Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

this would describe most on here...…...not brightest bulbs in the box

Republicans must lie to survive

The Republican Party has a problem. A big problem.As the party of the wealthy and big business, how in the world can it convince the working class to vote for its candidates?

This article first appeared in Salon.

This is no small matter. It is not some little glitch. Rather, it is a fundamental core issue that lies at the heart of the Republican Party. It requires a grand strategy at the highest level.The problem is simple. The GOP exists to serve the interests of the wealthy and big business that comprise the richest 1%. No party, however, can ever win an election with only 1% of the vote. So to win elections, the GOP must necessarily reach beyond its own wealthy core and attempt to convince a large segment of working people in the 99% to vote for Republicans.

The masters at the top require the GOP to maintain policies that favor the richest 1% and disfavor the working class. So Republican policies will necessarily be profoundly unpopular to the 99%. Therefore, the GOP could never receive much more than 1% of the vote and thus could never win elections.
This is quite a conundrum.

Normally, a political party wins elections by offering policies that benefit the voters. These policies attract the voters who then cast their votes for the political party.

But for the Republican Party, this is not an option. A candidate could not possibly campaign on the policies favored by the 1%. Just imagine the stump speech. “Vote for me and I will slash your health care! In fact, I’ll do even better — I’ll fight like mad to completely eliminate your health care!”

“Vote for me and I will get rid of your pensions! This would save corporations a bundle and boost profits to the shareholders! Screw the workers!”

“Vote for me and I promise to ship your jobs overseas under globalization! The exact same labor can be hired in Asia for only pennies! Hurray!”

This, of course, is not going to work.

The Republican Party is left with only one option. It cannot possibly be honest about its true intentions and actual policies. The working class would never vote for them. Instead, the only option is to lie.

The Republican Party must lie. It has no choice. It must conceal its true inner core. This is a matter of life or death for the party. The survival of the Republican Party itself depends upon lying. It cannot exist without creating a false impression about its true purpose.

The remaining question then becomes: How best to craft, package and present the lies?

One of the best ways to sell a shoddy product is to hire a likable pitchman. It is the oldest trick in the book. The personality of the salesperson becomes the central focus. People like the salesperson, they develop a bond with the salesperson and come to trust the salesperson. Never mind that the salesperson is actually a wolf in sheep’s clothing who knows full well that they are saddling you with a hunk of junk.

So the ideal candidates under the Republican Party are not traditional politicians with a passion for public policy and a burning desire to improve society. No. They are not actually trying to solve problems for the people.

Instead, GOP candidates are more along the lines of duplicitous pitchmen, skilled at concealing the truth and foisting faulty products upon unsuspecting customers. The ideal candidate would almost be like an actor who could convincingly play the role of a politician.

Enter Ronald Reagan. In fact, Reagan had actually been an actor in Hollywood for many years before becoming a politician. Perfect! Reagan indeed was the ideal candidate for the Republican Party. He was a charismatic figure who focused attention on his likable personality and away from the devastating policies implemented by his Republican administration.

Reagan was straight out of central casting for a GOP pitchman. He was movie-star handsome, he was very amiable and he projected confidence and strength. You simply could not help but like him. Reagan also portrayed himself as a model of propriety. He purportedly valued integrity, virtue and honor.

Having the right pitchman as the GOP politician is half the battle. But of course the pitchman must stick to the script and always serve the interests of the wealthy and big business instead of the working class. Reagan followed this perfectly.

One central tenet is to always conceal the many Republican policies that favor the rich over the working class. These policies must be kept hidden out of view. Instead, concentrate the focus on other subjects in order to divert attention away from the real economic issues that matter most to the wealthy 1%.

Reagan was fantastic at this. He was always gushing with patriotism. Red, white and blue. Making America great. Waving the American flag. Exalting freedom. Commending the military. Apple pie. Hot dogs. Baseball. Family values.

All of these are good things, of course. Indeed, this is the reason they are employed to beguile the working class into voting for Republicans. But all these matters are completely non-controversial. Everyone believes in them, including Democrats. Focusing on superficial matters like these is a classic technique of diversion. It serves the interests of the rich by delighting the working class while keeping the more important issues out of sight and out of mind.

Of course, the Republican Party does focus on certain controversial issues as well. But clearly, all such issues are carefully curated because none of them threaten the interests of the wealthy 1%.
Economic issues always remain out of sight.

