Politics, Politics, Politics

You don't think Mueller's indictments are intentional??? Damn I always hate when I accidentally indict someone!
Intentional in the effort to affect local election effort, o, "dense one". I believe that was Ed Cox's implications.

New York State Republican chairman Ed Cox on Tuesday blasted special counsel Robert Mueller for handing down indictments against former campaign aides to President Trump a week before local elections.

As I have so often said with your posts ... your efforts here aren't to add to conversations, but, to provide sarcasm to the posts of liberal posters. I like some sarcasm ... but that's about all you do. Go back to sleep! Indictments (something Republicans couldn't manage with Hillary or Obama) are starting to come down on the staff of the Drain The Swamp President ... Mueller may even get to HIM before Thanksgiving the way this is going.

gif_Yellowball-whistling.gif I wonder how long before President Dump will wait until he extends his first presidential pardon with a "I'll save your ass, you save mine" agreement?
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Intentional in the effort to affect local election effort, o, "dense one". I believe that was Ed Cox's implications.
Then perhaps that is what you should have written o dense one.

As I have so often said with your posts ... your efforts here aren't to add to conversations, but, to provide sarcasm to the posts of liberal posters. I like some sarcasm ... but that's about all you do. Go back to sleep!
As to your opinion of my posts and your ordering me around, they are about as influential on me as one of your farts is to a Cat 5 hurricane.

Of course if Mueller did time his official actions in an attempt to influence an election, he might very well find himself moving to the other table in the courtroom. Now that would be some serious irony!
Obamacare's Rising Premiums Will Hurt the Middle Class the Most

For some lower-income people in Obamacare, the rising premiums President Donald Trump has talked so much about will barely be felt at all. Others, particularly those with higher incomes, will feel the sharp increases when insurance sign-ups begin Wednesday.

Richard Taylor is one of the people on the wrong end. The 61-year-old, self-employed Oklahoman has meticulously tracked his medical costs since 1994. In 2013, he signed up for an Affordable Care Act plan for the law’s first year offering coverage to millions of Americans.

Four years ago, annual premiums for a mid-level “silver” plan to cover his family totaled $10,072.44. For 2017, they were $21,392.40—up 112 percent.

“This is crazy. This is absolutely crazy,” Taylor said. “All I’m waiting on is to get on Medicare.”

Obamacare’s marketplaces are facing their toughest year yet, following Congress’s failed attempts to repeal the health law and Trump’s efforts to roll back or destabilize it through executive action. Health insurers have said those moves are causing premiums to rise for next year. Yet many people won’t feel the increases.

About 80 percent of enrollees who pick plans on HealthCare.gov will be able to get insurance for $75 a month or less, up from 71 percent for this year, according to a report from the Department of Health and Human Services. The subsidies are available to people making as much as four times the poverty level, or $98,400 for a family of four, though the most generous help goes to people with lower incomes.

But higher earners like Taylor don’t benefit. He makes just short of six figures, so he doesn’t receive subsidies to help with premiums. He also has a $5,000-per-person deductible as part of the coverage he does have. “My accountant asked me what happened,” Taylor said. “I said ‘Obamacare’ and she understood.”

For people who don’t get subsidies, “you’re looking at eye-popping rates, almost across the board really,” said Nick Gerhart, a former Iowa insurance regulator. “You’re going to have a lot of rate shock.”

Enrollment for next year is expected to fall, according to an estimate by S&P Global Ratings. The firm predicts that 2018 participation in the ACA’s individual market will be 7 percent to 13 percent lower than for 2017, because of higher premiums, uncertainty in the marketplace and cuts to spending on Obamacare advertising.

David Marcus, owner of David A. Marcus & Associates Inc., a financial advisory firm in Deerfield, Illinois, said his insurance clients —even ones with a family of four and a six-figure income—have become more likely to take the risk of not having health coverage to salvage their balance sheets. “I have a lot of middle-class people walking out with no insurance,” he said. “And they’re playing with fire.”

While monthly premiums vary widely among states, the average silver plan will cost $743 next year for an individual, up from $554 in 2017, according to the consulting firm Avalere. Prices for silver plans are rising more than those for other types of Obamacare coverage, because of a move by the Trump administration to cut off cost-sharing subsidies. Those funds reimburse insurers for offering reduced deductibles and co-pays to low-income customers, which are only available on silver-level plans.

When Obamacare was passed, Marcus said his clients who had pre-existing conditions and previously couldn’t afford insurance were “very happy because they got the Rolls-Royce plan for 100 bucks.” He said for those without subsidies to cover rising premiums, the plans’ costs have become unmanageable. “The only people who are happy” now are those receiving subsidies, he said.

