Hotwife preparation


Hi all, I was wondering if there would be any interest in starting a thread where we can discuss fitness routines, diet, makeup tips, clothing etc. If anyone is interested then feel free to chip in xxx

My current routine is
Cardio 40 min (runner/Xtrainer)
Squats 4 sets of 10
50 crunches
Plank 4 sets of 3 min.
I do this six days a week

I am looking to introduce weights to break up the routine and give me more definition and hopefully sort my mummy tummy.

I would love to hear Any advice that will help me on the way forward xxx
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Hi all, I was wondering if there would be any interest in starting a thread where we can discuss fitness routines, diet, makeup tips, clothing etc. If anyone is interested then feel free to chip in xxx

Currently I am 5’1” I have 34dd’s and am down to 8st 2 I having lost nearly 2 stone. My target weight is around 7 10. My main issue is residual mum tum which I can’t seem to shift.

My current routine is
Cardio 40 min (runner/Xtrainer)
Squats 4 sets of 10
50 crunches
Plank 4 sets of 3 min.
I do this six days a week

I am looking to introduce weights to break up the routine and give me more definition and hopefully sort my mummy tummy.

I would love to hear Any advice that will help me on the way forward xxx
@lilolme, this may be a great topic for the female only forum ;)
As a white cuck wannabe I envisage (and fantasise oh so deeply) about preparing my white partner for her big black bull. As well as the shopping for lingerie etc it is the intimate conversations and disclosing of deep and innermost desires and fantasies that I find so attractive. A sharing of our innermost desires.
Hi all, I was wondering if there would be any interest in starting a thread where we can discuss fitness routines, diet, makeup tips, clothing etc. If anyone is interested then feel free to chip in xxx

Currently I am 5’1” I have 34dd’s and am down to 8st 2 I having lost nearly 2 stone. My target weight is around 7 10. My main issue is residual mum tum which I can’t seem to shift.

My current routine is
Cardio 40 min (runner/Xtrainer)
Squats 4 sets of 10
50 crunches
Plank 4 sets of 3 min.
I do this six days a week

I am looking to introduce weights to break up the routine and give me more definition and hopefully sort my mummy tummy.

I would love to hear Any advice that will help me on the way forward xxx
hey just read about your fitness post if your looking to tone up with more definition I'd combine both cardio and strength training together..HIIT tabata is what I do with my clients and always get results.

examples set timer 20 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest for 5 rounds
1. pushups or modified
2. squats with light dumbell press
3 stationary lunges
5 core in and outside
workouts like this will be sure to define your body.

This type of intense training causes a sort of metabolic disturbance which can result in the body burning calories at a higher rate up to 48-72 hours later. HIIT can also increase metabolism, reduce insulin resistance, improve cardiac function, produce faster gains in endurance levels than steady state cardio training and can be an effective way to recruit/build type 2 fast twitch muscle.

any question of luck! stay strong stay fit..stay sexy
Any way to pump up your bum without affecting your tummy? Non-surgical, that is?

yes Tabata workout but focusing on that specific body instead having a full body workout you would have a full bum workout tabata style and example would be as follows: set the interval timer for 20 seconds and rest for 10 a soon as the whistle blows go to work! go for 5 rounds stretch and warmup properly

1. squats with dumbell weights
2.sumo squats
3.static lunges with weights left and right leg
4 Hip raises
5 wall sits

this workout will have your bum and thighs screaming

add this to your routine twice a week and the rest of the week a full body body tabata workout guarantee result with proper diet
yes Tabata workout but focusing on that specific body instead having a full body workout you would have a full bum workout tabata style and example would be as follows: set the interval timer for 20 seconds and rest for 10 a soon as the whistle blows go to work! go for 5 rounds stretch and warmup properly

1. squats with dumbell weights
2.sumo squats
3.static lunges with weights left and right leg
4 Hip raises
5 wall sits

this workout will have your bum and thighs screaming

add this to your routine twice a week and the rest of the week a full body body tabata workout guarantee result with proper diet
Terrific! Re diet, some people say marshmallow roots helps growing healthy tissue in breasts. Could this help for the buttocks?
Terrific! Re diet, some people say marshmallow roots helps growing healthy tissue in breasts. Could this help for the buttocks?
Terrific! Re diet, some people say marshmallow roots helps growing healthy tissue in breasts. Could this help for the buttocks?

marshmallow roots heard about the benefits but I'm not 100% on that just because theres mot much studied about it..I'd say look it up and see what you can dig up.. the but is a muscle so when we talk about growth in that area we get the synthetic hormones and steroid catagory...those are the only enhancement product that I knownwoukd do the trick...other then that it's hard work dedication...or surgery
Ref the butt this is one I have been working on and I was advised to do a couple of exercises in addition to those already suggested.

kick backs. on a cable machine with the ankle strap. Stand on a 20 kg plate slightly away from the machine so when the weight is on your ankle your leg is extended at about a normal step length. The plate under the non working leg will give floor clearance on the working foot so just engage your butt to extend back as far as you can. The aim is to only use that muscle group.

Weighted bench squats with resistance band. stand astride a wooden bench with a short resistance band around your thighs just above the knees and suitable weights in each hand. Then do your squats, the idea is that the band forces you to engage more muscle groups around the butt as you have to both ******* your legs apart and control the squat.
yes all those are great workout for glutes if your looking for mass work your way up to heavy weights max rep being 2 to 1 if your trying to tone things up consider doing those workout in a circuit or compound workouts...add these workouts to your glutes routine and I promise you'll feel it.

1.But Blaster
2.hip thrusters with barbell
3single leg rdls cables

with these workout you must engage the glutes squeeze every rep
Hi all, I was wondering if there would be any interest in starting a thread where we can discuss fitness routines, diet, makeup tips, clothing etc. If anyone is interested then feel free to chip in xxx

Currently I am 5’1” I have 34dd’s and am down to 8st 2 I having lost nearly 2 stone. My target weight is around 7 10. My main issue is residual mum tum which I can’t seem to shift.

My current routine is
Cardio 40 min (runner/Xtrainer)
Squats 4 sets of 10
50 crunches
Plank 4 sets of 3 min.
I do this six days a week

I am looking to introduce weights to break up the routine and give me more definition and hopefully sort my mummy tummy.

I would love to hear Any advice that will help me on the way forward xxx
Hi lilolme,

I would be interested in participating in a fitness-associated thread. In addition to the aforementioned biking, I also go to the gym and work my upper body with the various machines. I've read in a number of bike-fitness forums that working weights with a focus on legs doesn't do all that much to improve either speed or stamina. With that in mind, work on my back, stomach and arms. This is targeted to present a more balanced appearance, as I really hate the thought of being on my bike, dressed like a clown, with Tyrannosaurus thighs!
hey just read about your fitness post if your looking to tone up with more definition I'd combine both cardio and strength training together..HIIT tabata is what I do with my clients and always get results.

examples set timer 20 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest for 5 rounds
1. pushups or modified
2. squats with light dumbell press
3 stationary lunges
5 core in and outside
workouts like this will be sure to define your body.

This type of intense training causes a sort of metabolic disturbance which can result in the body burning calories at a higher rate up to 48-72 hours later. HIIT can also increase metabolism, reduce insulin resistance, improve cardiac function, produce faster gains in endurance levels than steady state cardio training and can be an effective way to recruit/build type 2 fast twitch muscle.

any question of luck! stay strong stay fit..stay sexy
Excellent workout listed