The issues pushed by the GOP are the familiar hot-button issues of the culture wars that divide our society. Religion. Gun rights. Abortion. LGBT issues. Law and order.

The wealthy do not care one whit about any of these issues. They would be perfectly fine with resolutions either way. The significance of these issues is that they pose no threat to the economic dominance of the wealthy, so they are safe for public discussion.

Thus, these are the issues Republicans deploy to attempt to trick the working class into voting for the GOP.

None of these issues will improve the economic situation of the working class. Not one. Nonetheless, the GOP has been highly successful at using these hot-button issues to induce large segments of the working class to switch over and vote for Republican candidates.

The GOP also uses its pitchmen to slyly push the two issues most important to the wealthy and big business: tax cuts and deregulation. The trick here is that the GOP creates the false impression that tax cuts and deregulation are all intended to help the middle class. This, of course, is nonsense.

The middle class hardly ever receives a substantial tax cut. Can anyone name a regulation that is overly burdensome to ordinary citizens? Of course, there are none. The entire purpose is to obtain tax cuts for the wealthy 1% and deregulation for big business, while scrapping regulations that benefit middle-class consumers.

Naturally, these positions would never receive votes from the 99%. So the GOP pitchmen constantly claim, falsely, that tax cuts and deregulation are intended for the working class in the 99%
. Surprisingly, this works. Many in the middle class fall for this deception and vote for Republicans.

Reagan performed fabulously in his role as the pitchman. Reagan always protected the interests of the rich, he concealed the truth about the devastation of his own Republican policies, and he simultaneously managed to convince a significant portion of the working class to vote for Republicans.

Reagan himself was not very smart. In fact, accounts have demonstrated that Reagan’s intellect was shockingly rudimentary. But intelligence is not required for the role of GOP pitchman. After all, this person is a politician only in name, not in function. This person is not actually developing policy solutions or solving problems. The most important aspect of a GOP pitchman is personality.

This is the essence of the Republican playbook — wheel out a charismatic pitchman with a colorful personality who will dupe the working class in the 99% into voting against their own interests and in favor of the wealthy 1%. Reagan executed it superbly.

In our modern day, along came Donald Trump.

Now, some might say that Trump is nothing like Reagan. Indeed, many conservatives in the “Never Trump” camp would fume at the mere comparison. They do have a point.

Trump is different from Reagan in various aspects. Reagan held himself out as a man of integrity and dignity, whereas Trump takes pride in being a liar and a swindler. Reagan respected family values, whereas Trump has cheated on his multiple wives with the likes of porn stars. Reagan spoke in soaring terms of our national honor, whereas Trump rants in coarse profanity.

But with respect to the goals of the Republican Party, Trump and Reagan are very much the same.

Curiously, like Reagan, Trump was an actor for many years before becoming a politician. Trump’s acting was as a reality television performer, which is slightly different, but acting nonetheless.

Trump performs fabulously in the role of the GOP pitchman. He never strays from serving the interests of the wealthy 1% and big business. Like Reagan, Trump places great emphasis on frivolous issues to create grand diversions, like patriotism and national pride.

Trump loves to hug the American flag while on stage during campaign rallies, despite the fact that Trump’s disdain for the Constitution likely renders him the most un-American president this nation has ever endured. Trump’s campaign slogan of “Make America Great Again” is nearly identical to phrases used by Reagan.

Trump employs the same divisive issues as Reagan to trick hard-working people in the middle class into going against their own economic interests and voting for the GOP, including the divisive issues of religion, gun rights and abortion. Perhaps Trump’s greatest exploitation is on the issue of immigration.

Trump does have a different style in serving as the GOP pitchman. Reagan attempted to appear stately and noble, whereas Trump seeks to appear tough, threatening and outlandish. Trump also plays the role of an entertainer, often appearing childish or clownish, such as by resorting to juvenile name-calling. But both Trump and Reagan emphasized their personalities in order to distract attention from substantive issues.

Reagan was not rich himself, so he acted more as a useful idiot of the wealthy 1%. Trump is among the wealthy 1% himself, so he acts directly in his own self-interest. But they shared the same goal of serving the interests of the wealthy 1%

The lying is not limited to the leaders at the top but pervades the entire Republican Party. This is necessary to sustain the party. The lying is constantly on display from members of Congress to state officials to spokespeople in the media. They are always deceiving, misleading, changing the subject, clouding the issues, presenting a diametrically opposite view from the truth, blaming the Democrats for being the true liars, and forever waging malicious personal attacks against their opponents instead of debating issues on the merits.

