Politics, Politics, Politics

damn...guess we better start snuggling up to China now that they have taken over the number one spot in the world!?

stronger economy...better military...strong leadership
even Canada and Australia..and a few others....two of our former allies.....state that china is more the world power now

thanks Trump...keep making America great!

that goes against everything P u t I n has strived for in the past year or so
goes right along with the republican plans for party over country so no surprise there

hey I have an idea......right after Trump starts this war with N.Korea...why don't we have the people with the largest tax cuts..have their sons serve in the military!
since in the past it is always the working people who send their sons off to war...while the wealthy get deferments...if this tax deal is so fair for the worker...then it would be no change as to what has been the way in the past...but if trump is lying about the tax cuts...let Kushner and a few others go off to war!

just my sarcasm for the day!
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This Is How Much Trump's Obamacare Sabotage Increased Health Insurance Costs
HuffPost Jeffrey Young,HuffPost

President Donald Trump’s decision to cut off billions of dollars owed to health insurance providers under the Affordable Care Act caused those companies to substantially increase premiums to cover their losses, according to an analysis published Friday.

President Donald Trump’s decision to cut off billions of dollars owed to health insurance providers under the Affordable Care Act caused those companies to substantially increase premiums to cover their losses, according to an analysis published Friday.

Nearly all the problems with ACA were self inflicted by Obama. He knew up front that it wouldn't work long term. All he wanted was to have the law live past his term in office then he could just finger point.I didn't write the article below and I included the author. Everything he says is very easily verifiable

How Obama knee capped his own health reform

by Kimberly Leonard | Sep 25, 2017, 12:02 AM

Democrats are fond of blaming Republicans for undermining Obamacare, especially as conservatives attempt to overhaul the law. But experts and insurers point out that while Republicans aren't blameless when it comes to the strength or fragility of the law, many of Obamacare's wounds were inflicted by the Obama administration itself.

The law struggled for years when Obama was in office, even though his administration created it. Many of the problems were the result of short-term fixes by the Obama administration through the use of executive decisions, waivers, and deadline extensions. These inflicted losses for insurers in the exchanges. Those decisions by Obama slashed choices for customers and hiked prices, especially for those who were not receiving federal subsidies.

The Obamacare law gives the secretary of Health and Human Services latitude to decide questions about open enrollment, customer outreach, and special enrollment periods. Leaving such issues up to a government healthcare agency meant experts could weigh in and provided flexibility and adjustment during the early years. This was arguably necessary, to a degree, experts say, given that the law overhauled the healthcare system and caused disruption for millions of people.

But some of the decisions that were made also injected instability into the insurance marketplace. Republicans and regulatory experts sometimes sued to prevent Obama's adminstratives, which they said overstepped the limits of presidential authority. This was particularly so when the president authorized federal payments to insurers, "cost-sharing reduction subsidies," without Congress making the necessary appropriation.

The way the law was written, and the executive actions heaped on top of that fragile structure, have made it easier to dismantle now that Obama is gone. The details of the law can change easily and significantly based on which political party is running the administration. Now many of the problems have been raised under President Trump, who does not want Obamacare to succeed but, rather, wants it to "implode" or be replaced.

"The current morass is in no small part due to the failure of Congress to protect its legislative authority over years of executive overreach," said Jonathan Turley, a law professor at the George Washington University School of Law. "Both parties have contributed to the rise of an uber presidency that can effectively negate or amend federal laws through executive orders. I have been a long critic of this trend and encouraged Congress to re-assert its inherent authority over both legislation and the purse. Presidents now wrongly treat bills passed by Congress as the start of the legislative process, subject to their unilateral corrections."

Insurers' struggles under Obama

Since Obamacare was made law, the White House and Congress have repeatedly changed the rules governing for insurers. Those moves have, for example, changed what types of plans insurers may sell, and withheld monies that insurers expected to receive under the law the way it was written, making it difficult for companies to profit and for customers to have access to the competitive market they were promised.

"Insurers can compete effectively in any game as long as they know the rules of the game from the start and as long as the rules don't change midway," said Greg Fann, a fellow of the Society of Actuaries.

