
Gold Member
Real Person
Yvonne said she had a question for the group, and then asked them what they thought about a man liking anal play. Amanda asked Yvonne if she was talking about anal play with her or anal play for the man, and Yvonne explained to her that she was talking about anal play for the man. Amanda nonchalantly told her that it was fine as long as he was safe and knew what he was doing, but sooner or later she was going to need a strap-on. The others laughed and told her not to be so facetious.

Amanda said she was speaking from experience, plus, your hands will get tired using a dildo on him unless you’re into fisting, and then you’ve got something else going on. Carol said she wouldn’t judge the man, but she didn’t think she would do it for one. Leah and Camille said they would pass on the privilege and just help him find where he could get it. Amanda said they were just being prudes and that sticking a finger or two in a man’s behind could be a good experience and lead to such pleasures as a prostate massage, which was something good for him.

They all laughed, and Camille said that they wouldn’t ever see a rush of men standing in line to get prostate massages but that plenty want hand jobs after regular massages. Yvonne said that might be the case, but that she didn’t understand why a man would have such fear of saying that he wanted to have his bottom played with that way, and Amanda told her that it was the stigma associated with being a homosexual that kept them from it. Leah spoke up, saying they never seemed to have a problem wanting to play inside a woman’s bottom, and Carol said that it was because they thought women were just meant to go along with it. Yvonne smiled and said she appreciated the insights into it.

Carol smiled and said, “Someone’s ass is in trouble now,” and the women all laughed at her statement.

When Yvonne got back home later that afternoon, she went to put some things away and freshen up in her room. She lay down for a bit, then went into the kitchen to get something to *******. She got some apple juice and sat down in the living room when Carmelita came out and joined her. She had a sad look on her face, and Yvonne immediately asked her what was wrong. She told Yvonne about her encounter that morning with Ferdi and what he said to her. Yvonne apologized and said she would talk to him, but Carmelita told her not to bother him about it. Yvonne said she didn’t want Carmelita to feel uncomfortable being there, and didn’t want her afraid of anything Ferdi would say or do, but Carmelita insisted that Yvonne not bother him.

Carmelita told her that if she really wanted to make things okay that she should think about doing something that would keep Ferdi more in line with his attitude and his drinking. Yvonne asked her what she had in mind, and Carmelita told her that they should use the hidden dildos on Ferdi and tell him that whenever he came home ******* that he would get that sort of treatment, letting him know if he drank at home that he wouldn’t get punished. Yvonne asked Carmelita if she really thought it would work, and Carmelita told her that they had nothing to lose so she should try it and see. She told Yvonne that it would not stop him from drinking, but maybe he would be like her husband and wouldn’t go out to ******* so much.

They put together a little plan and arranged for the twins to be out of the house most of the evening. Later that night around 9:30 p.m., Ferdi was getting himself ready to go out. He already had himself a few drinks after dinner, so he was very toasty as he prepared to venture out for the evening. Yvonne came into the bedroom and asked him where he was going. He told her to mind her business and that he was going out for a while. Yvonne told him that she had hoped he would have toned down his drinking and been a better example for the twins. He told her that he loved his children and talked with them when she was out gallivanting around the town, so she needn’t worry about his example. She told him that he needed to change his drinking habits and that she was going to help him. He huffed at her statement and went about getting dressed.

She watched Ferdi at the foot of the bed in his boxer shorts, putting his shirt on; then Yvonne opened the door and Carmelita came into the room. All at once, they pushed him down and he fell on the bed. They quickly sat on his back and grabbed his arms. He struggled and was almost able to throw them off, but Carmelita pushed herself down hard on his upper back and he lay flat on the bed. Yvonne tied his arms quickly and then used another cord and bound them again. Ferdi yelled for them to get off him and that he was going to have their asses for tying him up, but the women just chuckled and proceeded with their plan.

Carmelita went to the door and pulled in a sawhorse and put it in the middle of the bedroom. Yvonne was still sitting on Ferdi’s back and told Carmelita to put the ropes on his legs. Carmelita took two ropes and tied them to Ferdi’s ankles. He bucked and flailed about feebly but couldn’t get Yvonne off his back. Carmelita put some towels down around the sawhorse and then put a small stool in front of it, making a sort of makeshift stockade. Yvonne told Ferdi that if he didn’t do what she told him that they would hurt him and claim he did it himself, and since he was known as a ******* no one would believe his story, so he had better just play along. He cursed at her, and she told him that on top of that, she would ruin him in a divorce.

