Getting My Girlfriend To Open Up and Try MFM

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My girlfriend and I have been together for about four and a half years, and about a year and a half ago we started messing around with fantasies involving threesomes and gangbangs. My girlfriend loves the roleplay we do in bed with our toys and we've talked about doing the real thing. I wanted to get her blacked but she says she doesn't prefer black men but instead would prefer white or latino men. I compromised thinking down the line she will open up to getting blacked and so we started looking for someone who was hung and to her liking.
We got close around my birthday and we had been talking to a guy for a month who was down for it. But when it started getting close to the date we agreed to meet on, he flaked on us. Disappointed, we continued looking but this is when she encountered douches who were rude to us. They barely cared to cultivate a mutual respect and only wanted to get her to send nudes, being rude when she didn't send one at the perfect angle and so on. I believe this ultimately drove her away from actually trying and we haven't tried again since. That was about three months ago with her not wanting to budge at all. We have barely spoken about it since.
I was wondering if there would be any advice on here from people who struggled at first but succeeded after a while. The end goal is to have her try black but I'm struggling with getting her to try anything at all since we've had bad experiences. Any advice on how to proceed?
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