Is there a certain "type" of woman who is usually into BBC???

Sometimes when I share my pictures on here, I get comments like, "Oh, you don't look like the type." Is there really a certain type of woman who's into this? To be clear, I guess I'm kind of wholesome - no tats, piercings only in my ears, fairly conservative hairstyle, no slutty dress. Am I unusual?

Similar here. My day to day style is corporate America. I think most who know me professionally would be surprised. My friends? Maybe not lol. But they still don’t know. I don’t think you can judge anyone, in any walk of life, by appearance...
Sometimes when I share my pictures on here, I get comments like, "Oh, you don't look like the type." Is there really a certain type of woman who's into this? To be clear, I guess I'm kind of wholesome - no tats, piercings only in my ears, fairly conservative hairstyle, no slutty dress. Am I unusual?
I think a lot of it stems from the stereotype that only fat white girls or fat ugly white girls go black because white guys don’t fuck them. However with changing times and more acceptance all different white girls are trying bbc. Nowadays it seems more prevelant that the wholesome conservative girl next door looking white women are the ones going black. But to answer you’re question more and more white women from all walks of life are now into bbc.
Sometimes when I share my pictures on here, I get comments like, "Oh, you don't look like the type." Is there really a certain type of woman who's into this? To be clear, I guess I'm kind of wholesome - no tats, piercings only in my ears, fairly conservative hairstyle, no slutty dress. Am I unusual?
Just a pulse Lol
Sometimes when I share my pictures on here, I get comments like, "Oh, you don't look like the type." Is there really a certain type of woman who's into this? To be clear, I guess I'm kind of wholesome - no tats, piercings only in my ears, fairly conservative hairstyle, no slutty dress. Am I unusual?
. All types. All ages too. Often , you never know. Went to a social event with some folks have known for years. One couple was different from before. She now was wearing a QOS necklace and he seemed to be wearing a bra under his shirt. Would never have suspect she had BBC or that he was a sissycuck. Both are professional people and this was a very public event. Surprising but it was a bit of a shock to us. Sort of a coming out event for them.
Sometimes when I share my pictures on here, I get comments like, "Oh, you don't look like the type." Is there really a certain type of woman who's into this? To be clear, I guess I'm kind of wholesome - no tats, piercings only in my ears, fairly conservative hairstyle, no slutty dress. Am I unusual?
She said tats ?
There probably was a type 20 or 30 years basically a woman with a lot of self confidence who didn't care what anyone thought but thankfully society has largely moved on there are exceptions of course but it so common now it is surprising if u find agirl who wont have sex with a Black man
Apparently starting at a younger age now. I was talking to my mom about relationships and how different dating is today. She told me how frustrated my nephew is about girls at his high school. He said “grandma they are sluts and brag about how many guys they have had sex and most of them are with black guys.” I thought if mom only knew about her former *******-in-law.
There probably was a type 20 or 30 years basically a woman with a lot of self confidence who didn't care what anyone thought but thankfully society has largely moved on there are exceptions of course but it so common now it is surprising if u find agirl who wont have sex with a Black man
. Like " Mae West " and other Hollywood "starlets" who were promiscuous. But there was still the color barrier. There was also "blue" porn which was very controversial. Sex with men of other races especially "colored" was tabboo and forbidden. White women did so at their peril.