But the rules did change. An early sign of trouble came during the first open enrollment period in 2013, when people began receiving cancellation notices about policies that did not meet Obamacare's requirements. They spoke out against Obama for breaking his oft-repeated promise that people would be able to keep their healthcare plans if they wanted to.

After that promise was proved false, the administration took action on Nov. 14, 2013, when the president announced that some people who purchased plans between 2010 and 2013 could keep the plans they already had. These, known as the "grandmothered" option (grandfathered plans were purchased before 2010), didn't have some of the protections Obamacare offered, such as the guarantee of coverage for preexisting illnesses or coverage for a range of services that included maternity care and mental health. White House officials commonly referred to them as "junk" insurance.

But to many healthier consumers, lower prices coupled with some coverage for preventive care offered an appropriate tradeoff, so they kept them.

Insurers were furious with the decision. They had been selling Obamacare plans for six weeks and had months to go. They had to contend with the chaos that ensued after the launch of the healthcare.gov website, which is where customers were supposed to buy insurance, which didn't work after it went live.

And then, there were also deadline changes.

"After open enrollment had already begun, and after plans already began enrolling people, suddenly insurers had to go back and throw whole calculations out the window in terms of whom they thought would be enrolling," said a health insurance industry insider who asked to remain anonymous to speak candidly. "That screwed up projections."

Healthier people stayed on their grandmothered plans because they didn't have a strong incentive to pay more for a plan they didn't believe they'd need. As a result, insurers had too few healthy customers in relation to sicker customers, creating what is known as an unbalanced risk pool. Disproportionately sicker and more expensive customers enrolled through the exchanges.

In later years, the Obama administration continued to allow states to keep older plans, and the Trump administration allowed this again for next year. Some 1.5 million customers in 32 states who might otherwise buy Obamacare insurance are expected to keep their grandmothered plans in 2018.

"I think there was a misestimation of how price-sensitive people are when they are shopping for coverage," said Dania Palanker, assistant research professor at Georgetown University's Center on Health Insurance Reforms. "I think from a point of view of risk pools in the exchanges, that was problematic policy."

Customers in the exchange were more expensive to cover than insurers expected. One study by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association found that in 2015, Obamacare customers cost an average of $559 a month compared to $457 a month for customers who get coverage through work, because people who purchase exchange plans see doctors and go to the hospital more often, and have more prescriptions.

The action on plans by Obama, intended to temper political backlash and give consumers more flexibility in the short term, sacrificed long-term stability and created uncertainty for insurers. It wasn't his only alteration to the law.

Obamacare called for many other decisions to be made as it was rolled out, but certain actions stood in the way of higher enrollment numbers, legal experts say. The first year, Obama delayed the employer mandate and provided waivers for people to side step the individual mandate that requires people to buy insurance or pay a fine. Then, Obama authorized cost-sharing subsidies to insurers without an appropriation from Congress. Insurers didn't know whether to continue assuming the payments would be made after a U.S. district judge last year ruled them unconstitutional. The Obama administration appealed the case, and it remains in limbo. Insurers continue to face uncertainty as the funds are being authorized under Trump, who has said he would consider cutting them off.

Josh Blackman, whose book Unraveled: Obamacare, Religious Liberty, and Executive Power, details administrative actions under Obamacare, said he believes the exemptions to the individual mandate had a significant impact on the troubles the law faced.

"The failure to rigorously enforce the mandate has to be the biggest sabotage to the Affordable Care Act," Blackman said.

Invoking Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's partial shutdown of the government in 2013 in an effort to defund Obamacare, Blackman added: "Obama did worse than Ted Cruz ever did."

Administrative decisions played a role in shortfalls to the law's expectations. Early Congressional Budget Office estimates of Obamacare forecast that 24 million people would be enrolled in the exchanges by 2016. But by the end of open enrollment, 11.1 million had signed up for the plans. About half of the shortfall can be attributed to employers not dropping people from their coverage and sending them to the exchanges, as had been anticipated, but the rest is attributed to people seeking alternatives or forgoing coverage.

For years, the most coveted customers have eschewed Obamacare plans: the healthy, young people who are too old to get coverage under a parent's plan. Analysts estimated that insurers lost about $5 billion through Obamacare in 2015, including big players such as Aetna, Humana, and UnitedHealth Group.

