Once a cheater, always a cheater??


the forty years we were together, I’ve had a couple of slip ups, but I always left myself with a reason to leave the door open to forgiveness…the first time (before we were married), was on New Years, I got wasted and slept with a coworker…I quit drinking and we moved on. The next time I had to apologize I brought up I wasn’t drinking but it was another coworker…the next time I pointed out that I thought he was mad because it was a coworker, so I made sure this guy’s wasn‘t…next time I pointed out the last time was on a Wednesday, and I thought he just didn’t want me doing it on Wednesdays, so I did it on a Friday…the next time I told him I was actually helping him find someone for our next video, and on and on…each time I’d check off that excuse and make sure I didn’t use it again. Of course I’m being a bit facetious, but you get my point…it finally got to where he sat down and said ”on no days of the week, for any reason, whether I ever met them or not, whether it was sunny of raining, windy of snowing, a work day or an off day, etc. It really became impossible for him to cover everything that could lend itself to a tryst taking place, it wasn’t until I actually stopped that I stopped coming up with excuses that would exonerate me, otherwise I’d still be at it I guess LOL. Seriously…most of those circumstances occurred because the stars lined up, and not only was this a perfect time, but in my head I was ready for it, and if my hub was there to ask I knew he’d say it was okay, it’s just that he wasn’t and I took it on my own initiative. And again, of course I told him about it immediately, and we had our mutual understanding, they were never affairs and no deception was involved, plus they were one offs.
You are, as usual, hilarious. You really write very well Mary.
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Your response touches on some compelling points about the complexity of human experiences and the different ways people navigate their lives and relationships. While I agree to some extent, I think it's important to consider a few additional aspects.

First, it's true that people often find themselves in different realities based on their experiences and choices. Your analogy of horseback riding versus riding a bucking bronco is quite apt. Each person's reality shapes their perspective, and what might seem like "bullshit" to one person could be a deeply meaningful experience to another. However, it's also important to recognize that not everyone operates under the same definitions or thresholds for trust and betrayal.

When it comes to infidelity, the phrase "once a cheater, always a cheater" might hold true in many cases, but granted, it's not an absolute rule. People can change, and sometimes the circumstances that led to cheating in the past might not be present in the future. Personal growth, therapy, and changing life circumstances can all contribute to someone making different choices later on.

Your point about the diversity within communities that engage in alternative relationship styles is valid. These communities often embrace a wide range of experiences and dynamics that might be misunderstood or dismissed by those outside of them. However, it's also crucial to ensure that these experiences are grounded in mutual consent and respect. Justifying hurtful behavior by compartmentalizing it doesn't necessarily make it healthy or acceptable.

Ultimately, the key is communication and understanding within any relationship. Whether someone is into cuckoldry, S&M, or any other lifestyle, what matters most is that all parties involved are on the same page and that their interactions are consensual and respectful. It's about finding a balance between personal freedom and the well-being of others.

