
Gold Member
Real Person
Judith suggested they celebrate, then got up and went to the mini fridge and took out a bottle of prosecco. She asked Sam if he would have a ******* with her, and he accepted. She took two of the water glasses over to the sofa. She set them on the coffee table and filled them halfway, using up the small bottle of prosecco. Sam came over to the sofa, and Judith sat down and gave him a glass. She took up her glass, and they toasted before drinking.

They were both all smiles at what they had worked out, and they sat back and chatted with each other. Judith asked Sam what time he had to be home, and he said that he didn’t have a specific time. He said he’d much rather wait until the traffic died down around 7:00 p.m. before he took the drive over to Potomac where he lived. Judith saw that it was just nearing quarter to four and told Sam he had a lot of time to ******* before then, giving him a seductive look.

Sam took her cue and leaned in and kissed her on the forehead saying, “Well I can think of some things we could do until then.”

Judith quickly glanced, through the wet strands of her bangs, at the alarm clock on the nightstand and saw 7:15 p.m. displayed across the top.

“Sa. Sa… Sa… Sammm,” she orgasmically sighed, as the sweat from her forehead dripped down the side of her face. She could hardly speak as Sam continued to slowly slide in and out of her from his spooning position behind her. She happily laid on her side in the hotel bed, looking at the mirror, enjoying the view. She felt more alive and desired from seeing herself being made love to by the fit and good-smelling black man behind her. At that moment Judith felt Sam was the most magnificent lover she had ever had.

Without discussion, without provocation, and without external declaration, he gave her what she most wanted, how she wanted. Although Judith hadn’t been shy about going after what and who she wanted sexually, she had never had a partner more in tune with who she was and what her body needed. The way Sam undressed her, took his time with her, and explored her body before taking his fill of access to her womb made her feel loved. In fact, to Judith, she felt like she was in love while being loved, and she hadn’t had anything like that for a long time.

She had never had someone work her body into so many positions the way he was doing it to her. Sam wasn’t rough; he was steadfast. It was like a dance, with him being a strong leading partner. She didn’t have to think, she just had to follow and know she would be okay with whatever he was doing. That is how Judith felt about Sam making love to her. He knew just when to push harder, when to soften up, when to keep going despite her cries, and when to slow down, even if she was silent.

She had never had a man take her to orgasm and manipulate her body enough to the point where she would ride that orgasm until her quivering turned to shudders that subsided into a delightful warmth. This led to more quivers to shuddering that did not stop until the inner walls of her vagina spasmed uncontrollably and gushed all over Sam’s genitals, revealing the height of her pleasure. And he did this over and over again, until she was near exhaustion.

He rolled Judith to her side, and he slipped behind her, kissing her like she was his prize that he meant to fully enjoy. He answered her while kissing her neck and holding her leg up to keep his access to her canal open for his side strokes.

“T-t- time,” was all Judith could murmur out of her mouth as she felt the wave of small climaxes reaching her center. Sam stopped moving and breathed deeply, placing a hand on top of her stomach and asking her if she wanted to stop. Judith told him no, but that it was after 7 o’clock and she didn’t want him to have trouble. Sam told her not to worry and resumed his stroking speed, to Judith’s delight. Somewhere between her breath and his heartbeat, she felt his nice-sized tenderloin pulse and release into her. Judith blissfully climaxed herself in a quiet rumble, and they lay spooned together for a nice bit before nodding off.

It was well after 10:00 p.m. when they had awakened, showered, changed, and got back in their respective vehicles for home. When Judith arrived, Mira was in Elmer’s room, watching television. Judith was surprised when she saw that her ******* was awake, eyes wide, watching what appeared to be an old western on the TV in his room.

Judith asked Mira if she could come with her to the kitchen and turned and left the room. When Mira got to the kitchen, Judith was having a glass of juice and sitting at the counter. Mira told Judith that she looked like she had a good time, wherever she came from. Judith forgot about being polite and told Mira flat out that she was sorry for being a couple hours later than she told her, but that she just couldn’t get away.