As Obama prepared to leave office and before the 2016 presidential election, insurers were pulling out in droves and premiums on mid-level plans were expected to rise by 22 percent nationwide.

Customers also expressed dissatisfactions with the plans they had. In some cases, insurers are able to keep premiums at bay by narrowing their provider networks, but that means patients have fewer options for providers and face higher deductibles. The move, which may help an insurer's bottom line while still adhering to Obamacare's mandates, can be a struggle for patients as well as for doctors, who face lower reimbursement rates.

"Anytime someone's provider choice is not in their network it's a frustration, and a valid frustration, and will affect how they feel about the program," Palanker said. "The level of how detrimental it is to consumers comes down to a number of issues, including whether the network, while limited, is adequate."

All of these outcomes provided fodder for Trump to run on the promise of ending what he often called the "disastrous" and "failing" Obamacare.

The exchange market is projected to be even more diminished in 2018. Roughly 2.6 million Obamacare exchange customers live in counties where only one insurer is expected to sell coverage, though more insurers still could drop out.

And they continue to incur losses. Humana expects to lose $45 million and Aetna expects to lose $200 million this year. Molina has lost $230 million during the second quarter, some of which it attributed to the high costs of claims in the exchanges. Centene is one of few insurers that said it has profited under Obamacare, which it credits to having a model that is similar to its partnerships with Medicaid. It covers a small share of the market, roughly 1.2 million customers, but is planning to expand next year.
I realize nothing here from fox news...so probably not anything you would be interested in
with you apparently having your head in your ass for the past few months right after you won the election...just blindly listen to fox!

Trump's growth projections leave economists in disbelief

Donald Trump’s Tax Plan Could Tack $10 Trillion onto America’s Debt

more reaganomics so you might like this one
Trump tax reform to increase U.S. deficit

White House says strong market will outweigh budget shortfalls

Donald Trump’s Tax Plan Could Balloon The Debt By 75 Percent
Make favorable growth projections, and the results are still insane.

Forecast of weak economic growth raises big questions about Trump’s populist agenda

there are plenty more...but I'm sure you are not interested
just more facts torp is not going to want to hear....no wonder you are so quick to blame Clinton.....try and steer the facts away from your hero...the one that did start it!

actually it was that asshole Reagan that first put NAFTA into the works...so no wonder the right is so hard pressed to blame Clinton
can't stand to think of their hero fucking even more up than he already did

The North American Free Trade Agreement's history began in 1980. Its purpose is to reduce trading costs, increase business investment and help North America be more competitive in the global marketplace. The agreement is between Canada, the United States and Mexico. For more details, see NAFTA Fast Facts.

What Is Its History?

The impetus for NAFTA began with President Ronald Reagan, who proposed a North American common market in his campaign.

In 1984, Congress passed the Trade and Tariff Act. That gave the president "fast-track" authority to negotiate free trade agreements. It removes Congressional authority to change negotiating points. Instead, it allows Congress only the ability to approve or disapprove the entire agreement. That makes negotiation much easier for the administration. Trade partners don't have to worry that Congress will nitpick specific elements.

Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney agreed with Reagan to begin negotiations for the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement. It was signed 1988 and went into effect 1989. NAFTA has now replaced it. (Source: "NAFTA Timeline," NaFina.)

Regan’s successor, President H.W. Bush, began negotiations with Mexican President Salinas for a liberalized trade agreement between the two countries. Before NAFTA, Mexican tariffs on U.S. imports were 250 percent higher than U.S. tariffs on Mexican imports.

In 1991, Canada requested a trilateral agreement, which then led to NAFTA. In 1993, concerns about the liberalization of labor and environmental regulations led to the adoption of two addendums.

In 1992, NAFTA was signed by President George H.W. Bush, Mexican President Salinas and Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.

It was ratified by the legislatures of the three countries 1993. The U.S. House of Representatives approved it by 234 to 200 on November 17, 1993. The U.S. Senate approved it by 60 to 38 on November 20, three days later.

President Bill Clinton signed it into law December 8, 1993. It entered ******* January 1, 1994. It was a priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (Source: "NAFTA Signed Into Law," History.com, December 8, 1993.)

