laser hair free pussy

My wife had it done. Took 3 sessions per area. It feels like a rubber band smacking on your skin, so you can only take so much before trying another area. This was done with a diode laser, not a flash lamp, which is a rip off. The laser works by heating up very quickly the melanin in your hair follicle, which causes scar tissue to take place of the hair generating cells.
It doesn't work on white or silver hair (no Melanin), so you clear those with Electrolysis.
With all that, you end up with a smooth as a baby's ass pubic area that will keep the guy's tongue there longer.
My wife had it done. Took 3 sessions per area. It feels like a rubber band smacking on your skin, so you can only take so much before trying another area. This was done with a diode laser, not a flash lamp, which is a rip off. The laser works by heating up very quickly the melanin in your hair follicle, which causes scar tissue to take place of the hair generating cells.
It doesn't work on white or silver hair (no Melanin), so you clear those with Electrolysis.
With all that, you end up with a smooth as a baby's ass pubic area that will keep the guy's tongue there longer.
This is true!
You will do several sessions about 6 six weeks apart. You might need a session or two after that to catch any stragglers. It is worth it ... but if you think you want hair later in life don't do it as it is permanent. TOTALLY worth it if you like your asshole and pussy smooth. Costly but when you compare to waxing cost over time it is worth it.
hey, just wondering: i am a true bbc slut and want to get my pussy completely hair free for my lovers.
who has done it, how long does it really last and where did you get it?
kiss karen
Like people have mentioned it takes a few session and you're a bit sensitive at the beginning of starting it. Well worth it though if you want to keep hairless and don't fancy using a razor often.
Laser can hit many follicles at a time vs Electrolysis, which is one follicle at a time. The time spent to clear an area is much less with the laser. Now, waxing must be an invention by some evil person. Ripping hair out of its follicle isn't permanent and it hurts like no other. If anything, waxing will cause more capillaries to be formed in the follicle, which can only feed more hair growth until the next waxing.
It all depends on the hair color, the skin color, the type of laser used, and several other factors. I am blonde, and it took me ten sessions to get my pussy hair-free, although I have to have a follow-up session every year. It is worth it, and my black lovers love it.
Using a razor can't compare with a Laser. The laser vaporizes the hair, even all the way to the bottom of the follicle. A razor can only cut off hair at the surface. Licking a pussy is vastly different when it doesn't feel like a guy's day old beard on our tongue.
It all depends on the hair color, the skin color, the type of laser used, and several other factors. I am blonde, and it took me ten sessions to get my pussy hair-free, although I have to have a follow-up session every year. It is worth it, and my black lovers love it.
You're absolutely right. There are charts by the manufacturer to help setting the right amount of power delivered to your skin. Us blondes don't have as much brown melanin in our follicles.