Ferdi huffed and said she would never leave him, and she told him that he had it wrong because he would never leave her. Yvonne informed him that his mom sold her the other half of the building’s ownership in trust and that she was entitled to half of the other half through their marriage. She reminded him that a divorce would ruin him, and he would live out his drunken stupor in a one-bedroom apartment if he didn’t get with the program. He was shocked and didn’t know what to say. Yvonne told him to just keep quiet, and she told Carmelita to help her move him.

They took him by his arms, pulled him up, walked him over to the sawhorse, and bent him over. Yvonne used some terry belts to a couple bathrobes and tied Ferdi’s shoulders to the sawhorse while he knelt on the stool. Then she and Carmelita carefully loosened the binds on his arms and pulled them out and tied them to the sawhorse. He yelled at them again, and Yvonne took a towel and shoved it into his mouth. He spit it out, and she told Carmelita to get her the tape in the top dresser drawer. Then they wrapped his mouth in utility tape.

When he started turning red, Yvonne took a pen and put a couple of holes in the tape where his open mouth would be. She showed him the two dildos he had hidden in his sock drawer and told him they were going to use them on him since he didn’t want to clean up his drinking. He huffed and Yvonne pulled down his boxer shorts. Carmelita took one of the dildos and poured some lubricant on it. Yvonne put on a plastic glove and took a glob of Vaseline and rubbed it into Ferdi’s cheeks, then stuck a finger into his anus.

He grunted and cursed through the tape, and Yvonne told him he should be still and relax or it would go bad for him. She took the lubed dido from Carmelita, then started slowly pushing it into Ferdi’s bottom. He moaned loudly, and she kept pushing. Eventually, the top of the dildo went inside him, and Carmelita told her to keep going. Yvonne kept pushing until she felt more resistance, and Ferdi started huffing. Carmelita spread his cheeks, and Yvonne poured more lube on the dildo and pushed harder. More of it went into Ferdi, and he stopped fighting and started grunting. When half the dildo was in, Carmelita told Yvonne to move it back and forth in and out of him. Yvonne did so, and Ferdi’s hips actually bucked back a few times when she did it. She thought to that he must really like this and went faster.

She poured more lube on the dildo and moved the dildo faster in and out of him, pushing more into him each time until just over two-thirds of it was inside him. Yvonne kept pushing back and forth, and suddenly Ferdi moaned loudly, and she saw that he had shot his semen on the floor from a climax. He had an erection, and drops of his semen were still falling from the head when she took a good look at him.

Yvonne chuckled and told Carmelita that she didn’t think it was a punishment for him since he seemed to get off from it. Carmelita told her that it was a punishment because he didn’t get to *******, plus he didn’t want them to do this to him because he liked to do it in private. Yvonne agreed with her and told Ferdi they were going to use the other one on him now. She pulled the dildo out and was surprised by the amount of mess on it. Carmelita told her that he should have been cleaned first and that he would have to get his bottom cleaned out before they would punish him from now on. She told Yvonne she would get some things to make it easy and not to worry.

Carmelita rolled up the towels she spread beneath him and put down some more. She gave a packet of cleansing wipes to Yvonne and told her to use those to clean him up. Yvonne took the wipes and cleaned Ferdi’s bottom well, while he panted and squirmed on the stool. Yvonne realized that his knees probably hurt and got a pillow to put on the stool. She let him off his knees while she finished cleaning his bottom, then had him kneel back down on the pillow-covered stool to use the other dildo on him.

Carmelita poured lube on the second dildo, but this time Yvonne only started by pushing it inside him, then switched with Carmelita, letting her use the dildo on Ferdi. Yvonne leaned down and told him in his ear that her bitch maid was fucking his ass with the dildo and that he better not ever call her that or yell at her again or she would make sure she did more than just use the dildo on him. Ferdi nodded between his grunts as Carmelita shoved the dildo in and out of his bottom quickly, stopping every few strokes to give it a twist before beginning to push the dildo in and out of him at a good pace.

Ferdi got hard again and his erection was jumping within minutes of her dildoing his bottom, and it didn’t take him long before he was ready to release some sperm again. Yvonne had a notion and began to tap on his bottom lightly. Carmelita told her to give him a good spanking, and she slapped his bottom hard with her hand. Ferdi shook and then grunted loudly, and Carmelita pushed the dildo way up into him with only a couple of inches remaining. He quivered, and through his grunts, Yvonne saw that he released some semen onto the towel on the floor, much less than his first time.