What Is Its Purpose?

Article 102 of the NAFTA agreement outlines its purpose. There are seven specific goals.
1. Grant the signatories most favored nation status.
2. Eliminate barriers to trade and facilitate the cross-border movement of goods and services.
3. Promote conditions of fair competition.
4. Increase investment opportunities.
5. Provide protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights.
6. Create procedures for the resolution of trade disputes.
7. Establish a framework for further trilateral, regional, and multilateral cooperation to expand the trade agreement's benefits. (Source: "FAQ," NAFTA Secretariat.)

Has It Fulfilled Its Purpose?

NAFTA fulfilled all seven of its goals. That's made it the world’s largest free trade area in terms of gross domestic product.

Most important, it increased the competitiveness of the three countries in the global marketplace. This has become critical since the launch of the European Union. It's helped overcome the economic growth of China and the rise of other emerging market countries. In 2007, the EU replaced the United States as the world's largest economy. In 2015, China replaced both and took the top spot.

The 2016 Presidential Campaign

Donald Trump promised to renegotiate NAFTA to get a better deal for U.S. workers. He wants Mexico to eliminate the VAT tax on U.S. exports to Mexico. He also wants Mexico to end its maquiladora program. If Mexico and Canada don't agree, he would withdraw from NAFTA. He also threatened to impose a 35 percent tariff on Mexican imports. Here's What Happens If Trump Dumps NAFTA.

The 2008 Presidential Campaign

NAFTA was attacked from all sides during the 2008 presidential campaign.

Barack Obama blamed it for growing unemployment. He said it helped businesses at the expense of workers in the United States. It also did not provide enough protection against exploitation of workers and the environment along the border in Mexico.

Hillary Clinton included the trade agreement in her pledge to strictly enforce all existing trade agreements, as well as halt any new ones. Both candidates promised to either amend or back out of the agreement altogether. Obama didn't do anything about these campaign promises when he was president.

In 2008, Republican candidate Ron Paul said he would abolish the trade agreement. He said it was responsible for a "superhighway" and compared it to the European Union. But unlike the EU, NAFTA does not enforce a single currency among its signatories. Paul maintained this position in his 2012 campaign.

Republican nominee John McCain supported NAFTA, as he did all free trade agreements. In fact, he wanted to enforce an existing section within it that promised to open up the United States to the Mexican trucking industry.

Ross Perot

Despite NAFTA's benefits, it has remained highly controversial. Its disadvantages are usually pointed out during presidential campaigns. In 1992, before the trade agreement was even ratified, Independent presidential candidate Ross Perot famously warned, "You're going to hear a giant sucking sound of jobs being pulled out of this country." Ross predicted that the United States would lose 5 million jobs to lower-cost Mexican workers. That would be a whopping 4 percent of total U.S. employment.

Perot’s prediction never happened. Mexico entered a recession and the United States entered a period of prosperity. True, American workers were displaced by low-cost Mexican imports. But research showed it was more like 2,000 per month. Find out more about NAFTA Pros and Cons. (Source: "Jobs and NAFTA," Brad DeLong.)

Republicans’ chaotic quest to destroy Obamacare is a disaster in the making

The Republican Party has been determined to ******* the Affordable Care Act since the law's inception, holding dozens of ineffectual repeal votes in the years since. But with Donald Trump and the GOP in control of both houses of Congress, they are moving full speed ahead, despite having no agreement on a replacement to offer people who would lose their healthcare in a repeal.

Congressional Republicans have made repealing the Affordable Care Act a pillar of their agenda, fighting against its passage and voting more than 60 times to erase it from the law books. And President-elect Donald Trump put repealing Obamacare front and center in his campaign, stating in his platform, “On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.”

Vice President-elect Mike Pence has already made a trip to Capitol Hill to strategize with Congressional Republicans on a repeal, working as liaison between the incoming Trump White House and the GOP caucus to enact this centerpiece of their radical agenda.

But as my colleague Melissa McEwan recently noted, some Republicans may be getting cold feet when ****** to confront the grim realities, both political and moral, that repealing the landmark health insurance reform would bring. And rightly so:
Republicans Deliberately Sabotaged the ACA Website, Hoping the Law Would Implode

Repeal and Delay: The Republican Plan to Destroy Obamacare

Why do the Republicans want to destroy Obamacare care?