Mira told her, from how she looked, it was probably hard to leave. They both laughed, and Judith asked her if it was that obvious. Mira told her that it was but that she didn’t have to worry because she understood, and then added that she was happy that Judith was taking care of herself.

Judith asked Mira what it would take for her to do some housekeeping while she took care of Elmer, and Mira told her it wasn’t a problem. Judith insisted, so Mira asked Judith what her expectations were. After Judith explained what she needed Mira to do, Mira told her to give her an extra seventy-five dollars a week. Judith told her that she would give her an extra one hundred dollars if Mira stayed over once a week in the other bedroom next to her *******, and Mira accepted the offer.

Judith then told Mira that there would be another person staying at the house off and on, and that he was her assistant. Mira raised her eyebrows, and Judith told her that what she was thinking was correct, and asked Mira if she would have a problem with it. Mira told her that she wouldn’t have any problems from her about whatever her private dealings were. Judith explained that it would be more work than pleasure but that she didn’t want Mira to be misled about what would be going on in the other half of the home.

Mira told Judith she appreciated that Judith trusted her enough to be candid with her and treated her with more respect than usually given to someone in her position. Judith told her that she felt like Mira wasn’t just someone that worked for her and that she saw that Mira took good care of her ******* and that she really enjoyed that.

She told Mira that she noticed her ******* was more responsive than he had been before she started taking care of him and that he seemed better. He still wasn’t saying much more than a few words, but he was making facial expressions and moving about in his bed. Mira made a joke about Elmer probably liking the full-figured curves of her body, which she felt stood out more since she gained so much weight. Judith told Mira she could understand her thoughts about her weight, but that Mira should accept herself and not worry about her weight more than taking care of whatever she needed to do for herself. Judith told her that when she felt more secure in her life then whatever weight her body felt comfortable at would be fine for her.

Judith asked Mira to stay in the room next to her ******* because it was too late for her to worry about getting a ride back home and Mira accepted, saying she was glad she had thought of keeping a change of clothes there at the house in case she needed them.

The next morning Judith got up feeling ecstatic about Sam agreeing to be her assistant. She knew they would make a great team in and out of bed and wanted everything to go well as it could. She left Mira a note in the kitchen along with some cash to be sure she would be okay to get a ride. The note instructed Mira to leave the phone next to Elmer’s bed and to let him know to call if he needed something before Judith got back from the store.

When Mira got up, she saw the note and decided to stay until Judith got back because she didn’t have anything else to do that day. Mira decided that she would use the wheelchair in Elmer’s room and take him to the bathroom instead of using the bedpan and urine bottle. She thought that while she took him to the bathroom that she would set up the tub to give him a nice shower and enjoy cleaning him up.

Elmer was awake when she went into his room to give him some breakfast. Mira had made some grits and eggs with just enough seasoning and butter to not be a real issue for him. Elmer seemed to have a half smile when he saw her enter with the tray. She had her fruit and a cup of tea with honey on the tray with his food and set it down next to the bed. She thought she better not wait and saw that he had already used the urinal because it was half full. She realized then that she could go ahead and give him breakfast then and sat next to the bed as usual to feed him.

She turned the television on and found an old detective movie playing. She turned the volume up and started feeding him the grits and eggs. Elmer’s appetite seemed to have grown since Mira started working with him, and he put on a few pounds. He ate all the breakfast meal as Mira fed him and they watched the movie.

At a particular part of the movie, there was a love scene between the detective and one of the women. Mira thought she saw Elmer’s crotch jump when he was watching the love scene but didn’t see any movement when she looked again, so she figured it was just him moving his leg that made her think she saw his crotch moving. She had already noticed that, as a man, Elmer had a pretty decent sized penis and thought to herself that she wouldn’t be able to mistake it for anything else if he had a hard-on.