Yvonne and Carmelita looked at each other and agreed to give him one more round before letting him up. They knew this would be the start of his ongoing treatment from now on. Yvonne guided him to the shower before removing the tape from his mouth.

“If I were you, I would focus on cleaning up and save the words for later,” she told him when she turned the shower on. Ferdi rolled his eyes at her while she put towels out for him.

Yvonne and Carmelita were enjoying their newfound treatment of Ferdi. He had come along without as much resistance as they expected. Carmelita had found her old harness and attachment she had used with her ex-husband and introduced Ferdi to her skills with strap-on play. She told him that this was better than using the dildos that sometimes hurt her hand. Yvonne kept using the dildos because she wanted Ferdi to have something of his own design, and she didn’t find wearing a harness a welcoming experience.

She and Carmelita started having Ferdi get his treatment buckled into a collapsible leather bondage chair Yvonne found out about from Amanda. Soon after that, Yvonne had an alarm technician come to the apartment and install a silent alarm in Carmelita’s room that she could use when the twins were home to let her know if they came into the hallway when she was handling Ferdi. Carmelita took pleasure in punishing Ferdi’s bottom whenever he came home *******, on top of a regular weekly session she did on him with her nine-inch red poker.

Yvonne, Carmelita, and Ferdi became a well-functioning operation, and it was noticeable that Ferdi came home ******* much less than before. It was around this time that Carol told Yvonne that the ladies at the luncheon were working on a plan to establish a group that she knew Yvonne would want to hear about. She said that Yvonne should join her for drinks with Amanda to discuss it one night during the week. Yvonne liked the idea of the group, and at the next lunch with the ladies let the core group know that she was all in for Grupa Desdemona.

Yvonne was voted in as tesoriera of the group and wanted to do her best to live up to such an important role. The leaders of the group were surprised to discover, when Yvonne was asked to disclose her financials to fulfill the role, that she was one of the most solvent members of the group. Yvonne assured them it wasn’t because she was a financial whiz, but just because she was frugal and got a stroke of luck when her husband from a well-to-do family returned into her life.

Yvonne knew she had to figure out what man she was going to take on as her assistant, and to her surprise she kept coming to the same conclusion. There was no one else for her but Mr. David Henderson.

Yvonne had rearranged her schedule so that she would begin spending more days near home, working with David out of the apartment. Her children seemed to like the idea because they had more time to plan time for events because they didn’t have to wait for their mom to get in from a long work commute. They had only met David once, when he was picking up a package from the hall and heading into the apartment.

Everyone seemed to like the new changes in Yvonne’s life except for Ferdi. When he learned that she had moved someone into the apartment, he fussed about it for days. He accused her of being selfish and doing favors for a friend that didn’t benefit anyone but herself. Yvonne went back and forth with Ferdi, trying her best to explain in a roundabout way that her using the apartment to house a temporary employee for a special work project was not unreasonable. Ferdi kept pestering her, but Yvonne ignored him after attempting to explain things. She knew he had noticed that she spent many of her evenings at the apartment. He never came to the apartment; he would just call her cellphone. Sometimes she would place it on vibrate, but at night she would put it on silent when she got into bed with David.

Yvonne suggested that she and Amanda meet up for lunch so she could give her the details of her work. Amanda asked her if she could stay a little longer when their lunch meeting was over, so she could get the information right away, and Yvonne agreed.

Later when the two of them were alone, Yvonne admitted to Amanda that she wanted some advice from her about how to get better control of her husband. She told Amanda that lately Ferdi had been causing more trouble for her by repeatedly calling her cellphone and making trouble in the house so she would have to be there to handle it rather than in the other apartment enjoying her time with her assistant.

Amanda asked her how much leverage she had with Ferdi, and Yvonne told her that while she had plenty of practical leverage, he exploited that fact that their children were still living at home, and he knew how important it was to her that both parents were around and involved with them. Amanda asked her if Ferdi was a punk, and Yvonne laughed.

“What do you mean,” she asked Amanda.

“Will he fight if confronted, or will he cower down or run?” Amanda asked her.

“Honey, Ferdi is not a fighter. If he didn’t think it was beneath him, it would be a surprise. He’d threaten to sue someone rather than fight,” Yvonne answered her.

