Interracial Japanese/American/Spanish/French Party in Yoyogi Park, Tokyo, Japan




The weather is warm and it's been awhile since we've had a huge event like in the past. That being said, we are very pleased to announce we are throwing a lil get-together on June 14th at Yoyogi Park. It won't be too hard to find us because we'll be playing the best music and have the highest energy (not to mention some of the coolest pervs you'll ever meet). We plan on doing this every month during the summer and hopefully everybody will walk away with some good memories and a new friend or two.

How to get there???

Basically, Google "Yoyogi Treasure Museum".

What to expect?

  • Some fun in the sun
  • Good music
  • Heated Fellowshipping (lol)
  • Bring your own food & drinks
  • Socially matured people
  • Some of the Wicked Gamez group members
  • Intelligent but wild women and men
  • Laughs, light flirting, teasing, story telling, dancing and more
  • Some trees if you decide you wanna go behind some and do some "exploring"

What if I meet someone and wanna "beat down"?

Glad you asked. We're all adults and if you meet someone you'd like to have some "heated fellowshipping" with, we might be willing to share our rooms with you, or you can get your own, doesn't matter. If you want to share our room for a little bit, all we ask is that you pay to cover your part of the bill which'll probably be just a few thousand yen.