New To The Site, But Not To The Thought

Hello, I don't think i'm breaking any new ground here by saying i'm here because I want my girlfriend to cuck me with a black guy, I joined today and been reading through a lot to get a feel for the site and see what others similar to me are feeling like, I've read a lot of "how do I convince my girl" and I don't really like that wording, its a weird request to give someone so it'd understandable that some love the idea and some hate it, but if someone said no I don't "convincing them" is really fair, my issue isn't that, mine is I don't even know how to ask, how do you ask something like this, are you sure you even should, it could ruin everything, she might not like it at all, friends and family could find out, there's so much that can and probably will change about life that it makes straight up asking her so dauntless no matter how strong our relationship is. So anyway, Hello, happy to join the site, we'll see what happens.
Nope, not even mentioned it
Sorry, I don't understand well. You want your gf cuck you but you didn't speak with her neither want to ask her. So, what are you going to do? Are you hoping to find her anonymously here? ;):ROFLMAO:
Hello, I don't think i'm breaking any new ground here by saying i'm here because I want my girlfriend to cuck me with a black guy, I joined today and been reading through a lot to get a feel for the site and see what others similar to me are feeling like, I've read a lot of "how do I convince my girl" and I don't really like that wording, its a weird request to give someone so it'd understandable that some love the idea and some hate it, but if someone said no I don't "convincing them" is really fair, my issue isn't that, mine is I don't even know how to ask, how do you ask something like this, are you sure you even should, it could ruin everything, she might not like it at all, friends and family could find out, there's so much that can and probably will change about life that it makes straight up asking her so dauntless no matter how strong our relationship is. So anyway, Hello, happy to join the site, we'll see what happens.
If she has never expressed an interest in ANY third party, let alone a black guy, don't even bring it up. Why fuck it up with a kink she knows nothing about. Just keep jo to the visual contrast and taboo
@PaleAlix Kate's husband here. You are right to have concerns. You (and presumably your girlfriend) are very young, so you can't have been together for very long. And she's your girlfriend, not your wife. You haven't committed to each other yet, and you are concerned that this may destroy what you have. The fact is it can. You are smart to be looking for advice.

I assume you and your girlfriend have reached the point where you are considering marriage. This is a lifestyle for only those that know each other are completely committed to them, otherwise it doesn't work.

First, you need to make absolutely sure this is what you want and that you can handle the emotions once it happens. You need to be honest with yourself on this. Think how you will react. Can you keep any negative feelings you have to yourself (and you will have some, even if they are fleeting). If your partner thinks you think negatively of her in the slightest for doing what you want, it will poison your relationship. Typically the excitement for this is at it's lowest after you cum but builds again. Try this to help you critically think this through. Select a specific man that you personally know for you to fantasize you girlfriend with while you watch. He doesn't need to be a friend, but someone in your town that you see occasionally. Next, masturbate to the thought of them together as you watch. Imagine her having the most intense orgasms ever and she loses control. She says "Oh My God. You are the best." She forgets for the moment you are there and that you even exist. As he cums inside her, she is lost in the moment and says "I love you". She doesn't mean it but it comes out. Now cum as you think of that. Immediately after think how you feel. Take note of any negative feelings. They will be amplified when it actually happens. Can you handle this without you destroying your relationship. Next time you see that man, remember how you felt and evaluate your ability to handle seeing him if it had been real.

Once you have honestly evaluated yourself and determined you can handle this, you need to decide what you should do. Some will say that you should keep your desire to yourself. You can live your life that way or you work to make it happen. If you decide to keep it buried as a fantasy, will that be enough for you. Typically fetishes that are not lived out tend to grow. It is likely your desire will get stronger the longer it goes unmet. You need to decide if you can live the rest of your life without this.

Your concerns about bringing this up to your girlfriend will ruin your relationship. Imagine you don't bring it up, you get married, 5 years later the sex is not as often or exciting. Your imagination is going wild and you can't take it anymore. You tell her. She could react in 2 ways. 1) she agrees and you both missed out on 5+ years of fun, or 2) she doesn't agree. If you think she will take it bad now, imagine how she will take it then. If it does destroy the relationship, it is better for that to happen earlier than after a commitment and possibly children. So if you are going to move forward, sooner is better. If you can't live without this, and she can't live with it, find out now. If you break up over it, you will be able to start looking again for someone who will embrace you fantasy.

If you decide to move forward, go slow. Don't just ask her to do it. Try to find out her feelings on this. She likely fantasizes about other guys (probably celebrities). When watching a show or after ask her if she thinks the attractive male is sexy. She will probably want to know why you want to know. Just say "We know so much about each other. I just want to know everything about you." Have sex that evening, and make sure you make it great. If you are feeling lucky you can ask her if she was thinking of him. She will say "No" but she was or she will be the next time. She will ask who you were thinking about. You can say "You, and how sexy you are to everyone. I think even he would find you sexy." If you are feeling very lucky say "You ... with him ... and me watching" but only if you are sure it's not too soon.

A few weeks later, when you are out. Spot a hot guy and say "I think that guy was checking you out. That's so hot!" If she asks why, just say you like that other guys know how sexy she is. Ask her if she thinks he's hot. Again have great sex that night. Don't bring him up afterwards.

After a bit of this, you are ready to tell her, maybe during foreplay "I want to tell you something that gets me really excited. It's very, very personal and even as close as we are, it's hard to tell anyone. Sometimes l like to think that you are with someone else while I watch. I don't know why but this gets me really excited. I'd like to imagine you with someone else tonight, maybe xxx, if that's ok with you.". xxx being the name of a black celebrity. Make this the best sex ever and afterwards, go down on her gently. Maybe you tongue just lies flat and applies pressure and moves slightly. Of course give her one final orgasm and express your love for her.

The next day you need to bring it up again. Thank her for indulging your fantasy. Find out how she liked it. Say you definitely want to role play about it more and might even want to have it happen for real in the future. Hopefully she's willing to at least allow the role play but don't do it every time unless she wants it. Judge how in to it she is and go from there.

I wish you the best of luck.