No matter what this post won’t be understood by a hater know it all lol

Ok I need you alls help... has sent me on a chase...
The women they have are normally not the type I look for, I tend to like them thick and busty. But these perfect shaped ones and petite ones have taken over my mind. However here’s the problem and a question to my fellow Bulls and White women ONLY.

***1st the Problem:***
Idk what to do to meet one and live out the fantasy’s I want. But the area i reside in Ohio is very delayed and still very somewhat divided. White girls/women are very stand offish as if imma steal their purse or something. So soon as i say hello or begin to approach i instantly feel bad based on the look of fear or that vibe of not interested before we can speak. Then, the friendly ones are dope. Yet as you ask if they’re single they say married or boyfriend... At times I just look and take my fantasies online. For some reason these white women in my town do not feel ya boy. 😂

Question to fellow bulls: Do you expience this wherever you are, or are they welcoming and inviting?

Question to White Women: Are we just objects with dicks to you guys? If so and You’re honest about it Im not mad at all. In fact I’m ok with just being a fuck buddy. My prostate needs the exercise and masturbation kills the prostate.

But why are you guys so afraid of us? If not afraid why does it come off that way.
Our masculinity thrives in a woman’s presence so you’ll be surprised how much we want to take our plug and put it in your socket to enlighten your life.

maybe It’s my words, im only simply greeting them very peacefully purposely so they don’t feel threatened and they still do. It’s a shame because I’ve seen some fine ass women around here but I go online and interracial looks normal. I go to our mall and it’s segregated like the 60’s. I think I’m trapped in a time warp hell.

ready to explode in some walls! 😂😂😂😂

This sounds so messed up. I'm sorry you and others are having these difficulties. From a white man's perspective living in the South though, it doesn't seem like it is that way down here at all. I know many white women who date black men and it happens with younger ones and older.
I hope it gets better for all of you, black men and white women/couples as well.
Ok I need you alls help... has sent me on a chase...
The women they have are normally not the type I look for, I tend to like them thick and busty. But these perfect shaped ones and petite ones have taken over my mind. However here’s the problem and a question to my fellow Bulls and White women ONLY.

***1st the Problem:***
Idk what to do to meet one and live out the fantasy’s I want. But the area i reside in Ohio is very delayed and still very somewhat divided. White girls/women are very stand offish as if imma steal their purse or something. So soon as i say hello or begin to approach i instantly feel bad based on the look of fear or that vibe of not interested before we can speak. Then, the friendly ones are dope. Yet as you ask if they’re single they say married or boyfriend... At times I just look and take my fantasies online. For some reason these white women in my town do not feel ya boy. 😂

Question to fellow bulls: Do you expience this wherever you are, or are they welcoming and inviting?

Question to White Women: Are we just objects with dicks to you guys? If so and You’re honest about it Im not mad at all. In fact I’m ok with just being a fuck buddy. My prostate needs the exercise and masturbation kills the prostate.

But why are you guys so afraid of us? If not afraid why does it come off that way.
Our masculinity thrives in a woman’s presence so you’ll be surprised how much we want to take our plug and put it in your socket to enlighten your life.

maybe It’s my words, im only simply greeting them very peacefully purposely so they don’t feel threatened and they still do. It’s a shame because I’ve seen some fine ass women around here but I go online and interracial looks normal. I go to our mall and it’s segregated like the 60’s. I think I’m trapped in a time warp hell.

ready to explode in some walls! 😂😂😂😂
Over here in the UK you have to selective we get looked at the same and they wanna call the police! You need to be patient and stay on this site I have met three women on here one of which I was with part time nsa for nearly a year best filthiest sex ever! Best wishes and good look with it
women treat all men like that and realize they can get all the cock they want , specially men who think their cocks are so special that everyone wants it. Every man has issues with approaching women except a few who have bigger problems dealing with women
Ok I need you alls help... has sent me on a chase...
The women they have are normally not the type I look for, I tend to like them thick and busty. But these perfect shaped ones and petite ones have taken over my mind. However here’s the problem and a question to my fellow Bulls and White women ONLY.

