I am starting to regret this. Locked and frustrated.

Becouse she choose to mary that man, and even if she has sex with another guy, she was not suposed to have feelings for him
Aren't you supposed not to have sex with any other person when you marry? But yet, they did... a husband isn't supposed to push his wife into having sex with other men, and yet... he did... now the woman´s guilty because she fell for the other guy following his husband's fantasies and now she has to repress her feelings because the husband isn't happy anymore?

Looks like the husband is not treating his wife as a person but rather as an objetct, isn't he?
Aren't you supposed not to have sex with any other person when you marry? But yet, they did... a husband isn't supposed to push his wife into having sex with other men, and yet... he did... now the woman´s guilty because she fell for the other guy following his husband's fantasies and now she has to repress her feelings because the husband isn't happy anymore?

Looks like the husband is not treating his wife as a person but rather as an objetct, isn't he?
You shouldn’t be in the lifestyle
You shouldn’t be in the lifestyle
lol, I'm just being realistic about the risks it involves, not the kind of guy who thinks fantasies can be brought to life without consequences, this guy has to be responsible for his own miscalculations.

If people isn't ready to take ownership of the situations, they'd rather don't mess with what they can't handle. Now a way to handle this it's to talk to her wife about it, but if she's not willing to reverse everything or reach an agreement that can benefit them all, then just walk away and don't look back, without regrets.
I introduced my wife to the world of cuckolding in 2022 and since then our marriage has taken quite a turn. While hesitant at first she came to appreciate the joy of messing around with well hung guys knowing I enjoy it too quick. She has a regular boyfriend since last summer and this is where my problems started. I really enjoyed him and her having a good chemistry going and that he fucks her just like she wants it. Their relationship intensified and around last Autumn they where already meeting on daily base. Meaning he’d come over straight after work acting like he owned the place and then fucking my wife. In the beginning I was allowed to watch and sometimes interact but around that time last year he became more dominant and oftentimes would tell me to do stuff while they would fuck. My wife and I had talked about chastity before the regular thing with her boyfriend even started and she had told him about it at some point. Last October he told me he wanted me locked for Locktober and I agreed because it turned me on. It was an intense experience. My wife loved it instantly. Unfortunately for me it did not really end with October. Apart from some breaks around last Xmas and early January I have pretty much been locked constantly. Also I am rarely ever present when they fuck. Usually just ordered to do stuff and leave them alone. I get short releases at times but that’s it. My wife loves the chastity and she also enjoys her boyfriend a lot. I told her I’d like to end chastity and that I would like her to see him less. She reacted angry at first. Later she told me she understood but asked me to reconsider and give it time until end of this year and not to make a hasty decision. I am stuck in a dilemma where I actually got what I wanted but now I do not enjoy. At least not all the time. But I also feel that there are just two options now. Go with it or end it all. Have other cucks experienced similar situations?
Suck it up Buttercup!
This is the way.
lol, I'm just being realistic about the risks it involves, not the kind of guy who thinks fantasies can be brought to life without consequences, this guy has to be responsible for his own miscalculations.

If people isn't ready to take ownership of the situations, they'd rather don't mess with what they can't handle. Now a way to handle this it's to talk to her wife about it, but if she's not willing to reverse everything or reach an agreement that can benefit them all, then just walk away and don't look back, without regrets.
No. If one part of a couple gets cold feet and wants to stop then both stop. Again you shouldn’t be in the lifestyle
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The best way to fix this is to give his keys to her boyfriend. Once j\he has control of hubby's cock hubby will no doubt become submissive and more compliant and willing to allow the relationship to continue. Remember, the keyholder wields all the power and right now it seems like his wife is grossly mismanaging that responsibility. The BF will keep him locked until he submits whether that takes 10 days or 10 months. BF needs to associate hubby's release with his complete submission.
You are at the beginning of an end. A end that will hurt alot. Both. But mostly you.

Just end it.
Then relax and get to know yourself and your kinks while thinking about what you really want.

Then try to find it..
All relationships evolve. The original poster (OP) said it was fine and fun, at first. Then as things evolved, it was no longer a mutually enjoyable situation. He needs to discuss the issue(s) with his wife and figure out what adjustments need to be made to make the relationship work again. If they can figure that out, all is good.

