Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

@hoping hubby was not mocking Bill Clinton it was Epstein as it was a portrait he had created of Clinton. If you wish to cast blame put it on Epstein and possibly the news for revealing it @subhub174014 . After all when one is POTUS you have to get used to your images to be mocked and even be accused of being a *******. Whether it is valid or false there must be a reason why the even the main stream news with much better data miners than you or I could ever be never revealed that about Clinton or Trump?

who are you kidding...Epstein didn't make that "painting"
as for Clinton being mocked....on here that goes on a lot....and I was mocking a joke....and I think he knows it...after all that's not the first from HH on the it was a joke ...period!
as for Trump being accused of being a *******...….to much says he is.....that is all over the net if you look
you are trying to get involved in another joke because your feeling are hurt finding out about your hero
think I stated on here several times....we put up with the Clinton jokes for a long's our time now and the other side dpesn't like it

I confess I am stunned with your evidence @subhub174014 against Trump where he was and maybe still is a *******, but seeing that the evidence is so overwhelming what is preventing the mainstream media for dropping that atomic bomb on him on the news on CNN and through other media? I don't watch much of the late night comics but if any of them touched on that it would also be reflected on the news so I suspect even none of them were making those claims either? So instead of keeping these truths restricted on a porn site @subhub174014 here is your chance to be Woodward & Bernstein and get this information out to the mainstream news or leak it out to America on a website of your own creation? youtube? Or some other creative means before November 2020. There must be some reason or detail why they are not saying this about Donald Trump? You have valid evidence against Trump why not checkmate him out of office yourself @subhub174014 or anyone else that hates Trump enough can do so as well too so why not do it? :unsure:

Moreover about that painting you are right @subhub174014 Epstein personally did not make that painting and I did not suggest he had the artist skills to do so. What I said was that "he had created of Clinton". I am certain you read @hoping hubby 's Daily Mail article he provided where it states that:

"Jeffrey Epstein had a bizarre portrait of Bill Clinton in a dress hanging in his Manhattan mansion, DailyMailTV can reveal. The picture depicting the former president apparently lounging on a chair in the Oval Office, wearing red heels and posing suggestively in a blue dress redolent of Monica Lewinsky was in a room off the stairway of the Upper East Side townhouse. The dress is also strikingly similar to one worn by Hillary Clinton at the 2009 Kennedy Center Honors. The original painting is called 'Parsing Bill' and is by Australian-American artist Petrina Ryan-Kleid..."

So I am uncertain whether Epstein hired Petrina Ryan-Kleid to make "Parsing Bill" or maybe he saw it somewhere and bought it. So if you want to blame someone for "Parsing Bill" the ultimate fault is with Petrina Ryan-Kleid for creating that painting of Bill Clinton and to Jeffery Epstein for purchasing it and in the process making it so popular now @subhub174014 .

And to make it easier for the anti-Trump crowd I am pointing to @subhub174014 's evidence that Trump is a *******. If @subhub174014 is restricted from leaking these details to the American voting population for any reason, perhaps someone else would choose to do so instead and be the hero for the left that brought down Trump? After all by taking no action to both warn and inform the American population about POTUS Trump being a ******* kind of makes you an accomplice @subhub174014 as well as anyone on your side that dares to read your evidence. And when Trump is re-elected he will thank you and he will laugh at all of you for it. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Until you or any of the anti-Trump side choose to bring down Trump based on your evidence @subhub174014 ,

Evidence through @hoping hubby

Evidence through @subhub174014
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are you talking the few that come to the political thread? must be...this site has ALOT of members....just because most don't want to talk politics is not a fair rule for trump being ass!

besides if the only people that came here were all trump supporters what kind of conversation would you have...none...but then that would be more trump logic

Sep 13, 2016 · 50% of America did not and do not support Trump. Less than half of all eligible, registered voters bothered to participate in this election with less than half of …The Psychology Behind DonaldTrump's Unwavering Support ...

