I think I'm in the early stages of getting cucked by three of my closest female friends


Gold Member
Three of the closest female friends i have had a change in their behavior in the past couple of months. They tend to treat like one of the girls, for example, they tend to not speak about sex apart from gossiping about boys and talking about cocks. They keep probing me about sucking dicks and i always just tell them to stop it, because i am straight, which just leads them to start laughing. One of them started to consistently call me 'girly pup' and i think she likes the awkward freeze and the hesitant decision of me to 'let it go for one more time'.
Last Saturday they were going out with the girls, i didn't go as i was sick. And at some point in the evening i get a videomessage from the most dominant of the girls (also a lesbian so defenitly no chance for me anyway) of them three talking and mostly laughing about how much they liked my ass and wanted to spank it till it was red.

It was Saturday night and i was of course at home watching porn and I got mental about all this but I'm very scared about being exposed and just overal scared of fantasies coming very close by... On the other hand it arouses me a lot and i would love to explore..
What can i do best in this situation?