***1st the Problem:***
Idk what to do to meet one and live out the fantasy’s I want. But the area i reside in Ohio is very delayed and still very somewhat divided. White girls/women are very stand offish as if imma steal their purse or something. So soon as i say hello or begin to approach i instantly feel bad based on the look of fear or that vibe of not interested before we can speak. Then, the friendly ones are dope. Yet as you ask if they’re single they say married or boyfriend... At times I just look and take my fantasies online. For some reason these white women in my town do not feel ya boy. 😂

Question to fellow bulls: Do you expience this wherever you are, or are they welcoming and inviting?

Question to White Women: Are we just objects with dicks to you guys? If so and You’re honest about it Im not mad at all. In fact I’m ok with just being a fuck buddy. My prostate needs the exercise and masturbation kills the prostate.

But why are you guys so afraid of us? If not afraid why does it come off that way.
Our masculinity thrives in a woman’s presence so you’ll be surprised how much we want to take our plug and put it in your socket to enlighten your life.

maybe It’s my words, im only simply greeting them very peacefully purposely so they don’t feel threatened and they still do. It’s a shame because I’ve seen some fine ass women around here but I go online and interracial looks normal. I go to our mall and it’s segregated like the 60’s. I think I’m trapped in a time warp hell.

ready to explode in some walls! 😂😂😂😂
Question to fellow bulls: Do you expience this wherever you are, or are they welcoming and inviting?

Both. One of the reason I'm in the LS and regularly attend LS events is because of the predominance of welcoming and inviting women. Outside of that, it's a mixed bag.
******* or it might be them saying the same thing foreal.. I want to talk to but Idk how to approach either my guy.
Absolutely right! I just see them speaking up so easily about how they want to swallow a foot long but never about how they wish they could just say something. Trust me... I didn’t think this many of us felt that way. From here all the way to the UK I see. Lol
This sounds so messed up. I'm sorry you and others are having these difficulties. From a white man's perspective living in the South though, it doesn't seem like it is that way down here at all. I know many white women who date black men and it happens with younger ones and older.
I hope it gets better for all of you, black men and white women/couples as well.
Just humanity in general get better right, i feel what you sayin. Thanks a lot, I’ll try to spend more of my time in Georgia this year 😂. I love them all the same but the ones that’s hard to get tend to be the challenge. Imagine this, i don’t even fathom an Asian. Idk HOW tf brothas be getting they hands on them. Out here... An Asian will run from you if you approach em 😂😂😂... The wilderness the chase, It’s all in the game i guess. 😂.
Over here in the UK you have to selective we get looked at the same and they wanna call the police! You need to be patient and stay on this site I have met three women on here one of which I was with part time nsa for nearly a year best filthiest sex ever! Best wishes and good look with it
I toggled with canceling a lot lately. It just don’t feel possible in the states. They be in Belgium and ******* bro. 😂 If it’s here she already got 10 runnin thru her.
women treat all men like that and realize they can get all the cock they want , specially men who think their cocks are so special that everyone wants it. Every man has issues with approaching women except a few who have bigger problems dealing with
I’m not talking about “women”... I’ve had many and plenty... I’m talking about a specific group that reveals a certain behavior UNLIKE any other woman OF ALL women. Look at this thread, you think allll these guys struggle dealing with women. Look where we are, and exposing look at the respondes. We’ll giving you the example of life beyond this website that’s all. It’s definitely not all women...
Question to fellow bulls: Do you expience this wherever you are, or are they welcoming and inviting?

Both. One of the reason I'm in the LS and regularly attend LS events is because of the predominance of welcoming and inviting women. Outside of that, it's a mixed bag.
Makes total sense! 🤔
Ok I need you alls help... has sent me on a chase...
The women they have are normally not the type I look for, I tend to like them thick and busty. But these perfect shaped ones and petite ones have taken over my mind. However here’s the problem and a question to my fellow Bulls and White women ONLY.