So, while I can see where you're coming from, I still believe that broad generalizations, like "once a cheater, always a cheater," need to be approached with caution. People are complex, and their ability to change should not be underestimated, even as we acknowledge the patterns that might exist in certain behaviors.
Okay…who are you and what have you done to MasterAtlatl? LOL…you should’ve led with that, now I’m dealing with a somewhat more intelligent sounding person than I was with your first volley. I personally find the constant disclaimer required before you can say anything these days really annoying…we can’t say a single thing without being accused of “stereotyping”…were constantly besmirched for using it, or generalizing as the phrase goes. If you ask my husband he’s fond of saying “when it comes to women, the only thing you can be a 100% sure of, is the fact that you can never be a 100% sure”. Stereotyping…or the use of it is frowned upon, because it generalizes, truth is, it’s one of the main reasons we survived as a species, it lives in the base of our brain, it’s that thing that told us that bright yellow thing that lights stuff up can be really hot if you get too close to it, that thing that told us Sabre Tooth Tigers we’re not our friends. Every race has guys with big dicks, but it’s really more of a percentage thing, in my experience if you line a 100 white guys up maybe you’ll find 25 to 30 of them have more than 7 inches, if you do the same with black guys you could almost flip those numbers around, so although all black guys aren’t hung, and we can’t know till the moment of truth, one has to hedge their bets and go with the odds. If I see three guys approaching me, dreds, a sports jersey three sizes to big, pants around their ass, and one hand under the shirt stuffed in their pants, I’m crossing to the other side of the street, again, percentages and stereotyping…on one hand I might owe someone an apology, on the other hand I might be in need of a funeral director!!! In reality, just about everything that comes out of our mouths is based on experience, which mean it’s stereotyping based on what we’ve seen before and are seeing now. So…to wrap this up, “there are more things in heaven and earth Horatio, than are dreamt in your philosophy”…LOL. In this relatively new media of texting we either have to start with a disclaimer in everything we say, or spend twice as much time back peddling just to keep all the doubters at bay…there’s always gonna be someone who says “yeah, but…”. Look how much you had to write just to clear up your point (and a fine job you did doing it by the way), but who wants to start off every statement sounding like a philosophy major, right? Cause sure as $hit someone’s gonna accuse you of being a know it all…you can’t fuck’n win, LOL I was serious about your most recent response, in fact it appears we’re really on the same page, we just didn’t take the time to point it out.
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Just to clear things up (percentage wise), if she cheats and gets caught she’ll beg for forgiveness, and will claim to do
”whatever it takes to make it right”, once it appears the spouse is open to suggestions, that almost instantly goes out the window…for instance, if your spouse is influenced by a guy who drinks too much, or a divorced girlfriend telling you wife how easy it is to cheat, and you tell her, “first off, no more hanging out with your friend Jenny, she’s a bad influence”, you’re hit with “she my friend, I can’t have friends, you can’t tell me who I can hang with” etc. what the fuck happens to “I’ll do whatever it takes”? That’s a doomed relationship, they just want to dig themselves out of the hole they’re in, but they still wanna have fun…run don’t walk! The fact is, regardless of who you are, be it a prim and proper housewife, or an upstanding family man, everyone is capable of finding themselves in that perfect storm which causes them to do something they never thought they’d do, those who are willing to do a 180 have a good chance of never letting it happen again, those that insist ”they’ve got a handle on it“, are doomed to be repeat offenders, like I did in the beginning…which for lack of a better idea, led to my hub giving in to my desires…he likened it to when his parents gave him permission to smoke, they claimed they’d rather have him smoke than create a Machiavellian schemer that couldn’t be trusted with the sleeves of a vest! There’s schools of thought that agree and disagree with that analogy, in reality it all depends on the personality your dealing with. 99% of the time a ******* addict is an addict, period…we say 99% of the time to allot for those people that will surely add “Yeah but” to the end of your statement. My hub was prescribed 90 Oxycontin pills a month, he knew instantly that the day would come when he had to pay the piper, after 14 months he noticed his resistance had gotten so high that he needed to take them every two hours just to be straight. So he finished what he had, spent three days not sleeping, finally *******, woke up in a puddle of diarrhea, then spent the next 10 days with cold sweats and shivers…went back to his doc and told him he wanted Oxycodone, he was on that for 9 months, took 5 days to get clean, then dropped down Hydrocodein for the next 9 months, then off completely…he also quit a 7 year intravenous coke habit overnight, took the money and bought a VCR, said he was tired of not having anything to show for it, that was in ‘89…he’s bought over fifty VCR’s since then, but hasn’t touched coke once. So when we say 99% of the time, we actually do have to recognize that 1%.
Let’s face it the most exciting sex a married wife can or will ever experience is all alone with someone brand new she’s attracted too and the guy is very much attracted to her in bed no condom completely unprotected with no pulling out especially that very first time together while her husband is at work and will never ever find out that an on going affair has just been born… these are just facts.
Let’s face it the most exciting sex a married wife can or will ever experience is all alone with someone brand new she’s attracted too and the guy is very much attracted to her in bed no condom completely unprotected with no pulling out especially that very first time together while her husband is at work and will never ever find out that an on going affair has just been born… these are just facts.
Can’t argue with that…
Hey folks. Once wifey has cheaten, chances are that she will cheat again?
Not always ... Time & age tend to make a difference as new priorities arise + some people just suddenly realize that what they have at home is priceless.
If I could start our relationship from day one, I would not marry my wife unless she agreed to cheat on me (with me totally invested in this) always, including long term boyfriends/lovers.
its different for women and men…which isn’t to say there aren’t men or women that act like the other sex to infidelity. Some men can forgive, others live their life as if the did, but the wife never knows at any given minute what they’re capable of…judges have this nasty habit of insisting on marital counseling, not taking into consideration the power the male ego has over the man who’s been cheated on…I often feel ifI was in front of a judge that insisted intend counseling I’d simply go up to his bench, squeeze some toothpaste out of a tube in front of him and say if you can put that back in the tube, then I’ll attend your counseling”. Both my hub and I are extremely stubborn people, my hub and his ******* didn’t speak for 40 years, then his ******* finally called and apologized, my hub let him off the hook, but he still held him responsible for the lost years,,,sometimes no matter how hard you try, you can’t fix betrayal,,,keep in mind, my hub was taught by his ******* to be that stubborn. The same thing happens in a marriage, the offended party loves the cheater, and yet they hate them cause they not only cheated, but it resulted in the fact that they could no longer be with the one they loved without giving up the respect they are due, not to mention the lost trust. Before the cheating one hopes that never happens and is reassured the longer it goes without happening, but once it does, that possibility is now a fact, so the same degree of trust can never be there…you simply can’t put the tooth paste back in the tube!