People really don’t like Donald Trump. | The New Republic


People really don’t like Donald Trump. For Trump, that means that 70 percent of the country has an unfavorable opinion of him—the highest mark since he began running for president a year ago. Only 29 percent of Americans have favorable opinions of him; meanwhile, 89 percent of Hispanics and 94 percent of blacks dislike Trump.

so just because a small group of people got together to announce their love for trump...….that doesn't speak for the nation!
he got in ...for one thing...with Russian help......for another less than half of the country voted...they didn't like either candidate......and out of the ones who did vote......he got less than half of if you are figure out just how popular he really is......understanding your logic would be like going to a trump rally and asking how many liked warren
Again based on your evidence you literally see Trump's glass half empty as your own evidence states
"50% of America did not and do not support Trump." Would that suggest that the other 50% of America does support POTUS Trump? :unsure:


@subhub174014 's evidence
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Again based on your evidence you literally see Trump's glass half empty as your own evidence states
"50% of America did not and do not support Trump." Would that suggest that the other 50% of America does support POTUS Trump? :unsure:


@subhub174014 's evidence

how many times are we going to go over all this....your feeling got hurt because I showed you that your hero is a pervert....a crook and about anything else you can think bring up the many times have I posted that trump is not favored by 50% and never has bring up the same stuff every day....and I have search and post the same stuff every day....rather than just keep doing this why don't you just go back and read....because I don't think you have any intention of reading anything bad about your hero...please do not refer any more questions to me....I am tired of doing the same searches over and over because they are not what you want to hear
Reductio Ad Hitlerum is one of the symptoms of TDS.

View attachment 2783310

well maybe there is something to it....ever think about that...if there wasn't there would be so many links on the net...just one
Just How Similar Is Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler?
At the Emmy awards ceremony on Sunday night, Transparent creator Jill Soloway compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. Many others have made the same comparison before her: the front page of the Philadelphia Daily News in December 2015; the Council on America-Islamic Relations; the Holocaust survivor Zeev Hod.

Yes, You Should Be Comparing Trump to Hitler – The Forward
Yes, You Should Be Comparing Trump to Hitler. From images of caged migrant children sleeping under space blankets to parents facing deportation proceedings alone, the federal government’s forcible separation of families at the border has shocked Americans’ consciences in a …

Republican Rick Perry once compared Donald Trump to cancer. Which really isn’t fair, because sometimes you can get rid of cancer.”

Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? | The New Republic


Are Donald Trump’s supporters idiots? ... Trump’s supporters are better educated and wealthier than the American average. Rather than characterizing them as losers who are easily fooled, Trump

Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds

Dec 04, 2015 · Donald Trump Supporters Mostly Uneducated, New Poll Finds. US Politics. Aric Mitchell. Donald Trump supporters did not have a very flattering picture painted of them by a new CNN/ORC poll. Take it for what it’s worth, but respondents in the poll of Republican voters were found to be largely less college-educated. ... finding that Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s surge is all about less-educated Americans ...

A lot of it has to do with education. Trump's support is strongest with Republicans in the Midwest, conservatives across the country who do not have a college degree and (perhaps not surprisingly …

Hank Johnson Compares Trump to Hitler, Insults MAGA Supporters

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) gave an eyebrow-raising speech on New Year's Day, comparing President Trump to Adolf Hitler and insulting his supporters as "older, less educated, and less prosperous …

Trump Losing College-Educated Whites? He Never Won Them …

Feb 27, 2018 · Trump Losing College-Educated Whites? He Never Won Them in the First Place ... of Mr. Trump’s support among well-educated white voters is …

Trump Supporters Appear To Be Misinformed, Not Uninformed

Jan 07, 2016 · Trump’s backers tend to be whiter, slightly older and less educated than the average Republican voter. But perhaps more importantly, his supporters have shown signs of being misinformed.

People really don’t like Donald Trump. | The New Republic


People really don’t like Donald Trump. For Trump, that means that 70 percent of the country has an unfavorable opinion of him—the highest mark since he began running for president a year ago. Only 29 percent of Americans have favorable opinions of him; meanwhile, 89 percent of Hispanics and 94 percent of blacks dislike Trump.

Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump

Jan 11, 2018 · A Quinnipiac poll says 66 percent of American voters view the economy as "excellent" or "good." But only 36 percent say they approve of President Trump's performance. A larger percentage of …

Americans really hate Trump - The Washington Post

Oct 14, 2016 · It’s the opposite for Trump, as 63 percent think he lacks the temperament and 56 percent say he isn’t qualified. For 49 percent, he is “not at all” qualified.
Don’t compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It belittles ...
Sep 13, 2016 · One was a psychopath who believed his raving rants. The other is a con man. He wasn’t the first to do so, even in his own country. Vicente Fox, the former president of Mexico, has also compared Trump to Hitler. Cher has compared Trump to Hitler. Abraham Foxman, former national director of the Anti-Defamation League,...
Reductio Ad Hitlerum is one of the symptoms of TDS.

View attachment 2783310

I think this should cover your meme

Trump-Hitler comparisons too easy and ignore the murderous ...
Mar 12, 2018 · Long history of Nazi comparisons. Comparing politicians to Hitler is nothing new, of course. We live in an age where George W. Bush, Saddam Hussein, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton (“Hitlery”) and Barack Obama have all seamlessly been compared to Hitler.
you guys post funny meme's and laugh
I post real facts and laugh at you

Say what you will about Trump, he is not stupid. He is a smart man with a deep understanding of what stupid people want.”

Did you know Donald Trump’s birthname is Fuckface von Clownstick?

Americans have been mishearing The Donald: what he actually said is that he will make America grate again.”
must be something to it....more than just a funny meme

all of these come with a could send the meme there and get their opinion

Just How Similar Is Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler?
What makes the comparison between Hitler and Trump so poignant is not just the rhetorical marginalization of groups, lifestyles or beliefs, but the fact that both men represent their personal ...

Expert on Nazism explains the shocking similarities ...
Oct 12, 2016 · Expert on Nazism explains the shocking similarities between Trump and Hitler’s propaganda tactics. Published. 3 years ago. on. October 12, 2016 ... In fact there are many parallels between Trump

Similarities between Donald Trump, Hitler truly striking
Apr 08, 2016 · Similarities between Donald Trump, Hitler truly striking. Is Donald Trump the modern-day Adolf Hitler? It may seem like a stretch to compare …

3 Undeniable Similarities Between Trump And Hitler
  • Author: Anne Singer
    1. Blaming a specific group of people for society's problems. he personification of the devil as the …
    2. Appeal to a certain education level. "All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate …
    3. Scare Propaganda and Understated Violence. Both Trump and Hitler have made specific word …
The Friendship Between Trump And A Billionaire ******* ...
Last January, Trump attorney Alan Garten told Vice News that his client had “no relationship” with Epstein. In a statement to The Daily Caller on Sunday, Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks said that “Mr. Trump only knows [Epstein] socially through the Mar-a-Lago Club, one of the finest private clubs in the world.”

Trump's Longtime Friend Jeffrey Epstein Arrested For Sex ...
Donald Trump's longtime friend Jeffrey Epstein was arrested this weekend for sex trafficking multiple minors in Florida and New York, sources confirmed to the Daily Beast and Miami Herald.

Court Papers: Trump Ate At Jeffrey Epstein’s House
Alessi testified that Trump would come over to Epstein’s home for dinner — though he added that Trump “never sat at the table” but instead ate “with me in the kitchen.” In another deposition, Epstein’s brother Mark testified he once flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane with both him and Trump, who were “friends.”

Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with ******* a 13-Year-Old Girl*******-lawsuit
Jun 22, 2016 · There is little doubt that Donald Trump knows Jeffrey Epstein, as Trump acknowledged in a 2002 New York magazine profile of Epstein: . Epstein

Images of Donald Trump and Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein Was a ‘Terrific Guy,’ Donald Trump Once ...
Jul 09, 2019 · Mr. Trump showed the two men a copy of a new issue of The Enquirer that had yet to hit the stands, with pictures of Mr. Epstein’s private island. Mr. Trump was gleeful about Mr. Epstein’s

Jeffrey Epstein Arrest Is a Worry for Donald Trump - Bloomberg
Jul 08, 2019 · Epstein Arrest Is a Worry for Donald Trump. The man facing accusations of sex-trafficking and ******* has been associated with many …
Just a reminder that no US banks will give loans to Trump ...
Just a reminder that no US banks will give loans to Trump anymore due to his shady business practices. He has received a lot of loans from Russian banks. NOT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL!!