When they had finished eating, Mira cleaned things up and came back and set up the wheelchair. She helped Elmer move about to get out of bed and slide into the chair. She told Elmer that she would wheel him today but that eventually she was going to get him to walk to the bathroom. She didn’t understand why he didn’t try to do more but figured that he was probably more ill than she realized, and she would just do what she could with him and make him comfortable.

She put the bathing stool in the tub and took the shower head down. She put his bodywash and a washcloth on the edge of the tub and put a couple of towels within close reach. She draped a big bath towel over the back of the wheelchair and in the chair and proceeded to undress him. He looked a little disturbed when she had him naked, but she told him not to worry, that she was going to take good care of him.

She pushed her shoes off and stepped into the tub. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him into the tub and onto the bath stool. She turned on the water to get it to the right temperature, and the shower head jumped twirling the hose and spraying water all over her. She turned the water down and found the right temperature. Mira saw that she was soaked and realized that her plan wasn’t going like she wanted.

She became irritated because these were her only extra clothes, and now they were soaked. Mira thought she might as well remove them and let them dry. She didn’t think Elmer would mind, since he didn’t move much, and she just didn’t care. Mira took off her top and stretch pants, wrung them out and hung them on the towel rack. She stepped back into the tub in her bra and panties and started the water slowly this time.

Mira hadn’t bought any new underwear since she had returned home, so the extra weight she put on had her breasts and cheeks of her behind spilling out of her bra and panties. As she soaped up Elmer, some of the soap spilled onto her, and she just kept washing him. When she knelt to wash his seated bottom half, Mira got a surprise.

During all her movements, Elmer got a close eyeful of her jiggling cleavage and taught nipples poking her bra. He also caught glimpses of her ample ass swaying side to side as she moved washing his body. Mira’s wiggling body had stirred Elmer to a nice semi erection, building its way to full blown hard-on.

Mira looked at his elderly growing penis and wanted to laugh but caught herself in time. Mira thought to herself that Elmer must have been more active than he let on if her body was turning him on that much. Mira felt a little mischievous and curious, so she took a handful of soap into the washcloth and put herself directly in front of him. As she began to wash his genitals, she looked into Elmer’s wonder-covered face and asked him if he liked what she was doing. He didn’t answer but he put on a wide grin and tilted his head back. Mira took that as a yes and started washing his penis and ballsack a little faster and with more of a slippery grip.

Elmer let out a soft moan, and she let the washcloth drop into the tub. She poured some soap into her hands and began to rub his penis with them. As Mira worked the soap over and around Elmer’s penis, he got a full erection and let out a load moan. She kept going, taking one hand off his penis to rub his chest and continuing to give him a soapy hand job with the other.

A couple of minutes later, Elmer let out what could only be described as a scream as he shot his sperm all over her face, running from the top of her head down to her neck. His body shook a couple of times, and he breathed heavily and let out several low grunts as he caught his breath. Mira was surprised. She thought that he must have been really backed up because she had never experienced a man letting out such a large load of cum before. She tugged up and down slowly on his softening erection, then sprayed water on his crotch. She turned the shower head to herself and sprayed water all over her to rinse off his cum. Mira smiled and chuckled to herself as Elmer sat half upright in the chair with a wry smile on his face.

Mira removed her bra and rinsed it off with the showerhead, then squeezed the excess water out of it and hung it over the shower rod. She leaned down and asked Elmer if he was alright, and he propped his head up and saw her big brown breasts and hard eraser-sized nipples right in his face. He moved to sit up, and Mira grabbed his shoulders and helped him sit up straight. If he could have moved his hands quicker, he would have grabbed one of her breasts, but all he could do was move his arm slowly in that direction. Mira gently warded his hand away when he got halfway to her chest and asked him to keep still. She made sure he was well rinsed and then stepped back to look at him. She told him, if he tried to walk to the bathroom next time, she’d give him a topless bath and they could have fun washing his genitals again. Elmer put on a full smile and weakly nodded his head in acceptance of her challenge.

