Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Everyone knows that there are not the votes in the Senate to remove him. Pelosi should sit on the articles and deliver them at one of two strategic times. Either one leaves Trump and the cons twisting in the wind for the better part of the year.

1) If Moscow Mitch agrees to witnesses, send them up around the beginning of October so it all plays out right before the election.

2) If Moscow Mitch doesn't agree to witnesses, hold off and see how the election shakes out. If Trump wins but the cons lose the senate, she should send them up the day before the new senate is sworn in. And Trump is ousted by March 1st.

Any other scenario has no worse an outcome than what would play out now.
Lol. Do you really believe what you just wrote?
Lol. Do you really believe what you just wrote?
I am not saying that is what will happen. I am saying that is what should happen. We already know 2 con senators will lie while taking the oath of impartiality. There is nothing to lose by holding the articles indefinitely. What is Pelosi's motivation to send the articles up to an obviously and publicly announced rigged trial?
I am not saying that is what will happen. I am saying that is what should happen. We already know 2 con senators will lie while taking the oath of impartiality. There is nothing to lose by holding the articles indefinitely. What is Pelosi's motivation to send the articles up to an obviously and publicly announced rigged trial?

And the House impeachment was impartial and NOT rigged - get REAL !!!!
I am not saying that is what will happen. I am saying that is what should happen. We already know 2 con senators will lie while taking the oath of impartiality. There is nothing to lose by holding the articles indefinitely. What is Pelosi's motivation to send the articles up to an obviously and publicly announced rigged trial?
Too bad the articles of impeachment cannot expire but I imagine there are countless people on both sides reviewing those laws for any loopholes. 😭😭😭

Too bad the articles of impeachment cannot expire but I imagine there are countless people on both sides reviewing those laws for any loopholes. 😭😭😭

I am sure you are right.
And the House impeachment was impartial and NOT rigged - get REAL !!!!
yeah it went just how the Dems wanted and they took NO ******* from the right.....and they shouldn't have...….some of this first started in committee rooms downstairs...….all of which republicans are members......but chose not to go.....until the very last then a bunch of them swarmed in with no more intent than to the case about being shut out was pure BS....they have members on every was even asked on the news how the meeting was going....said he didn't know he had other things to do.....they make such a fuss they do move the meetings now they want to raise hell about wanting the whistle blowers testimony...….which is another game....trying to please trump...…...they know he is protected by law....and several republican senators don't think he should testify......but there was no need for his testimony....3 or 4 others already testified to what he said.....

the right has NEVER been able to come up with any kind of defense on what trump did...…..their major complaints are about how things were done.....and they weren't even right on any of that
Yeah - uncalled for and hurtful - Dingle’s wife is a sweet woman.

as with Elijah Cummings.....John McCain

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