Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

You are HOPELESSLY RUSSIA obsessed - TDS exacerbated by RUSSIA on the brain.
You must check under your bed for Russians at night :|
I'm not saying space isn't important and we do learn a lot with that technology...….but currently we are losing our standing in the world and Russia expanding theirs….under the current administration this country is for sale

Donald Trump is destroying America's standing in the world ...
Jun 08, 2017 · America’s global image has collapsed in record time, and with the president’s decision to pull out of the Paris agreement, the most powerful country in the world is well on its way to becoming ...

World's confidence in US leadership under Trump at new low ...
Jan 18, 2018 · In just under half of the world’s countries – 65 out of 134 – US standing collapsed, by 10 percentage points or more. Photograph: Kham/AFP/Getty …

The decline of US power? - BBC News
Jul 10, 2015 · Standing on the Washington Mall at the turn of the new millennium, it was impossible not to be struck by America's power and global pre-eminence. Victory in the Cold War made it …

Russia's Expanding Global Influence | HuffPost
Jan 31, 2015 · Russia's Expanding Global Influence 12/01/2014 04:43 pm ET Updated Jan 31, 2015 Russia's new agreement to sell Nigeria arms to combat Boko Haram (BH) is evidence of its desire to expand its global geopolitical influence as well as enhance its reputation for being willing to step in where the West will not.

Russia's Influence on the World is Booming - Fort Russ
However, 28% of respondents did not notice any change and only 19% felt that Russia’s influence in the world would be weakening. The influence of Moscow was noted above all in Europe, North America and the Middle East, that is, in countries that interact directly with Russia, the newspaper reported.

Russia Launches Biggest Arctic Military Expansion Since ...
Russia is quietly engaging in the biggest military build-up in the Arctic since the 1991 Soviet fall and will, in some areas, give Moscow more military capabilities than the Soviet Union once had. "These Arctic bases are on our territory. Unlike some other countries we are not building them overseas."

China, Russia move into the Arctic — and put US at risk ...
Russia’s status as a great power is largely contingent on what they do in the Arctic. Their economy is heavily dependent on exporting oil and gas, much of which comes from their Arctic territory .

Russia is building military bases in the Arctic as it ...
Apr 29, 2017 · Russia has deployed more troops north of the Arctic Circle, restored old Soviet bases and is building new ones — raising concerns about Moscow's intentions.

GOP campaigns took $7.35 million from oligarch linked to ...
Aug 03, 2017 · GOP campaigns took $7.35 million from oligarch linked to Russia ... drew intense criticism for accepting a donation of 75 million pounds from Blavatnik for …

The entire Republican Party is becoming a Russian asset ...
Jul 20, 2018 · It's not just Trump. In 2016, the campaign of the Republican nominee for president was approached multiple times by representatives of the Russian government offering to …

Republican Leadership Tainted by Dirty Russian Money | New ...
Republican Leadership Tainted by Dirty Russian Money September 3, 2017 Before he became an oil company lawyer, Alabama’s attorney general and senator, “Big Luther” Strange played basketball in college at Tulane in New Orleans, where he earned the nickname “Big Bunny.”

184 House Republicans just voted against securing ...
Jun 28, 2019 · 184 House Republicans just voted against securing elections ... “The U.S. government’s subsequent response to the Russian active measures campaign during the 2016 election was slow and ...

(let Russia meddle in the elections?)

‘Putin’s other puppet’: Internet blows up #MoscowMitch ...
Jul 26, 2019 · Reports that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked two bills aimed at helping to secure America’s election process from Russian interference infuriated Twitter commenters with his ..