***1st the Problem:***
Idk what to do to meet one and live out the fantasy’s I want. But the area i reside in Ohio is very delayed and still very somewhat divided. White girls/women are very stand offish as if imma steal their purse or something. So soon as i say hello or begin to approach i instantly feel bad based on the look of fear or that vibe of not interested before we can speak. Then, the friendly ones are dope. Yet as you ask if they’re single they say married or boyfriend... At times I just look and take my fantasies online. For some reason these white women in my town do not feel ya boy. 😂

Question to fellow bulls: Do you expience this wherever you are, or are they welcoming and inviting?

Question to White Women: Are we just objects with dicks to you guys? If so and You’re honest about it Im not mad at all. In fact I’m ok with just being a fuck buddy. My prostate needs the exercise and masturbation kills the prostate.

But why are you guys so afraid of us? If not afraid why does it come off that way.
Our masculinity thrives in a woman’s presence so you’ll be surprised how much we want to take our plug and put it in your socket to enlighten your life.

maybe It’s my words, im only simply greeting them very peacefully purposely so they don’t feel threatened and they still do. It’s a shame because I’ve seen some fine ass women around here but I go online and interracial looks normal. I go to our mall and it’s segregated like the 60’s. I think I’m trapped in a time warp hell.

ready to explode in some walls! 😂😂😂😂
Ok try this one on for size. Older white guy here. Get yourself a decent suit. It does not need to be new. Visit a Salvation Army store looking for a suite that has been handed in for what ever reason. Take it to a tailor and have it made to fit you. Loose the off the rack look. Ladies can tell a cheap suit. The word here is tailored not expensive. Now get a well fitting shirt. A pair of nice socks and decent shoes. Sorry white tub socks and Nike don’t cut it here. Time for a hair cut and a shave, a manicure will not hurt. You will find that if you look successful their reaction will change.

The Colour of your skin does not matter if you are seen to be successful. This is step one.

this is not meant as put down For the way you dress. It’s all about how you look.

next think how you smell. The look will only get you so far. Breath is important.

in short don’t give them a chance to find a fault. A pair of gold framed or rimless glasses even if they have window glass in them helps with the look.

now smile. Other helpful items are a news paper. Have the business section on the out side so it appears it was a section you were reading.

if you have a car insure it is clean, waxed and fresh smelling. Again it does not matter if it is a Honda Civic as long as it looks like it has been taken care of. Taking about how it’s saves both money (that you can spend) and the environment.

now if I don’t get called a few nasty names I may give you some more hints.

remember to look successful.
Ok try this one on for size. Older white guy here. Get yourself a decent suit. It does not need to be new. Visit a Salvation Army store looking for a suite that has been handed in for what ever reason. Take it to a tailor and have it made to fit you. Loose the off the rack look. Ladies can tell a cheap suit. The word here is tailored not expensive. Now get a well fitting shirt. A pair of nice socks and decent shoes. Sorry white tub socks and Nike don’t cut it here. Time for a hair cut and a shave, a manicure will not hurt. You will find that if you look successful their reaction will change.

The Colour of your skin does not matter if you are seen to be successful. This is step one.

this is not meant as put down For the way you dress. It’s all about how you look.

next think how you smell. The look will only get you so far. Breath is important.

in short don’t give them a chance to find a fault. A pair of gold framed or rimless glasses even if they have window glass in them helps with the look.

now smile. Other helpful items are a news paper. Have the business section on the out side so it appears it was a section you were reading.

if you have a car insure it is clean, waxed and fresh smelling. Again it does not matter if it is a Honda Civic as long as it looks like it has been taken care of. Taking about how it’s saves both money (that you can spend) and the environment.

now if I don’t get called a few nasty names I may give you some more hints.

remember to look successful.
I dress business casual everyday, im a single dad and I carry very good hygiene. Appearance means a lot, my clothes fit. Never too baggy or childish. 3 button polo and I drive a 2015 cls550 and a Sierra Denali, I don’t have an attitude, I smile and I’m friendly. No facial hair, no heavy big dude appearance. Ex college ball player so I’m kinda tall but slim and I understand how society paints us so I consider that in my approach.
Maybe you need footage, 😂.
Or maybe we’re here all agreeing because we’re crazy.
Sounds sort of like a personal problem to me. But I don’t consider myself a bull so 🤷‍♂️
disappear peace out GIF
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