“Good, I’ve got just the answer for you,” Amanda retorted. Amanda wrote down a number for Yvonne and gave it to her. “Call this number in a day or so. My friends Gerald and Reggie would be happy to arrange a meeting with your husband to let him know how things are supposed to work and what the punishment would be if he doesn’t cooperate. You’ll be responsible for telling them your limits, and I’ll make sure they enjoy accommodating you,” Amanda told her.

“Wow, that’s great!” Yvonne exclaimed. “What can I do to thank you?” she asked Amanda.

“Just get this thing you’ve got in mind done and make sure we’re a success. I’m ready for this project to work and get on with retirement,” Amanda told her. They hugged quickly before they left, with Yvonne beaming a big smile.

It was just before midnight when Yvonne pulled the cover up higher on her in the bed. She was in a spooning position with David, still basking in the afterglow of the many orgasms she had when they entered the bedroom a couple of hours ago. They had finished going over the warehouse figures earlier than she expected, and David asked her to have dinner with him. He wanted her to taste the chicken he had roasted the day before and didn’t want to eat alone.

Afterward she suggested they enjoy watching an opera film while cuddling on the sofa in the living room of the apartment. Somewhere around the intermission, they began making out, and the last thing she remembered was him suckling her large nipples before leading her into the bedroom.

She was happy she could enjoy lying with him in peace. The past week had been one of pleasant surprise. Yvonne made the call to Gerald and Reggie like Amanda told her. She arranged for them to come for their visit to Ferdi on a Friday evening when the twins would be out of the house. Ferdi had gone out that afternoon, but she knew he would be back just before dinner time. She had Gerald and Reggie wait in the bedroom and gave them drinks to tide them over until Ferdi arrived.

Once Ferdi came home, he stopped in the kitchen and made some smart remark to Carmelita as she finished that evening’s dinner preparation. Yvonne called to him from the bedroom, and Ferdi ambled down the hallway, incoherently mumbling as he did so. When he came through the bedroom door, Ferdi was shocked to see the two intimidating-looking black men in his bedroom. His immediate first thought was that they were there for Yvonne to humiliate him in some way.

Yvonne didn’t waste any time and let him know that the two gentlemen were there to make sure he got his act together and kept it that way. Yvonne scolded him for his jealous and unruly behavior, incessantly calling her and interrupting her work and the time she spent working with her assistant. Ferdi huffed and told her that she must be doing something bad to go to such drastic measures. His words were cut short by Gerald, who told him that they heard he liked it up the ass.

“Look here twerp, we don’t give a fuck what you like to do, but you need to leave this woman alone to do her work,” Gerald told him.

“Yeah, because if you don’t, we might have to take a real interest in handling your ass. Maybe we can find some other things you like to do,” Reggie added.

Ferdi’s eyes widened, and he felt someone behind him pushing him into the room. Carmelita brushed past him and went and stood by the bed. She had her harness in her hand, and an evil smile on her face.

“I think Mr. Ferdi needs to know his place,” Carmelita said with a chuckle. Yvonne just smiled at her and told Ferdi that if he didn’t agree to stop acting like an asshole, pestering and bothering her, she as going to make sure that her two friends handled him, their way. Ferdi frowned.

“Okay, but I don’t know why I must always give up everything. We’re still married,” Ferdi said to Yvonne.

“Right, and you haven’t slept with me in almost five years Ferdi. Was I supposed to wait around for you to become interested in me again?” she asked him. “Our time for pleasures is over. As long as the twins are here, you’ll act accordingly and not make trouble for anyone here, or these two men will be sure to hear about it,” Yvonne told him.

“I know you don’t want us coming back, ‘cause it won’t be no talking,” Gerald told him. Ferdi looked at him and nodded. Gerald told Reggie he was ready to split. Reggie gave Carmelita a wink and a card with his number on it and they left. Gerald patted Ferdi on the check when they walked out past him and told him not to forget. Carmelita went out behind them to let them out of the apartment.

Ferdi looked over at Yvonne who was wearing a big smile and said, “Fuck you, Yvonne.”

Just then Carmelita came back into the room and told Ferdi to go get his ass cleaned up. She had something for him to do before dinner. Yvonne took the empty ******* glasses to the kitchen. When she went into the bedroom to collect some of her clean lingerie to take with her to the apartment, she told Carmelita she would come back over to pick up some dinner later. Carmelita told her not to rush. She looked at Carmelita standing at the bed in her red dildoed harness and watched her squirt some creamy coconut oil onto Ferdi’s upturned bottom as she walked out.