Politics, Politics, Politics

However, journalists are warning that the attack could lead to increased Islamophobia because people will question the terrorist’s religious motives and possibly call for stricter immigration restrictions.

that's typical...fear?...... been going on for?...starting with the Irish...then the Chinese...then the japenese...then the blacks....we have not really evolved at all!
that's typical...fear?...... been going on for?...starting with the Irish...then the Chinese...then the japenese...then the blacks....we have not really evolved at all!

Well, you want to ban guns because they ******* people - why not Muslims? How about the Truck - Ban those? Or maybe just rented trucks - Do we need back ground checks to rent a car now? Maybe if he had to apply for a license and take a special training class this wouldn't have happened - Oh, wait...

Sadly the only ones held accountable and ****** to pay retribution will be Home Depot.
Sadly the only ones held accountable and ****** to pay retribution will be Home Depot

not you to!?

Well, you want to ban guns because they ******* people

when have you heard me say I'm for banning guns....never.....although I have no problem with guns designed for the military to ******* people!

Do we need back ground checks to rent a car now?

what good are they...supposedly they want to stop crazy people from buying guns...but cut the funding to help those people

is this where this conversation is headed now?

how did we go from monitoring the internet to gun banns?

maybe I need to put a little bouncing ball on the conversation to keep you guys focused
Well, whats the answer to prevent future car attacks from Terrorist

all seriousness aside because it looks like that is where this conversation went

square wheels would slow them down!

just on trucks that are being rented to ******* people with

really...you could do a background check...ask them if they are going to use the truck to ram people...if they say yes...you rent them the truck with square wheels
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although he has not picked anyone yet that does not put money in his own pocket

Trump Court Pick Rated 'Not Qualified' Sits Through Humiliating Senate Hearing

Two days after the American Bar Association rated Leonard Steven Grasz “not qualified” to be a judge, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a confirmation hearing Wednesday for Grasz’s nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit. It was *******. With Grasz sitting in front of the committee, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) read aloud passages from the ABA’s eight-page statement outlining why Grasz earned such a terrible and rarely designated rating by the nation’s premier legal society. “I assume you’re keenly aware that you are the first Circuit Court nominee since 2006 to receive a unanimous ‘not qualified’ rating from the ABA?” Whitehouse asked Grasz. “And that the ...
NASA Administrator Nominee Bridenstine Won't Acknowledge the Scientific Consensus on Climate Change
Newsweek Meghan Bartels,Newsweek

The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation today held its confirmation hearing for Representative Jim Bridenstine, whom President Trump nominated as NASA administrator two months ago. During the hearing, as suspected, committee members took the opportunity to press the nominee on his beliefs about climate change. Bridenstine's response underscores the growing tension between the current administration and climate scientists.

Although NASA is most commonly associated with the spaceflight program, the agency's Earth science program is a huge portion of its work. This program plays a crucial role developing, launching and maintaining the satellites climate scientists rely on to understand what's happening in the atmosphere and on the ground. So if Bridenstine is confirmed, what he thinks of climate change matters.

But his answers during the questioning proved somewhat slippery. "I believe carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, I believe that humans have contributed to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere," Bridenstine said in response to questions from Senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii. He also said he wasn't sure the extent to which humans were responsible. "But I do know that humans have contributed to global warming." He did concede that climate change is causing real, problematic impacts on the ground.
just more party over country

they could care less that there is a Russian in the White House.....they just want their tax cuts for the wealthy so they can keep stuffing their pockets

Indictments? What indictments? Republicans in Congress try to focus on taxes
BostonGlobe.com Tue

The first criminal charges in the investigation of President Trump’s campaign are generating fierce headwinds, but resolute Republicans in Congress insist they will not be blown off course in their quest for tax cuts. The president, who rarely sticks to a disciplined message, is not making it easy. On Tuesday morning he blasted out tweets attacking the investigation. But then he added, sort of helpfully: “I hope people will start to focus on our Massive Tax Cuts for Business (jobs) and the Middle Class (in addition to Democrat corruption)!’’ On the Hill, Republicans have been taking great pains to avoid talking about Monday’s developments in the Russia probe: the indictment of former ...
Well, you want to ban guns because they ******* people - why not Muslims? How about the Truck - Ban those? Or maybe just rented trucks - Do we need back ground checks to rent a car now? Maybe if he had to apply for a license and take a special training class this wouldn't have happened - Oh, wait...