To be sure, politicians as a group tend to bend the truth, and Democrats are no exception. But nothing compares to the sheer magnitude and volume of lies that emanate from the Republican Party. The lies are carefully designed to destroy truth by manipulating or confusing the public, and are deployed in massive coordinated campaigns that constitute “systemic lies” with blatantly false labels: “Junk science” to describe actual climate science, “right to work” to describe eliminating workers’ right to organize, “religious liberty” to describe privileging Christians over all others, “death panels,” “death tax” and “fake news.”

The enormity of the lying is simply stunning, and it is carried forth by an army of loyal Republican soldiers at every level. But the Republican Party seems to do the best when it has a highly charismatic personality at the top. A perfect puppet of perfidy.

Both Reagan and Trump have been wildly successful in their roles as pitchmen for the GOP. They both enacted enormous tax cuts for the wealthy. And they both slashed and undermined the interests of the working class, all while remaining popular and convincing many people in the working class to vote for Republicans.

Under Trump, the playbook of the 1% is alive and well and, astonishingly, working better than ever.
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that has nothing to do with what I posted....I posted all of the other presidents have a friendship...even with Melania....that trump will never be a part of.....and like the article said...…..first time ever seen trumps wife out in public with a smile on her face...even laughing with Obama...…..

instead you want to bring up fiction...…… trump might win!...…..he will never win the popular vote...never...he might get back in with Russia and etc help....but not on his own
Hillary Clinton's popular vote win in the presidential election came entirely from the state of California.
Trump wins an election - It was the Russians
Obama economy tanks - It was Bush's fault
Trump's booming economy - It was because of Obama
Hillary email scandal - No evidence of wrongdoing (not yet but it's coming) and you know the bitch is guilty as hell!
Trump - No evidence in the countless attempts Dems have tried to find something to pin on him. But the ignorant left says otherwise and continue to try to find something. Good luck!
Bill meets the attorney general Loretta Lynch on the Tarmac to "talk about their grandchildren" - But nothing to see there right, BS!!
Hillary is given the debate questions by Donna Brazile - No big deal
Hillary says blacks all look alike - Barely mentioned on the news. Trump would have been roasted.
CNN employee recorded saying the owner has a vendetta against Trump - But that's OK in the liberal pea brain right?
Homeland security facts on overstays - According to the mindless left view fake because it was on fox and it's Trumps agency. So I guess you idiots are saying if was reported on CNN and Obama was in office it would be legit?
Bidens ******* - Not a big deal right. It was just Uncle Joe and fam making a little side cash, BS!!
Hillary calling the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya terrorism to family and the Egyptian prime minister. But tells the American people it was because of a video mocking muslims - Why ? Cover up. That stinky bitch!
Trumps landslide in 2020 - Again it will be because of those pesky Russians. How about the American people are fed up with the most corrupt, arrogant, zero platform party. I laugh when they talk about improving the economy during the debates. Absolute idiots.

So sub, why is it when you post your garbage left wing articles filled with percentages and other biased news it's legit?
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Obama economy tanks - It was Bush's fault
Please point to the economy tanking under Obama. Over 170 consecutive months of job growth doesn't sound like a tanking economy. Stock market growing from 7,000+ under Bush to 17,000 under Obama, and that's with the obstructionist Republicans who conspired (documented) against him starting the first day of his Presidency. Possibly you are confused; Obama taking over the tanking economy from Bush on January 20, 2009? You do know EVERYTHING was tanking on January 19th, 2009 ... all those great, unbudgeted "trickle down" tax cuts for the rich that were suppose to "pay for themselves", 2 wars, an unbudgeted medicaid Pt D system which the Democrats helped Bush save. So, I'm confused ... Latina ... please set me straight.
I laugh when they talk about improving the economy during the debates.
As a matter of FACT ... notice that word? FACT ... the economy was growing when President ORANGE MAN took over the presidency. Want to challenge that? And Obama did it without the aid or assistance of the "Our Mission Is To Make Obama A One Term President" Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and company ... remember THAT ONE? The same ones that challenged the ACA over 78 times while Obama was in office, and FAILED ... the same ones who bashed Hillary 9 separate investigations of Benghazi and ... here it comes .... FAILED AGAIN. In fact .... opps ... there's that word again, FACT ... Republicans didn't accomplish a damn thing for the tax payers while Obama was in office, did they? Not ONE THING!
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Bidens ******* - Not a big deal right. It was just Uncle Joe and fam making a little side cash, BS!!
Sort of like the Trumpster and his ******* & sons robbing the Trump charity to buy personal items like huge portraits of Trump? Except that is documented, your charge isn't. You do know as soon as Trump steps down as President, he has a date with the NY State Courts over illegal use of charity funds. Bet he loses that just like he settled out of court for his fake Trump University ... ya think?
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As a matter of FACT ... notice that word? FACT ... the economy was growing when President ORANGE MAN took over the presidency. Want to challenge that? And Obama did it without the aid or assistance of the "Our Mission Is To Make Obama A One Term President" Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and company ... remember THAT ONE? The same ones that challenged the ACA over 78 times while Obama was in office, and FAILED ... the same ones who bashed Hillary 9 separate investigations of Benghazi and ... here it comes .... FAILED AGAIN. In fact .... opps ... there's that word again, FACT ... Republicans didn't accomplish a damn thing for the tax payers while Obama was in office, did they? Not ONE THING!
Let me assist you with your Obama education.