Moscow Mitch and his $200 Million Russian sugar daddy ...
Aug 16, 2019 · Moscow Mitch and his $200 Million Russian sugar daddy, Oleg Deripaska ... $15 Million of the State’s taxpayer money on a new project for a particularly poor …
We again hit a record high in the market. I did get some interesting feedback from our loan dept in regard to farm loans. It appears all our accounts are making interest payments on time, However it is now becoming a very negative view, by a noticeable amount of people in the Mid west farming community, who are mad the Democratic s will not bring NAFTA to the floor for a vote. The relief this new agreement would bring to the farmers, and a plus of an additional 100,000 jobs is starting them to turn against the Democratic party. I only hope many more Americans will notice just how useless this party has become.
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Geez - listen to yourself - accusing me of EXACTLY what you are doing - you listen to the biased media and swear by it - I reject it and you accuse me of not thinking on my own - so very Dem of you.

listen to yourself will you....all of a sudden trump gets into office and they start reporting on the corruption....and now they are all fake news and biased.....right now the only one he considers not biased is Fox....and he sent barr over there to get rid of the ones that actually did report the news....creating his own propaganda channel....this guy just sells snakeoil...and you bought it....

remember his famous phrase....don't believe what you see and hear...only what I tell you......

that should have sent an alarm bell going off in your head...….but like any true cult member it meant nothing...... except to listen to what he tells you and to close your mind to anything else....and you have done a good job at that
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So cult is the new Dem talking point I see.

Should start counting how often you use it - hard to accuse 63 million people of being a cult - only Dems would attempt that ;}

you flatter yourself.....there are not that many fools in America.....and yes it is a cult......

Trump in comparison to Jim Jones - NPD and what we need to ...
Trump in comparison to Jim Jones - NPD and what we need to realize. It has been common in twitter space to see people comparing Trump cultists to Jim Jones followers, however I think this is an apt comparison and one that has some very dire and dark warnings for people.

Just How Similar Is Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler?
What makes the comparison between Hitler and Trump so poignant is not just the rhetorical marginalization of groups, lifestyles or beliefs, but the fact that both men represent their personal ...

Trump's 'Bizarre Fascination' With Dictators Led To 2009 ...
Sep 25, 2016 · We all know just how bad Donald Trump's got it for Vladmir Putin, but back in the day, Trumps first bromance was with Libyan Dictator Muammar Gaddafi. Sad. ... Watch Tim Kaine talk about Trump’s fascination with dictators: Check out this video of Trump talking about how killing Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi was a mistake ...

A Cult Expert Finds Familiar Patterns of Behavior in Trump ...
Jun 21, 2018 · It reinforces the idea that they're a special group of people following this very special man. With Trump, it's not a religion, but there's the same kind of fervor. Political scientists point out that President Barack Obama was also a charismatic leader who arguably had a cult-like following.
What do you call an organization where total loyalty to a charismatic but volatile leader is strictly enforced?

5 Ways In Which Trump Supporters Are Like Cult Followers
    1. Donald Trump can do no wrong – There is an excuse for him for everything. Everything. No matter …
    2. Trump supporters don’t care about his flip-flops and inconsistencies – They simply do not care. …
    3. Trump is supported by supposed “constitutional conservatives” but ignore his liberal policies – A …
    4. People react to Trump like high school girls did with The Beatles. While it may be understandable …
  • See all full list on
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Landslide victory coming 2020 Go Trump

true.....for any Dem on the ticket!

57 percent of voters say they won’t support Trump in 2020 ...
Jan 17, 2019 · With the 2020 presidential election already underway, 57 percent of registered voters said they would definitely vote against President Donald Trump, according to the latest poll from the PBS ..

Poll: One-third of GOP voters don't want Trump on 2020 ...
One-third of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents would prefer someone other than President Trump to be party's 2020 presidential nominee, according to a poll released Tuesday.

2020 election: 60% of Americans do not want Donald Trump ...
Nov 14, 2018 · Nearly 60 per cent of Americans do not want to see Donald Trump re-elected in the 2020 presidential election, according to a new poll. While 36 per cent of …

Trump 2020: 14 Percent of Republicans Don't Want President ...
The 14 percent figure measured by the survey—for those in the GOP who don't want Trump 2020—falls in line with past polling. A Monmouth University poll this month found 16 percent of the GOP ...
At least Trump does not operate like this guy...

So far, those who criticized Trump did not have any of their civil rights removed. If I am wrong several critics of Trump will disappear never to be heard from again outside of the new gulag-style prison camp that would be their permanent home, at best.
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