Donald Trump is OWNED by Every Bank on Wall Street
Jan 22, 2016 · By Trump’s own standard, Citibank and Goldman own him, too. But of course, it’s much worse than that for Trump. As a twitter user pointed out, according to Trump’s most recent financial disclosures, he has hundreds of millions of dollars in loans from virtually every bank on Wall Street. Here is a copy of the form.

Trump has a conflict-of-interest problem no ... - mom Jones
Jun 01, 2016 · The German bank has lent him at least $295 million for two of his signature projects. In 2012, Deutsche provided Trump with $125 million to help him buy Trump National Doral golf course. Last year, it handed Trump a $170 million line of credit for his new hotel project on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.

Deutsche Bank and Trump: $2 Billion in Loans and a Wary ...
Mar 18, 2019 · In fact, it lent Mr. Trump money that he used to repay what he still owed Deutsche Bank’s investment division for the Chicago loan. Top bank executives supported the relationship.

NYT report: Trump owes money to Bank of China, Goldman Sachs
Sponsored Content. According to the Times, a building on the Avenue of the Americas in New York City's Manhattan borough that is partially owned by Trump has a loan of $950 million that was paid for by a few different entities, including the Bank of China and Goldman Sachs. In most of his rallies, Trump will mention his plans...

A Guide to Donald Trump’s Huge Debts—and the Conflicts ...
Dec 12, 2016 · Deutsche Bank: $364 million. But if they are not resolved by January 20, Trump’s administration will be in charge of handling this case. So a federal government run by Trump will have to decide how hard to push the bank that Trump owes so much to and that has been critical to Trump’s personal fortunes.

Eric Trump Reportedly Bragged About Access to $100 Million ...
May 08, 2017 · Donald Trump Jr. himself famously said in 2008 that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia

Donald Trump Jr. in 2008 said a lot of Trump assets were ...
Feb 21, 2018 · We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia." Trump Jr.'s comment has taken on new meaning amid the investigation into Russia's meddling in the 2016 US election and whether the Trump

Eric Trump said dad’s golf courses were funded by Russia ...
May 07, 2017 · President Trump’s ******* Eric once said that his ******* got funding for his golf courses from the Russians, according to a report. ... of how they found the money to keep developing golf courses ...
Trump knows his supporters are stupid! Trump supporters are the craziest people in the country. He could literally take off his shoe mid-speech, hold it up to his ear, say he is getting a call from Batman and they would be quiet until he hung up his shoe.”

ok we have established he has a lot of similarities to hitler,,,,he owes far more money than he has assets......he is a pervert.....and he is not real popular with the American why would anyone support this guy?
Trump's popularity is plummeting even among Fox News viewers
Trump’s Popularity Is Plummeting—Even Among Fox News Viewers. In June, 90 percent of respondents in a Suffolk University poll who said they trust Fox over other news networks viewed Trump favorably, but by October, approval had fallen to 74 percent, The Washington Post reported Thursday. It then plummeted to 58 percent in December.

How popular is Donald Trump? Latest polls, approval ...
Mar 08, 2019 · The tracker, which takes an average of the last eight polls, put Mr Trump's approval rating at around 43 per cent, while 53 per cent disapprove of the way the President is doing his job.

Americans love the economy — but most still don't like Trump · Aug 09, 2019

World leaders conclude: Trump is a liability, not a leader ...
Aug 24, 2017 · In the aftermath of the awful events in Charlottesville, Trump has shown those outside America that he is anything but stable or predictable. Breaking News Opinion

President Trump fills world leaders with fear: 'It's gone ...
Apr 28, 2016 · President Trump fills world leaders with fear: 'It's gone from funny to really scary'. If Europeans had a vote, Clinton would win by a landslide: 46% of people polled in seven European countries by YouGov would choose Clinton, compared to only 6% who want to see President Trump sitting in the oval office.