Let me assist you with your Obama education.
words_Village Idiot.jpePlease assist me, then, 'cause HERE'S what it says ...
The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board (WSJ) recently suggested that the Obama administration pulled off “the biggest accounting fraud in history” with student loans when eliminating the role of private lenders in the federal student lending market.
Experts who spoke with Yahoo Finance acknowledged the issue with the general policy in hindsight, though they disagreed on who exactly is to blame.
Let me ask you, was anyone charged? Did the Republicans raise a lot of hell about it? Then there must not be anything to it, you think?
View attachment 3199268Please assist me, then, 'cause HERE'S what it says ...
The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board (WSJ) recently suggested that the Obama administration pulled off “the biggest accounting fraud in history” with student loans when eliminating the role of private lenders in the federal student lending market.
Experts who spoke with Yahoo Finance acknowledged the issue with the general policy in hindsight, though they disagreed on who exactly is to blame.
View attachment 3199269
Let me ask you, was anyone charged? Did the Republicans raise a lot of hell about it? Then there must not be anything to it, you think?
It is a cover up, not your opinion. Your Hero was dirty and still is.

Trump wins an election - It was the Russians
Obama economy tanks - It was Bush's fault
Trump's booming economy - It was because of Obama
Hillary email scandal - No evidence of wrongdoing (not yet but it's coming) and you know the bitch is guilty as hell!
Trump - No evidence in the countless attempts Dems have tried to find something to pin on him. But the ignorant left says otherwise and continue to try to find something. Good luck!
Bill meets the attorney general Loretta Lynch on the Tarmac to "talk about their grandchildren" - But nothing to see there right, BS!!
Hillary is given the debate questions by Donna Brazile - No big deal
Hillary says blacks all look alike - Barely mentioned on the news. Trump would have been roasted.
CNN employee recorded saying the owner has a vendetta against Trump - But that's OK in the liberal pea brain right?
Homeland security facts on overstays - According to the mindless left view fake because it was on fox and it's Trumps agency. So I guess you idiots are saying if was reported on CNN and Obama was in office it would be legit?
Bidens ******* - Not a big deal right. It was just Uncle Joe and fam making a little side cash, BS!!
Hillary calling the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya terrorism to family and the Egyptian prime minister. But tells the American people it was because of a video mocking muslims - Why ? Cover up. That stinky bitch!
Trumps landslide in 2020 - Again it will be because of those pesky Russians. How about the American people are fed up with the most corrupt, arrogant, zero platform party. I laugh when they talk about improving the economy during the debates. Absolute idiots.

So sub, why is it when you post your garbage left wing articles filled with percentages and other biased news it's legit?

out of your full paragraph up there....just your bullshit....with nothing to back anything up ….except envy....but you can wise up and switch parties....but doubt you have that much are like hottobe and blklump….you just want to put out your right wing jabber....and cry the blues because you are supporting a losing that has never won anything that has never done anything for that can not survive without some kind of that manages to mind fuck those with weak minds into believing they are doing good for you ….while taking from you because you don't see it......I could go on ….but surely you can figure out a lot more on your own
Damn, got a 3:30 PM appointment coming up ... gotta run, sweetie. Lay it on me while I'm gone, ok? Maybe subhub will take you on for a while.