When Judith returned, she had a few bags of groceries and some household items that took her about four trips to bring in. On her last trip in, Mira was in the kitchen in a bathrobe, asking her if she needed help. Judith told her she did and asked her if everything was okay. Judith thought she would have been gone by then, but Mira explained that she didn’t want to leave Elmer all alone and didn’t mind waiting until Judith returned.

She told Judith she gave Elmer a shower and got her clothes wet, so she put on a bathrobe she found in his room while they were in the dryer. Judith laughed and told her to make herself comfortable. Judith asked her how Elmer did in the bathroom, and Mira chuckled. She told Judith that he did well, but that she had to remember that although he was old, he was still a man, and she explained to Judith about Elmer getting an erection from her underwear display.

Judith was shocked at first, but Mira told her it wasn’t a problem and that it was a roundabout way that she would get him motivated to move around. Judith smiled and told Mira that was a good idea. When they had finished putting away the groceries, Judith asked Mira to stay for lunch after she got dressed and Mira accepted.

Judith went to her *******’s room and saw him sitting up in bed, with a regular shirt and pants on, sitting on top of his made bed. Judith smiled, looking at him, all cleaned up and handsome. She asked Mira why she put those on him, and Mira said she wanted him to feel regular so that he could start acting that way. She told Judith he struggled with wearing the adult diapers, but she eventually got him to be still so she could finish helping him dress.

Judith was impressed and told Mira she really appreciated her help. Judith hugged her ******* and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She noticed that he had a smile on his face, and she almost jumped for joy, seeing him show some positive emotion.

Mira went back to the front with Judith, and they sat and had lunch, talking about the progress Judith saw Mira making with Elmer. While they ate lunch, the delivery people from the department store arrived and took a long wall mirror to Judith’s room and set it up. She gave them a nice tip and some sodas, and they left. Mira commented on how big the mirror was, and Judith told her she was going to try something new.

Judith drove Mira to the metro station and told her she would see her on Monday.

excerpt from Grupa Desdemona - satiate dominium vincere - (Satisfied Ladies Win)
Judith suggested they celebrate, then got up and went to the mini fridge and took out a bottle of prosecco. She asked Sam if he would have a ******* with her, and he accepted. She took two of the water glasses over to the sofa. She set them on the coffee table and filled them halfway, using up the small bottle of prosecco. Sam came over to the sofa, and Judith sat down and gave him a glass. She took up her glass, and they toasted before drinking.

They were both all smiles at what they had worked out, and they sat back and chatted with each other. Judith asked Sam what time he had to be home, and he said that he didn’t have a specific time. He said he’d much rather wait until the traffic died down around 7:00 p.m. before he took the drive over to Potomac where he lived. Judith saw that it was just nearing quarter to four and told Sam he had a lot of time to ******* before then, giving him a seductive look.

Sam took her cue and leaned in and kissed her on the forehead saying, “Well I can think of some things we could do until then.”

Judith quickly glanced, through the wet strands of her bangs, at the alarm clock on the nightstand and saw 7:15 p.m. displayed across the top.

“Sa. Sa… Sa… Sammm,” she orgasmically sighed, as the sweat from her forehead dripped down the side of her face. She could hardly speak as Sam continued to slowly slide in and out of her from his spooning position behind her. She happily laid on her side in the hotel bed, looking at the mirror, enjoying the view. She felt more alive and desired from seeing herself being made love to by the fit and good-smelling black man behind her. At that moment Judith felt Sam was the most magnificent lover she had ever had.

Without discussion, without provocation, and without external declaration, he gave her what she most wanted, how she wanted. Although Judith hadn’t been shy about going after what and who she wanted sexually, she had never had a partner more in tune with who she was and what her body needed. The way Sam undressed her, took his time with her, and explored her body before taking his fill of access to her womb made her feel loved. In fact, to Judith, she felt like she was in love while being loved, and she hadn’t had anything like that for a long time.