Trump couldn’t repeal Obamacare, so he’s trying to destroy it
Politics didn’t work to “repeal and replace” Obamacare. Now Trump and the Republicans have turned to sabotage

Here’s a thought exercise. Barack Obama never once considered repealing George W. Bush’s Medicare Part D law, even though it was a drag on the budget. But imagine if he had decided to try. Imagine, then, that this hypothetical repeal effort failed three times in a row, despite congressional majorities, and so instead Obama decided to issue executive orders aimed at making it really difficult for seniors to receive the prescription ******* benefits in the law? I mean, radically undermining the law might have reduced the deficit and the long-term debt, especially if retirees were simply unaware of the program and didn’t enroll, right? But it would have been a horrifyingly crappy and inhumane thing to do, given that seniors would have been ****** to go without life-saving medication or go bankrupt trying to pay for prescriptions.
Trump will be hard pressed to match Obama's rate of increasing the national debt.

your inability to know or even read the facts when they are posted here just amazes me
and your constant substitution of the facts with your opinions...makes me wonder just how much education you do have!
to put it bluntly...if ******* were snow you would be a walking blizzard!

Trump is still trying to deflect blame for Obamacare rate hikes

well Trump and Torp!

Obamacare open enrollment starts on November 1, and President Trump is using Twitter to blame Democrats for premium increases, and promising yet again to repeal the health care law. Do Democrats “own” the rising rates, though? Not if you ask the health insurers and policy experts who have set and study those premiums. As Vox documented in great detail, premiums on the law’s marketplaces were expected to stabilize this year, as insurers finally adjusted to the customers who were buying coverage. Single-digit rate increases, on average, were anticipated. It wasn’t perfect, but the law was reaching an equilibrium. But then Trump intervened. He sowed uncertainty about whether the law’s individual ...

Say it ain't so...our very own VP rigging an election?...I'll be damned!

Suit: Indiana Secretary of State's office broke election law

A government watchdog group is suing Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson, accusing her office of allowing voters to be illegally purged from the state's voting roles. Common Cause Indiana is asking a federal judge to put a stop what it calls "discriminatory and illegal" practices the Republican secretary of state's office adopted in the wake of new state law that went into effect in July. At issue is how the election division in Lawson's office allows local officials to remove voters from their rolls if it is believed that they have moved to another state. Common Cause says the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 allows voters to be removed only if they have confirmed in writing that they have moved, or if they fail to respond to a written notice and do not cast a ballot for at least two general election cycles. ...

Fox News is attacking the families of the judges presiding over the Manafort indictment

Ever since CNN first reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had issued the first indictment related to his Russia inquiry, Fox News has been working overtime to downplay the story and discredit its players. On Monday morning, when it was revealed that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and an associate were the target of the indictment, Fox & Friends were busy discussing Google’s hamburger emoji. But the outlet’s smokescreen campaign took a darker—and far more deplorable—turn on Monday afternoon with the publication of an anonymous article attacking two judges who are involved in the indictments, including the only black magistrate judge in the nation’s capital. Under the headline ...
In the name of religion???????????????

Pat Robertson Urges Trump To Pardon Everyone, Then Shut Down Mueller Probe
The Huffington Post 9

“He can grant a blanket pardon for everybody involved in everything and say, ‘All right, I pardon them all, case closed, it’s all over.’ I think that is what he needs to do ... he’s got to shut this thing down, he’s just got to.” ...

The Latest: Rebellious GOP lawmakers win tax concession
Associated Press Associated Press

The Latest on the Republican tax-cutting plan (all times EDT):

6 p.m.

House GOP lawmakers from high-tax states who threatened to sink the Republican tax plan have wrung a key concession from GOP leaders over the federal deduction for state and local taxes.

The head of the House tax-writing committee, Rep. Kevin Brady, says taxpayers will still be able to deduct local property taxes on their federal income tax returns. The Republican plan had called for eliminating taxpayers' ability to deduct state and local taxes. Its repeal could provide more than $1 trillion over 10 years to help pay for deep tax cuts.