It is a cover up, not your opinion. Your Hero was dirty and still is.

damn….that source not just a little biased is it...….don't they also state that Obama is inside some bunker by the white house trying to undermine trump…….only people that can not think for them selves would buy into that *******....but then enough said
Why Do Republicans Hate Obama? - The National Memo
Oct 03, 2012 · When President Obama took office he was handed one of the worst scenarios the country ever seen…how in the world do you think you can solve and unravel 8 YEARS of a Bush administration of lies and deceit that literally almost destroyed this country in as little at 4 years and especially when the country hadnt even hit rock bottom by the time ...

Republicans Admit Everything They Said About Obama Was a Lie
Republicans Keep Admitting Everything They Said About Obama Was a Lie. By Jonathan Chait. @jonathanchait. White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney. ... Really not who you want in charge right

The Obama Haters: Behind the Right-Wing Campaign of Lies ...
Jan 03, 2016 · “The value of this volume is in its calling out hate mongers before they encourage more political violence such as the January 2011 tragedy in Tucson. In effectively countering vicious lies about President Obama, John Wright makes a strong case for recognizing and marginalizing potentially dangerous hate speech thinly veiled as free speech.

How Years Of The Right-Wing Media’s Obama Hatred Paved The ...
One Hundred Days Of Hate. As the Obama administration took control of the reins of government and began trying to halt the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the right-wing media ...

That hatred of President Obama, and the related scorched-earth efforts to ******* his agenda, prepared the way for Trump. Many Republican voters became, in the words of one conservative writer, “just increasingly divorced from reality” after spending years in the right-wing echo chamber.
the right just can NOT find any redeeming qualities in any of their presidents......after all most caused a recession...… they have to try and tarnish those that are highly thought of in the country

Most Popular Presidents in U.S. History

1 Barack Obama

2 Abraham Lincoln

3 John F. Kennedy

4 George Washington

5 Ronald Reagan

6 Franklin D. Roosevelt

7 Theodore Roosevelt

8 Thomas Jefferson

9 Bill Clinton

Trump: The Most Corrupt President in US History
Nov 13, 2019 · BILL BLACK: Trump’s corruption is, I think, in many ways the heart of the issue. He is the most corrupt president in the history of the United States and it’s not even close.

Donald Trump is the third worst president in U.S. history ...
Feb 13, 2019 · In its sixth presidential ranking since 1982, 157 scholars surveyed by the institute ranked Trump the third worst president of all time after Andrew Johnson (who was impeached) and James Buchanan (whose presidency was followed by the Civil War). The Siena survey,...

he Trump presidency: On track to becoming the most ...
Jan 16, 2018 · Actions can be corrupt even if they’re legal, and we also talk about corruption in a broader sense that encompasses non-financial wrongdoing as well. Many would consider Richard Nixon the most corrupt president in history, but his most serious crimes didn’t involve lining his pockets. He twisted the apparatus of government to his own personal ends,...
the right just can NOT find any redeeming qualities in any of their presidents......after all most caused a recession...… they have to try and tarnish those that are highly thought of in the country

Most Popular Presidents in U.S. History

1 Donald John Trump

2 Abraham Lincoln

3 John F. Kennedy

4 George Washington

5 Ronald Reagan

6 Franklin D. Roosevelt

7 Theodore Roosevelt

8 Thomas Jefferson

9 Bill Clinton

45 Barack Barry Obama

Trump: The Most Corrupt President in US History
Nov 13, 2019 · BILL BLACK: Trump’s corruption is, I think, in many ways the heart of the issue. He is the most corrupt president in the history of the United States and it’s not even close.

Donald Trump is the third worst president in U.S. history ...
Feb 13, 2019 · In its sixth presidential ranking since 1982, 157 scholars surveyed by the institute ranked Trump the third worst president of all time after Andrew Johnson (who was impeached) and James Buchanan (whose presidency was followed by the Civil War). The Siena survey,...

he Trump presidency: On track to becoming the most ...
Jan 16, 2018 · Actions can be corrupt even if they’re legal, and we also talk about corruption in a broader sense that encompasses non-financial wrongdoing as well. Many would consider Richard Nixon the most corrupt president in history, but his most serious crimes didn’t involve lining his pockets. He twisted the apparatus of government to his own personal ends,...