If the wife disregards his feelings & does nothing, he has a choice to make; accept it and be unhappy or pull the plug on the marriage and move on with his life. He is not stuck. He does not have to accept the situation as it has evolved. He has free will. So does his wife. They need to talk & determine the future they both want to have. Together, or apart.
I introduced my wife to the world of cuckolding in 2022 and since then our marriage has taken quite a turn. While hesitant at first she came to appreciate the joy of messing around with well hung guys knowing I enjoy it too quick. She has a regular boyfriend since last summer and this is where my problems started. I really enjoyed him and her having a good chemistry going and that he fucks her just like she wants it. Their relationship intensified and around last Autumn they where already meeting on daily base. Meaning he’d come over straight after work acting like he owned the place and then fucking my wife. In the beginning I was allowed to watch and sometimes interact but around that time last year he became more dominant and oftentimes would tell me to do stuff while they would fuck. My wife and I had talked about chastity before the regular thing with her boyfriend even started and she had told him about it at some point. Last October he told me he wanted me locked for Locktober and I agreed because it turned me on. It was an intense experience. My wife loved it instantly. Unfortunately for me it did not really end with October. Apart from some breaks around last Xmas and early January I have pretty much been locked constantly. Also I am rarely ever present when they fuck. Usually just ordered to do stuff and leave them alone. I get short releases at times but that’s it. My wife loves the chastity and she also enjoys her boyfriend a lot. I told her I’d like to end chastity and that I would like her to see him less. She reacted angry at first. Later she told me she understood but asked me to reconsider and give it time until end of this year and not to make a hasty decision. I am stuck in a dilemma where I actually got what I wanted but now I do not enjoy. At least not all the time. But I also feel that there are just two options now. Go with it or end it all. Have other cucks experienced similar situations?
This is the biggest crock of ******* . Is the Chastity a belt or piercing ? If not there is NO chastity that is 100% secure and you are playing a game . I am only adamant about it because I have tried and even challenged the Chastity community to find me a 100% secure device ...So please stop it . Outside of the true pierced or belted couples ... If devices were 100% secure Women would be posting inside of men . If it is a piercing or belt I apologize ... If not your another wanker looking for attention .
This is the biggest crock of ******* . Is the Chastity a belt or piercing ? If not there is NO chastity that is 100% secure and you are playing a game . I am only adamant about it because I have tried and even challenged the Chastity community to find me a 100% secure device ...So please stop it . Outside of the true pierced or belted couples ... If devices were 100% secure Women would be posting inside of men . If it is a piercing or belt I apologize ... If not your another wanker looking for attention .
We don't know what "copy" asked his wife for in the beginning - what they agreed would be the outcomes, what each of them wanted, etc. Nor do we know any of the other dynamics of their marriage. We can only comment on the current status. Even so, when bringing lovers into the relationship each spouse needs some kind of "safety" button, especially when the relationship is moving down the continuum from casual sex to full emotional and physical involvement. That said, "copy" has found that he's uncomfortable wtih the way things are going and he's experiencing the usual reaction we males have to a loss of control - in his case, a complete loss of control. It's scary!!! On the surface it appears that "copy" is now uncomfortable in their home, his wife's lover is now her primary sexual partner, and his wife's lover is disrupting the normal privacy a spouse would expect to have in their own home. Because the wife isn't giving any weight to "copy's" needs, I think (opinion only, - if it were me in his shoes) it's time for "copy" to begin building an exit strategy and build it in full view of his wife keeping her in the loop (she may not be internalizing just how uncomfortable "copy"). At some point, he has to protect his own well-being and as somebody else noted, the boat has sailed. We don't know if "copy" and his wife have the financial means for a separation, if there's children in the home who would be negatively impacted if copy's wife has the boyfriend there on an even more frequent basis, etc. etc. This is not a good place to be in and there's so much we don't know.
From my own experience , its pretty much game over . I was a cuck for many years, married for 28 years . My then wife was a size queen, she had her first vwe guy 2 years into our marriage . After that first night our dynamics changed . My advice before any hasty actions make sure your personal valuables are safe , take action if you have a joint bank account, you get the picture . This could get very messy , your wife will take her lover over you so be prepared