How popular is this site in the UK?


Real Person
I'm new to this site (joined on Tuesday) and have been browsing the forums for a while. It seems like most of the accounts (verified and unverified) are from the US, with a minority in Europe. How many active UK couples are there currently on this site? It would be great to get to know some of you.
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South east england
I'm new to this site (joined on Tuesday) and have been browsing the forums for a while. It seems like most of the accounts (verified and unverified) are from the US, with a minority in Europe. How many active UK couples are there currently on this site? It would be great to get to know some of you.
Why limit yourself to couples?!
Cheshire. It helps when girls in the entertainment industry date a King 👑. It seems to make it more accessible for curious young white girls
I agree, it also helps that celebrity is becoming more diverse, the many promiscuous black footballers and girls selling stories of amazing sex with them does help too, and how black guys will just walk up to girls/couples and tell them they want to fuck, if they think the girls looking at them with lust in their eyes.