
Been trying to track this down for 2 years now.
I received it to my personal email address (one I strictly never use for anything porn-related or compromising), titled "Your girlfriend is a whore", with a simple text: "Thought you should know." Absolutely no idea whom it came from. They didn't reply. What shocked me was the particularity of it. How did they know this is my biggest secret fantasy? Even more so... the curvatures of the woman in the picture fits my girlfriend's so much, they might just be identical. Tone of pale skin included. If it ~is~her, it's likely from before we've met. However... She did create an interracial cuckolding themed roleplaying profile after we've met, which she didn't know I was aware of.

It is most likely a practical joke, and the picture is clearly a screenshot from a video clip.

That aside. To be honest... It's still a bulls-eye target hit to the heart of a wannabe cucky. Being faced with the actual possibility was nothing I had expected. Nothing fantastical, but real, raw. Guttpunchingly exciting. Worrisome, yes. But.. whoever has sent it... I'd wish to thank them for that tingling and nervous wave that splashed all over my body and mind and grips me since... A feeling that confirmed what I expected: this is my role... this is where I feel truly at home. And now I want it even more than I had before. Can't imagine it actually folding out.
The very notion, albeit likely a false pretense, kept me draining myself dry for days.

I'm not going to confront her with a 'fake' image. Only if it turns out the source has been found and it's really her in it.

Even if the screenshot itself seems familiar and you think you might've seen it, would be really helpful.


  • yourgirlfriendisawhore.png
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