She had never had someone work her body into so many positions the way he was doing it to her. Sam wasn’t rough; he was steadfast. It was like a dance, with him being a strong leading partner. She didn’t have to think, she just had to follow and know she would be okay with whatever he was doing. That is how Judith felt about Sam making love to her. He knew just when to push harder, when to soften up, when to keep going despite her cries, and when to slow down, even if she was silent.

She had never had a man take her to orgasm and manipulate her body enough to the point where she would ride that orgasm until her quivering turned to shudders that subsided into a delightful warmth. This led to more quivers to shuddering that did not stop until the inner walls of her vagina spasmed uncontrollably and gushed all over Sam’s genitals, revealing the height of her pleasure. And he did this over and over again, until she was near exhaustion.

He rolled Judith to her side, and he slipped behind her, kissing her like she was his prize that he meant to fully enjoy. He answered her while kissing her neck and holding her leg up to keep his access to her canal open for his side strokes.

“T-t- time,” was all Judith could murmur out of her mouth as she felt the wave of small climaxes reaching her center. Sam stopped moving and breathed deeply, placing a hand on top of her stomach and asking her if she wanted to stop. Judith told him no, but that it was after 7 o’clock and she didn’t want him to have trouble. Sam told her not to worry and resumed his stroking speed, to Judith’s delight. Somewhere between her breath and his heartbeat, she felt his nice-sized tenderloin pulse and release into her. Judith blissfully climaxed herself in a quiet rumble, and they lay spooned together for a nice bit before nodding off.

It was well after 10:00 p.m. when they had awakened, showered, changed, and got back in their respective vehicles for home. When Judith arrived, Mira was in Elmer’s room, watching television. Judith was surprised when she saw that her ******* was awake, eyes wide, watching what appeared to be an old western on the TV in his room.

Judith asked Mira if she could come with her to the kitchen and turned and left the room. When Mira got to the kitchen, Judith was having a glass of juice and sitting at the counter. Mira told Judith that she looked like she had a good time, wherever she came from. Judith forgot about being polite and told Mira flat out that she was sorry for being a couple hours later than she told her, but that she just couldn’t get away.

Mira told her, from how she looked, it was probably hard to leave. They both laughed, and Judith asked her if it was that obvious. Mira told her that it was but that she didn’t have to worry because she understood, and then added that she was happy that Judith was taking care of herself.

Judith asked Mira what it would take for her to do some housekeeping while she took care of Elmer, and Mira told her it wasn’t a problem. Judith insisted, so Mira asked Judith what her expectations were. After Judith explained what she needed Mira to do, Mira told her to give her an extra seventy-five dollars a week. Judith told her that she would give her an extra one hundred dollars if Mira stayed over once a week in the other bedroom next to her *******, and Mira accepted the offer.

Judith then told Mira that there would be another person staying at the house off and on, and that he was her assistant. Mira raised her eyebrows, and Judith told her that what she was thinking was correct, and asked Mira if she would have a problem with it. Mira told her that she wouldn’t have any problems from her about whatever her private dealings were. Judith explained that it would be more work than pleasure but that she didn’t want Mira to be misled about what would be going on in the other half of the home.

Mira told Judith she appreciated that Judith trusted her enough to be candid with her and treated her with more respect than usually given to someone in her position. Judith told her that she felt like Mira wasn’t just someone that worked for her and that she saw that Mira took good care of her ******* and that she really enjoyed that.

She told Mira that she noticed her ******* was more responsive than he had been before she started taking care of him and that he seemed better. He still wasn’t saying much more than a few words, but he was making facial expressions and moving about in his bed. Mira made a joke about Elmer probably liking the full-figured curves of her body, which she felt stood out more since she gained so much weight. Judith told Mira she could understand her thoughts about her weight, but that Mira should accept herself and not worry about her weight more than taking care of whatever she needed to do for herself. Judith told her that when she felt more secure in her life then whatever weight her body felt comfortable at would be fine for her.

Judith asked Mira to stay in the room next to her ******* because it was too late for her to worry about getting a ride back home and Mira accepted, saying she was glad she had thought of keeping a change of clothes there at the house in case she needed them.