Brady says, "we are restoring an itemized property-tax deduction to help taxpayers with local tax burdens."

The rebellious lawmakers, from states such as New York and New Jersey, insisted the elimination of the state-local deduction would hurt their constituents.

11:15 a.m.

A powerful lobbying group in the housing industry has withdrawn its blessing for the Republican tax-cutting plan.

The building opposition to the sweeping tax overhaul plan comes as House Republicans work behind closed doors on proposed legislation for the plan that they'll unveil this Wednesday.

House Speaker Paul Ryan said he's been warning Republican lawmakers that opposition to the plan will only intensify as details are released. Speaking to local business leaders in Wisconsin after the homebuilders' action, Ryan accused special interests in Washington of trying to derail the tax plan by sowing "confusion and chaos."
Republican suffer a big corporate defection on tax cuts as they gird up to roll out bill
Peter Weber,The Week

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) plans to unveil on Wednesday the tax reform package he and other Republicans have been hammering out behind closed doors for months. Over the weekend, an influential corporate lobbying group, the National Association of Home Builders, took a bit of a shine off the bill, promising to actively oppose it after Brady informed that group that a "homeownership" tax credit the group has been working to include in the bill did not make the cut. "We will do everything we can to defeat this thing," said Jerry Howard, the NAHB's chief executive, including a nationwide campaign. "Home builders are considered among the most politically influential ...
leave it to the right to only be worried about the party....party over country again

Ed Cox blasts Mueller for handing down indictments before elections
New York Post

New York State Republican chairman Ed Cox on Tuesday blasted special counsel Robert Mueller for handing down indictments against former campaign aides to President Trump a week before local elections. In some New York races, Democrats have been trying to tie Republican candidates to Trump. “Announcing these indictments a week before the elections? Are you kidding me?There’s no doubt this will impact elections,” Cox fumed. “By the timing of the indictments Mueller is playing into the hands of Democrats across the country. He’s blotting out our ability to get our message out.” “In a blue state it’s going to have a bigger impact,” said Cox. In the hotly contested race for Westchester County executive, ...
There’s no doubt this will impact elections,” Cox fumed. “By the timing of the indictments Mueller is playing into the hands of Democrats across the country. He’s blotting out our ability to get our message out.” “In a blue state it’s going to have a bigger impact,” said Cox
Ahhhhh, those poor babies! Assuming that IS the case ... would it be any different than Comey & the so-called e-mails of Hillary a week before the elections, or the Russian BS the month before the election ... and I didn't hear the Republicans complaining about those; in fact, they were applauding and encouraging. So IF Mueller's indictments are intentional (which I seriously doubt they are) all I can say is KARMA is hell, boys!
imagine if he had decided to try. Imagine, then, that this hypothetical repeal effort failed three times in a row, despite congressional majorities, and so instead Obama decided to issue executive orders aimed at making it really difficult for seniors to receive the prescription ******* benefits in the law?
Actually it was the Democrats that stepped in to SAVE Medicare Pt. D when it was imploding on the Republicans, if ANYONE wishes to recall that bit of history.

Lets face it, the Republicans have been nothing but an obstructionist party ever since Obama got elected to his first term. They have NOTHING but Trickle Down tax cuts to offer, which are self-serving, and nothing to offer the average and less fortunate Americans. As I've already said, the Republicans will ******* that tax cut through regardless if they have budgeted for it or NOT ... which is WHY we got the first $10 trillion of national debt on the books in the first place.

Trump run on the premise of totally redoing the tax codes so it could be filed on a postage card. Of doing away with all the exclusions millionaires were getting so they couldn't avoid paying their tax bracket rate of taxes. It was to be a tax cut for the MIDDLECLASS, remember? Do you seriously THINK that he's going to do that? Hell no ... he'll leave those exclusions in place along WITH the tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, and we will ONCE AGAIN establish a huge, new amount of debt with the tax cuts as he cuts entitlement funds on the backs of the poor to try to fund it. Same OLD trickle down, just a different bunch of republicans in congress. So, THUS FAR, Republicans and Trump have accomplished NOTHING positive for the American people in the first year of their trifecta, and just caused more chaos & party split.
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