Hedonism or Splash Mocha?


Gold Member
We’ve been a splash mocha in Fort Lauderdale and had an awesome time! The only downside is that we booked late and got in the overflow hotel. Lesson learned. We’ve never been to hedonism, but we are wanting to go when single black men go. Is there a group dates where a lot of black men travel to hedonism? I know they have groups for color fantasies and other catchy titles, but I worry about it being more couples oriented than for the single black male. We are not seeking couples play at this time, so we are looking for a heavy concentration of single black men. We realize experiences very, no matter where you go. Our experience at DESIRE was overall good, but again only focused towards couples. So, we are trying to decide if there is a month and week focused on the single black male and couples? Any advice is appreciated.

Yes I’ve been to there site to search dates/groups.