Some middle-income people will be able to opt out of the program because of the premium increases. Individuals can avoid buying insurance and not pay Obamacare’s tax penalty, if the cheapest low-level bronze plan that’s available to them costs more than about 8 percent of their income. Obamacare made other significant changes to the way individuals buy health insurance that have benefited many, despite the increased costs. For example, it lets people who have a pre-existing condition buy coverage at the same rates as everyone else.

Story Continues
Obamacare's Rising Premiums Will Hurt the Middle Class the Most

No ******* Sherlock - I've been saying that for the past 4 years.

As your God would say...
It's not that hard to figure it out.

more of the right destroying aca...making it hard on those that need it most

one of the guys I go to car shows with has his own company about 15 people....said about 2 years ago he could supply everyone there with full coverage for a little less than $20,000.00 a year...this year he was told it would cost over $100,000.00
why in the hell can't they leave well enough alone and just fix what is broke!
If I remember right there were only 3 major flaws....2 of them could have been fixed with a stroke of the pen (buying across state lines for one)
but the right just can't stand it because of the name....and they want those tax breaks..over the health and well being of the country!
I may not be a rocket scientist....and i'm sure several here will go along with that
BUT.this last guy got radicalized here....why in the hell don't we shut down those web sites?
Russia hacking our voting and etc......why can't we deny internet access to that country?
all seems so easy to me...

and now google and the others refusing to answer all the questions in congress on who bought what....where does their damned loyalty lie?
why in the hell can't they leave well enough alone and just fix what is broke!

Because the insurance companies don't have enough money yet.

I will almost bet that when the Democrooks have the majority again it still won't get "fixed". This isn't a "republican" issue - it's a failed government issue. The Democrats don't want it fixed anymore than the republicans do - other wise it would have been repealed..
This isn't a "republican" issue - it's a failed government issue.

well right now the right owns it no matter what they think

yes it is a gov issue

you know when social sec and Medicaid came out both took several repairs to get it where it is now...although the only thing wrong with social security is that it has been embezzled...but anyway both were worked on several times to get them to work......with ACA they knew not long after it needed some work...and nothing...and then what 50 times to repeal it....but nothing done to try and fix...it did do the job it set out to do and that was to give more people coverage.....but now with all the fucking it has taken it no longer does that I'm guessing
Because we are a free nation - well, use to be. I guess you would be happy with regulating the internet like China does.

like I said earlier and a few came unglued....maybe we have to many freedoms?
hell they monitor porn sites and etc and make arrests...hear it on the news here occasionally....and yet someone has a site asking people to ******* and telling them how to do it...and we let that slide?
guess I am not following the big picture!
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although the only thing wrong with social security is that it has been embezzled...

The "only" thing? lol How about all those people sucking SSI that never paid into it, how about illegals sucking SSI. How about being ****** to pay into it, even if you don't need to. There is still a lot wrong with it.

and then what 50 times to repeal it....but nothing done to try and fix...
Like I said, they don't want it Fixed - the repeal crap is just lip service, nothing more.
and yet someone has a set asking people to ******* and telling them how to do it...and we let that slide?
Because you can't arrest someone for something they "might do". I bet you think the Minority report is a good Idea don't you.

The Giver would be a good movie for you to watch. but I don't think you would get it.
The "only" thing? lol How about all those people sucking SSI that never paid into it, how about illegals sucking SSI. How about being ****** to pay into it, even if you don't need to. There is still a lot wrong with it.

True but at one time it had more than enough money to cover things for.....a long time!

There is still a lot wrong with it.

the only thing really wrong with it now is it has been robbed and broke the gov can't afford to pay it back..or doesn't want to try and they want to privatize it....as for those that don't want it...I'm sure when they first hit the work ******* they didn't know that they would eventually be that well off to not need it...besides it also works as a health insurance....think I mentioned a friends ******* a while back...broke his neck...fairly young...and now lives on ss disability...so even though he doesn't pay in anymore and quit at a fairly young age....it works as a type insurance also
Because you can't arrest someone for something they "might do".

I understand that but like on the porn thing...they must have been monitoring them a while...just guessing...but they got arrested....same or something similar could apply to those sites.....see a regular visitor...time to watch him...they said this guys computer was loaded with those sites and etc...and yet he wasn't on the radar?...why the fuck not?
Media outlets and journalists are already warning of an “anti-Muslim backlash” and “Islamophobia” after an ISIS-inspired terrorist killed eight in New York.

Sayfullo Saipov killed eight people with a truck in Manhattan on Tuesday while yelling “Allahu Akbar,” and police found a note inside the truck that expressed ties to ISIS.

However, journalists are warning that the attack could lead to increased Islamophobia because people will question the terrorist’s religious motives and possibly call for stricter immigration restrictions.
