Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Don't believe that for an instant VA is better than its ever been they are building brand new hospital here in ma

the question is.....who is making how much off the deal?

Three of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Buddies Are Secretly Running ...
Aug 08, 2018 · Three of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Buddies Are Secretly Running the V.A. According to ProPublica, Bruce Moskowitz, a Palm Beach doctor; Ike Perlmutter, the chairman of Marvel Entertainment; and Marc Sherman, an attorney, have essentially been calling the shots at the Department of Veterans Affairs since Trump was inaugurated.

The VA is apparently being secretly run by a Mar-a-Lago ...
Aug 08, 2018 · The VA is apparently being secretly run by a Mar-a-Lago shadow triumvirate. ... When Trump asked Perlmutter, a friend and confidante, to help put …

Trump handed off the VA to three Mar-a-Lago fat cats who ...
As a Propublica investigation has discovered, Donald Trump handed off control of the Department of Veterans Affairs to three members of his Mar-a-Lago golf resort. These three have been issuing ...
The articles expire on Jan 2021 when the new Congress is sworn in. Or when the Senate tells Pelosi to move it or the Senate will break new ground and dismiss the charges outright.
The impeachment resolution does not expire at the end of a Congressional term. Whoever was stating that was likely confused with legislative bills. A bill that has not passed both houses of Congress and moved onto the President for signing or veto does expire at the end of the two year congressional term. This happens to thousands of bills every two years.

However impeachment isn't a bill. It is a resolution of the House. It most certainly can be carried over into a following evidenced by ole Billy blow jobs from interns Clinton's impeachment. The House impeached Bubba in the 105th Congress on 12/19/1998. The 105th Congress existed in 1997 and 1998. The Senate of the 106th Congress (1999 and 2000) is the body which tried Ole Bubba.
Why should the Dems get it all their way like they want?
right let me guess rush Limbaugh.....or that black guy stiff pushes all the time ….talk show host....been caught putting out false info at least twice....just for ratings......that is if you actually heard and wasn't hearing things

see that is the difference between the right and the left...….the left turns on the news and listens to a newscaster...……….the right has to go to none news stations and get a storyteller

Your newscasters ARE storytellers :}
Why should the Dems get it all their way like they want?

Your newscasters ARE storytellers :}

wrong.....ours are on a news cycle....followed by the FCC and a few others......they lie thy have to print a a fine all kinds of things....plau it is a bad mark for the network

the people you listen to are NOT on the nightly news hour...they are later.....they are OPINION shows....nothing has to be factual....they tell you what you want to hear
wrong.....ours are on a news cycle....followed by the FCC and a few others......they lie thy have to print a a fine all kinds of things....plau it is a bad mark for the network

the people you listen to are NOT on the nightly news hour...they are later.....they are OPINION shows....nothing has to be factual....they tell you what you want to hear
It's all in the wording they insinuate and leave open ended questions
I watch Lester Holt - as much CNN and MSNBC as I can stand and occasionally Fox News - I like Brett Baier and Chris Wallace - most of what’s on TV these days is propaganda of one kind or another - gone are the days of Walter Chronkite and even Tim Russet. The print media is just as bad.
I watch Lester Holt - as much CNN and MSNBC as I can stand and occasionally Fox News - I like Brett Baier and Chris Wallace - most of what’s on TV these days is propaganda of one kind or another - gone are the days of Walter Chronkite and even Tim Russet. The print media is just as bad.

I have watched lester Holt.....I like jake tapper....and wolf blitzer….watch tem and you have seen it all...I have NEVER watchedmsnbc……...they all have to report the facts....nothing says they can't/won't leave out a tidbit here and there