The next morning Judith got up feeling ecstatic about Sam agreeing to be her assistant. She knew they would make a great team in and out of bed and wanted everything to go well as it could. She left Mira a note in the kitchen along with some cash to be sure she would be okay to get a ride. The note instructed Mira to leave the phone next to Elmer’s bed and to let him know to call if he needed something before Judith got back from the store.

When Mira got up, she saw the note and decided to stay until Judith got back because she didn’t have anything else to do that day. Mira decided that she would use the wheelchair in Elmer’s room and take him to the bathroom instead of using the bedpan and urine bottle. She thought that while she took him to the bathroom that she would set up the tub to give him a nice shower and enjoy cleaning him up.

Elmer was awake when she went into his room to give him some breakfast. Mira had made some grits and eggs with just enough seasoning and butter to not be a real issue for him. Elmer seemed to have a half smile when he saw her enter with the tray. She had her fruit and a cup of tea with honey on the tray with his food and set it down next to the bed. She thought she better not wait and saw that he had already used the urinal because it was half full. She realized then that she could go ahead and give him breakfast then and sat next to the bed as usual to feed him.

She turned the television on and found an old detective movie playing. She turned the volume up and started feeding him the grits and eggs. Elmer’s appetite seemed to have grown since Mira started working with him, and he put on a few pounds. He ate all the breakfast meal as Mira fed him and they watched the movie.

At a particular part of the movie, there was a love scene between the detective and one of the women. Mira thought she saw Elmer’s crotch jump when he was watching the love scene but didn’t see any movement when she looked again, so she figured it was just him moving his leg that made her think she saw his crotch moving. She had already noticed that, as a man, Elmer had a pretty decent sized penis and thought to herself that she wouldn’t be able to mistake it for anything else if he had a hard-on.

When they had finished eating, Mira cleaned things up and came back and set up the wheelchair. She helped Elmer move about to get out of bed and slide into the chair. She told Elmer that she would wheel him today but that eventually she was going to get him to walk to the bathroom. She didn’t understand why he didn’t try to do more but figured that he was probably more ill than she realized, and she would just do what she could with him and make him comfortable.

She put the bathing stool in the tub and took the shower head down. She put his bodywash and a washcloth on the edge of the tub and put a couple of towels within close reach. She draped a big bath towel over the back of the wheelchair and in the chair and proceeded to undress him. He looked a little disturbed when she had him naked, but she told him not to worry, that she was going to take good care of him.

She pushed her shoes off and stepped into the tub. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him into the tub and onto the bath stool. She turned on the water to get it to the right temperature, and the shower head jumped twirling the hose and spraying water all over her. She turned the water down and found the right temperature. Mira saw that she was soaked and realized that her plan wasn’t going like she wanted.

She became irritated because these were her only extra clothes, and now they were soaked. Mira thought she might as well remove them and let them dry. She didn’t think Elmer would mind, since he didn’t move much, and she just didn’t care. Mira took off her top and stretch pants, wrung them out and hung them on the towel rack. She stepped back into the tub in her bra and panties and started the water slowly this time.

Mira hadn’t bought any new underwear since she had returned home, so the extra weight she put on had her breasts and cheeks of her behind spilling out of her bra and panties. As she soaped up Elmer, some of the soap spilled onto her, and she just kept washing him. When she knelt to wash his seated bottom half, Mira got a surprise.

During all her movements, Elmer got a close eyeful of her jiggling cleavage and taught nipples poking her bra. He also caught glimpses of her ample ass swaying side to side as she moved washing his body. Mira’s wiggling body had stirred Elmer to a nice semi erection, building its way to full blown hard-on.

