My wifes 29 are we too young for this LS? Question for Couples & Bulls


Me & My wife have been roll playing this fantasy for a good while now . I'm 32 she's 29 . Do bulls like wife's abit older are we better off waiting longer until she's mid 30s / 40? We definitely said we are going to make this a reality one day it's just when. What age was you and your wife ? & bulls what age do you prefer ?
I wish we started earlier….let me tell you there’s nothing …literally nothing more exciting in this lifestyle than than a young good looking fertile black guy deeper inside your young fertile wife than you can reach and touch her…. And he has no condom during a high risk time ….the unknowing of if he’s going to not pull out and release his warm baby making seed that deep in her as they make love together not caring about you or what may happen makes for the most intense heart pounding sex she will ever experience in her life …fact …if you want that for her … try it you’ll see…. She will be change forever and want that feeling again and again.
You're never too young! If anything, kudos to you and your wife for being open enough with each other to have the conversation without anger, jealousy, etc. I wouldn't worry about the age of the 'bulls'; just find someone you like and enjoy. Looking back, I wish I would have had a partner in my 30s who was open and expansive.
in my opinion no but the both need to understand why you are doing it and you both need to be secure in your marriage. with that said i wish we would have started sooner. We did have a couple of mfm 3 sum's in our mid to late 20's
We have a very strong relationship. Been together 12 years. We got children together too . We have an amazing sex life but we like to abit extra kinky . We don't like being vanilla . We both agreed we would both do it Purley for fun and agreed it's just sex and if we both want to do it why not ! I'm not a cuckold either I'm more of a stag I'd like a threesome MFM *I think that's the straight term* also sit and watch her with the guy for abit whilst I film but then join back in .. it turns us both on alot
Our only regret was not starting earlier and while she was fertile to enhance the pleasure. Life is too short and there are too many pleasures out there to wait or postpone good times. It truly has made us much closer. LOL. And she smiles more and has much higher self confidence.
Our only regret was not starting earlier and while she was fertile to enhance the pleasure. Life is too short and there are too many pleasures out there to wait or postpone good times. It truly has made us much closer. LOL. And she smiles more and has much higher self confidence.
"Lifes to short" exactly
if you both belive the relationship is strong enough then they it.
When we both ever role played it to the extreme in a hotel one night we both felt awkward after we went for a meal was kind of awkward couldn't believe what we just said to each other but literally days after we was doing it again and now after months we say it to each other likes it's normal I think it was just getting past the barrier to make sure it's both what we want and now we both know it is in the future for sure . I say is it too early because maybe want to keep it something to look foward to in the future or just do it idk lol . We are this into it after role playing it for 6 months . I got her into my fantasy and she took it in more then she thought she would I definitely opened Pandoras box ! I slept with alot of women before her . Where with her she only slept with me and a guy she lost her virginity too so I think that's what's so hot about it all too . She's so naughty I just love to see what she's like with another guy and knowing she can be comfortable doing that with me together. Hopefully going to get verified soon too :)