ReTHUGS run their Ponzi and say little and take little or no issues against it. As several here have said, they are ALL in this BS game. Wouldn't surprise me if they went behind closed doors, together, to plan this ongoing soap opera. I'm more against the blatant dishonesty going on in the so-called Party Of Lincoln ... hell, Lincoln's been turning over in his grave these days, I'm sure at the abortion the Republicans have made of their party.
pic_ThumbsDown4.jpg Trump Tax Cuts ... biggest in history for the middleclass? gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif
So, IF you take standard deductions you might benefit a bit, but if you itemize its the same old BS for the middleclass. So a family of four, making $200,000 or more fucked again. The AMT cut for the wealthy, the college loan cut, the mortgage deduction reduced, large medical expense deduction cut. While the corporate rate drops from 35->20% and they fail to close the corporate loopholes except for ... wait for it .... entertainment expenses ... gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif and with the SAME WORDS ... it will CREATE JOBS! ....
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IF you take standard deductions you might benefit a bit, but if you itemize its the same old BS for the middleclass.

I think their goal is to get less people to itemize. Makes the process easier for them. Plus conditions the next generation to simply pay what they are told and not pay attention to what is actually going out, or what the families expenses actually are. Soon only the rich and corps will be the only ones filing a return. The rest will just pay.
talk about out of touch with reality....I can not believe they are that friggn stupid!

House Republicans claim an annual salary of $450,000 is middle class

That's rich! Republicans suddenly believe that one percenters are barely struggling to be in the middle class, party officials revealed. On Thursday, House Republicans issued a fact sheet about their new tax cut plan that referred to Americans earning $450,000 a year as “low- and middle-income” — even though that income level would put those taxpayers in the top 0.05% of all individual Americans. The median household income in the United States is $59,039, after all. The GOP made the announcement as part of the rollout of the tax cut plan, saying they would cut tax rates from 39.6 percent to 35 percent for those $450,000-earning middle class members — but the announcement was quickly overshadowed ...
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fuck...it turns my stomache to think I might agree with Trump on anything...well actually I don't


I do think that fucking Bergdahl should have got some time in jail!

instead they keep in the military for one more year so they can deduct his fine from his pay....WTF?

on top of that unless they have changed the pay an awful lot...he will make no where near enough on Sgt's pay to pay the fine....so they will make a col in pay grade only to cover the fine

saw it happen one time when a guy was fucking around in a tank and destroyed a jeep...made him pay for it...so made his pay grade enough to cover the fine and still have enough to live on...kind of a joke!

but anyway this asshole stays in the army another year...he is a fucking deserter for Christ's sake!
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If it were 1917 he would have been shot.

yes...I agree...will admit times have changed...but still he was in a combat zone..on guard duty while he supposedly let his fellow soldier sleep in peace thinking they were safe and being gaurded...and he takes off!

Don't like that at all!
I have caught people asleep on guard duty before and just chewed their ass out....but if the O.D. (officer on duty) was with me...I can tell you they at least lost one strip!...just for falling asleep

and you DID NOT want to get caught a second time....you served some time in the brigg (stockade)!

why don't they talk to the parents of the soldier killed looking for him...or the soldier that is in a wheelchair the rest of his life that was part of the crew looking for him and see what he thinks
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but if you itemize its the same old BS for the middleclass. So a family of four, making $200,000 or more fucked again
"Making $200k or more is fucked again"....you should be happy about that Mac. That would be raising taxes on the rich which you always want. $200k for a family of four is way over "middle class" That puts you in the top 6% of all income.


"Middle class" tops out around $140k

"Making $200k or more is fucked again"....you should be happy about that Mac. That would be raising taxes on the rich which you always want. $200k for a family of four is way over "middle class" That puts you in the top 6% of all income.

I wasn't indicating my individual income; my family income (filed jointly) puts us in a 28% tax bracket before deductions. After deductions we're in the 25% tax bracket. My personal income, before taxes, is close to $100,000.

Table 2. Married Filing Joint Taxable Income Tax Brackets and Rates, 2017
Taxable Income Bracket Tax Owed
10% : $0 to $18,650 10% of taxable income
15% : $18,650 to $75,900 $1,865 plus 15% of the excess over $18,650
25% : $75,900 to $153,100 $10,452.50 plus 25% of the excess over $75,900
28% : $153,100 to $233,350 $29,752.50 plus 28% of the excess over $153,100
33% : $233,350 to $416,700 $52,222.50 plus 33% of the excess over $233,350
35% : $416,700 to $470,700 $112,728 plus 35% of the excess over $416,700
39% : $470,700+ $131,628 plus 39.6% of the excess over $470,700​
I wasn't indicating my individual income; my family income (filed jointly) puts us in a 28% tax bracket before deductions. After deductions we're in the 25% tax bracket. My personal income, before taxes, is close to $100,000.

Table 2. Married Filing Joint Taxable Income Tax Brackets and Rates, 2017
Taxable Income Bracket Tax Owed
10% : $0 to $18,650 10% of taxable income
15% : $18,650 to $75,900 $1,865 plus 15% of the excess over $18,650
25% : $75,900 to $153,100 $10,452.50 plus 25% of the excess over $75,900
28% : $153,100 to $233,350 $29,752.50 plus 28% of the excess over $153,100
33% : $233,350 to $416,700 $52,222.50 plus 33% of the excess over $233,350
35% : $416,700 to $470,700 $112,728 plus 35% of the excess over $416,700
39% : $470,700+ $131,628 plus 39.6% of the excess over $470,700​
I didn't say you or your family made $200k. If you are confused Mac, I suggest you research indefinite pronouns.

You (Mac) complained that people making > $200k were "fucked again" and I pointed out you (Mac) should like that since that is taxing the rich....top 6% of all income.
he is not bring jobs to America..he is bring workers!

Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort gains visas for 70 foreign workers
The Independent Jon Sharman,The Independent

Donald Trump has reportedly been granted permission to hire 70 foreign workers for his Mar-a-Lago resort over the winter.

The “America First” President has upped his tally of overseas staff at the club from 64 last year, according to the Palm Beach Post.

The paper reported a Florida job placement agency as saying it had more than 5,000 American workers ready for employment in the hospitality sector.

Mr Trump has previously stated his intention to “stand up for our companies and maybe most importantly for our workers”, adding that “ it’s time for a new policy, one defined by two simple rules – we will buy American and we will hire American”.

Challenged by Senator Marco Rubio last year over his hiring practices, Mr Trump said: “It’s very, very hard to get people. Other hotels do the exact same thing.”