Mira looked at his elderly growing penis and wanted to laugh but caught herself in time. Mira thought to herself that Elmer must have been more active than he let on if her body was turning him on that much. Mira felt a little mischievous and curious, so she took a handful of soap into the washcloth and put herself directly in front of him. As she began to wash his genitals, she looked into Elmer’s wonder-covered face and asked him if he liked what she was doing. He didn’t answer but he put on a wide grin and tilted his head back. Mira took that as a yes and started washing his penis and ballsack a little faster and with more of a slippery grip.

Elmer let out a soft moan, and she let the washcloth drop into the tub. She poured some soap into her hands and began to rub his penis with them. As Mira worked the soap over and around Elmer’s penis, he got a full erection and let out a load moan. She kept going, taking one hand off his penis to rub his chest and continuing to give him a soapy hand job with the other.

A couple of minutes later, Elmer let out what could only be described as a scream as he shot his sperm all over her face, running from the top of her head down to her neck. His body shook a couple of times, and he breathed heavily and let out several low grunts as he caught his breath. Mira was surprised. She thought that he must have been really backed up because she had never experienced a man letting out such a large load of cum before. She tugged up and down slowly on his softening erection, then sprayed water on his crotch. She turned the shower head to herself and sprayed water all over her to rinse off his cum. Mira smiled and chuckled to herself as Elmer sat half upright in the chair with a wry smile on his face.

Mira removed her bra and rinsed it off with the showerhead, then squeezed the excess water out of it and hung it over the shower rod. She leaned down and asked Elmer if he was alright, and he propped his head up and saw her big brown breasts and hard eraser-sized nipples right in his face. He moved to sit up, and Mira grabbed his shoulders and helped him sit up straight. If he could have moved his hands quicker, he would have grabbed one of her breasts, but all he could do was move his arm slowly in that direction. Mira gently warded his hand away when he got halfway to her chest and asked him to keep still. She made sure he was well rinsed and then stepped back to look at him. She told him, if he tried to walk to the bathroom next time, she’d give him a topless bath and they could have fun washing his genitals again. Elmer put on a full smile and weakly nodded his head in acceptance of her challenge.

When Judith returned, she had a few bags of groceries and some household items that took her about four trips to bring in. On her last trip in, Mira was in the kitchen in a bathrobe, asking her if she needed help. Judith told her she did and asked her if everything was okay. Judith thought she would have been gone by then, but Mira explained that she didn’t want to leave Elmer all alone and didn’t mind waiting until Judith returned.

She told Judith she gave Elmer a shower and got her clothes wet, so she put on a bathrobe she found in his room while they were in the dryer. Judith laughed and told her to make herself comfortable. Judith asked her how Elmer did in the bathroom, and Mira chuckled. She told Judith that he did well, but that she had to remember that although he was old, he was still a man, and she explained to Judith about Elmer getting an erection from her underwear display.

Judith was shocked at first, but Mira told her it wasn’t a problem and that it was a roundabout way that she would get him motivated to move around. Judith smiled and told Mira that was a good idea. When they had finished putting away the groceries, Judith asked Mira to stay for lunch after she got dressed and Mira accepted.

Judith went to her *******’s room and saw him sitting up in bed, with a regular shirt and pants on, sitting on top of his made bed. Judith smiled, looking at him, all cleaned up and handsome. She asked Mira why she put those on him, and Mira said she wanted him to feel regular so that he could start acting that way. She told Judith he struggled with wearing the adult diapers, but she eventually got him to be still so she could finish helping him dress.

Judith was impressed and told Mira she really appreciated her help. Judith hugged her ******* and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She noticed that he had a smile on his face, and she almost jumped for joy, seeing him show some positive emotion.

Mira went back to the front with Judith, and they sat and had lunch, talking about the progress Judith saw Mira making with Elmer. While they ate lunch, the delivery people from the department store arrived and took a long wall mirror to Judith’s room and set it up. She gave them a nice tip and some sodas, and they left. Mira commented on how big the mirror was, and Judith told her she was going to try something new.

Judith drove Mira to the metro station and told her she would see her on Monday.

excerpt from Grupa Desdemona - satiate dominium vincere - (Satisfied Ladies Win)
Love that story