Sadly the only ones held accountable and ****** to pay retribution will be Home Depot.
Hello Trump Tax Cuts, Goodbye Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. . . .
Newsweek Robert Reich, Newsweek

The goal of Trump and the Republican leaders is to pull off a giant redistribution of over $1 trillion from the middle class, working class, and poor to the rich, who are already richer than ever.

They’re selling this to the public with a false claim that the middle class will benefit from their tax cut plan. It’s a gigantic Trojan horse.

For most Americans, the proposed tax cuts are tiny and temporary. That’s right – temporary. They will shrink in just a few years. And some middle class Americans will actually get a tax increase.

Meanwhile, the top 1 percent will get a gigantic tax cut. The Tax Policy Center estimates that the current plan will save the bottom 80 percent between $50 and $450 in taxes per year, but that it saves each person in the top 1 percent an average of $129,000 a year. For people at the very top, like Trump himself, the tax cuts are humongous. And the corporations they own will also get a massive tax cut.

Republicans say economic “growth” will pay for the tax cuts, so there’s no need to cut social programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

But Republicans have just passed a budget that would cut nearly $1.5 trillion from Medicare and Medicaid to pay for these tax cuts. Pell Grants, housing assistance, and even cancer research are also on the chopping block.

Now, they say we shouldn’t take their budget resolution seriously. It was just a device to get the tax bill through the Senate with 51 votes.

But once these tax cuts are passed, the budget deficit will explode. The Tax Policy Center predicts that it will cut federal revenue by $2.4 trillion over the next 10 years.

When that happens, the only way out of the crisis will be something dramatic – exactly the cuts in Medicare and Medicaid, and maybe even Social Security – that Republicans have wanted for years.

By this time, any talk of raising taxes on the rich will be dismissed.

Using the promise of middle-class tax cuts as a Trojan horse for a tax windfall for the rich and deep spending cuts is a tactic dating back to the Reagan administration.

But the version they’re aiming for now is “YUGE.”

We must see the strategy for what it is. And it must be stopped.
House tax plan would lower caps on 401(k)s, cut state and local deductions
ABC News ABC News

The details of the House Republican tax bill have continued to be intensely debated even over the last 24 hours, but there are two key areas of compromise between House Republican leaders and the White House, according to two sources familiar with the draft bill. 401(k)s The White House, as the president tweeted, wanted to keep the current annual maximum for tax-free contributions ($18,000); House Republicans wanted to lower the limit to $2,400. The bill, as of this morning, would lower what individuals may contribute tax-free to their 401(k)s, to an amount about halfway between the current limit and what House Republicans initially proposed. Deduction for state and local taxes The latest draft would eliminate the deduction for state and local income taxes.

Why are Republicans suddenly willing to embrace $1.5 trillion in new debt?
USA Today

The GOP tax bill being rolled out Thursday includes a premise that used to be apostasy for Republicans: new debt of up to $1.5 trillion. So why is the party of balanced budgets willing to support it? Because, as several conservatives told our colleague Eliza Collins last week: They need a win on tax cuts. “If we had a whole bunch of wins on major items up to this point, would we perhaps be a little bit more deliberate in our negotiations? I think the answer is yes,” Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., who chairs the hardline House Freedom Caucus, told USA TODAY. “The fact that we need to put up some major legislative victories … certainly factors into how flexible, I think, a number of us are going to ...
The new GOP tax plan proves it: The problem isn't just Trump. It's Republicans.
Washington Post

The Republican tax bill is finally out, and it doesn’t change the two competing narratives about it, which are that it’s either an enormous giveaway to the rich and corporations (the Democrats’ story) or that it will unleash spectacular growth that will trickle down to everyone (the Republicans’ story). But this bill, in all its mangled confusion, represents exactly where Republicans are today, in terms of both policy and politics. And that’s not a good place. Yes, President Trump is going to send out some stupid tweets and say some stupid things that will make passing the bill more difficult. But the problems congressional Republicans have are of their own making. Let’s ...
House Republicans were asked why trickle-down economics will work this time. They had no answer.

The Bush tax cuts failed to juice the economy in the way Republicans promised they would, with growth in the 2000s stagnating relative to the Clinton years. But that hasn’t stopped today’s Republicans from arguing the tax cuts they’re pushing with President Trump’s help will produce a different outcome. During a news conference on Thursday, a reporter asked House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) to explain why Americans should believe the trickle-down fairy will work its magic this time around and turn a drastic cut in corporate taxes that largely benefits the top one percent into wage increases and jobs that benefit them. Neither could provide ...
